Title: 616 - A New Name in Glory Author: C. Austin Miles Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 71904 Song ID: U-0616 Hymnal: 417 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Chorus2, Verse2, Chorus1, Chorus2, Verse3, Chorus1, Chorus2 Verse 1: I was once a sinner, but I came Pardon to receive from my Lord: This was freely given and I found That He always kept His word. Verse 2: I was humbly kneeling at the cross, Fearing naught but God's angry frown; When the heavens opened and I saw That my name was written down. Verse 3: In the Book 'tis written "Saved by Grace," Oh, the joy that came to my soul! Now I am forgiven and I know By the blood I am made whole. Chorus 1: There's a new name written down in glory, And it's mine, O yes, it's mine! And the white-robed angels sing the story, "A sinner has come home." Chorus 2: For there's a new name written down in glory, And it's mine, O yes, it's mine! With my sins forgiven I am bound for heaven, Nevermore to roam. Title: Abide with Me Author: Henry F. Lyte and William H. Monk Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 43190 Song ID: U-5240 Hymnal: 240 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4, Verse5 Verse 1: Abide with me: fast falls the eventide; The darkness deepens; Lord, with me abide! When other helpers fail, and comforts flee, Help of the helpless, O abide with me. Verse 2: Swift to its close ebbs out life's little day; Earth's joys grow dim, its glories pass away; Change and decay in all around I see. O Thou who changest not, abide with me. Verse 3: I need Thy presence ev'ry passing hour; What but Thy grace can foil the tempter's power? Who, like Thyself, my guide and stay can be? Through cloud and sunshine, Lord, abide with me. Verse 4: I fear no foe, with Thee at hand to bless; Ills have no weight, and tears no bitterness. Where is death's sting? Where, grave, thy victory? I triumph still, if Thou abide with me. Verse 5: Hold Thou Thy cross before my closing eyes; Shine through the gloom and point me to the skies: Heav'n's morning breaks, and earth's vain shadows flee; In life, in death, O Lord, abide with me. Title: All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name Author: Edward Perronet, John Rippon, and Oliver Holden Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 25400 Song ID: U-5268 Hymnal: 268 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4 Verse 1: All hail the pow'r of Jesus' name! Let angels prostrate fall; Bring forth the royal diadem, And crown Him Lord of all; Bring forth the royal diadem, And crown Him Lord of all! Verse 2: Ye chosen seed of Israel's race, Ye ransomed from the fall, Hail Him who saves you by His grace, And crown Him Lord of all; Hail Him who saves you by His grace, And crown Him Lord of all! Verse 3: Let ev'ry kindred, ev'ry tribe, On this terrestrial ball, To Him all majesty ascribe, And crown Him Lord of all; To Him all majesty ascribe, And crown Him Lord of all! Verse 4: O that with yonder sacred throng We at His feet may fall! We'll join the everlasting song, And crown Him Lord of all; We'll join the everlasting song, And crown Him Lord of all! Title: 104 - Amazing Grace Author: John Newton, John Rees, and Edwin Excell Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 22025 Song ID: U-0104 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4, Verse5 Verse 1: Amazing grace, how sweet the sound That saved a wretch like me! I once was lost, but now am found, Was blind, but now I see. Verse 2: 'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear, And grace my fears relieved; How precious did that grace appear The hour I first believed! Verse 3: Through many dangers, toils, and snares, I have already come; 'Tis grace hath brought me safe thus far, And grace will lead me home. Verse 4: The Lord has promised good to me, His word my hope secures; He will my shield and portion be As long as life endures. Verse 5: When we've been there ten thousand years, Bright shining as the sun, We've no less days to sing God's praise Than when we first begun. Title: 250 - And Can It Be That I Should Gain Author: Charles Wesley and Thomas Campbell Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 25280 Song ID: U-0250 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus2, Verse3, Chorus3, Verse4, Chorus4 Verse 1: And can it be that I should gain An int'rest in the Savior's blood? Died He for me, who caused His pain? For me, who Him to death pursued? Verse 2: He left His Father's throne above, So free, so infinite His grace; Emptied Himself of all but love, And bled for Adam's helpless race; Verse 3: Long my imprisoned spirit lay Fast bound in sin and nature's night; Thine eye diffused a quick'ning ray, I woke, the dungeon flamed with light; Verse 4: No condemnation now I dread; Jesus, and all in Him, is mine! Alive in Him, my living Head, And clothed in righteousness divine, Chorus 1: Amazing love! How can it be That Thou, my God, should die for me? Amazing love! How can it be That Thou, my God, should die for me. Chorus 2: 'Tis mercy all, immense and free; O praise my God, it reaches me. Amazing love! How can it be That Thou, my God, should die for me. Chorus 3: My chains fell off, my heart was free; I rose, went forth and followed Thee. Amazing love! How can it be That Thou, my God, should die for me. Chorus 4: Bold I approach th' eternal throne, And claim the crown, through Christ my own. Amazing love! How can it be That Thou, my God, should die for me. Title: At Calvary Author: William R. Newell and Daniel B. Towner Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 55298 Song ID: U-5438 Hymnal: 438 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: Years I spent in vanity and pride, Caring not my Lord was crucified, Knowing not it was for me He died On Calvary. Verse 2: By God's Word at last my sin I learned, Then I trembled at the law I'd spurned, Till my guilty soul imploring turned To Calvary. Verse 3: Now I've giv'n to Jesus ev'rything; Now I gladly own Him as my King; Now my raptured soul can only sing Of Calvary. Verse 4: O, the love that drew salvation's plan! O, the grace that brought it down to man! O, the mighty gulf that God did span At Calvary! Chorus 1: Mercy there was great, and grace was free; Pardon there was multiplied to me; There my burdened soul found liberty, At Calvary. Title: 645 - Battle Hymn of the Republic Author: Julia Ward Howe and William Steffe Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 24133 Song ID: U-0645 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1, Verse5, Chorus1 Verse 1: Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord; He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored; He hath loosed the fateful lightning of His terrible swift sword; His truth is marching on. Verse 2: I have seen Him in the watch fires of a hundred circling camps; They have builded Him an altar in the evening dews and damps; I can read His righteous sentence by the dim and flaring lamps; His day is marching on. Verse 3: He has sounded forth the trumpet that shall never sound retreat; He is sifting out the hearts of men before His judgment seat; O be swift, my soul, to answer Him; Be jubilant, my feet! Our God is marching on. Verse 4: In the beauty of the lilies Christ was born across the sea, With a glory in His bosom that transfigures you and me; As He died to make men holy, let us live to make men free, While God is marching on. Verse 5: He is coming like the glory of the morning on the wave; He is wisdom to the mighty, He is honor to the brave; So the world shall be His footstool, and the soul of wrong His slave. Our God is marching on. Chorus 1: Glory! Glory, hallelujah! Glory! Glory, hallelujah! Glory! Glory, hallelujah! Our God is marching on. Title: Blessed Assurance Author: Fanny J. Crosby and Phoebe P. Knapp Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 22324 Song ID: U-5144 Hymnal: 144 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine! O, what a foretaste of glory divine! Heir of salvation, purchase of God, Born of His Spirit, washed in His blood. Verse 2: Perfect submission, perfect delight, Visions of rapture now burst on my sight; Angels descending, bring from above Echoes of mercy, whispers of love. Verse 3: Perfect submission, all is at rest, I in my Savior am happy and blest; Watching and waiting, looking above, Filled with His goodness, lost in His love. Chorus 1: This is my story, this is my song, Praising my Savior all the day long; This is my story, this is my song, Praising my Savior all the day long. Title: Blessed Be the Name Author: William H. Clark and Ralph Hudson Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 191839 Song ID: U-5064 Hymnal: 64 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: All praise to Him who reigns above In majesty supreme, Who gave His Son for man to die, That He might man redeem! Verse 2: His name above all names shall stand, Exalted more and more, At God the Father's own right hand, Where angel hosts adore. Verse 3: Redeemer, Saviour, Friend of man Once ruined by the fall, Thou has devised salvation's plan, For Thou hast died for all. Verse 4: His name shall be the Counsellor, The mighty Prince of Peace, Of all earth's kingdoms Conqueror, Whose reign shall never cease. Chorus 1: Blessed be the name, blessed be the name, Blessed be the name of the Lord! Blessed be the name, blessed be the name, Blessed be the name of the Lord! Title: Children of the Heavenly Father Author: Karolina Sandell-Berg and Ernest W. Olson Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 98028 Song ID: U-5003 Hymnal: 3 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4 Verse 1: Children of the heav'nly Father Safely in His bosom gather; Nestling bird nor star in heaven Such a refuge e'er was given. Verse 2: God His own doth tend and nourish; In His holy courts they flourish. From all evil things He spares them; In His mighty arms He bears them. Verse 3: Neither life nor death shall ever From the Lord His children sever; Unto them His grace He showeth, And their sorrows all He knoweth. Verse 4: Though He giveth or He taketh, God His children ne'er forsaketh; His the loving purpose solely To preserve them pure and holy. Title: 270 - Christ the Lord Is Risen Today Author: Charles Wesley Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 27965 Song ID: U-0270 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4 Verse 1: Christ the Lord is ris'n today, Alleluia! Sons of men and angels say: Alleluia! Raise your joys and triumphs high, Alleluia! Sing, ye heav'ns, and earth, reply, Alleluia! Verse 2: Lives again our glorious King, Alleluia! Where, O Death, is now thy sting? Alleluia! Dying once He all doth save, Alleluia! Where thy victory, O Grave? Alleluia! Verse 3: Love's redeeming work is done, Alleluia! Fought the fight, the battle won, Alleluia! Death in vain forbids Him rise, Alleluia! Christ hath opened Paradise, Alleluia! Verse 4: Soar we now where Christ has led, Alleluia! Foll'wing our exalted Head, Alleluia! Made like Him, like Him we rise, Alleluia! Ours the cross, the grave, the skies, Alleluia! Title: Close to Thee Author: Fanny J. Crosby and Silas J. Vail Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 124545 Song ID: U-5235 Hymnal: 235 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3 Verse 1: Thou, my everlasting portion, More than friend or life to me; All along my pilgrim journey, Saviour, let me walk with Thee. Close to Thee, close to Thee, Close to Thee, close to Thee; All along my pilgrim journey, Saviour, let me walk with Thee. Verse 2: Not for ease or worldly pleasure, Nor for fame my prayer shall be; Gladly will I toil and suffer, Only let me walk with Thee. Close to Thee, close to Thee, Close to Thee, close to Thee; Gladly will I toil and suffer, Only let me walk with Thee. Verse 3: Lead me through the vale of shadows, Bear me o'er life's fitful sea; Then the gate of life eternal May I enter, Lord, with Thee. Close to Thee, close to Thee, Close to Thee, close to Thee; Then the gate of life eternal May I enter, Lord, with Thee. Title: Count Your Blessings Author: Rev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. and Edwin O. Excell Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 40416 Song ID: U-5296 Hymnal: 296 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: When upon life's billows you are tempest-tossed, When you are discouraged, thinking all is lost, Count your many blessings, name them one by one, And it will surprise you what the Lord hath done. Verse 2: Are you ever burdened with a load of care? Does the cross seem heavy you are called to bear? Count your many blessings, ev'ry doubt will fly, And you will be singing as the days go by. Verse 3: When you look at others with their lands and gold, Think that Christ has promised you His wealth untold; Count your many blessings, money cannot buy Your reward in Heaven, nor your home on high. Verse 4: So, amid the conflict, whether great or small, Do not be discouraged, God is over all; Count your many blessings, angels will attend, Help and comfort give you to your journey's end. Chorus 1: Count your blessings, Name them one by one; Count your blessings, See what God hath done; Count your blessings, Name them one by one; Count your many blessings, See what God hath done. Title: Day by Day Author: Carolina Sandell Berg, Oscar Ahnfelt, and Andrew Skoog Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 104479 Song ID: U-5334 Hymnal: 334 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3 Verse 1: Day by day and with each passing moment, Strength I find to meet my trials here; Trusting in my Father's wise bestowment, I've no cause for worry or for fear. He whose heart is kind beyond all measure Gives unto each day what He deems best. Lovingly, its part of pain and pleasure, Mingling toil with peace and rest. Verse 2: Ev'ry day the Lord Himself is near me With a special mercy for each hour; All my cares He fain would bear, and cheer me, He whose name is Counsellor and Pow'r. The protection of His child and treasure Is a charge that on Himself He laid; "As your days, your strength shall be in measure," This the pledge to me He made. Verse 3: Help me then in ev'ry tribulation So to trust Thy promises, O Lord, That I lose not faith's sweet consolation Offered me within Thy holy Word. Help me, Lord, when toil and trouble meeting, E'er to take, as from a father's hand, One by one, the days, the moments fleeting, Till I reach the promised land. Title: Day Is Dying in the West Author: Mary A. Lathbury and William F. Sherwin Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 93621 Song ID: U-5083 Hymnal: 83 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: Day is dying in the west, Heav'n is touching earth with rest; Wait and worship while the night Sets her ev'ning lamps alight Through all the sky. Verse 2: Lord of life, beneath the dome Of the universe, Thy home, Gather us, who seek Thy face, To the fold of Thy embrace, For Thou art nigh. Verse 3: While the deep'ning shadows fall, Heart of Love, enfolding all, Through the glory and the grace Of the stars that veil Thy face, Our hearts ascend. Verse 4: When forever from our sight Pass the stars, the day, the night, Lord of angels, on our eyes Let eternal morning rise, And shadows end. Chorus 1: Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of Hosts! Heav'n and earth are full of Thee! Heav'n and earth are praising Thee, O Lord Most High! Title: Fairest Lord Jesus Author: Joseph A. Seiss and H.A. Hoffman von Fallersleben Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 27800 Song ID: U-5019 Hymnal: 19 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4 Verse 1: Fairest Lord Jesus! Ruler of all nature, O Thou of God and man the Son! Thee will I cherish, Thee will I honor, Thou, my soul's Glory, Joy, and Crown! Verse 2: Fair are the meadows, Fairer still the woodlands, Robed in the blooming garb of spring: Jesus is fairer, Jesus is purer, Who makes the woeful heart to sing. Verse 3: Fair is the sunshine, Fairer still the moonlight, And all the twinkling, starry host: Jesus shines brighter, Jesus shines purer, Than all the angels heav'n can boast. Verse 4: Beautiful Savior! Lord of the nations! Son of God and Son of Man! Glory and honor, Praise, adoration, Now and forevermore be Thine! Title: Faith of Our Fathers Author: Frederick W. Faber and Henri F. Hemy Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 29011 Song ID: U-5189 Hymnal: 189 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4 Verse 1: Faith of our fathers! living still In spite of dungeon, fire and sword: O how our hearts beat high with joy Whene'er we hear that glorious word! Faith of our fathers! Holy faith! We will be true to thee till death! Verse 2: Our fathers, chained in prisons dark, Were still in heart and conscience free, How sweet would be their children's fate, If they, like them, could die for thee! Faith of our fathers! Holy faith! We will be true to thee till death! Verse 3: Faith of our fathers, we will strive To win all nations unto thee! And through the truth that comes from God Mankind shall then indeed be free: Faith of our fathers! Holy faith! We will be true to thee till death! Verse 4: Faith of our fathers! we will love Both friend and foe in all our strife, And preach thee, too, as love knows how, By kindly words and virtuous life: Faith of our fathers! Holy faith! We will be true to thee till death! Title: Glory to His Name Author: Elisha A. Hoffman and John H. Stockton Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 57667 Song ID: U-5108 Hymnal: 108 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: Down at the cross where my Saviour died, Down where for cleansing from sin I cried, There to my heart was the blood applied; Glory to His name. Verse 2: I am so wondrously saved from sin, Jesus so sweetly abides within; There at the cross where He took me in; Glory to His name. Verse 3: O precious fountain that saves from sin, I am so glad I have entered in; There Jesus saves me and keeps me clean; Glory to His name. Verse 4: Come to this fountain so rich and sweet, Cast thy poor soul at the Saviour's feet; Plunge in today, and be made complete; Glory to His name. Chorus 1: Glory to His name, Glory to His name; There to my heart was the blood applied; Glory to His name. Title: 642 - God of Our Fathers Author: Daniel C. Roberts and George Warren Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 89006 Song ID: U-0642 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4 Verse 1: God of our fathers, whose almighty hand Leads forth in beauty all the starry band Of shining worlds, in splendor through the skies, Our grateful songs before Thy throne arise. Verse 2: Thy love divine hath led us in the past; In this free land by Thee our lot is cast; Be Thou our Ruler, Guardian, Guide and Stay, Thy Word, our law; Thy paths, our chosen way. Verse 3: From war's alarms, from deadly pestilence, Be Thy strong arm our ever sure defense; Thy true religion in our hearts increase, Thy bounteous goodness nourish us in peace. Verse 4: Refresh Thy people on their toilsome way; Lead us from night to never-ending day; Fill all our lives with love and grace divine; And glory, laud, and praise be ever Thine. Title: God So Loved the World Author: John Stainer Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 34594 Song ID: U-5087 Hymnal: 87 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse1, Ending1 Verse 1: God so loved the world, God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that who-so believeth, believeth in Him Should not perish, should not perish, but have everlasting life. Verse 2: For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world, God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world; But that the world through Him might be saved. Ending 1: Everlasting, everlasting life, God so loved the world, God so loved the world, God so loved the world. Title: God the Omnipotent! Author: Henry F. Chorley, John Ellerton, and Alexis F. Lvov Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 96240 Song ID: U-5006 Hymnal: 6 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4 Verse 1: God the Omnipotent! King, who ordainest Thunder Thy clarion, the lightning Thy sword; Show forth Thy pity on high where Thou reignest; Give to us peace in our time, O Lord. Verse 2: God the All-merciful! Earth hath forsaken Meekness and mercy, and slighted Thy Word; Let not Thy wrath in its terrors awaken; Give to us peace in our time, O Lord. Verse 3: God the All-righteous One! Man hath defied Thee; Yet to eternity standeth Thy Word; Falsehood and wrong shall not tarry beside Thee; Give to us peace in our time, O Lord. Verse 4: So shall Thy people, with thankful devotion, Praise Him who saved them from peril and sword, Singing in chorus from ocean to ocean, Peace to the nations, and praise, to the Lord. Title: God Will Take Care of You Author: Civilla D. Martin and Walter Stillman Martin Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 93645 Song ID: U-5328 Hymnal: 328 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: Be not dismayed whate'er betide, God will take care of you; Beneath His wings of love abide, God will take care of you. Verse 2: Thro' days of toil when heart doth fail, God will take care of you; When dangers fierce your path assail, God will take care of you. Verse 3: All you may need He will provide, God will take care of you; Nothing you ask will be denied, God will take care of you. Verse 4: No matter what may be the test, God will take care of you; Lean, weary one, upon His breast, God will take care of you. Chorus 1: God will take care of you, Through every day, o'er all the way; He will take care of you, God will take care of you. Title: Grace Greater Than Our Sin Author: Julia H. Johnston and Daniel B. Towner Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 31690 Song ID: U-5394 Hymnal: 394 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: Marvelous grace of our loving Lord, Grace that exceeds our sin and our guilt, Yonder on Calvary's mount outpoured, There where the blood of the Lamb was spilt. Verse 2: Sin and despair, like the sea waves cold, Threaten the soul with infinite loss; Grace that is greater, yes, grace untold, Points to the Refuge, the Mighty Cross. Verse 3: Dark is the stain that we cannot hide, What can avail to wash it away? Look, there is flowing a crimson tide; Whiter than snow you may be today. Verse 4: Marvelous, infinite, matchless grace, Freely bestowed on all who believe; You that are longing to see His face, Will you this moment His grace receive? Chorus 1: Grace, grace, God's grace, Grace that will pardon and cleanse within; Grace, grace, God's grace, Grace that is greater than all our sin. Title: 82 - Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah Author: William Williams, John Hughes, and Peter Williams Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 1448 Song ID: U-0082 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3 Verse 1: Guide me, O Thou great Jehovah, Pilgrim through this barren land; I am weak, but Thou art mighty; Hold me with Thy pow'rful hand; Bread of Heaven, bread of Heaven, Feed me till I want no more, Feed me till I want no more. Verse 2: Open now the crystal fountain, Whence the healing stream doth flow; Let the fire and cloudy pillar Lead me all my journey through; Strong Deliv'rer, strong Deliv'rer, Be Thou still my Strength and Shield, Be Thou still my Strength and Shield. Verse 3: When I tread the verge of Jordan, Bid my anxious fears subside; Death of death, and hell's destruction, Land me safe on Canaan's side; Songs of praises, songs of praises, I will ever give to Thee, I will ever give to Thee. Title: 242 - Hallelujah, What a Savior! Author: Phillip P. Bliss Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 29630 Song ID: U-0242 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4, Verse5 Verse 1: "Man of Sorrows!" what a name For the Son of God who came Ruined sinners to reclaim! Hallelujah, what a Savior! Verse 2: Bearing shame and scoffing rude, In my place condemned He stood; Sealed my pardon with His blood; Hallelujah, what a Savior! Verse 3: Guilty, vile, and helpless, we: Spotless Lamb of God was He: Full atonement! Can it be? Hallelujah, what a Savior! Verse 4: Lifted up was He to die, "It is finished," was His cry; Now in heav'n exalted high: Hallelujah, what a Savior! Verse 5: When He comes, our glorious King, All His ransomed home to bring, Then anew this song we'll sing: Hallelujah, what a Savior! Title: He Died for Me Author: John Newton and Edwin O. Excell Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 273788 Song ID: U-5560 Hymnal: 560 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: I saw One hanging on a tree, In agony and blood; He fixed His loving eyes on me, As near His cross I stood. Verse 2: Sure, never till my latest breath, Can I forget that look; It seemed to charge me with His death, Though not a word He spoke. Verse 3: My conscience felt and owned the guilt, And plunged me in despair; I saw my sins His blood had spilt, And helped to nail Him there. Verse 4: A second look He gave, which said, "I freely all forgive: This blood is for your ransom paid, I die that you may live." Chorus 1: O, can it be, upon a tree The Savior died for me? My soul is thrilled, my heart is filled, To think He died for me! Title: He Hideth My Soul Author: Fanny J. Crosby and William J. Kirkpatrick Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 44498 Song ID: U-5062 Hymnal: 62 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: A wonderful Savior is Jesus my Lord, A wonderful Savior to me; He hideth my soul in the cleft of the rock, Where rivers of pleasure I see. Verse 2: A wonderful Savior is Jesus my Lord, He taketh my burden away; He holdeth me up, and I shall not be moved, He giveth me strength as my day. Verse 3: With numberless blessings each moment He crowns, And, filled with His fullness divine, I sing in my rapture, "O glory to God For such a Redeemer as mine!" Verse 4: When clothed in His brightness, transported I rise To meet Him in clouds of the sky, His perfect salvation, His wonderful love, I'll shout with the millions on high. Chorus 1: He hideth my soul in the cleft of the rock That shadows a dry, thirsty land; He hideth my life in the depths of His love, And covers me there with His hand, And covers me there with His hand. Title: He Keeps Me Singing Author: Luther B. Bridgers Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 27855 Song ID: U-5377 Hymnal: 377 Notes: "Bridgers" is CCLI attribution Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1, Verse5, Chorus1 Verse 1: There's within my heart a melody, Jesus whispers sweet and low; "Fear not, I am with thee; peace, be still, In all of life's ebb and flow." Verse 2: All my life was wrecked by sin and strife, Discord filled my heart with pain, Jesus swept across the broken strings, Stirred the slumb'ring cords again. Verse 3: Feasting on the riches of His grace, Resting 'neath His shelt'ring wing, Always looking on His smiling face, That is why I shout and sing. Verse 4: Though sometimes He leads through waters deep, Trials fall across the way, Though sometimes the path seems rough and steep, See His footprints all the way: Verse 5: Soon He's coming back to welcome me Far beyond the starry sky; I shall wing my flight to worlds unknown, I shall reign with Him on high. Chorus 1: Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Sweetest name I know, Fills my ev'ry longing, Keeps me singing as I go. Title: He Took My Sins Away Author: Margaret Jenkins Harris Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 103085 Song ID: U-5409 Hymnal: 409 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: I came to Jesus, weary, worn, and sad, He took my sins away, He took my sins away, And now His love has made my heart so glad, He took my sins away. Verse 2: The load of sin was more than I could bear, He took them all away, He took them all away, And now on Him I roll my ev'ry care, He took my sins away. Verse 3: No condemnation have I in my heart, He took my sins away, He took my sins away, His perfect peace He did to me impart, He took my sins away. Verse 4: If you will come to Jesus Christ today, He'll take your sins away, He'll take your sins away, And keep you happy in His love each day, He'll take your sins away. Chorus 1: He took my sins away, He took my sins away, And keeps me singing ev'ry day! I'm so glad He took my sins away, He took my sins away. Title: He's a Wonderful Savior to Me Author: Virgil P. Brock and Blanche Kerr Brock Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 57416 Song ID: U-5413 Hymnal: 413 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: I was lost in sin but Jesus rescued me, He's a wonderful Savior to me; I was bound by fear but Jesus set me free, He's a wonderful Savior to me! Verse 2: He's a Friend so true, so patient and so kind, He's a wonderful Savior to me; Ev'rything I need in Him I always find, He's a wonderful Savior to me! Verse 3: He is always near to comfort and to cheer, He's a wonderful Savior to me; He forgives my sins. He dries my ev'ry tear, He's a wonderful Savior to me! Verse 4: Dearer grows the love of Jesus day by day, He's a wonderful Savior to me; Sweeter is His grace while pressing on my way, He's a wonderful Savior to me! Chorus 1: For He's a wonderful Savior to me, He's a wonderful Savior to me; I was lost in sin, but Jesus took me in, He's a wonderful Savior to me. Title: His Way with Thee Author: Cyrus S. Nusbaum Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 92725 Song ID: U-5335 Hymnal: 335 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: Would you live for Jesus, and be always pure and good? Would you walk with Him within the narrow road? Would you have Him bear your burden, carry all your load? Let Him have His way with thee. Verse 2: Would you have Him make you free and follow at His call? Would you know the peace that comes by giving all? Would you have Him save you, so that you need never fall? Let Him have His way with thee. Verse 3: Would you in His Kingdom find a place of constant rest? Would you prove Him true in providential test? Would you in His service labor always at your best? Let Him have His way with thee. Chorus 1: His pow'r can make you what you ought to be; His blood can cleanse your heart and make you free; His love can fill your soul; and you will see 'Twas best for Him to have His way with thee. Title: How Firm a Foundation Author: George Keith, Anne Steele, John Rippon, and Joseph Funk Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 107816 Song ID: U-5320 Hymnal: 320 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4, Verse5 Verse 1: How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord, Is laid for your faith in His excellent Word! What more can He say than to you He hath said, To you who for refuge to Jesus have fled? Verse 2: "Fear not, I am with thee; O be not dismayed, For I am thy God, and will still give thee aid; I'll strengthen thee, help thee, and cause thee to stand, Upheld by My righteous, omnipotent hand." Verse 3: "When through the deep waters I call thee to go, The rivers of sorrow shall not overflow; For I will be with thee, thy troubles to bless, And sanctify to thee thy deepest distress." Verse 4: "When through fiery trials thy pathway shall lie, My grace, all sufficient, shall be thy supply: The flame shall not hurt thee; I only design Thy dross to consume, and thy gold to refine." Verse 5: The soul that on Jesus hath leaned for repose, I will not, I will not desert to His foes; That soul, though all hell should endeavor to shake, I'll never, no, never, no, never forsake! Title: I Know Whom I Have Believed Author: Major Daniel W. Whittle and James McGranahan Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 31762 Song ID: U-5143 Hymnal: 143 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1, Verse5, Chorus1 Verse 1: I know not why God's wondrous grace To me He hath made known, Nor why, unworthy, Christ in love Redeemed me for His own. Verse 2: I know not how this saving faith To me He did impart, Nor how believing in His Word Wrought peace within my heart. Verse 3: I know not how the Spirit moves, Convincing men of sin, Revealing Jesus through the Word, Creating faith in Him. Verse 4: I know not what of good or ill May be reserved for me, Of weary ways or golden days, Before His face I see. Verse 5: I know not when my Lord may come, At night or noonday fair, Nor if I'll walk the vale with Him, Or "meet Him in the air." Chorus 1: But "I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that He is able to keep that which I've committed, Unto Him against that day." Title: I Will Praise Him Author: Margaret Jenkins Harris Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 21789 Song ID: U-5283 Hymnal: 283 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1, Verse5, Chorus1 Verse 1: When I saw the cleansing fountain Open wide for all my sin, I obeyed the Spirit's wooing, When He said, "Wilt thou be clean?" Verse 2: Though the way seems straight and narrow, All I claimed was swept away; My ambitions, plans, and wishes, At my feet in ashes lay. Verse 3: Then God's fire upon the altar Of my heart was set aflame; I shall never cease to praise Him, Glory, glory to His name! Verse 4: Blessed be the name of Jesus! I'm so glad He took me in; He's forgiven my transgressions, He has cleansed my heart from sin. Verse 5: Glory, glory to the Father! Glory, glory to the Son! Glory, glory to the Spirit! Glory to the Three in One! Chorus 1: I will praise Him! I will praise Him! Praise the Lamb for sinners slain; Give Him glory, all ye people, For His blood can wash away each stain. Title: I Will Sing of the Mercies of the Lord Author: J. H. Fillmore Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 23316 Song ID: U-5516 Hymnal: 516 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Chorus1, Chorus2, Chorus1 Chorus 1: I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever, I will sing, I will sing. I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever, I will sing of the mercies of the Lord. Chorus 2: With my mouth will I make known Thy faithfulness, Thy faithfulness. With my mouth will I make known Thy faithfulness to all generations. Title: I Would Be Like Jesus Author: James Rowe and Bentley D. Ackley Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 62580 Song ID: U-5175 Hymnal: 175 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: Earthly pleasures vainly call me; I would be like Jesus; Nothing worldly shall enthrall me; I would be like Jesus. Verse 2: He has broken ev'ry fetter, I would be like Jesus; That my soul may serve Him better, I would be like Jesus. Verse 3: All the way from earth to Glory, I would be like Jesus; Telling o'er and o'er the story, I would be like Jesus. Verse 4: That in heaven He may meet me, I would be like Jesus; That His words "Well done" may greet me, I would be like Jesus. Chorus 1: Be like Jesus, this my song, In the home and in the throng; Be like Jesus, all day long! I would be like Jesus. Title: In the Cross of Christ I Glory Author: John Bowring and Ithamar Conkey Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 36499 Song ID: U-5452 Hymnal: 452 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4 Verse 1: In the cross of Christ I glory, Tow'ring o'er the wrecks of time; All the light of sacred story Gathers round its head sublime. Verse 2: When the woes of life o'ertake me, Hopes deceive, and fears annoy, Never shall the cross forsake me: Lo! it glows with peace and joy. Verse 3: When the sun of bliss is beaming Light and love upon my way, From the cross the radiance streaming Adds more luster to the day. Verse 4: Bane and blessing, pain and pleasure, By the cross are sanctified; Peace is there that knows no measure, Joys that through all time abide. Title: In the Garden Author: C. Austin Miles Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 62858 Song ID: U-5241 Hymnal: 241 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: I come to the garden alone, While the dew is still on the roses; And the voice I hear, falling on my ear, The Son of God discloses. Verse 2: He speaks, and the sound of His voice Is so sweet the birds hush their singing; And the melody that He gave to me Within my heart is ringing. Verse 3: I'd stay in the garden with Him Though the night around me be falling; But He bids me go thru the voice of woe, His voice to me is calling. Chorus 1: And He walks with me, and He talks with me, And He tells me I am His own, And the joy we share as we tarry there, None other has ever known. Title: It Is Glory Just to Walk with Him Author: Avis B. Christiansen and Haldor Lillenas Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 15049 Song ID: U-5242 Hymnal: 242 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: It is glory just to walk with Him whose blood has ransomed me, It is rapture for my soul each day; It is joy divine to feel Him near where'er my path may be, Bless the Lord, it's glory all the way! Verse 2: It is glory when the shadows fall to know that He is near, O what joy to simply trust and pray! It is glory to abide in Him when skies above are clear, Yes, with Him it's glory all the way! Verse 3: 'Twill be glory when I walk with Him on heaven's golden shore, Never from His side again to stray; 'Twill be glory, wondrous glory with the Savior evermore, Everlasting glory all the way! Chorus 1: It is glory just to walk with Him, It is glory just to walk with Him; He will guide my steps aright Thru the vale and o'er the height; It is glory just to walk with Him. Title: Jesus Has Lifted Me! Author: Avis B. Christiansen and Haldor Lillenas Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 125018 Song ID: U-5408 Hymnal: 408 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: Out of the depths to the glory above, I have been lifted in wonderful love; From ev'ry fetter my spirit is free, For Jesus has lifted me! Verse 2: Out of the world into heavenly rest, Into the land of the ransomed and blest; There in the glory with Him I shall be, For Jesus has lifted me! Verse 3: Out of myself into Him I adore, There to abide in His love evermore; Through endless ages His glory to see, My Jesus has lifted me! Chorus 1: Jesus has lifted me! Jesus has lifted me! Out of the night into glorious light, Yes, Jesus has lifted me! Title: Jesus, I Come Author: William T. Sleeper and George C. Stebbins Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 78873 Song ID: U-5464 Hymnal: 464 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4 Verse 1: Out of my bondage, sorrow and night, Jesus, I come, Jesus, I come; Into Thy freedom, gladness and light, Jesus, I come to Thee. Out of my sickness into Thy health, Out of my want and into Thy wealth, Out of my sin and into Thyself, Jesus, I come to Thee. Verse 2: Out of my shameful failure and loss, Jesus, I come, Jesus, I come; Into the glorious gain of Thy cross, Jesus, I come to Thee. Out of earth's sorrows into Thy balm, Out of life's storms and into Thy calm, Out of distress to jubilant psalm, Jesus, I come to Thee. Verse 3: Out of unrest and arrogant pride, Jesus, I come, Jesus, I come; Into Thy blessed will to abide, Jesus, I come to Thee. Out of myself to dwell in Thy love, Out of despair into raptures above, Upward for aye on wings like a dove, Jesus, I come to Thee. Verse 4: Out of the fear and dread of the tomb, Jesus, I come, Jesus, I come; Into the joy and light of Thy home, Jesus, I come to Thee. Out of the depths of ruin untold, Into the peace of Thy sheltering fold, Ever Thy glorious face to behold, Jesus, I come to Thee. Title: Jesus Is Calling Author: Fanny J. Crosby and George C. Stebbins Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 78828 Song ID: U-5463 Hymnal: 463 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: Jesus is tenderly calling thee home, Calling today, calling today; Why from the sunshine of love wilt thou roam Farther and farther away? Verse 2: Jesus is calling the weary to rest, Calling today, calling today; Bring Him thy burden and thou shalt be blest; He will not turn thee away. Verse 3: Jesus is waiting; O come to Him now, Waiting today, waiting today; Come with thy sins; at His feet lowly bow; Come, and no longer delay. Verse 4: Jesus is pleading; O list to His voice, Hear Him today, hear Him today; They who believe on His name shall rejoice; Quickly arise and away. Chorus 1: Calling today, Calling today, Jesus is calling, Is tenderly calling today. Title: Jesus Is the Sweetest Name I Know Author: Lela Long Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 27659 Song ID: U-5059 Hymnal: 59 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: There have been names that I have loved to hear, But never has there been a name so dear To this heart of mine, as the name divine, The precious, precious name of Jesus. Verse 2: There is no name in earth or heav'n above, That we should give such honor and such love, As the blessed name; let us all acclaim, That wondrous, glorious name of Jesus. Verse 3: And some day I shall see Him face to face To thank and praise Him for His wondrous grace, Which He gave to me, when He made me free, The blessed Son of God called Jesus. Chorus 1: Jesus is the sweetest name I know, And He's just the same as His lovely name, And that's the reason why I love Him so; Oh, Jesus is the sweetest name I know. Title: Jesus, Lover of My Soul Author: Charles Wesley and Simeon B. Marsh Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 93676 Song ID: U-5021 Hymnal: 21 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4 Verse 1: Jesus, Lover of my soul, Let me to Thy bosom fly. While the nearer waters roll, While the tempest still is high! Hide me, O my Savior, hide, Till the storm of life is past; Safe into the haven guide, O receive my soul at last! Verse 2: Other refuge have I none; Hangs my helpless soul on Thee; Leave, ah, leave me not alone, Still support and comfort me! All my trust on Thee is stayed, All my help from Thee I bring; Cover my defenseless head With the shadow of Thy wing. Verse 3: Thou, O Christ, art all I want, More than all in Thee I find; Raise the fallen, cheer the faint, Heal the sick and lead the blind. Just and holy is Thy name, I am all unrighteousness; False and full of sin I am, Thou art full of truth and grace. Verse 4: Plenteous grace with Thee is found, Grace to cover all my sin; Let the healing streams abound, Make and keep me pure within. Thou of life the Fountain art, Freely let me take of Thee; Spring Thou up within my heart, Rise to all eternity. Title: Jesus Loves Even Me Author: Philip P. Bliss Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 39795 Song ID: U-5574 Hymnal: 574 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: I am so glad that our Father in Heav'n Tells of His love in the Book He has giv'n. Wonderful things in the Bible I see; This is the dearest, that Jesus loves me. Verse 2: Though I forget Him and wander away, Still He doth love me wherever I stray; Back to His dear loving arms would I flee, When I remember that Jesus loves me. Verse 3: Oh, if there's only one song I can sing, When in His beauty I see the great King, This shall my song in eternity be: "Oh, what a wonder that Jesus loves me." Chorus 1: I am so glad that Jesus loves me, Jesus loves me, Jesus loves me: I am so glad that Jesus loves me, Jesus loves even me. Title: Joy to the World Author: Isaac Watts and George Frederick Handel Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 24016 Song ID: U-5533 Hymnal: 533 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4 Verse 1: Joy to the world! The Lord is come: Let earth receive her King; Let ev'ry heart prepare Him room, And heav'n and nature sing, And heav'n and nature sing, And heav'n, and heav'n and nature sing. Verse 2: Joy to the world! The Saviour reigns: Let men their songs employ; While fields and floods, rocks, hills and plains Repeat the sounding joy, Repeat the sounding joy, Repeat, repeat the sounding joy. Verse 3: No more let sins and sorrows grow, Nor thorns infest the ground; He comes to make His blessings flow Far as the curse is found, Far as the curse is found, Far as, far as the curse is found. Verse 4: He rules the world with truth and grace, And makes the nations prove The glories of His righteousness, And wonders of His love, And wonders of His love, And wonders, wonders of His love. Title: Joy Unspeakable Author: B. E. Warren Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 90112 Song ID: U-5414 Hymnal: 414 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: I have found His grace is all complete, He supplieth ev'ry need; While I sit and learn at Jesus' feet, I am free, yes, free indeed. Verse 2: I have found the pleasure I once craved, It is joy and peace within; What a wondrous blessing! I am saved From the awful gulf of sin. Verse 3: I have found that hope so bright and clear, Living in the realm of grace; Oh, the Savior's presence is so near, I can see His smiling face. Verse 4: I have found the joy no tongue can tell, How its waves of glory roll! It is like a great o'erflowing well, Springing up within my soul. Chorus 1: It is joy unspeakable and full of glory, Full of glory, full of glory; It is joy unspeakable and full of glory, Oh, the half has never yet been told. Title: Just as I Am Author: Charlotte Elliott and William B. Bradbury Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 23206 Song ID: U-5478 Hymnal: 478 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4, Verse5 Verse 1: Just as I am, without one plea, But that Thy blood was shed for me, And that Thou bid'st me come to Thee, O Lamb of God, I come! I come! Verse 2: Just as I am, and waiting not, To rid my soul of one dark blot, To Thee whose blood can cleanse each spot, O Lamb of God, I come! I come! Verse 3: Just as I am, though tossed about With many a conflict, many a doubt, Fightings and fears within, without, O Lamb of God, I come! I come! Verse 4: Just as I am, poor, wretched, blind; Sight, riches, healing of the mind, Yea, all I need, in Thee to find, O Lamb of God, I come! I come! Verse 5: Just as I am, Thou wilt receive, Wilt welcome, pardon, cleanse, relieve; Because Thy promise I believe, O Lamb of God, I come! I come! Title: Lead On, O King Eternal Author: Ernest W. Shurtleff and Henry Smart Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 87163 Song ID: U-5204 Hymnal: 204 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3 Verse 1: Lead on, O King Eternal, The day of march has come; Henceforth in fields of conquest Your tents shall be our home, Through days of preparation Your grace has made us strong, And now, O King Eternal, We lift our battle song. Verse 2: Lead on, O King Eternal, Till sin's fierce war shall cease, And holiness shall whisper The sweet Amen of peace; For not with swords loud clashing, Nor roll of stirring drums, With deeds of love and mercy The heav'nly kingdom comes. Verse 3: Lead on, O King Eternal, We follow, not with fears; For gladness breaks like morning Where'er Your face appears; Your cross is lifted o'er us; We journey in its light: The crown awaits the conquest; Lead on, O God of might. Title: Leaning on the Everlasting Arms Author: Elisha A. Hoffman and Anthony J. Showalter Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 31779 Song ID: U-5145 Hymnal: 145 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: What a fellowship, what a joy divine, Leaning on the everlasting arms; What a blessedness, what a peace is mine, Leaning on the everlasting arms. Verse 2: O how sweet to walk in this pilgrim way, Leaning on the everlasting arms; O, how bright the path grows from day to day, Leaning on the everlasting arms. Verse 3: What have I to dread, what have I to fear, Leaning on the everlasting arms? I have blessed peace with my Lord so near, Leaning on the everlasting arms. Chorus 1: Leaning, leaning, Safe and secure from all alarms; Leaning, leaning, Leaning on the everlasting arms. Title: Love Found A Way Author: Avis B. Christiansen and Harry Dixon Loes Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 87321 Song ID: U-5419 Hymnal: 419 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: Wonderful love that rescued me, Sunk deep in sin, Guilty and vile as I could be, No hope within; When ev'ry ray of light had fled, O glorious day! Raising my soul from out the dead, Love found a way. Verse 2: Love brought my Saviour here to die On Calvary, For such a sinful wretch as I, How can it be? Love bridged the gulf 'twixt me and Heav'n, Taught me to pray; I am redeemed, set free, forgiv'n, Love found a way. Verse 3: Love opened wide the gates of light To Heav'n's domain, Where in eternal pow'r and might Jesus shall reign; Love lifted me from depths of woe To endless day, There was no help in earth below, Love found a way. Chorus 1: Love found a way to redeem my soul, Love found a way that could make me whole; Love sent my Lord to the cross of shame, Love found a way, O praise His holy name! Title: 107 - Love Lifted Me Author: James Rowe and Howard E. Smith Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 66926 Song ID: U-0107 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: I was sinking deep in sin, far from the peaceful shore, Very deeply stained within, Sinking to rise no more; But the Master of the sea heard my despairing cry, From the waters lifted me, now safe am I. Verse 2: All my heart to Him I give, ever to Him I'll cling; In His blessed presence live, ever His praises sing. Love so mighty and so true merits my soul's best songs; Faithful, loving service, too, to Him belongs. Verse 3: Souls in danger, look above, Jesus completely saves; He will lift you by His love out of the angry waves. He's the Master of the sea, billows His will obey; He your Saviour wants to be, be saved today. Chorus 1: Love lifted me! Love lifted me! When nothing else could help, Love lifted me. Love lifted me! Love lifted me! When nothing else could help, Love lifted me. Title: Majestic Sweetness Sits Enthroned Author: Samuel Stennett and Thomas Hastings Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 27934 Song ID: U-5029 Hymnal: 29 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4 Verse 1: Majestic sweetness sits enthroned Upon the Saviour's brow; His head with radiant glories crowned, His lips with grace o'erflow, His lips with grace o'erflow. Verse 2: No mortal can with Him compare Among the sons of men; Fairer is He than all the fair Who fill the heav'nly train, Who fill the heav'nly train. Verse 3: He saw me plunged in deep distress And flew to my relief; For me He bore the shameful cross And carried all my grief, And carried all my grief. Verse 4: To Him I owe my life and breath And all the joys I have; He makes me triumph over death And saves me from the grave, And saves me from the grave. Title: More About Jesus Author: Eliza E. Hewitt and John R. Sweney Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 22719 Song ID: U-5053 Hymnal: 53 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: More about Jesus would I know, More of His grace to others show; More of His saving fullness see, More of His love who died for me. Verse 2: More about Jesus let me learn, More of His holy will discern; Spirit of God, my Teacher be, Showing the things of Christ to me. Verse 3: More about Jesus, in His Word, Holding communion with my Lord; Hearing His voice in ev'ry line, Making each faithful saying mine. Verse 4: More about Jesus on His throne, Riches in glory all His own; More of His kingdom's sure increase; More of His coming, Prince of Peace. Chorus 1: More, more about Jesus, More, more about Jesus; More of His saving fullness see, More of His love who died for me. Title: More Love to Thee Author: Elizabeth Prentiss and William H. Doane Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 36750 Song ID: U-5299 Hymnal: 299 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3 Verse 1: More love to Thee, O Christ, More love to Thee! Hear Thou the prayer I make On bended knee; This is my earnest plea: More love, O Christ, to Thee, More love to Thee, More love to Thee! Verse 2: Once earthly joy I craved, Sought peace and rest; Now Thee alone I seek, Give what is best; This all my prayer shall be: More love, O Christ, to Thee, More love to Thee, More love to Thee! Verse 3: Then shall my latest breath Whisper Thy praise; This be the parting cry My heart shall raise; This still its prayer shall be: More love, O Christ, to Thee, More love to Thee, More love to Thee! Title: My Faith Looks Up to Thee Author: Ray Palmer and Lowell Mason Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 43334 Song ID: U-5188 Hymnal: 188 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4 Verse 1: My faith looks up to Thee, Thou Lamb of Calvary, Saviour divine! Now hear me while I pray, Take all my guilt away, O let me from this day Be wholly Thine! Verse 2: May Thy rich grace impart Strength to my fainting heart, My zeal inspire; As Thou hast died for me, O may my love to Thee Pure, warm, and changeless be A living fire! Verse 3: While life's dark maze I tread, And griefs around me spread, Be Thou my guide; Bid darkness turn to day, Wipe sorrow's tears away, Nor let me ever stray From Thee aside. Verse 4: When ends life's transient dream, When death's cold, sullen stream Shall o'er me roll, Blest Saviour, then, in love, Fear and distrust remove; O bear me safe above, A ransomed soul! Title: 237 - I Stand Amazed in the Presence Author: Charles H. Gabriel Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 25297 Song ID: U-0237 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: I stand amazed in the presence Of Jesus the Nazarene, And wonder how He could love me, A sinner condemned, unclean. Verse 2: For me it was in the garden He prayed; "Not My will, but Thine," He had no tears for His own griefs, But sweat drops of blood for mine. Verse 3: He took my sins and my sorrows, He made them His very own; He bore the burden to Calv'ry, And suffered and died alone. Verse 4: When with the ransomed in glory His face I at last shall see, 'Twill be my joy through the ages To sing of His love for me. Chorus 1: How marvelous! How wonderful! And my song shall ever be: How marvelous! How wonderful! Is my Saviour's love for me! Title: Nearer, My God, to Thee Author: Sarah F. Adams and Lowell Mason Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 78835 Song ID: U-5157 Hymnal: 157 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4, Verse5 Verse 1: Nearer, my God, to Thee, Nearer to Thee! E'en though it be a cross That raiseth me; Still all my song shall be, Nearer, my God, to Thee, Nearer, my God, to Thee, Nearer to Thee! Verse 2: Though like the wanderer, The sun gone down, Darkness be over me, My rest a stone; Yet in my dreams I'd be Nearer, my God, to Thee, Nearer, my God, to Thee, Nearer to Thee! Verse 3: There let the way appear, Steps unto heaven; All that Thou sendest me, In mercy given; Angels to beckon me Nearer, my God, to Thee, Nearer, my God, to Thee, Nearer to Thee! Verse 4: Then with my waking thoughts Bright with Thy praise, Out of my stony griefs Bethel I'll raise; So by my woes to be Nearer, my God, to Thee, Nearer, my God, to Thee, Nearer to Thee! Verse 5: Or if on joyful wing, Cleaving the sky, Sun, moon, and stars forgot, Upward I fly, Still all my song shall be Nearer, my God, to Thee, Nearer, my God, to Thee, Nearer to Thee! Title: Nearer, Still Nearer Author: Lelia N. Morris Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 21851 Song ID: U-5237 Hymnal: 237 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4 Verse 1: Nearer, still nearer, close to Thy heart, Draw me, my Savior, so precious Thou art; Fold me, O fold me close to Thy breast, Shelter me safe in that "Haven of Rest;" Shelter me safe in that "Haven of Rest." Verse 2: Nearer, still nearer, nothing I bring, Naught as an off'ring to Jesus my King; Only my sinful, now contrite heart, Grant me the cleansing Thy blood doth impart; Grant me the cleansing Thy blood doth impart. Verse 3: Nearer, still nearer, Lord, to be Thine, Sin, with its follies, I gladly resign; All of its pleasures, pomp and its pride, Give me but Jesus, my Lord crucified; Give me but Jesus, my Lord crucified. Verse 4: Nearer, still nearer, while life shall last, Till safe in glory my anchor is cast; Through endless ages, ever to be, Nearer, my Savior, still nearer to Thee; Nearer, my Savior, still nearer to Thee. Title: Nothing But the Blood Author: Robert Lowry Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 21332 Song ID: U-5104 Hymnal: 104 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: What can wash away my sin? Nothing but the blood of Jesus; What can make me whole again? Nothing but the blood of Jesus; Verse 2: For my pardon this I see, Nothing but the blood of Jesus; For my cleansing this my plea, Nothing but the blood of Jesus; Verse 3: Nothing can for sin atone, Nothing but the blood of Jesus; Naught of good that I have done, Nothing but the blood of Jesus; Verse 4: This is all my hope and peace, Nothing but the blood of Jesus; This is all my righteousness, Nothing but the blood of Jesus; Chorus 1: Oh! precious is the flow That makes me white as snow; No other fount I know, Nothing but the blood of Jesus. Title: Now Thank We All Our God Author: Martin Rinkart, Johann Cruger and Catherine Winkworth Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 86638 Song ID: U-5567 Hymnal: 567 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3 Verse 1: Now thank we all our God With heart and hands and voices, Who wondrous things hath done, In whom His world rejoices; Who, from our mothers' arms, Hath blessed us on our way With countless gifts of love, And still is ours today. Verse 2: O may this bounteous God Through all our life be near us, With ever joyful hearts And blessed peace to cheer us; And keep us in His grace, And guide us when perplexed, And free us from all ills In this world and the next. Verse 3: All praise and thanks to God The Father now be given, The Son, and Him who reigns With Them in highest heaven, The one eternal God, Whom earth and heav'n adore; For thus it was, is now, And shall be evermore. Title: O Come, O Come, Emmanuel Author: John M. Neale, Henry S. Coffin, and Thomas Helmore Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 31982 Song ID: U-5542 Hymnal: 542 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4 Verse 1: O come, O come, Emmanuel, And ransom captive Israel, That mourns in lonely exile here Until the Son of God appear. Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel Shall come to thee, O Israel! Verse 2: O come, Thou Rod of Jesse, free Thine own from Satan's tyranny; From depths of hell Thy people save And give them vict'ry o'er the grave. Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel Shall come to thee, O Israel! Verse 3: O come, Thou Dayspring, come and cheer Our spirits by Thine advent here; And drive away the shades of night, And pierce the clouds and bring us light! Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel Shall come to thee, O Israel! Verse 4: O come, Thou Key of David, come, And open wide our heavenly home; Make safe the way that leads on high, And close the path to misery. Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel Shall come to thee, O Israel! Title: O Could I Speak the Matchless Worth Author: Samuel Medley and Wolfgang A. Mozart Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 199264 Song ID: U-5258 Hymnal: 258 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4 Verse 1: O could I speak the matchless worth, O could I sound the glories forth Which in my Saviour shine, I'd soar and touch the heav'nly strings, And vie with Gabriel while he sings In notes almost divine, In notes almost divine. Verse 2: I'd sing the precious blood He spilt, My ransom from the dreadful guilt Of sin and wrath divine! I'd sing His glorious righteousness, In which all perfect heav'nly dress My soul shall ever shine, My soul shall ever shine. Verse 3: I'd sing the characters He bears, And all the forms of love He wears, Exalted on His throne: In loftiest songs of sweetest praise, I would to everlasting days Make all His glories known, Make all His glories known. Verse 4: Soon the delightful day will come When my dear Lord will bring me home, And I shall see His face; Then with my Saviour, Brother, Friend, A blest eternity I'll spend, Triumphant in His grace, Triumphant in His grace. Title: O Happy Day! Author: Philip Doddridge and Edward F. Rimbault Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 204104 Song ID: U-5398 Hymnal: 398 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: O happy day that fixed my choice On Thee, my Savior and my God! Well may this glowing heart rejoice And tell its raptures all abroad. Verse 2: O happy bond that seals my vows To Him who merits all my love! Let cheerful anthems fill His house, While to that sacred shrine I move. Verse 3: Tis done, the great transaction's done, I am my Lord's and He is mine; He drew me, and I followed on, Charmed to confess the voice divine. Verse 4: Now rest, my long divided heart, Fixed on this blissful center, rest; Nor ever from my Lord depart, With Him of ev'ry good possessed. Chorus 1: Happy day, happy day, When Jesus washed my sins away! He taught me how to watch and pray, And live rejoicing ev'ry day; Happy day, happy day, When Jesus washed my sins away! Title: O How I Love Jesus Author: Frederick Whitfield Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 28696 Song ID: U-5051 Hymnal: 51 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: There is a name I love to hear, I love to sing its worth; It sounds like music in my ear, The sweetest name on earth. Verse 2: It tells me of a Savior's love, Who died to set me free; It tells me of His precious blood, The sinner's perfect plea. Verse 3: It tells me what my Father hath In store for ev'ry day, And, though I tread a darksome path, Yields sunshine all the way. Verse 4: It tells of One whose loving heart Can feel my deepest woe, Who in each sorrow bears a part That none can bear below. Chorus 1: O how I love Jesus! O how I love Jesus! O how I love Jesus Because He first loved me! Title: Old-Time Power Author: Paul Rader Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 27415 Song ID: U-5082 Hymnal: 82 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: We are gathered for Thy blessing, We will wait upon our God; We will trust in Him who loved us, And who bought us with His blood. Verse 2: We will glory in Thy power, We will sing of wondrous grace; In our midst, as Thou hast promised, Come, O come, and take Thy place. Verse 3: Bring us low in prayer before Thee And with faith our souls inspire, Till we claim, by faith, the promise Of the Holy Ghost and fire. Chorus 1: Spirit, now melt and move All of our hearts with love, Breathe on us from above With old-time pow'r. Title: Only Believe Author: Paul Rader Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 13601 Song ID: U-5100 Hymnal: 100 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: Fear not, little flock, from the cross to the throne, From death into life He went for His own; All power in earth, all power above, Is given to Him for the flock of His love. Verse 2: Fear not, little flock, He goeth ahead, Your Shepherd selecteth the path you must tread; The waters of Marah He'll sweeten for thee, He drank all the bitter in Gethsemane. Verse 3: Fear not, little flock, whatever your lot; He enters all rooms, "the doors being shut." He never forsakes, He never is gone, So count on His presence in darkness and dawn. Chorus 1: Only believe, only believe; All things are possible, only believe, Only believe, only believe; All things are possible, only believe. Title: Open My Eyes That I May See Author: Clara H. Scott Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 68003 Song ID: U-5303 Hymnal: 303 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3 Verse 1: Open my eyes that I may see Glimpses of truth Thou hast for me; Place in my hands the wonderful key That shall unclasp and set me free. Silently now I wait for Thee, Ready, my God, Thy will to see; Open my eyes, illumine me, Spirit divine! Verse 2: Open my mind that I may read More of Thy love in word and deed. What shall I fear while yet Thou dost lead? Only for light from Thee I plead. Silently now I wait for Thee, Ready, my God, Thy will to see; Open my mind, illumine me, Spirit divine! Verse 3: Open my way that I may bring Trophies of grace to Christ, my King; Echoed in love Thy word shall out-ring, Sweet as the note that angels sing. Silently now I wait for Thee, Ready, my God, Thy will to see; Open my way, illumine me, Spirit divine! Title: 156 - Jesus! What a Friend for Sinners Author: J. Wilbur Chapman and Rowland H. Pritchard Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 22142 Song ID: U-0156 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1, Verse5, Chorus1 Verse 1: Jesus! What a Friend for sinners! Jesus! Lover of my soul; Friends may fail me, foes assail me; He, my Savior, makes me whole. Verse 2: Jesus! what a strength in weakness! Let me hide myself in Him; Tempted, tried, and sometimes failing, He, my strength, my vict'ry wins. Verse 3: Jesus! What a help in sorrow! While the billows o'er me roll, Even when my heart is breaking, He, my comfort, helps my soul. Verse 4: Jesus! What a guide and keeper! While the tempest still is high, Storms about me, night o'ertakes me, He, my pilot, hears my cry. Verse 5: Jesus! I do now receive Him; More than all in Him I find; He hath granted me forgiveness; I am His, and He is mine. Chorus 1: Hallelujah! what a Savior! Hallelujah! what a Friend! Saving, helping, keeping, loving, He is with me to the end. Title: Pass Me Not Author: Fanny J. Crosby and William H. Doane Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 41594 Song ID: U-5450 Hymnal: 450 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: Pass me not, O gentle Savior, Hear my humble cry; While on others Thou art calling, Do not pass me by. Verse 2: Let me at Thy throne of mercy Find a sweet relief; Kneeling there in deep contrition, Help my unbelief. Verse 3: Trusting only in Thy merit, Would I seek Thy face; Heal my wounded, broken spirit, Save me by Thy grace. Verse 4: Thou the Spring of all my comfort, More than life to me, Whom have I on earth beside Thee? Whom in Heav'n but Thee? Chorus 1: Savior, Savior, Hear my humble cry; While on others Thou art calling, Do not pass me by. Title: Praise Him! Praise Him! Author: Fanny Crosby and Chester G. Allen Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 40409 Song ID: U-5281 Hymnal: 281 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus2, Verse3, Chorus3 Verse 1: Praise Him! Praise Him! Jesus, our blessed Redeemer! Sing, O Earth, His wonderful love proclaim! Hail Him! Hail Him! Highest archangels in glory; Strength and honor give to His holy name! Verse 2: Praise Him! Praise Him! Jesus, our blessed Redeemer! For our sins He suffered, and bled and died; He our Rock, our hope of eternal salvation, Hail Him! Hail Him! Jesus the Crucified. Verse 3: Praise Him! Praise Him! Jesus, our blessed Redeemer! Heav'nly portals loud with hosannas ring! Jesus, Savior, reigneth forever and ever; Crown Him! Crown Him! Prophet and Priest and King! Chorus 1: Like a shepherd Jesus will guard His children, In His arms He carries them all day long: Praise Him! Praise Him! tell of His excellent greatness; Praise Him! Praise Him! ever in joyful song! Chorus 2: Sound His praises! Jesus who bore our sorrows; Love unbounded, wonderful, deep and strong: Praise Him! Praise Him! tell of His excellent greatness; Praise Him! Praise Him! ever in joyful song! Chorus 3: Christ is coming! Over the world victorious, Pow'r and glory unto the Lord belong: Praise Him! Praise Him! tell of His excellent greatness; Praise Him! Praise Him! ever in joyful song! Title: Praise the Lord! Ye Heavens, Adore Him Author: Edward Osler and John H. Wilcox Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 1322944 Song ID: U-5257 Hymnal: 257 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3 Verse 1: Praise the Lord; ye heav'ns adore Him; Praise Him, angels in the height; Sun and moon rejoice before Him, Praise Him, all ye stars of light. Praise the Lord! For He hath spoken; Worlds His mighty voice obeyed; Laws which never shall be broken For their guidance He hath made. Verse 2: Praise the Lord! For He is glorious; Never shall His promise fail: God hath made His saints victorious; Sin and death shall not prevail. Praise the God of our salvation! Hosts on high, His pow'r proclaim; Heav'n, and earth, and all creation, Laud and magnify His name. Verse 3: Worship, honor, glory, blessing, Lord, we offer unto Thee; Young and old, Thy praise expressing, In glad homage bend the knee. All the saints in heav'n adore Thee; We would bow before Thy throne; As Thine angels serve before Thee, so on earth Thy will be done. Title: Praise the Saviour, Ye Who Know Him! Author: Thomas Kelly Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 104967 Song ID: U-5276 Hymnal: 276 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4, Verse5 Verse 1: Praise the Saviour, ye who know Him! Who can tell how much we owe Him? Gladly let us render to Him All we are and have. Verse 2: Jesus is the name that charms us; He for conflict fits and arms us; Nothing moves and nothing harms us While we trust in Him. Verse 3: Trust in Him, ye saints, forever; He is faithful, changing never; Neither force nor guile can sever Those He loves from Him. Verse 4: Keep us, Lord, O keep us cleaving To Thyself and still believing, Till the hour of our receiving Promised joys with Thee. Verse 5: Then we shall be where we would be, Then we shall be what we should be; Things that are not now, nor could be, Soon shall be our own. Title: 1 - Praise to the Lord, The Almighty Author: Joachim Neander and Catherine Winkworth Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 43073 Song ID: U-0001 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4 Verse 1: Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of creation! O my soul, praise Him, for He is thy health and salvation! All ye who hear, Now to His temple draw near; Praise Him in glad adoration! Verse 2: Praise to the Lord, who o'er all things so wondrously reigneth, Shelters thee under His wings, yea, so gently sustaineth! Hast thou not seen How thy desires e'er have been, Granted in what He ordaineth? Verse 3: Praise to the Lord, who doth Prosper thy work and defend Thee; Surely His goodness and mercy here Daily attend thee. Ponder anew What the Almighty can do If with His love He befriend thee. Verse 4: Praise to the Lord! O let all that is in me adore Him! All that hath life and breath, come now with praises before Him! Let the Amen Sound from His people again: Gladly for aye we adore Him! Title: Revive Us Again Author: William P. MacKay and John J. Husband Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 28232 Song ID: U-5286 Hymnal: 286 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: We praise Thee, O God! for the Son of Thy love, For Jesus who died, and is now gone above. Verse 2: We praise Thee, O God! for Thy Spirit of light, Who has shown us our Saviour, and scattered our night. Verse 3: All glory and praise to the Lamb that was slain, Who has borne all our sins, and hath cleansed ev'ry stain. Verse 4: Revive us again; fill each heart with Thy love; May each soul be rekindled with fire from above. Chorus 1: Hallelujah! Thine the glory, Hallelujah! Amen; Hallelujah! Thine the glory, Revive us again. Title: 463 - Rock of Ages, Cleft for Me Author: Augustus M. Toplady and Thomas Hastings Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 40588 Song ID: U-0463 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3 Verse 1: Rock of Ages, cleft for me, Let me hide myself in Thee; Let the water and the blood, From Thy wounded side which flowed, Be of sin the double cure, Save from wrath and make me pure Verse 2: Not the labors of my hands Can fulfill Thy law’s demands; These for sin could not atone; Thou must save, and Thou alone: In my hand no price I bring, Simply to Thy cross I cling. Verse 3: While I draw this fleeting breath, When my eyes shall close in death, When I rise to worlds unknown, See Thee on Thy judgment throne, Rock of Ages, cleft for me, Let me hide myself in Thee. Title: 624 - Since Jesus Came Into My Heart Author: R. H. McDaniel and Charles H. Gabriel Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 71650 Song ID: U-0624 Hymnal: 430 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: What a wonderful change in my life has been wrought Since Jesus came into my heart! I have light in my soul for which long I have sought, Since Jesus came into my heart! Verse 2: I’m possessed of a hope that is steadfast and sure, Since Jesus came into my heart! And no dark clouds of doubt now my pathway obscure, Since Jesus came into my heart! Verse 3: There's a light in the valley of death now for me, Since Jesus came into my heart! And the gates of the city beyond I can see, Since Jesus came into my heart! Verse 4: I shall go there to dwell in that city, I know, Since Jesus came into my heart! And I'm happy, so happy, as onward I go, Since Jesus came into my heart! Chorus 1: Since Jesus came into my heart, Since Jesus came into my heart, Floods of joy o'er my soul like the sea billows roll, Since Jesus came into my heart. Title: Singing I Go Author: Eliza E. Hewitt and William J. Kirkpatrick Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 89271 Song ID: U-5275 Hymnal: 275 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: The trusting heart to Jesus clings, Nor any ill forbodes, But at the cross of Calv'ry sings, "Praise God for lifted loads!" Verse 2: The passing days bring many cares, "Fear not," I hear Him say, And when my fears are turned to prayers, The burdens slip away. Verse 3: He tells me of my Father's love And never slumb'ring eye; My everlasting King above Will all my needs supply. Verse 4: When to the throne of grace I flee, I find the promise true, The mighty arms upholding me Will bear my burdens too. Chorus 1: Singing, I go along life's road, Praising the Lord, praising the Lord; Singing, I go along life's road, For Jesus has lifted my load. Title: Softly and Tenderly Author: Will L. Thompson Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 28380 Song ID: U-5461 Hymnal: 461 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: Softly and tenderly Jesus is calling, Calling for you and for me; See, on the portals He's waiting and watching, Watching for you and for me. Verse 2: Why should we tarry when Jesus is pleading, Pleading for you and for me? Why should we linger and heed not His mercies, Mercies for you and for me? Verse 3: Time is now fleeting, the moments are passing, Passing from you and from me; Shadows are gathering, death's night is coming, Coming for you and for me. Verse 4: O for the wonderful love He has promised, Promised for you and for me! Though we have sinned, He has mercy and pardon, Pardon for you and for me. Chorus 1: Come home, come home, Ye who are weary, come home; Earnestly, tenderly, Jesus is calling, Calling, "O sinner, come home!" Title: Sunlight Author: Judson Van DeVenter and Winfield S. Weeden Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 106824 Song ID: U-5397 Hymnal: 397 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1, Verse5, Chorus1 Verse 1: I wandered in the shades of night Till Jesus came to me And with the sunlight of His love Bid all my darkness flee. Verse 2: Tho' clouds may gather in the sky and billows round me roll, However dark the world may be, I've sunlight in my soul. Verse 3: While walking in the light of God I sweet communion find; I press with holy vigor on And leave the world behind. Verse 4: I cross the wide extended fields, I journey o'er the plain, And in the sunlight of His love I reap the golden grain. Verse 5: Soon I shall see Him as He is, The light that came to me, Behold the brightness of His face Throughout eternity. Chorus 1: Sunlight, sunlight in my soul today, Sunlight, sunlight all along the way; Since the Savior found me, took away my sin, I have had the sunlight of His love within. Title: Sunshine in My Soul Author: Eliza E. Hewitt and John R. Sweney Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 98561 Song ID: U-5399 Hymnal: 399 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: There is sunshine in my soul today, More glorious and bright Than glows in any earthly sky, For Jesus is my light. Verse 2: There is music in my soul today, A carol to my King; And Jesus, listening, can hear The songs I cannot sing. Verse 3: There is springtime in my soul today, For, when the Lord is near, The dove of peace sings in my heart, The flow'rs of grace appear. Verse 4: There is gladness in my soul today, And hope and praise and love. For blessings which He gives me now, For joys laid up above. Chorus 1: Oh, there's sunshine, blessed sunshine, While the peaceful, happy moments roll, When Jesus shows His smiling face, There is sunshine in my soul. Title: Sweet Hour of Prayer Author: William W. Walford and William B. Bradbury Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 32273 Song ID: U-5305 Hymnal: 305 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3 Verse 1: Sweet hour of prayer, sweet hour of prayer, That calls me from a world of care, And bids me at my Father's throne Make all my wants and wishes known; In seasons of distress and grief, My soul has often found relief, And oft escaped the tempter's snare, By thy return, sweet hour of prayer. Verse 2: Sweet hour of prayer, sweet hour of prayer, Thy wings shall my petition bear, To Him whose truth and faithfulness Engage the waiting soul to bless; And since He bids me seek His face, Believe His word and trust His grace, I'll cast on Him my ev'ry care, And wait for thee, sweet hour of prayer. Verse 3: Sweet hour of prayer, sweet hour of prayer, May I thy consolation share, Till, from Mount Pisgah's lofty height, I view my home, and take my flight: This robe of flesh I'll drop, and rise To seize the everlasting prize; And shout, while passing through the air, Farewell, farewell, sweet hour of prayer! Title: Take the Name of Jesus with You Author: Lydia Baxter and William H. Doane Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 22410 Song ID: U-5044 Hymnal: 44 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: Take the name of Jesus with you, Child of sorrow and of woe; It will joy and comfort give you, Take it, then, where'er you go. Verse 2: Take the name of Jesus ever, As a shield from ev'ry snare; If temptations 'round you gather, Breathe that holy name in prayer. Verse 3: O the precious name of Jesus! How it thrills our souls with joy; When His loving arms receive us, And His songs our tongues employ. Verse 4: At the name of Jesus bowing, Falling prostrate at His feet; King of kings in heav'n we'll crown Him, When our journey is complete. Chorus 1: Precious name, O how sweet! Hope of earth and joy of heav'n; Precious name, O how sweet! Hope of earth and joy of heav'n. Title: Take Up Thy Cross Author: Rev. Alfred H. Ackley Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 181021 Song ID: U-5228 Hymnal: 228 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: I walked one day along a country road, And there a stranger journeyed, too, Bent low beneath the burden of His load: It was a cross, a cross I knew. Verse 2: I cried, "Lord Jesus," and He spoke my name; I saw His hands all bruised and torn; I stooped to kiss away the mark of shame, The shame for me that He had borne. Verse 3: "O let me bear Thy cross, dear Lord," I cried, And lo, a cross for me appeared, The one forgotten I had cast aside, The one, so long, that I had feared. Verse 4: My cross I'll carry till the crown appears, The way I journey soon will end, Where God Himself shall wipe away all tears, And friend hold fellowship with friend. Chorus 1: "Take up thy cross and follow Me," I hear the blessed Savior call; How can I make a lesser sacrifice, When Jesus gave His all? Title: Tell It to Jesus Author: Jeremiah E. Rankin and Edmund S. Lorenz Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 93755 Song ID: U-5307 Hymnal: 307 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: Are you weary, are you heavy-hearted? Tell it to Jesus, tell it to Jesus; Are you grieving over joys departed? Tell it to Jesus alone. Verse 2: Do the tears flow down your cheeks unbidden? Tell it to Jesus, tell it to Jesus; Have you sins that to men's eyes are hidden? Tell it to Jesus alone. Verse 3: Do you fear the gath'ring clouds of sorrow? Tell it to Jesus, tell it to Jesus; Are you anxious what shall be tomorrow? Tell it to Jesus alone. Verse 4: Are you troubled at the thought of dying? Tell it to Jesus, tell it to Jesus; For Christ's coming kingdom are you sighing? Tell it to Jesus alone. Chorus 1: Tell it to Jesus, tell it to Jesus, He is a friend that's well-known; You've no other such a friend or brother, Tell it to Jesus alone. Title: Tell Me the Story of Jesus Author: Fanny J. Crosby and John R. Sweney Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 33399 Song ID: U-5139 Hymnal: 139 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: Tell me the story of Jesus, Write on my heart ev'ry word; Tell me the story most precious, Sweetest that ever was heard. Tell how the angels, in chorus, Sang as they welcomed His birth, "Glory to God in the highest! Peace and good tidings to earth." Verse 2: Fasting alone in the desert, Tell of the days that are past, How for our sins He was tempted, Yet was triumphant at last. Tell of the years of His labor, Tell of the sorrow He bore, He was despised and afflicted, Homeless, rejected, and poor. Verse 3: Tell of the cross where they nailed Him, Writhing in anguish and pain; Tell of the grave where they laid Him, Tell how He liveth again. Love in that story so tender, Clearer than ever I see: Stay, let me weep while you whisper, Love paid the ransom for me. Chorus 1: Tell me the story of Jesus, Write on my heart ev'ry word; Tell me the story most precious, Sweetest that ever was heard. Title: That Beautiful Name Author: Jean Perry and Mabel Johnston Camp Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 63345 Song ID: U-5041 Hymnal: 41 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: I know of a Name, A beautiful Name, That angels brought down to earth; They whispered it low, One night long ago, To a maiden of lowly birth. Verse 2: I know of a Name, A beautiful Name, That unto a Babe was giv'n; The stars glittered bright Throughout that glad night, And angels praised God in heav'n. Verse 3: The One of that Name My Savior became, My Savior of Calvary; My sins nailed Him there, My burdens He bare, He suffered all this for me. Verse 4: I love that blest Name, That wonderful Name, Made higher than all in heav'n; 'Twas whispered, I know, In my heart long ago To Jesus my life I've giv'n. Chorus 1: That beautiful Name, That beautiful Name From sin has power to free us! That beautiful Name, That wonderful Name, That matchless Name is Jesus! Title: The Great Physician Author: William Hunter and John H. Stockton Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 100136 Song ID: U-5037 Hymnal: 37 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: The great Physician now is near, The sympathizing Jesus; He speaks the drooping heart to cheer, Oh! hear the voice of Jesus! Verse 2: Your many sins are all forgiv'n, Oh! hear the voice of Jesus; Go on your way in peace to heav'n, And wear a crown with Jesus. Verse 3: All glory to the dying Lamb! I now believe in Jesus; I love the blessed Saviour's name, I love the name of Jesus. Verse 4: His name dispels my guilt and fear, No other name but Jesus; Oh! how my soul delights to hear The precious name of Jesus. Chorus 1: Sweetest note in seraph song, Sweetest name on mortal tongue; Sweetest carol ever sung, Jesus, blessed Jesus. Title: 111 - The Love of God Author: Frederick M. Lehman Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 18448 Song ID: U-0111 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Bridge1, Chorus1, Verse2, Bridge2, Chorus1, Verse3, Bridge3, Chorus1 Verse 1: The love of God is greater far Than tongue or pen can ever tell; It goes beyond the highest star, And reaches to the lowest hell. Verse 2: When years of time shall pass away, And earthly thrones and kingdoms fall, When men, who here refuse to pray, On rocks and hills and mountains call, Verse 3: Could we with ink the ocean fill, And were the skies of parchment made; Were ev'ry stalk on earth a quill, And ev'ry man a scribe by trade, Chorus 1: O love of God, how rich and pure! How measureless and strong! It shall forevermore endure, The saints' and angels' song. Bridge 1: The guilty pair, bowed down with care, God gave His Son to win; His erring child He reconciled, And pardoned from his sin. Bridge 2: God's love so sure, shall still endure, All measureless and strong; Redeeming grace to Adam's race-- The saints' and angels' song. Bridge 3: To write the love of God above Would drain the ocean dry; Nor could the scroll contain the whole, Though stretched from sky to sky. Title: The Name of Jesus Author: W. C. Martin and Edmund S. Lorenz Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 22740 Song ID: U-5038 Hymnal: 38 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: The name of Jesus is so sweet, I love its music to repeat; It makes my joys full and complete, The precious name of Jesus! Verse 2: I love the name of Him whose heart Knows all my griefs and bears a part; Who bids all anxious fears depart, I love the name of Jesus! Verse 3: That name I fondly love to hear, It never fails my heart to cheer; Its music dries the falling tear, Exalt the name of Jesus! Verse 4: No word of man can ever tell How sweet the name I love so well; O let its praises ever swell, O praise the name of Jesus! Chorus 1: "Jesus," O how sweet the name! "Jesus," ev'ry day the same; "Jesus," let all saints proclaim its worthy praise forever! Title: There Is a Fountain Author: William Cowper and Lowell Mason Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 27707 Song ID: U-5088 Hymnal: 88 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4, Verse5 Verse 1: There is a fountain filled with blood Drawn from Immanuel's veins; And sinners, plunged beneath that flood, Lose all their guilty stains: Lose all their guilty stains, Lose all their guilty stains; And sinners, plunged beneath that flood, Lose all their guilty stains. Verse 2: The dying thief rejoiced to see That fountain in his day; And there may I, though vile as he, Wash all my sins away: Wash all my sins away, Wash all my sins away; And there may I, though vile as he, Wash all my sins away. Verse 3: Dear dying Lamb, Thy precious blood Shall never lose its pow'r, Till all the ransomed Church of God Be saved, to sin no more: Be saved, to sin no more, Be saved, to sin no more; Till all the ransomed Church of God Be saved, to sin no more. Verse 4: E'er since by faith I saw the stream Thy flowing wounds supply, Redeeming love has been my theme, And shall be till I die: And shall be till I die, And shall be till I die; Redeeming love has been my theme, And shall be till I die. Verse 5: When this poor lisping, stamm'ring tongue Lies silent in the grave, Then in a nobler, sweeter song I'll sing Thy pow'r to save: I'll sing Thy pow'r to save, I'll sing Thy pow'r to save; Then in a nobler, sweeter song I'll sing Thy pow'r to save. Title: There Is Power in the Blood Author: Lewis E. Jones Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 21370 Song ID: U-5319 Hymnal: 319 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: Would you be free from the burden of sin? There's pow'r in the blood, pow'r in the blood; Would you o'er evil a victory win? There's wonderful pow'r in the blood. Verse 2: Would you be free from your passion and pride? There's pow'r in the blood, pow'r in the blood; Come for a cleansing to Calvary's tide? There's wonderful pow'r in the blood. Verse 3: Would you be whiter, much whiter than snow? There's pow'r in the blood, pow'r in the blood; Sin-stains are lost in its life-giving flow; There's wonderful pow'r in the blood. Verse 4: Would you do service for Jesus your King? There's pow'r in the blood, pow'r in the blood; Would you live daily His praises to sing? There's wonderful pow'r in the blood. Chorus 1: There is pow'r, pow'r, wonderworking pow'r In the blood of the Lamb; There is pow'r, pow'r, wonderworking pow'r In the precious blood of the Lamb. Title: There's a Wideness in God's Mercy Author: Frederick W. Faber and Lizzie S. Tourjee Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 123216 Song ID: U-5416 Hymnal: 416 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4 Verse 1: There's a wideness in God's mercy, Like the wideness of the sea; There's a kindness in His justice, Which is more than liberty. Verse 2: There is welcome for the sinner, And more graces for the good; There is mercy with the Savior; There is healing in His blood. Verse 3: For the love of God is broader Than the measure of man's mind; And the heart of the Eternal Is most wonderfully kind. Verse 4: If our love were but more simple, We should take Him at His Word. And our lives would be all sunshine In the sweetness of our Lord. Title: 413 - Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus Author: Helen H. Lemmel Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 15960 Song ID: U-0413 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: O soul, are you weary and troubled? No light in the darkness you see? There's light for a look at the Savior, And life more abundant and free! Verse 2: Through death into life everlasting He passed, and we follow Him there; Over us sin no more hath dominion, For more than conqu'rors we are! Verse 3: His word shall not fail you, He promised; Believe Him and all will be well: Then go to a world that is dying, His perfect salvation to tell! Chorus 1: Turn your eyes upon Jesus, Look full in His wonderful face; And the things of earth will grow strangely dim In the light of His glory and grace. Ending 1: And the things of earth will grow strangely dim In the light of His glory and grace. Title: 'Twas a Glad Day When Jesus Found Me Author: Albert Simpson Reitz Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 144635 Song ID: U-5423 Hymnal: 423 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: I was lost in sin when Jesus found me, But He rescued me, all glory to His name! And the cords of worldly pleasure bound me, Till He saved me from sin and shame. Verse 2: O the bells of heaven now are ringing, For I hear their tones within my ransomed soul; And my heart is filled with joyful singing Since the Savior hath made me whole. Verse 3: O the joy when we shall meet in glory, In the mansions of my Father's home above; And through endless ages tell the story Of the Savior's redeeming love. Chorus 1: 'Twas a glad day when Jesus found me, When His strong arms were thrown around me; When my sins He buried in the deepest sea, And my soul He filled with joy and victory. 'Twas a glad day, O hallelujah! 'Twas a glad day He claimed His own; I will shout a glad "Hosanna!" in glory When I see Him upon His throne. Title: We Three Kings of Orient Are Author: John H. Hopkins, Jr. Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 38002 Song ID: U-5539 Hymnal: 539 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1, Verse5, Chorus1 Verse 1: We three kings of Orient are, Bearing gifts we traverse afar Field and fountain, moor and mountain, Following yonder star. Verse 2: Born a King on Bethlehem's plain, Gold I bring to crown Him again, King forever, ceasing never Over us all to reign. Verse 3: Frankincense to offer have I, Incense owns a Deity nigh; Prayer and praising, all men raising, Worship Him, God on high. Verse 4: Myrrh is mine; its bitter perfume Breathes a life of gathering gloom; Sorrowing, sighing, bleeding, dying, Sealed in the stone-cold tomb. Verse 5: Glorious now, behold Him arise, King and God and Sacrifice; Alleluia, Alleluia! Peals through the earth and skies. Chorus 1: O star of wonder, star of night, Star with royal beauty bright, Westward leading, still proceeding, Guide us to thy perfect light. Title: What a Wonderful Saviour! Author: Elisha A. Hoffman Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 124301 Song ID: U-5047 Hymnal: 47 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1, Verse5, Chorus1 Verse 1: Christ has for sin atonement made, What a wonderful Saviour! We are redeemed! The price is paid! What a wonderful Saviour! Verse 2: I praise Him for the cleansing blood, What a wonderful Saviour! That reconciled my soul to God, What a wonderful Saviour! Verse 3: He cleansed my heart from all its sin, What a wonderful Saviour! And now He reigns and rules therein; What a wonderful Saviour! Verse 4: He gives me overcoming pow'r, What a wonderful Saviour! And triumph in each trying hour; What a wonderful Saviour! Verse 5: To Him I've given all my heart, What a wonderful Saviour! The world shall never share a part; What a wonderful Saviour! Chorus 1: What a wonderful Saviour is Jesus, my Jesus! What a wonderful Saviour is Jesus, my Lord! Title: 234 - When I Survey the Wondrous Cross Author: Isaac Watts and Lowell Mason Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 27893 Song ID: U-0234 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4 Verse 1: When I survey the wondrous cross On which the Prince of Glory died, My richest gain I count but loss, And pour contempt on all my pride. Verse 2: Forbid it, Lord, that I should boast, Save in the death of Christ, my God; All the vain things that charm me most, I sacrifice them to His blood. Verse 3: See, from His head, His hands, His feet, Sorrow and love flow mingled down; Did e'er such love and sorrow meet, Or thorns compose so rich a crown? Verse 4: Were the whole realm of nature mine, That were a present far too small: Love so amazing, so divine, Demands my soul, my life, my all. Title: While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks Author: Nahum Tate and George Frederick Handel Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 32008 Song ID: U-5532 Hymnal: 532 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4, Verse5 Verse 1: While shepherds watched their flocks by night, All seated on the ground, The angel of the Lord came down, and glory shone around, And glory shone around. Verse 2: "Fear not," said he, for mighty dread Had seized their troubled minds. "Glad tidings of great joy I bring To you and all mankind, To you and all mankind." Verse 3: "To you, in David's town, this day Is born, of David's line, The Saviour, who is Christ the Lord; And this shall be the sign, And this shall be the sign:" Verse 4: "The heav'nly Babe you there shall find To human view displayed, All meanly wrapped in swathing bands, And in a manger laid, And in a manger laid." Verse 5: "All glory be to God on high, And to the earth be peace. Goodwill henceforth from heav'n to men Begin and never cease, Begin and never cease!" Title: Wonderful Grace of Jesus Author: Haldor Lillenas Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 17054 Song ID: U-5392 Hymnal: 392 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus2, Verse2, Chorus2, Verse3, Chorus2 Verse 1: Wonderful grace of Jesus, Greater than all my sin; How shall my tongue describe it, Where shall its praise begin? Taking away my burden, Setting my spirit free; For the wonderful grace of Jesus reaches me. Verse 2: Wonderful grace of Jesus, Reaching to all the lost. By it I have been pardoned, Saved to the uttermost, Chains have been torn asunder, Giving me liberty; For the wonderful grace of Jesus reaches me. Verse 3: Wonderful grace of Jesus, Reaching the most defiled. By its transforming power, Making him God's dear child, Purchasing peace and heaven, For all eternity; And the wonderful grace of Jesus reaches me. Chorus 1: Wonderful the matchless grace, the matchless grace of Jesus; Deeper than the mighty rolling sea, the rolling sea; Wonderful grace, all sufficient for me, for even me. Broader than the scope of my transgressions, Greater far than all my sin and shame, O magnify the precious name of Jesus, Praise His name! Chorus 2: Wonderful the matchless grace of Jesus; Deeper than the mighty rolling sea, Higher than the mountain, sparkling like a fountain, All sufficient grace for even me. Broader than the scope of my transgressions, Greater far than all my sin and shame, O magnify the precious name of Jesus, Praise His name! Title: Wonderful Peace Author: Warren D. Cornell and W. George Cooper Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 36925 Song ID: U-5378 Hymnal: 378 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1, Verse5, Chorus1 Verse 1: Far away in the depths of my spirit tonight Rolls a melody sweeter than psalm; In celestial-like strains it unceasingly falls O'er my soul like an infinite calm. Verse 2: What a treasure I have in this wonderful peace, Buried deep in the heart of my soul; So secure that no power can mine it away, While the years of eternity roll. Verse 3: I am resting tonight in this wonderful peace, Resting sweetly in Jesus' control; For I'm kept from all danger by night and by day, And His glory is flooding my soul. Verse 4: And I think when I rise to that City of peace, Where the Author of peace I shall see, That one strain of the song which the ransomed will sing, In that heavenly kingdom shall be: Verse 5: Ah! soul, are you here without comfort or rest, Marching down the rough pathway of time? Make Jesus your friend ere the shadows grow dark; Oh, accept this sweet peace so sublime. Chorus 1: Peace! Peace! Wonderful peace, Coming down from the Father above; Sweep over my spirit forever, I pray, In fathomless billows of love. Title: Ye Must Be Born Again Author: William T. Sleeper and George C. Stebbins Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 124473 Song ID: U-5099 Hymnal: 99 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: A ruler once came to Jesus by night To ask Him the way of salvation and light; The Master made answer in words true and plain, "Ye must be born again." Verse 2: Ye children of men, attend to the word So solemnly uttered by Jesus, the Lord; And let not this message to you be in vain, "Ye must be born again." Verse 3: Oh, ye who would enter that glorious rest And sing with the ransomed the song of the blest, The life everlasting if ye would obtain, "Ye must be born again." Verse 4: A dear one in heaven thy heart yearns to see At the beautiful gate may be watching for thee; Then list to the note of this solemn refrain, "Ye must be born again." Chorus 1: "Ye must be born again, Ye must be born again, I verily, verily say unto you, Ye must be born again." Title: 348 - Ye Servants of God Author: Charles Wesley and William Croft Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 90765 Song ID: U-0348 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4 Verse 1: Ye servants of God, your Master proclaim, And publish abroad His wonderful name; The name all victorious of Jesus extol: His kingdom is glorious, and rules over all. Verse 2: God ruleth on high, almighty to save, And still He is nigh, His presence we have; The great congregation His triumph shall sing, Ascribing salvation to Jesus, our King. Verse 3: "Salvation to God who sits on the throne!" Let all cry aloud and honor the Son; The praises of Jesus the angels proclaim; Fall down on their faces and worship the Lamb. Verse 4: Then let us adore and give Him His right; All glory and pow'r, and wisdom and might; All honor and blessing, with angels above, And thanks never ceasing, and infinite love. Title: 6 - How Great Thou Art! Author: Carl Boberg and Stuart K. Hine Copyright: ©1941,1953,1955, Stuart K. Hine, Renewed 1981 Manna Music, Inc. CCLI: 14181 Song ID: U-0006 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: O Lord my God, when I in awesome wonder Consider all the worlds Thy hands have made, I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder, Thy power throughout the universe displayed! Verse 2: When through the woods and forest glades I wander And hear the birds sing sweetly in the trees, When I look down from lofty mountain grandeur And hear the brook and feel the gentle breeze, Verse 3: And when I think that God, His Son not sparing, Sent Him to die, I scarce can take it in: That on the cross, my burden gladly bearing, He bled and died to take away my sin! Verse 4: When Christ shall come with shout of acclamation And take me home, what joy shall fill my heart! Then I shall bow in humble adoration And there proclaim: my God, how great Thou art! Chorus 1: Then sings my soul, My Savior God, to Thee; How great Thou art, How great Thou art! Then sings my soul, My Savior God, to Thee; How great Thou art, How great Thou art! Title: All for Jesus Author: Mary D. James and Asa Hull Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 136966 Song ID: U-5182 Hymnal: 182 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus2, Verse3, Chorus3, Verse4, Chorus4 Verse 1: All for Jesus, all for Jesus All my being's ransomed pow'rs: All my tho'ts and words and doings, All my days and all my hours. Verse 2: Let my hands perform His bidding, Let my feet run in His ways; Let my eyes see Jesus only, Let my lips speak forth His praise. Verse 3: Since my eyes were fixed on Jesus, I've lost sight of all beside; So enchained my spirit's vision, Looking at the Crucified. Verse 4: Oh, what wonder! How amazing! Jesus, glorious King of kings, Deigns to call me His beloved, Lets me rest beneath His wings. Chorus 1: All for Jesus! All for Jesus! All my days and all my hours; All for Jesus! All for Jesus! All my days and all my hours. Chorus 2: All for Jesus! All for Jesus! Let my lips speak forth His praise; All for Jesus! All for Jesus! Let my lips speak forth His praise. Chorus 3: All for Jesus! All for Jesus! Looking at the Crucified; All for Jesus! All for Jesus! Looking at the Crucified; Chorus 4: All for Jesus! All for Jesus! Resting now beneath His wings; All for Jesus! All for Jesus! Resting now beneath His wings. Title: O Master, Let Me Walk With Thee Author: Washington Gladden, H. Percy Smith, and Timothy R. Matthews Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 158243 Song ID: U-5359 Hymnal: 359 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4 Verse 1: O Master, let me walk with Thee In lowly paths of service free; Tell me Thy secret; Help me bear The strain of toil, the fret of care. Verse 2: Help me the slow of heart to move By some clear, winning word of love; Teach me the wayward feet to stay, And guide them in the homeward way. Verse 3: Teach me Thy patience! Still with Thee In closer, dearer company, In work that keeps faith sweet and strong, In trust that triumphs over wrong. Verse 4: In hope that sends a shining ray Far down the future's broad'ning way, In peace that only Thou canst give, With Thee, O Master, let me live. Title: He Lives Author: Alfred H. Ackley Copyright: ©1933 Homer A. Rodeheaver. Renewed 1961 Word Music, Inc. CCLI: 17597 Song ID: U-5285 Hymnal: 285 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: I serve a risen Savior, He's in the world today; I know that He is living, whatever men may say; I see His hand of mercy, I hear His voice of cheer, And just the time I need Him, He's always near. Verse 2: In all the world around me I see His loving care, And though my heart grows weary, I never will despair; I know that He is leading through all the stormy blast, The day of His appearing will come at last. Verse 3: Rejoice, rejoice, O Christian, lift up your voice and sing Eternal hallelujahs to Jesus Christ the King! The Hope of all who seek Him, the Help of all who find, None other is so loving, so good and kind. Chorus 1: He lives, He lives, Christ Jesus lives today! He walks with me and talks with me along life's narrow way. He lives, He lives, salvation to impart! You ask me how I know He lives? He lives within my heart. Title: My Redeemer Author: Philip P. Bliss and James McGranahan Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 69260 Song ID: U-5202 Hymnal: 202 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: I will sing of my Redeemer And His wondrous love to me; On the cruel cross He suffered, From the curse to set me free. Verse 2: I will tell the wondrous story, How my lost estate to save, In His boundless love and mercy, He the ransom freely gave. Verse 3: I will praise my dear Redeemer, His triumphant pow'r I'll tell, How the victory He giveth Over sin, and death, and hell. Verse 4: I will sing of my Redeemer, And His heav'nly love to me; He from death to life hath brought me, Son of God, with Him to be. Chorus 1: Sing, oh sing of my Redeemer, With His blood He purchased me. On the cross He sealed my pardon, Paid the debt and made me free. Title: Standing on the Promises Author: R. Kelso Carter Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 31803 Song ID: U-5147 Hymnal: 147 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: Standing on the promises of Christ my King, Through eternal ages let His praises ring; Glory in the highest, I will shout and sing, Standing on the promises of God. Verse 2: Standing on the promises that cannot fail, When the howling storms of doubt and fear assail, By the living Word of God I shall prevail, Standing on the promises of God. Verse 3: Standing on the promises of Christ the Lord, Bound to Him eternally by love's strong cord, Overcoming daily with the Spirit's sword, Standing on the promises of God. Verse 4: Standing on the promises I cannot fall, List'ning ev'ry moment to the Spirit's call, Resting in my Savior as my all in all, Standing on the promises of God. Chorus 1: Standing, standing, Standing on the promises of God my Savior; Standing, standing, I'm standing on the promises of God. Title: 230 - The Old Rugged Cross Author: George Bennard Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 19722 Song ID: U-0230 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: On a hill far away stood an old rugged cross, The emblem of suff'ring and shame; And I love that old cross where the dearest and best For a world of lost sinners was slain. Verse 2: Oh, that old rugged cross, so despised by the world, Has a wondrous attraction for me; For the dear Lamb of God left His glory above To bear it to dark Calvary. Verse 3: In the old rugged cross, stained with blood so divine, Such a wonderful beauty I see; For 'twas on that old cross Jesus suffered and died To pardon and sanctify me. Verse 4: To the old rugged cross I will ever be true, Its shame and reproach gladly bear; Then He'll call me some day to my home far away, Where His glory forever I'll share. Chorus 1: So I'll cherish the old rugged cross, Till my trophies at last I lay down; I will cling to the old rugged cross, And exchange it some day for a crown. Title: Rise Up, O Men of God! Author: William P. Merrill, William H. Walter and Aaron Williams Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 87156 Song ID: U-5219 Hymnal: 219 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4 Verse 1: Rise up, O men of God! Have done with lesser things; Give heart and soul and mind and strength To serve the King of kings. Verse 2: Rise up, O men of God! His kingdom tarries long: Bring in the day of brotherhood And end the night of wrong. Verse 3: Rise up, O men of God! The Church for you doth wait, Her strength unequal to her task: Rise up, and make her great! Verse 4: Lift high the cross of Christ! Tread where His feet have trod: As brothers of the Son of Man Rise up, O men of God! Title: Victory in Jesus Author: Eugene M. Bartlett Copyright: ©1939 Mrs. E.M. Bartlett. Renewed 1967. CCLI: 1259 Song ID: U-5415 Hymnal: 415 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: I heard an old, old story, How a Saviour came from glory, How He gave His life on Calvary To save a wretch like me; I heard about His groaning, Of His precious blood's atoning, Then I repented of my sins And won the victory. Verse 2: I heard about His healing, Of His cleansing pow'r revealing, How He made the lame to walk again And caused the blind to see; And then I cried, "Dear Jesus, Come and heal my broken spirit," And somehow Jesus came and bro't To me the victory. Verse 3: I heard about a mansion He has built for me in glory, And I heard about the streets of gold Beyond the crystal sea; About the angels singing, And the old redemption story, And some sweet day I'll sing up there The song of victory. Chorus 1: O victory in Jesus, My Saviour, forever, He sought me and bought me With His redeeming blood; He loved me ere I knew Him And all my love is due Him, He plunged me to victory, Beneath the cleansing flood. Title: We Give Thee But Thine Own Author: William H. How, Lowell Mason, and George J. Webb Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 90411 Song ID: U-5217 Hymnal: 217 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4, Verse5 Verse 1: We give Thee but Thine own, Whate'er the gift may be: All that we have is Thine alone, A trust, O Lord, from Thee. Verse 2: May we Thy bounties thus As stewards true receive, And gladly, as Thou blessest us, To Thee our first fruits give. Verse 3: To comfort and to bless, To find a balm for woe, To tend the lone and fatherless, Is angels' work below. Verse 4: The captive to release, To God the lost to bring, To teach the way of life and peace, That is a Christlike thing. Verse 5: And we believe Thy word, Though dim our faith may be, Whate'er for Thine we do, O Lord, We do it unto Thee. Title: Give of Your Best to the Master Author: Howard B. Grose and Charlotte A. Barnard Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 57485 Song ID: U-5170 Hymnal: 170 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: Give of your best to the Master; Give of the strength of your youth; Throw your soul's fresh, glowing ardor Into the battle for truth. Jesus has set the example; Dauntless was He, young and brave; Give Him your loyal devotion, Give Him the best that you have. Verse 2: Give of your best to the Master; Give Him first place in your heart; Give Him first place in your service, Consecrate every part. Give, and to you shall be given; God His beloved Son gave; Gratefully seeking to serve Him, Give Him the best that you have. Verse 3: Give of your best to the Master; Naught else is worthy His love; He gave Himself for your ransom, Gave up His glory above: Laid down His life without murmur, You from sin's ruin to save; Give Him your heart's adoration, Give Him the best that you have. Chorus 1: Give of your best to the Master, Give of the strength of your youth; Clad in salvation's full armor, Join in the battle for truth. Title: America Author: Samuel F. Smith and Henry Carey Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 46582 Song ID: U-5576 Hymnal: 576 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4 Verse 1: My country, 'tis of thee, Sweet land of liberty, Of thee I sing: Land where my fathers died, Land of the pilgrim's pride, From ev'ry mountain side Let freedom ring! Verse 2: My native country, thee, Land of the noble free, Thy name I love: I love thy rocks and rills, Thy woods and templed hills; My heart with rapture thrills Like that above. Verse 3: Let music swell the breeze, And ring from all the trees Sweet freedom's song: Let mortal tongues awake; Let all that breathe partake; Let rocks their silence break, The sound prolong. Verse 4: Our fathers' God, to Thee, Author of liberty, To Thee we sing: Long may our land be bright With freedom's holy light; Protect us by Thy might, Great God, our King! Title: 141 - When Morning Gilds the Skies Author: Edward Caswell and Joseph Barnby Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 69033 Song ID: U-0141 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4 Verse 1: When morning gilds the skies, My heart awaking cries, May Jesus Christ be praised! Alike at work and prayer, To Jesus I repair; May Jesus Christ be praised! Verse 2: The night becomes as day When from the heart we say, May Jesus Christ be praised! The pow'rs of darkness fear, When this sweet song they hear: May Jesus Christ be praised! Verse 3: Ye nations of mankind, In this your concord find: May Jesus Christ be praised! Let all the earth around Ring joyous with the sound: May Jesus Christ be praised! Verse 4: In heav'n's eternal bliss The loveliest strain is this, May Jesus Christ be praised! Let earth, and sea, and sky From depth to height reply: May Jesus Christ be praised! Title: O to Be Like Thee Author: Thomas O. Chisholm and William J. Kirkpatrick Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 29523 Song ID: U-5172 Hymnal: 172 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1, Verse5, Chorus1 Verse 1: O to be like Thee! Blessed Redeemer, This is my constant longing and prayer; Gladly I'll forfeit all of earth's treasures, Jesus, Thy perfect likeness to wear. Verse 2: O to be like Thee! Full of compassion, Loving, forgiving, tender and kind; Helping the helpless, cheering the fainting, Seeking the wand'ring sinner to find. Verse 3: O to be like Thee! Lowly in spirit, Holy and harmless, patient and brave; Meekly enduring cruel reproaches, Willing to suffer others to save. Verse 4: O to be like Thee! Lord, I am coming Now to receive th' anointing divine; All that I am and have I am bringing, Lord, from this moment all shall be Thine. Verse 5: O to be like Thee! While I am pleading, Pour out Thy Spirit, fill with Thy love; Make me a temple meet for Thy dwelling, Fit me for life and heaven above. Chorus 1: O to be like Thee! O to be like Thee, Blessed Redeemer, pure as Thou art! Come in Thy sweetness, come in Thy fullness; Stamp Thine own image deep on my heart. Title: 627 - Freely, Freely Author: Carol Owens Copyright: ©1972 Bud John Songs, Inc. CCLI: 13209 Song ID: U-0627 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1 Verse 1: God forgave my sin in Jesus' name. I've been born again in Jesus' name; And in Jesus' name I come to you to share His love as He told me to. Verse 2: All pow'r is giv'n in Jesus' name, In earth and heav'n in Jesus' name; And in Jesus' name I come to you to share His pow'r as He told me to. Chorus 1: He said "Freely, freely you have received; Freely, freely give. Go in My name and, because you believe, Others will know that I live." Title: Whiter Than Snow Author: James Nicholson and William G. Fischer Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 37144 Song ID: U-5459 Hymnal: 459 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1, Verse5, Chorus2 Verse 1: Lord Jesus, I long to be perfectly whole; I want Thee forever to live in my soul. Break down ev'ry idol, cast out ev'ry foe. Now wash me and I shall be whiter than snow. Verse 2: Lord Jesus, look down from Thy throne in the skies, And help me to make a complete sacrifice. I give up myself, and whatever I know. Now wash me and I shall be whiter than snow. Verse 3: Lord Jesus, for this I most humbly entreat. I wait, blessed Lord, at Thy crucified feet. By faith, for my cleansing I see Thy blood flow. Now wash me and I shall be whiter than snow. Verse 4: Lord Jesus, Thou seest I patiently wait. Come now, and within me a new heart create. To those who have sought Thee Thou never saidst no. Now wash me and I shall be whiter than snow. Verse 5: The blessing by faith I receive from above. Oh, glory! My soul is made perfect in love. My prayer has prevailed, and this moment I know The Blood is applied, I am whiter than snow. Chorus 1: Whiter than snow, yes, whiter than snow; Now wash me and I shall be whiter than snow. Chorus 2: Whiter than snow, yes, whiter than snow; The blood is applied; I am whiter than snow. Title: Jesus Is the Joy of Living Author: A.H. Ackley Copyright: ©1939. Renewed 1967 Word Music, Inc. CCLI: 57753 Song ID: U-5425 Hymnal: 425 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: I have found a wondrous Savior, Jesus Christ, The Soul's Delight; Ev'ry blessing of His favor Fills my heart with hope so bright. Verse 2: Life is growing rich with beauty, Toil has lost its weary strain, Now a halo crowns each duty, And I sing a glad refrain. Verse 3: Heavn'ly wisdom He provides me, Grace to keep my spirit free; In His own sweet way He guides me When the path I cannot see. Verse 4: O what splendor, O what glory, O what matchless pow'r divine, Is the Christ of Gospel story, Christ, the Savior, who is mine. Chorus 1: Jesus is the Joy of Living, He's the King of Life to me; Unto Him my all I'm giving, His forevermore to be. I will do what He commands me, Anywhere He leads I'll go; Jesus is the Joy of Living, He's the dearest Friend I know. Title: O Jesus, I Have Promised Author: John E. Bode and Arthur H. Mann Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 40454 Song ID: U-5211 Hymnal: 211 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3 Verse 1: O Jesus, I have promised To serve Thee to the end; Be Thou forever near me, My Master and my Friend: I shall not fear the battle If Thou art by my side, Nor wander from the pathway If Thou wilt be my guide. Verse 2: O let me feel Thee near me, The world is ever near; I see the sights that dazzle, The tempting sounds I hear: My foes are ever near me, Around me and within; But, Jesus, draw Thou nearer, And shield my soul from sin. Verse 3: O Jesus, Thou hast promised To all who follow Thee, That where Thou art in glory, There shall Thy servant be; And, Jesus, I have promised To serve Thee to the end; O give me grace to follow My Master and my Friend. Title: Praise the Name of Jesus Author: Roy Hicks, Jr. Copyright: ©1976 Latter Rain Music CCLI: 12712 Song ID: U-5121 Hymnal: 121 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1 Verse 1: Praise the name of Jesus, Praise the name of Jesus. He's my Rock, He's my Fortress, He's my Deliverer, In Him will I trust. Praise the name of Jesus. Title: 588 - Sanctuary Author: John W. Thompson and Randy Scruggs Copyright: ©1982 Whole Armor Publishing Company; Full Armor Publishing Company CCLI: 24140 Song ID: U-1044 Hymnal: 588 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal, Praise PlayOrder: Chorus1, Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1 Verse 1: It is You, Lord, who came to save The heart and soul of every man; It is You, Lord, who knows my weakness, Who gives me strength with Thine own hand. Verse 2: Lead me on, Lord, from temptation, Purify me from within; Fill my heart with Your Holy Spirit, Take away all my sin. Chorus 1: Lord, prepare me to be a sanctuary, Pure and holy, tried and true; With thanksgiving, I’ll be a living sanctuary for You. Title: 592 - Refiner's Fire Author: Brian Doerksen Copyright: ©1990 Vineyard Songs Canada CCLI: 426298 Song ID: U-1043 Hymnal: 592 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal, Praise PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1 Verse 1: Purify my heart, let me be as gold and precious silver. Purify my heart, let me be as gold, pure gold. Verse 2: Purify my heart, cleanse me from within and make me holy. Purify my heart, cleanse me from my sin, deep within. Chorus 1: Refiner’s fire. My heart’s one desire is to be holy, Set apart for You, Lord. I choose to be holy, Set apart for You, my Master; Ready to do Your will, Ready to do Your will. Title: 760 - Above All Author: Lenny Leblanc and Paul Baloche Copyright: ©1999 Integrity's Hosanna! Music, LenSongs Publishing CCLI: 2672885 Song ID: U-1001 Hymnal: 760 Notes: Groups: Awana, New Hymnal, Praise PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse1, Verse2, Chorus1, Chorus1, Ending1 Verse 1: Above all powers, Above all kings, Above all nature and all created things, Above all wisdom and all the ways of man, You were here before the world began. Verse 2: Above all kingdoms, Above all thrones, Above all wonders the world has ever known. Above all wealth and treasures of the earth, There's no way to measure what You're worth. Chorus 1: Crucified, laid behind a stone, You lived to die rejected and alone. Like a rose, trampled on the ground, You took the fall, and thought of our need. Above all. Ending 1: Like a rose, trampled on the ground, You took the fall, and thought of our need. Above all. Title: Adonai Author: Lorraine Ferro, Stephanie Lewis, and Don Koch Copyright: ©1997 Dayspring Music,Inc; Definitive Music; Birdwing Music; Sparrow Song CCLI: 2414407 Song ID: U-1002 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Praise PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Bridge1, Chorus2 Verse 1: One single drop of rain, Your salty tear became blue ocean. One tiny grain of sand Turning in Your hand, a world in motion. You’re out beyond the furthest morning star, Close enough to hold me in Your arms. Verse 2: One timid faithful knock Resounds upon the Rock of Ages; One trembling heart and soul Becomes a servant bold and courageous. You call across the mountains and the seas; I answer from the deepest part of me. Chorus 1: Adonai, I lift up my heart and I cry, My Adonai, You are maker of each moment, Father of my hope and freedom; Oh, my Adonai. Chorus 2: Adonai, I lift up my heart and I cry, My Adonai, You are maker of each moment, Father of my hope and freedom; Oh, my Adonai. Oh, my Adonai. Oh, my Adonai. Bridge 1: From age to age You reign in majesty, And today You’re making miracles in me. Title: 305 - Amazing Love Author: Billy Foote Copyright: ©1996 worshiptogether.com songs CCLI: 2456623 Song ID: U-1003 Hymnal: 305 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal, Praise PlayOrder: Verse1, Bridge1, Chorus1, Verse1, Chorus1, Chorus1, Ending1 Verse 1: I’m forgiven because You were forsaken, And I’m accepted, You were condemned; And I’m alive and well, Your Spirit is within me, Because You died and rose again. Chorus 1: Amazing love, how can it be That You, my King, would die for me? Amazing love, I know it’s true, That it’s my joy to honor You. Bridge 1: You are my King. You are my King. Jesus, You are my King. Jesus, You are my King. Ending 1: In all I do, I honor You. In all I do, I honor You. Title: 62 - Ancient of Days Author: Jamie Harvill and Gary Sadler Copyright: ©1992 Integrity's Hosanna! Music CCLI: 798108 Song ID: U-1004 Hymnal: 62 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal, Praise PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse1, Chorus1, Bridge1, Bridge1, Verse1, Chorus1, Ending1 Verse 1: Blessing and honor, glory and power Be unto the Ancient of Days. From every nation, all of creation Bow before the Ancient of Days. Chorus 1: Every tongue in heaven and earth shall declare Your glory; Every knee shall bow at Your throne in worship. You will be exalted, O God, And Your kingdom shall not pass away, O Ancient of Days. Bridge 1: Your Kingdom shall reign over all the earth, Sing unto the Ancient of Days. For none can compare to Your matchless worth, Sing unto the Ancient of Days. Ending 1: O Ancient of Days, O Ancient of Days. Title: 554 - As The Deer Author: Martin Nystrom Copyright: ©1984 Maranatha Praise, Inc. CCLI: 1431 Song ID: U-1005 Hymnal: 554 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal, Praise PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Chorus1 Verse 1: As the deer panteth for the water, So my soul longeth after Thee. You alone are my heart’s desire, And I long to worship Thee. Verse 2: You’re my friend, and You are my brother Even though You are a King. I love You more than any other, So much more than anything. Chorus 1: You alone are my strength, my shield. To You alone may my spirit yield. You alone are my heart’s desire And I long to worship Thee. Title: Awesome Beauty Author: Daphne Rademaker Copyright: ©1990 Mercy / Vineyard Publishing CCLI: 592270 Song ID: U-1006 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Praise PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Verse4, Chorus1, Chorus1 Verse 1: Lord of all creation, we gladly bow to You. King of every nation, we give our hearts to You. Verse 2: My soul finds rest in You alone; I will not be shaken. May Your ways be known in all the earth, For You are above all others. Verse 3: Lord of all creation, we gladly bow to You. King of every nation, we give our hearts to You. Verse 4: Those who look to You are radiant; I won’t be ashamed. May Your name be known in all the earth, For You are above all others. Chorus 1: Awesome Beauty, perfect faithfulness, Endless mercy, mighty Lamb. Title: 77 - Better is One Day Author: Matt Redman Copyright: ©1995 Thankyou Music CCLI: 1097451 Song ID: U-1007 Hymnal: 77 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal, Praise PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Chorus2, Verse2, Chorus1, Chorus1, Bridge1, Bridge2, Chorus1, Chorus2 Verse 1: How lovely is Your dwelling place, O Lord almighty. For my soul longs and even faints for You. For here my heart is satisfied within Your Presence. I sing beneath the shadow of Your wings. Verse 2: One thing I ask and I would seek: to see Your beauty, To find You in the place Your glory dwells. One thing I ask and I would seek: to see Your beauty, To find You in the place Your glory dwells. Chorus 1: Better is one day in Your courts, Better is one day in Your House, Better is one day in Your courts than thousands elsewhere. Chorus 2: Better is one day in Your courts, Better is one day in Your House, Better is one day in Your courts than thousands elsewhere, Than thousands elsewhere. Bridge 1: My heart and flesh cry out for You, the living God. Your Spirit’s water to my soul. I’ve tasted and I’ve seen. Come once again to me. I will draw near to You, I will draw near to You. Bridge 2: Better is one day, Better is one day, Better is one day Than thousands elsewhere. Better is one day, Better is one day, Better is one day Than thousands elsewhere. Title: 481 - Breathe Author: Marie Barnett Copyright: ©1995 Mercy / Vineyard Publishing CCLI: 1874117 Song ID: U-1009 Hymnal: 481 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal, Praise PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse1, Chorus1, Chorus2 Verse 1: This is the air I breathe, This is the air I breathe; Your holy presence living in me. Verse 2: This is my daily bread, This is my daily bread; Your very word spoken to me. Chorus 1: And I, I’m desp’rate for You. And I, I’m lost without You. Chorus 2: And I, I’m desp’rate for You. And I, I’m lost without You. I’m lost without You... Title: 491 - Shine, Jesus Shine Author: Graham Kendrick Copyright: ©1987 Make Way Music CCLI: 30426 Song ID: U-1046 Hymnal: 491 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal, Praise PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: Lord, the light of Your love is shining In the midst of the darkness, shining; Jesus, Light of the World, shine upon us. Set us free by the truth You now bring us, Shine on me, shine on me. Verse 2: Lord, I come to Your awesome presence, From the shadows into Your radiance; By the blood I may enter Your brightness, Search me, try me, consume all my darkness, Shine on me, shine on me. Verse 3: As we gaze on Your kingly brightness, So our faces display Your likeness; Ever changing from glory to glory, Mirror’d here, may our lives tell Your story, Shine on me, shine on me. Chorus 1: Shine, Jesus shine, fill this land with the Father's glory; Blaze, Spirit blaze, set our hearts on (SET OUR HEARTS ON FIRE) fire. Flow, river flow, flood the nations with grace and mercy; Send forth Your Word, Lord, and let there be light. Title: 329 - Spirit Song Author: John Wimber Copyright: ©1979 Mercy / Vineyard Publishing CCLI: 27824 Song ID: U-1048 Hymnal: 329 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal, Praise PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Chorus1 Verse 1: O let the Son of God enfold you With His Spirit and His love. Let Him fill your life and satisfy your soul. O let Him have the things that hold you And His Spirit, like a dove, Will descend upon your life and make you whole. Verse 2: O come and sing this song with gladness As your hearts are filled with joy. Lift your hands in sweet surrender to His name. O give Him all your tears and sadness, Give Him all your years of pain And you’ll enter into life in Jesus’ name. Chorus 1: Jesus, O Jesus, Come and fill Your lambs. Jesus, O Jesus, Come and fill Your lambs. Title: 589 - Take My Life Author: Scott Underwood Copyright: ©1995 Mercy / Vineyard Publishing CCLI: 1617154 Song ID: U-1049 Hymnal: 589 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal, Praise PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Chorus2 Verse 1: Holiness, holiness is what I long for. Holiness is what I need. Holiness, holiness is what You want from me. Verse 2: Faithfulness, faithfulness is what I long for. Faithfulness is what I need. Faithfulness, faithfulness is what You want from me. Verse 3: Righteousness, righteousness is what I long for. Righteousness is what I need. Righteousness, righteousness is what You want from me. Chorus 1: So take my heart; and form it. Take my mind; transform it. Take my will; conform it to Yours, to Yours, oh Lord. Chorus 2: So take my heart; and form it. Take my mind; transform it. Take my will; conform it to Yours, to Yours, oh Lord. To Yours, to Yours, oh Lord, To Yours, to Yours, oh Lord. Title: We Will Dance Author: David Ruis Copyright: ©1993 Mercy / Vineyard Publishing CCLI: 1034438 Song ID: U-1053 Hymnal: 955 Notes: Groups: Praise PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse1, Verse2, Chorus1, Chorus1, Ending1 Verse 1: Sing a song of celebration, lift up your voice in praise, For the Bridegroom has come, the glorious One. And oh, we will look on His face; And we’ll go to a much better place. Verse 2: Dance with all your might, lift up your hands and clap for joy, For the time’s drawing near when He will appear. And oh, we will stand by His side; A strong, pure, spotless bride. Chorus 1: We will dance on the streets that are golden, The glorious bride and the great Son of man. From ev’ry tongue and tribe and nation, We’ll join in the song of the Lamb. Ending 1: We’ll join in the song of the Lamb, We’ll join in the song of the Lamb. Title: 125 - You Are My Hiding Place Author: Michael Ledner Copyright: ©1981 Maranatha! Music; CCCM Music CCLI: 21442 Song ID: U-1054 Hymnal: 125 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal, Praise PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse2 Verse 1: You are my hiding place, You always fill my heart with songs of deliverance, Whenever I am afraid I will trust in You. I will trust in You, let the weak say, "I am strong in the strength of the Lord". I will trust in You. Verse 2: (round) You are my hiding place, You always fill my heart with songs of deliverance, Whenever I am afraid I will trust in You. I will trust in You, let the weak say, "I am strong in the strength of the Lord". I will trust in You. Title: 570 - You Shall Go Out With Joy Author: Stuart Dauermann and Steffi Geiser Rubin Copyright: ©1975 Lillenas Publishing Company CCLI: 20546 Song ID: U-1055 Hymnal: 570 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal, Praise PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse1, Chorus1, Verse1, Chorus1, Verse1, Ending1 Verse 1: You shall go out with joy and be led forth with peace; The mountains and the hills will break forth before you. There’ll be shouts of joy and all the trees of the field Will clap, will clap their hands. Chorus 1: And all the trees of the field will clap their hands; The trees of the field will clap their hands; The trees of the field will clap their hands While you go out with joy. Ending 1: And all the trees of the field will clap their hands; The trees of the field will clap their hands; The trees of the field will clap their hands While you go out with joy. While you go out with joy. While you go out with joy. Title: 29 - You're Worthy of My Praise Author: David Ruis Copyright: ©1991 Maranatha Praise, Inc.; Shade Tree Music CCLI: 487976 Song ID: U-1056 Hymnal: 29 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal, Praise PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Verse4, Chorus1, Chorus1 Verse 1: I will worship (I will worship) With all of my heart, (With...) I will praise You (I will...) With all of my strength. (All...) Verse 2: I will seek You (I will...) All of my days, (All of...) I will follow (I will...) All of Your ways. (All Your ways.) Verse 3: I will bow down, (I will...) Hail You as King. (Hail...) I will serve You, (I will...) Give You everything. (Give You e-e-ev'rything.) Verse 4: I will lift up, (I will ...) My eyes to Your throne. (My...) I will trust You, (I will ...) I will trust You alone. (Trust in Yo-u alone.) Chorus 1: I will give You all my worship. I will give You all my praise. You alone I long to worship. You alone are worthy of my praise. Title: xEmmanuel Author: Michael W. Smith Copyright: ©1983 Meadowgreen Music Company CCLI: 81468 Song ID: U-1016 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Praise PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4 Verse 1: Emmanuel, Emmanuel. Wonderful Counselor, Lord of life, Lord of All, He is the Prince of peace, Mighty God, Holy One. Emman - u - el, Emmanuel. Verse 2: Emmanuel, Emmanuel. Wonderful Counselor, Lord of life, Lord of All, He is the Prince of peace, Mighty God, Holy One. Emman - u - el, Emmanuel. Verse 3: Emmanuel, Emmanuel. Wonderful Counselor, Lord of life, Lord of All, He is the Prince of peace, Mighty God, Holy One. Emmanuel, Emmanuel. Verse 4: Emmanuel, Emmanuel. Emmanuel, Emmanuel. Wonderful Counselor, Lord of life, Lord of All, He is the Prince of peace, Mighty God, Holy One. Emman - u - el, Emmanuel. Emmanuel. Emmanuel. Emmanuel. Emmanuel. Title: 522 - In His Time Author: Diane Ball Copyright: ©1978 Maranatha! Music; CCCM Music CCLI: 25981 Song ID: U-1029 Hymnal: 522 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal, Praise PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2 Verse 1: In His time, in His time, He makes all things beautiful, in His time. Lord, please show me every day, As You're teaching me Your way, That You do just what You say, in Your time. Verse 2: In Your time, in Your time, You make all things beautiful, in Your time. Lord, my life to You I bring, May each song I have to sing Be to You a lovely thing, in Your time. Title: 214 - Isn't He Author: John Wimber Copyright: ©1980 Mercy / Vineyard Publishing CCLI: 1541 Song ID: U-1030 Hymnal: 214 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal, Praise PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Ending1 Verse 1: Isn’t He beautiful? Beautiful, isn’t He? Prince of Peace, Son of God, Isn’t He? Verse 2: Isn’t He (isn’t He) beautiful (beautiful)? Beautiful (beautiful), isn’t He (isn’t He)? Counselor, Almighty God, Isn’t He? Isn’t He? Verse 3: Yes, You are (yes, You are) beautiful (beautiful). Beautiful (beautiful), yes, You are (yes, You are). Prince of Peace, Son of God, Isn’t He? Isn’t He? Ending 1: Isn’t He? Isn’t He? Isn’t He? Title: Jesus, Name Above All Names/Father, I adore You Author: Naida Hearn / Terrye Coelho Copyright: ©1974, 1978 Scripture In Song / 1972 Maranatha! Music; CCCM Music CCLI: 21291;26567 Song ID: U-1031 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Praise PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4, Ending1 Verse 1: Jesus, name above all names; Beautiful Savior, glorious Lord. Emmanuel, God is with us; Blessed Redeemer, Living Word. Verse 2: Jesus, I adore You. Lay my life before You. How I love You. Verse 3: Father, I adore You. Lay my life before You. How I love You. Verse 4: (3-part round) Spirit, I adore You. Lay my life before You. How I love You. Ending 1: Jesus, name above all names; Beautiful Savior, glorious Lord. Emmanuel, God is with us; Blessed Redeemer, Living Word. How I love You. Title: 566 - Father, I Adore You Author: Terrye Coelho Copyright: ©1972 Maranatha! Music; CCCM Music CCLI: 26557 Song ID: U-1017 Hymnal: 566 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal, Praise PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3 Verse 1: Father, I adore You. Lay my life before You. How I love You. Verse 2: Jesus, I adore You. Lay my life before You. How I love You. Verse 3: Spirit, I adore You. Lay my life before You. How I love You. Title: 529 - Change My Heart, O God Author: Eddie Espinosa Copyright: ©1982 Mercy / Vineyard Publishing CCLI: 1565 Song ID: U-1010 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal, Praise PlayOrder: Chorus1, Chorus1, Verse1, Chorus1 Verse 1: You are the Potter, I am the clay; Mold me and make me, This is what I pray. Chorus 1: Change my heart, O God, Make it ever true; Change my heart, O God, May I be like You. Title: 7 - Come, Let Us Worship and Bow Down Author: Dave Doherty Copyright: ©1980 Maranatha Praise, Inc. CCLI: 27329 Song ID: U-1012 Hymnal: 7 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal, Praise PlayOrder: Chorus1, Verse1, Chorus1, Verse1, Chorus1, Verse1, Ending1 Verse 1: For He is our God, And we are the people of His pasture, And the sheep of His hand Just the sheep of His hand. Chorus 1: Come, let us worship and bow down, Let us kneel before the Lord, our God, our Maker. Come, let us worship and bow down, Let us kneel before the Lord, our God, our Maker. Ending 1: Come, let us worship and bow down! Come, let us worship and bow down! Come, let us worship and bow down! Title: Come, Let Us Worship and Bow Down / The First Noel Author: Dave Doherty / Public Domain Copyright: ©1980 Maranatha Praise, Inc. / Public Domain CCLI: 27329;31047 Song ID: U-1011 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Praise PlayOrder: Chorus1, Verse1, Chorus1, Verse1, Verse2, Chorus2, Verse3, Chorus2 Verse 1: For He is our God, And we are the people of His pasture, And the sheep of His hand, Just the sheep of His hand. Verse 2: The first Noel, the angel did say, Was to certain poor shepherds in fields as they lay; In fields where they lay keeping their sheep, On a cold winter’s night that was so deep. Verse 3: Then let us all with one accord Sing praises to our heavenly Lord. Who hath made heaven and earth of naught, And with His blood mankind hath bought. Chorus 1: Come, let us worship and bow down, Let us kneel before the Lord, our God, our Maker. Come, let us worship and bow down, Let us kneel before the Lord, our God, our Maker. Chorus 2: Noel, Noel, Noel, Noel. Born is the king of Israel. Title: 30 - Come, Now is the Time for Worship Author: Brian Doerksen Copyright: ©1998 Vineyard Songs (UK/Eire) CCLI: 2430948 Song ID: U-1013 Hymnal: 30 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal, Praise PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2 Verse 1: Come, now is the time to worship; Come, now is the time to give your heart. Come, just as you are to worship; Come, just as you are before your God, Come. Verse 2: Come, now is the time to worship; Come, now is the time to give your heart. Come, just as you are to worship; Come, just as you are before your God, Come... Come... Come... Come. Chorus 1: One day ev’ry tongue will confess You are God, One day ev’ry knee will bow; Still, the greatest treasure remains for those Who gladly choose You now. Chorus 2: Willingly we choose to surrender our lives, Willingly our knees will bow; With all our heart, soul, mind and strength We gladly choose You now. Title: 526 - Cry of My Heart Author: Terry Butler Copyright: ©1991 Mercy / Vineyard Publishing CCLI: 844980 Song ID: U-1014 Hymnal: 526 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal, Praise PlayOrder: Chorus1, Chorus1, Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Chorus1, Ending1 Verse 1: Teach me Your holy ways, O Lord; So I can walk in Your truth. Teach me Your holy ways, O Lord; And make me wholly devoted to You. (Oh, oh, oh yeah.) Verse 2: Open my eyes so I can see The wonderful things that You do. Open my heart up more and more, And make it wholly devoted to You. (Oh, oh, oh yeah.) Chorus 1: It is the cry of my heart to follow You; It is the cry of my heart to be close to You. It is the cry of my heart to follow All of the days of my life. Ending 1: All of the days of my life. All of the days of my life. Title: 289 - Days of Elijah Author: Robin Mark Copyright: ©1996 Daybreak Music, Ltd. CCLI: 1537904 Song ID: U-1015 Hymnal: 289 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal, Praise PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Verse4, Chorus1, Bridge1, Chorus1, Chorus2 Verse 1: These are the days of Elijah, Declaring the word of the Lord. And these are the days of Your servant, Moses, Righteousness being restored. Verse 2: And though these are days of great trials, Of famine and darkness and sword, We are the voice in the desert crying, "Prepare ye the way of the Lord". Verse 3: And these are the days of Ezekiel, The dry bones becoming as flesh. And these are the days of Your servant, David, Rebuilding a temple of praise. Verse 4: And these are the days of the harvest, The fields are white in the world. And we are the laborers in Your vineyard, Declaring the word of the Lord. Chorus 1: Behold He comes riding on the clouds, Shining like the sun at the trumpet call. So lift your voice, it’s the year of Jubilee, And out of Zion’s hill salvation comes. Chorus 2: Behold He comes riding on the clouds, Shining like the sun at the trumpet call. So lift your voice, it’s the year of Jubilee, And out of Zion’s hill salvation comes. And out of Zion’s hill salvation comes. And out of Zion’s hill salvation comes! Bridge 1: There’s no God like Jehovah! (7x) Title: 510 - Firm Foundation Author: Nancy Gordon and Jamie Harvill Copyright: ©1994 Integrity's Hosanna! Music; Integrity's Praise! Music CCLI: 1355753 Song ID: U-1018 Hymnal: 510 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal, Praise PlayOrder: Chorus1, Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Chorus2 Verse 1: I have a living hope, (echo) I have a future. (echo) God has a plan for me. (echo) Of this I’m sure, of this I’m sure. Verse 2: Your Word is faithful, (echo) Mighty in power. (echo) God has delivered me. (echo) Of this I’m sure, of this I’m sure. Chorus 1: Jesus, You’re my firm foundation, I know I can stand secure. Jesus, You’re my firm foundation, I put my hope in Your Holy Word. I put my hope in Your Holy Word. Chorus 2: Jesus, You’re my firm foundation, I know I can stand secure. Jesus, You’re my firm foundation, I put my hope in Your Holy Word. I put my hope in Your Holy Word. I put my hope in Your Holy Word. I put my hope in Your Holy Word. Title: 576 - Give Thanks Author: Henry Smith Copyright: ©1978 Integrity's Hosanna! Music CCLI: 20285 Song ID: U-1019 Hymnal: 576 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal, Praise PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse1, Chorus1, Verse1, Chorus2 Verse 1: Give thanks with a grateful heart, Give thanks to the Holy One, Give thanks because He’s given Jesus Christ, His Son. Chorus 1: And now let the weak say, "I am strong;" Let the poor say, "I am rich," Because of what the Lord has done for us. Chorus 2: And now let the weak say, "I am strong;" Let the poor say, "I am rich," Because of what the Lord has done for us. Give thanks... Give thanks... Give thanks. Title: 590 - Give Us Clean Hands Author: Charlie Hall Copyright: ©2000 worshiptogether.com songs; Six Steps Music CCLI: 2060208 Song ID: U-1020 Hymnal: 590 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal, Praise PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Bridge1, Verse1, Chorus1, Bridge1, Bridge1, Ending1 Verse 1: We bow our hearts, we bend our knees, O Spirit, come make us humble. We turn our eyes from evil things, O Lord, we cast down our idols. Chorus 1: Give us clean hands, give us pure hearts. Let us not lift our souls to another. Give us clean hands, give us pure hearts. Let us not lift our souls to another. Bridge 1: O God let us be a generation that seeks, That seeks Your face, O God of Jacob. Ending 1: Give us clean hands, give us pure hearts, Give us clean hands, give us pure hearts, Give us clean hands. Title: 51 - God of Wonders Author: Marc Byrd and Steve Hindalong Copyright: ©2000 New Spring Publishing, Inc.; Storm Boy Music; Meaux Mercy CCLI: 3118757 Song ID: U-1021 Hymnal: 51 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal, Praise PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus2, Chorus2, Bridge1, Chorus1, Ending1 Verse 1: Lord of all creation, Of water, earth and sky, The heavens are Your tabernacle, Glory to the Lord on high. Verse 2: Early in the morning I will celebrate the light. When I stumble in the darkness, I will call Your name by night. Chorus 1: God of wonders beyond our galaxy, You are holy, holy! The universe declares Your majesty, You are holy, holy! Lord of heaven and earth. Lord of heaven and earth. Chorus 2: God of wonders beyond our galaxy, You are holy, holy! The universe declares Your majesty, You are holy, holy! Lord of heaven and earth. (Lord of...) Lord of heaven and earth. (Lord of...) Bridge 1: Hallelujah! (to the Lord of heaven and earth.) Hallelujah! (to the Lord of heaven and earth.) Hallelujah! (to the Lord of heaven and earth.) Ending 1: Lord of heaven and earth. Lord of heaven and earth. Title: 579 - He Has Made Me Glad Author: Leona Von Brethorst Copyright: ©1976 Maranatha Praise, Inc. CCLI: 1493 Song ID: U-1022 Hymnal: 579 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal, Praise PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse1, Chorus1 Verse 1: I will enter His gates with thanksgiving in my heart, I will enter His courts with praise. I will say "This is the day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice for He has made me glad." Chorus 1: He has made me glad; He has made me glad. I will rejoice for He has made me glad. He has made me glad; He has made me glad. I will rejoice for He has made me glad. Title: 130 - Here I am to Worship Author: Tim Hughes Copyright: ©2000 Thankyou Music CCLI: 3266032 Song ID: U-1023 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal, Praise PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Ending1, Chorus1, Chorus1, Ending1 Verse 1: Light of the world, You stepped down into darkness, Opened my eyes, let me see Beauty that made this heart adore You, Hope of a life spent with You. Verse 2: King of all days, O so highly exalted, Glorious in heaven above. Humbly You came to the earth You created, All for love’s sake became poor. Chorus 1: And here I am to worship; Here I am to bow down; Here I am to say that You’re my God. You’re altogether lovely, altogether worthy, Altogether wonderful to me. Ending 1: I’ll never know how much it cost To see my sin upon that cross. I’ll never know how much it cost To see my sin upon that cross. Title: Holy and Anointed One Author: John Barnett Copyright: ©1988 Mercy / Vineyard Publishing CCLI: 164361 Song ID: U-1024 Hymnal: 840 Notes: Groups: Praise PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus3, Verse2, Chorus4 Verse 1: Jesus, Jesus, Holy and anointed one, Jesus. Jesus, Jesus, Risen and exalted one, Jesus. Verse 2: Jesus, Jesus, Holy and anointed one, Jesus Chorus 1: Your name is like honey on my lips, Your Spirit like water to my soul, Your Word is a lamp unto my feet. Jesus, I love You, I love You. Chorus 2: Your name is like honey on my lips, Your Spirit like water to my soul, Your Word is a lamp unto my feet. Jesus, I love You, I love You. Jesus, Jesus. Chorus 3: Your name is like honey on my lips, Your Spirit like water to my soul, Your Word is a lamp unto my feet. Jesus, We love You, We love You. Chorus 4: Your name is like honey on my lips, Your Spirit like water to my soul, Your Word is a lamp unto my feet. Jesus, We love You, We love You. Jesus, Jesus. Title: Hungry Author: Kathryn Scott Copyright: ©1999 Vineyard Songs (UK/Eire) CCLI: 2650364 Song ID: U-1025 Hymnal: 850 Notes: Groups: Praise PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Chorus1 Verse 1: Hungry, I come to You, for I know You satisfy. I am empty, but I know Your love does not run dry. And so I wait for You. So I wait for You. Verse 2: Broken, I run to You, for Your arms are open wide; I am weary, but I know Your touch restores my life. And so I wait for You. So I wait for You. Chorus 1: I’m falling on my knees, Offering all of me. Jesus, You’re all this heart is living for. Title: 116 - I Could Sing of Your Love Forever Author: Martin Smith Copyright: ©1994 Curious? Music UK CCLI: 1043199 Song ID: U-1026 Hymnal: 116 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal, Praise PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Bridge1, Chorus1, Verse1, Chorus1, Bridge1, Chorus1, Chorus1 Verse 1: Over the mountains and the sea Your river runs with love for me, And I will open up my heart, and let the Healer set me free. I’m happy to be in the truth, And I will daily lift my hands, For I will always sing of when Your love came down. Chorus 1: I could sing of your love forever, I could sing of your love forever. I could sing of your love forever, I could sing of your love forever. Bridge 1: Oh, I feel like dancing, It’s foolishness I know; But when the world has seen the light, They will dance with joy like we’re dancing now. Title: 555 - I Love You, Lord Author: Laurie Klein Copyright: ©1978, 1980 House Of Mercy Music CCLI: 25266 Song ID: U-1027 Hymnal: 555 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal, Praise PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse1, Verse1 Verse 1: I love You, Lord, And I lift my voice To worship You, O, my soul rejoice. Take joy, my King, In what you hear, May it be a sweet, sweet sound In Your ear. Verse 2: I praise You, Lord, And I lift my voice To honor You, O, my soul rejoice. Take joy, my King,In what you hear, May it be a sweet, sweet sound In Your ear. Title: I Will Celebrate Author: Linda Duvall, Phil Driscoll Copyright: ©1985 Above And Beyond Music CCLI: 72264 Song ID: U-1028 Hymnal: 678 Notes: Groups: Praise PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse1, Verse1 Verse 1: I will celebrate, sing unto the Lord; I will sing to Him a new song. I will celebrate, sing unto the Lord; I will sing to Him a new song. I will praise Him For He has triumphed victoriously. I will praise Him For He has triumphed victoriously. Title: Lord Most High Author: Don Harris and Gary Sadler Copyright: ©1996 Integrity's Hosanna! Music CCLI: 2037688 Song ID: U-1034 Hymnal: 887 Notes: Groups: Praise PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse1, Verse2, Chorus2 Verse 1: From the ends of the earth, (echo) From the depths of the sea, (echo) From the heights of the heavens, (echo) Your name be praised. Verse 2: From the hearts of the weak, (echo) From the shouts of the strong, (echo) From the lips of all people, (echo) This song we raise, Lord. Chorus 1: Throughout the endless ages You will be crowned with praises, Lord most high. Exalted in every nation, Sovereign of all creation, Lord most high, be magnified. Be magnified. Chorus 2: Throughout the endless ages You will be crowned with praises, Lord most high. Exalted in every nation, Sovereign of all creation, Lord most high, be magnified. Be magnified. Be magnified. Be magnified. Title: Let My Words Be Few Author: Matt Redman and Beth Redman Copyright: ©2000 Thankyou Music CCLI: 3040980 Song ID: U-1033 Hymnal: 881 Notes: Groups: Praise PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Chorus2 Verse 1: You are God in heaven and here am I on earth. So I’ll let my words be few: Jesus, I am so in love with You. Verse 2: The simplest of all love songs I long to bring to You. So I’ll let my words be few: Jesus, I am so in love with You. Chorus 1: And I’ll stand in awe of You, Yes, I’ll stand in awe of You. And I’ll let my words be few: Jesus, I am so in love with You. Chorus 2: And I’ll stand in awe of You, Yes, I’ll stand in awe of You. And I’ll let my words be few: Jesus, I am so in love with You. Jesus, I am so in love with You. Title: Lord, You Have My Heart Author: Martin Smith Copyright: ©1992 Thankyou Music CCLI: 1108735 Song ID: U-1036 Hymnal: 889 Notes: Groups: Praise PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse1, Chorus1, Chorus2 Verse 1: Lord, You have my heart, and I will search for Yours. Jesus, take my life and lead me on. Lord, You have my heart, and I will search for Yours. Let me be to You a sacrifice. Verse 2: As a little babe, You came to break the fall. Thank You for Your holy sacrifice. Jesus, Son of God, lying in the straw. Manger to the cross, You paid the price. Chorus 1: And I will praise You, Lord. (I will...) And I will sing of love come down. (I will sing...) And as You show Your face, (Show Your face,) We’ll see Your glory here. Chorus 2: And we will praise You, Lord. (We will...) And we will sing of love come down. (We will sing...) And as You show Your face, (Show Your face,) We’ll see Your glory here. Title: More of You Author: Mark Cole Copyright: ©1997 Mark Cole CCLI: 2468594 Song ID: U-1039 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Praise PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Bridge1, Chorus1, Ending1, Ending1 Verse 1: Help me to be blameless in Your sight and pure in all my ways. Help me to be holy before You, my Lord and King. May all that I desire be of You. May I bring glory to Your Name. And may the cares of earth and life grow dim in view of You. Verse 2: There are many ways we all can go and things we all can do. Help me, Lord, to set my mind and set my heart on You. I desire to trust You and obey As I live for You each day. And may the cares of earth and life grow dim in view of You. Chorus 1: More of You, more of You. There’s a hunger in my heart for more of You. More of You, more of You. There’s a thirst inside my soul for more of You. Bridge 1: Let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart Be pleasing in Your sight, O Lord. Let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart Be pleasing in Your sight, O Lord. Ending 1: There’s a hunger in my heart. There’s a thirst inside my soul. There’s a hunger in my heart for more of You. Title: 556 - We Fall Down Author: Chris Tomlin Copyright: ©1998 worshiptogether.com songs CCLI: 2437367 Song ID: U-1052 Hymnal: 556 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal, Praise PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse1, Chorus1, Verse1, Chorus1, Chorus1 Verse 1: We fall down, We lay our crowns at the feet of Jesus. The greatness of His mercy and love, At the feet of Jesus. Chorus 1: And we cry "Holy, Holy, Holy"; And we cry "Holy, Holy, Holy"; And we cry "Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lamb." Title: The Power of Your Love Author: Geoff Bullock Copyright: ©1992 Word Music, Inc; Maranatha! Music CCLI: 917491 Song ID: U-1051 Hymnal: 935 Notes: Groups: Praise PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Chorus1, Ending1 Verse 1: Lord, I come to You, let my heart be changed, renewed, Flowing from the grace that I’ve found in You. Lord, I’ve come to know the weaknesses I see in me Will be stripped away by the power of Your love. Verse 2: Lord, unveil my eyes, let me see You face to face. The knowledge of Your love as You live in me. Lord, renew my mind as Your will unfolds in my life. Living every day by the power of Your love. Chorus 1: Hold me close, let Your love surround me. Bring me near, draw me to Your side. And as I wait, I’ll rise up like the eagle. And I will soar with You, Your Spirit leads me on By the power of Your love. Ending 1: And I will soar with You, Your Spirit leads me on By the power of Your love. Title: 127 - The Heart of Worship Author: Matt Redman Copyright: ©1997 Thankyou Music CCLI: 2296522 Song ID: U-1050 Hymnal: 127 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal, Praise PlayOrder: Verse1, Bridge1, Chorus1, Verse2, Bridge1, Chorus1, Chorus1 Verse 1: When the music fades, all is stripped away And I simply come; Longing just to bring something that's of worth That will bless Your heart. Verse 2: King of endless worth, no one could express How much You deserve. Though I'm weak and poor, all I have is Yours, Every single breath. Chorus 1: I'm coming back to the heart of worship, And it's all about You, It's all about You, Jesus. I'm sorry Lord, for the thing I've made it, When it's all about You, It's all about You, Jesus. Bridge 1: I'll bring You more than a song, For a song in itself is not what You have required. You search much deeper within, Through the way things appear, You're looking into my heart. Title: 133 - Shout to the Lord Author: Darlene Zshech Copyright: ©1993 Hillsong Publishing CCLI: 1406918 Song ID: U-1047 Hymnal: 133 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal, Praise PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Chorus1, Chorus2, Verse1, Verse2, Chorus1, Ending1 Verse 1: My Jesus, my Savior, Lord, there is none like You; All of my days I want to praise The wonders of Your mighty love. Verse 2: My Comfort, my Shelter, Tower of refuge and strength; Let every breath, all that I am, Never cease to worship You. Chorus 1: Shout to the Lord, all the earth, let us sing Power and majesty, praise to the King; Mountains bow down and the seas will roar At the sound of Your name. Chorus 2: I sing for joy at the work of Your hands, Forever I'll love You, forever I'll stand; Nothing compares to the promise I have in You. Ending 1: I sing for joy at the work of Your hands, Forever I'll love You, forever I'll stand; Nothing compares to the promise I have; No, nothing compares to the promise I have; No, nothing compares to the promise I have in You. Title: 297 - Majesty Author: Jack Haywood Copyright: ©1981 Rocksmith Music CCLI: 1527 Song ID: U-1037 Hymnal: 297 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal, Praise PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus2 Verse 1: Majesty, worship His majesty, Unto Jesus be all glory, honor and praise. Majesty, kingdom authority, Flow from His throne unto His own, His anthem raise. Chorus 1: So exalt, lift up on high, the name of Jesus. Magnify, come glorify Christ Jesus the King. Majesty, worship His majesty. Jesus, who died, now glorified, King of all Kings. Chorus 2: So exalt, lift up on high, the name of Jesus. Magnify, come glorify Christ Jesus the King. Majesty, worship His majesty. Jesus, who died, now glorified, King of all Kings. Jesus, who died, now glorified, King of all Kings. Title: 320 - Jesus, Name Above All Names Author: Naida Hearn Copyright: ©1974, 1978 Scripture In Song CCLI: 21291 Song ID: U-1032 Hymnal: 320 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal, Praise PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse1, Verse1 Verse 1: Jesus, name above all names; Beautiful Savior, glorious Lord. Emmanuel, God is with us; Blessed Redeemer, Living Word. Title: 347 - Lord, I Lift Your Name On High Author: Rick Founds Copyright: ©1989 Maranatha Praise, Inc. CCLI: 117947 Song ID: U-1035 Hymnal: 347 Notes: v2,c2,e2 are Creole Groups: New Hymnal, Praise PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse1, Chorus1, Verse1, Chorus1, Ending1 Verse 1: Lord, I lift Your name on high; Lord, I love to sing Your praises. I'm so glad You’re in my life; I'm so glad You came to save us. Verse 2: Mwah lou-ay no oo say-nyeh Mwah rreh-may chan-tay loo-ange oo Mwah koh-toh oo neh lavim Mwah koh-toh oo tay veen so-vem Chorus 1: You came from heaven to earth to show the way, From the earth to the cross, my debt to pay. From the cross to the grave, From the grave to the sky; Lord, I lift Your name on high. Chorus 2: Oo sot neh syel veen soo-la-tay Moh-trame shem-ay Oo sot soo tay wah-lay soo kwa Det mwah pay-yay Oo sot soo kwa wal no tah-boh No tah-boh moh-tay no syel Mwah lou-ay no oo say-nyeh Ending 1: Lord, I lift Your name on high. Lord, I lift Your name on high. Lord, I lift Your name on high. Ending 2: Mwah lou-ay no oo say-nyeh Mwah lou-ay no oo say-nyeh Lord, I lift your name on high Title: 558 - More Love, More Power Author: Jude Del Hierro Copyright: ©1987 Mercy / Vineyard Publishing CCLI: 60661 Song ID: U-1038 Hymnal: 558 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal, Praise PlayOrder: Chorus1, Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2 Verse 1: And I will worship You with all of my heart, And I will worship You with all of my mind; And I will worship You with all of my strength, For You are my Lord, You are my Lord. Verse 2: And I will seek Your face with all of my heart, And I will seek Your face with all of my mind, And I will seek Your face with all of my strength, For You are my Lord, You are my Lord. Chorus 1: More love, more power, More of You in my life. More love, more power, More of You in my life. Title: 557 - More Precious Than Silver Author: Lynn DeShazo Copyright: ©1982 Integrity's Hosanna! Music CCLI: 11335 Song ID: U-1040 Hymnal: 557 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal, Praise PlayOrder: Verse1 Verse 1: Lord, You are more precious than silver. Lord, You are more costly than gold. Lord, You are more beautiful than diamonds, And nothing I desire compares with You. Ending 1: And nothing I desire compares with You. Title: 66 - Open the Eyes of My Heart Author: Paul Baloche Copyright: ©1997 Integrity's Hosanna! Music CCLI: 2298355 Song ID: U-1041 Hymnal: 66 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal, Praise PlayOrder: Verse1, Bridge1, Bridge2, Chorus1, Ending1 Verse 1: Open the eyes of my heart, Lord, open the eyes of my heart; I want to see You, I want to see You. Open the eyes of my heart, Lord, open the eyes of my heart; I want to see You, I want to see You. Chorus 1: Holy, Holy, Holy, You are Holy, Holy, Holy. Holy, Holy, Holy; I want to see You. Holy, Holy, Holy, You are Holy, Holy, Holy. Holy, Holy, Holy; I want to see You. Bridge 1: To see You high and lifted up, shining in the light of Your glory. Pour out Your power and love as we sing "Holy, Holy, Holy". Bridge 2: High and lifted up, shining in the light of Your glory. Pour out Your power and love as we sing "Holy, Holy, Holy". I want to see You. Ending 1: Holy, Holy, Holy, You are Holy, Holy, Holy. Holy, Holy, Holy; I want to see You. Title: Psalm 19 Author: Terry Butler Copyright: ©1995 Mercy / Vineyard Publishing CCLI: 1773823 Song ID: U-1042 Hymnal: 898 Notes: Groups: Praise PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse1 Verse 1: May the words of my mouth And the meditations of my heart Be pleasing to You, pleasing to You. May the words of my mouth And the meditations of my heart Be pleasing to You, my God. Chorus 1: You're my Rock and my Redeemer, You're the reason that I sing. I desire to be a blessing in Your eyes. Ev'ry hour, ev'ry moment, Lord, I want to be Your servant, I desire to be a blessing in Your eyes. In Your eyes. Ending 1: May the words of my mouth And the meditations of my heart Be pleasing to You, my God. Title: 535 - I Am Thine, O Lord Author: Fanny Crosby and William Doane Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 25424 Song ID: U-0535 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: I am Thine, O Lord, I have heard Thy voice, And it told Thy love to me; But I long to rise in the arms of faith, And be closer drawn to Thee. Verse 2: Consecrate me now to Thy service, Lord, By the pow'r of grace divine; Let my soul look up with a steadfast hope, And my will be lost in Thine. Verse 3: O, the pure delight of a single hour That before Thy throne I spend, When I kneel in prayer, and with Thee, my God, I commune as friend with friend! Verse 4: There are depths of love that I cannot know Till I cross the narrow sea; There are heights of joy that I may not reach Till I rest in peace with Thee. Chorus 1: Draw me nearer nearer, blessed Lord, To the cross where Thou has died; Draw me nearer, nearer, nearer, blessed Lord, To Thy precious, bleeding side. Title: Tell Me the Old, Old Story Author: A. Catherine Hankey and W. H. Doane Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 109735 Song ID: U-5138 Hymnal: 138 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: Tell me the Old, Old Story, Of unseen things above, Of Jesus and His glory, Of Jesus and His love; Tell me the story simply, As to a little child, For I am weak and weary And helpless and defiled. Verse 2: Tell me the story, slowly, That I may take it in, That wonderful redemption, God's remedy for sin; Tell me the story often, For I forget so soon, The "early dew" of morning Has passed away at noon. Verse 3: Tell me the story softly, With earnest tones and grave; Remember I'm the sinner Whom Jesus came to save; Tell me the story always, If you would really be, In any time of trouble, A comforter to me. Verse 4: Tell me the same old story, When you have cause to fear That this world's empty glory Is costing me too dear; Yes, and when that world's glory is dawning on my soul, Tell me the Old, Old Story: "Christ Jesus makes thee whole." Chorus 1: Tell me the Old, Old Story, Tell me the Old, Old Story, Tell me the Old, Old Story Of Jesus and His love. Title: Blest Be the Tie That Binds Author: John Fawcett and Johann Nageli Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 25369 Song ID: U-5225 Hymnal: 225 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4 Verse 1: Blest be the tie that binds Our hearts in Christian love! The fellowship of kindred minds Is like to that above. Verse 2: Before our Father's throne We pour our ardent prayers; Our fears, our hopes, our aims are one, Our comforts and our cares. Verse 3: We share our mutual woes, Our mutual burdens bear; And often for each other flows The sympathizing tear. Verse 4: When we asunder part It gives us inward pain; But we shall still be joined in heart, And hope to meet again. Title: We Gather Together Author: Theodore Baker and Edvard Kremser Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 91678 Song ID: U-5566 Hymnal: 566 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3 Verse 1: We gather together to ask the Lord's blessing, He chastens and hastens His will to make known; The wicked oppressing cease them from distressing, Sing praises to His name, He forgets not His own. Verse 2: Beside us to guide us, our God with us joining, Ordaining, maintaining His kingdom divine; So from the beginning the fight we were winning, Thou, Lord, wast at our side, the glory be Thine! Verse 3: We all do extol Thee, Thou Leader in battle, And pray that Thou still our Defender wilt be. Let Thy congregation escape tribulation; Thy name be ever praised, O Lord make us free! Title: CH 787 - Give Him Thanks Author: Rinkart, Cruger, Winkworth / Cloninger, Barker / Baker, Kremser Copyright: Public Domain / ©1991 Word Music, Inc. / Public Domain CCLI: 86638,768767,91678 Song ID: U-2787 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Celebration Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse3, Verse4, Verse4, Verse5, Verse6, Verse7 Verse 1: Now thank we all our God, With heart and hands and voices, Who wondrous things hath done, In whom His world rejoices; Who, from our mothers' arms, Hath blessed us on our way With countless gifts of love, And still is ours today. Verse 2: O may this bounteous God Through all our life be near us, With ever joyful hearts And blessed peace to cheer us; And keep us in His grace, And guide us when perplexed, And free us from all ills In this world and the next. Verse 3: All praise and thanks to God The Father now be given, The Son, and Him who reigns With Them in highest heaven, The one eternal God, Whom earth and heav'n adore; For thus it was, is now, And shall be evermore. Verse 4: And in all things give Him thanks, And in all things let your gratitude shine through. And in all things give Him thanks, For He has given all things unto you. Verse 5: We gather together to ask the Lord's blessing; He chastens and hastens His will to make known; The wicked oppressing now cease from distressing: Sing praises to His name; He forgets not His own. Verse 6: Beside us to guide us, our God with us joining, Ordaining, maintaining His kingdom divine; So from the beginning the fight we were winning: Thou, Lord, wast at our side-- all glory be Thine! Verse 7: We all do extol Thee, Thou Leader triumphant, And pray that Thou still our Defender wilt be. Let Thy congregation escape tribulation: Thy name be ever praised; O Lord, make us free! Bridge 1: Ending 1: Thy name be ever praised; O Lord, make us free! Amen. Title: CH 242 - God with Us Author: Bob McGee / Charles Wesley and Rowland Pritchard Copyright: ©1976 C.A. Music / Public Domain CCLI: 12949 / 31999 Song ID: U-2242 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Celebration Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3 Verse 1: Emmanuel, Emmanuel, His name is called Emmanuel; God with us, revealed in us; His name is called Emmanuel. Verse 2: Come, Thou long-expected Jesus, Born to set Thy people free. From our fears and sins release us; Let us find our rest in Thee. Israel's Strength and Consolation, Hope of all the earth Thou art; Dear Desire of every nation, Joy of every longing heart. Verse 3: Born Thy people to deliver, Born a Child and yet a King, Born to reign in us forever, Now Thy gracious kingdom bring. By Thine own eternal Spirit, Rule in all our hearts alone; By Thine all-sufficient merit, Raise us to Thy glorious throne. Ending 1: Emmanuel, Emmanuel. Title: CH 257 - Jesus Christ is Born! Author: John Work, Jr. / James Montgomery, Henry Smart Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 29080, 31669 Song ID: U-2257 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Celebration Hymnal PlayOrder: Chorus1, Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Bridge1, Verse3, Verse4, Verse5, Ending1 Verse 1: While shepherds kept their watching O'er silent flocks by night, Behold! throughout the heavens There shone a holy light. Verse 2: Down in a lowly manger The humble Christ was born, And brought us God's salvation That blessed Christmas morn. Verse 3: Angels, from the realms of glory, Wing your flight o'er all the earth; Ye who sang creation's story Now proclaim Messiah's birth: Come and worship, Come and worship; Worship Christ, the newborn King. Verse 4: Shepherds, in the field abiding, Watching o'er your flocks by night, God with man is now residing; Yonder shines the Infant Light: Come and worship, Come and worship; Worship Christ, the newborn King. Verse 5: Though an infant now we view Him, He will share His Father's throne; Gather all the nations to Him; Every knee shall then bow down: Come and worship, Come and worship; Worship Christ, the newborn King. Chorus 1: Go, tell it on the mountain, Over the hills and ev'rywhere; Go, tell it on the mountain That Jesus Christ is born! Bridge 1: Go, tell it on the mountain, Over the hills and ev'rywhere; Go, tell it on the mountain That Jesus Christ is born! That Jesus Christ is born, That Jesus Christ is born! Ending 1: Come and worship, Come and worship; Worship Christ, the newborn King. Title: CH 268 - Rejoice With Exceeding Great Joy! Author: Baker / Watts, Handel / Johnson, Beethoven Copyright: Public Domain / Public Domain / ©1985, 1988 Lillenas Publishing Company CCLI: 124071,24016, 109890 Song ID: U-2268 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Celebration Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse4, Verse5, Verse6, Verse7, Verse8, Verse9 Verse 1: While by the sheep we watched at night, Glad tidings brought an angel bright. How great our joy! Great our joy! Joy, joy, joy! Joy, joy, joy! Praise we the Lord in heav'n on high! Praise we the Lord in heav'n on high! Verse 2: There shall be born, so he did say, In Bethlehem a Child today. How great our joy! Great our joy! Joy, joy, joy! Joy, joy, joy! Praise we the Lord in heav'n on high! Praise we the Lord in heav'n on high! Verse 3: There shall the Child lie in a stall, This Child who shall redeem us all. How great our joy! Great our joy! Joy, joy, joy! Joy, joy, joy! Praise we the Lord in heav'n on high! Praise we the Lord in heav'n on high! Verse 4: This Gift of God we'll cherish well, That ever joy our hearts shall fill. How great our joy! Great our joy! Joy, joy, joy! Joy, joy, joy! Praise we the Lord in heav'n on high! Praise we the Lord in heav'n on high! Verse 5: Joy to the world! the Lord is come; Let earth receive her King. Let ev'ry heart prepare Him room, And heav'n and nature sing, And heav'n and nature sing, And heav'n, And heav'n and nature sing. Verse 6: Joy to the world! the Savior reigns; Let men their songs employ, While fields and floods, rocks, hills and plains Repeat the sounding joy, Repeat the sounding joy, Repeat, repeat the sounding joy. Verse 7: He rules the world with truth and grace And makes the nations prove The glories of His righteousness And wonders of His love, And wonders of His love, And wonders, wonders of His love. Verse 8: Joyful, joyful, we adore You, God of glory, Lord of light; Angels lifting praise before You Sing throughout this holy night. In a manger lies a Baby-- Child of Mary, Son of God. Voices joined in joyful chorus Praise You for Your gift of love. Verse 9: All Your works declare Your glory; All creation joins to sing. Praise resounds as earth rejoices In the birth of Christ, the King. Shepherds kneel before the Infant. Trumpets sound and anthems raise As with joy our hearts are lifted, Joined in wonder, love, and praise. Ending 1: Joyful now our hears are lifted, Joined in wonder, love, and praise. Title: God Rest You Merry, Gentlemen Author: Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 39441 Song ID: U-5544 Hymnal: 544 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus2, Verse3, Chorus3, Verse4, Chorus4 Verse 1: God rest you merry, gentlemen, Let nothing you dismay; Remember Christ our Saviour Was born on Christmas Day; Verse 2: From God our heav'nly Father A blessed angel came; And unto certain shepherds Brought tidings of the same; Verse 3: "Fear not, then," said the angel, "Let nothing you affright, This day is born a Saviour Of a pure Virgin bright, Verse 4: Now to the Lord sing praises, All you within this place, And with true love and brotherhood Each other now embrace. Chorus 1: To save us all from Satan's pow'r When we were gone astray. O tidings of comfort and joy, Comfort and joy; O tidings of comfort and joy. Chorus 2: How that in Bethlehem was born The Son of God by name. O tidings of comfort and joy, Comfort and joy; O tidings of comfort and joy. Chorus 3: To free all those who trust in Him From Satan's pow'r and might." O tidings of comfort and joy, Comfort and joy; O tidings of comfort and joy. Chorus 4: This holy tide of Christmas All others doth deface. O tidings of comfort and joy, Comfort and joy; O tidings of comfort and joy. Title: Ring the Bells Author: Harry Bollback Copyright: ©1958 Singspiration Music CCLI: 74279 Song ID: U-5548 Hymnal: 548 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2 Verse 1: Ring the bells, ring the bells, Let the whole world know Christ was born in Bethlehem Many years ago: Born to die that man might live, Came to earth new life to give, Born of Mary, born so low, Many years ago. Verse 2: God the Father gave His Son, Gave His own beloved One To this wicked, sinful earth, To bring mankind His love, new birth: Ring the bells, ring the bells, Let the whole world know Christ the Savior lives today As He did so long ago! Title: Caroling, Caroling Author: Wihla Hutson and Alfred Burt Copyright: ©1954 & 1957 Hollis Music, Inc. CCLI: Song ID: U-5549 Hymnal: 549 Notes: Not in CCLI database Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2 Verse 1: Caroling, Caroling, now we go, Christmas bells are ringing. Caroling, Caroling through the snow, Christmas bells are ringing. Joyous voices sweet and clear Sing, the sad of heart to cheer, Ding, Dong! Ding, Dong! Christmas bells are ringing! Verse 2: Caroling, Caroling, through the town, Christmas bells are ringing. Caroling, Caroling, up and down, Christmas bells are ringing. Mark ye well the song we sing, Gladsome tidings now we bring, Ding, Dong! Ding, Dong! Christmas bells are ringing! Title: Over in Bethlehem Author: Ralph Carmichael Copyright: ©1969 Lexicon Music, 1980 Bud John Songs, Inc. CCLI: 263499 Song ID: U-5551 Hymnal: 551 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2 Verse 1: Over in Bethlehem one clear and shiv'ry night, All of the stars were out, but one was especially bright. For it was shining down Over that little town Where Baby Jesus lay, There on a bed of hay. Verse 2: Jesus came to love us like we are right now; Glad or sad, Good or bad, Tall and wise, 'Bout your size! He can love us anyhow, anyhow. Over in Bethlehem bright stars still shine above. Children still laugh and play Protected by the Savior's love. Title: The Very First Christmas Day Author: Molly-Ann Leikin and Clark Gassman Copyright: ©1971 Bud John Songs, Inc. CCLI: 390087 Song ID: U-5553 Hymnal: 553 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2 Verse 1: Such a long, long time ago in a land so far away, A Baby Boy was born on the very first Christmas Day. An extra special star led the Wise Men all the way to a town called Bethlehem, on the very first Christmas Day. Verse 2: They wanted to do something that would help the Baby grow; Seems we still want the same things now, as they did long ago. So they watched the Baby sleep, and they all knelt down to pray For peace, hope and love, on the very first Christmas Day. Title: There's a Song in the Air Author: Josiah G. Holland and Karl P. Harrington Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 272136 Song ID: U-5554 Hymnal: 554 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4 Verse 1: There's a song in the air! There's a star in the sky! There's a mother's deep prayer, And a baby's low cry! And the star rains its fire while the beautiful sing, for the manger of Bethlehem cradles a King! Verse 2: There's a tumult of joy O'er the wonderful birth, For the Virgin's sweet boy Is the Lord of the earth. And the star rains its fire while the beautiful sing, for the manger of Bethlehem cradles a King! Verse 3: In the light of that star Lie the ages impearled; And that song from afar Has swept over the world. Ev'ry hearth is aflame, and the beautiful sing, In the homes of the nations that Jesus is King! Verse 4: We rejoice in the light, And we echo the song That comes down thru the night From the heavenly throng. And we shout to the lovely evangel they bring, And we greet in His cradle our Saviour and King! Title: 643 - Eternal Father, Strong to Save Author: William Whiting and John B. Dykes Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 115183 Song ID: U-0643 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4 Verse 1: Eternal Father, strong to save, Whose arm does bind the restless wave, Who bids the mighty ocean deep Its own appointed limits keep; Oh hear us when we cry to Thee For those in peril on the sea. Verse 2: O Savior, whose almighty word The winds and waves submissive heard, Who walked upon the foaming deep, And calm amid its rage did sleep; Oh hear us when we cry to Thee For those in peril on the sea. Verse 3: O Holy Spirit, who did brood Upon the waters dark and rude, Who bid their angry tumult cease, And give for wild confusion peace; Oh hear us when we cry to Thee For those in peril on the sea. Verse 4: O Trinity of love and pow'r, Your children shield in danger's hour; From rock and tempest, fire and foe, Protect them wheresoe'er they go; And evermore shall rise to Thee Glad hymns of praise from land and sea. Title: Dear Lord and Father of Mankind Author: John G. Whittier and Frederick C. Maker Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 106185 Song ID: U-5012 Hymnal: 12 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4 Verse 1: Dear Lord and Father of mankind, Forgive our foolish ways! Re-clothe us in our rightful mind; In purer lives Thy service find, In deeper rev'rence, praise. Verse 2: In simple trust like theirs who heard, Beside the Syrian Sea, The gracious calling of the Lord, Let us, like them, without a word, Rise up and follow Thee. Verse 3: Drop Thy still dews of quietness, Till all our strivings cease; Take from our souls the strain and stress, And let our ordered lives confess The beauty of Thy peace. Verse 4: Breathe through the heats of our desire Thy coolness and Thy balm; Let sense be dumb, let flesh retire; Speak through the earthquake, wind, and fire, O still small voice of calm! Title: Holy, Holy Author: Jimmy Owens Copyright: ©1979 Bud John Songs, Inc CCLI: 18792 Song ID: U-5014 Hymnal: 14 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4, Verse5 Verse 1: Holy, holy, holy, holy, Holy, holy Lord God Almighty; And we lift our hearts before You as a token of our love, Holy, holy, holy, holy. Verse 2: Gracious Father, Gracious Father, We're so blest to be Your children, Gracious Father; And we lift our heads before You as a token of our love, Gracious Father, Gracious Father. Verse 3: Precious Jesus, Precious Jesus, We're so glad that You've redeemed us, Precious Jesus; And we lift our hands before You as a token of our love, Precious Jesus, Precious Jesus. Verse 4: Holy Spirit, Holy Spirit, Come and fill our hearts anew, Holy Spirit; And we lift our voice before You as a token of our love, Holy Spirit, Holy Spirit. Verse 5: Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah; And we lift our hearts before You as a token of our love, Hallelujah, Hallelujah. Title: Thank You, Lord Author: Seth Sykes and Bessie Sykes Copyright: ©1940, 1945 Singspiration Music CCLI: 16763 Song ID: U-5018 Hymnal: 18 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Chorus1 Chorus 1: Thank You, Lord, for saving my soul, Thank You, Lord, for making me whole; Thank You, Lord, for giving to me Thy great salvation so rich and free. Title: I've Found a Friend Author: James G. Small and George C. Stebbins Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 85220 Song ID: U-5022 Hymnal: 22 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4 Verse 1: I’ve found a Friend, oh, such a Friend! He loved me ere I knew Him; He drew me with the cords of love, And thus He bound me to Him. And 'round my heart still closely twine Those ties which naught can sever, For I am His, and He is mine, Forever and forever. Verse 2: I’ve found a Friend, oh, such a Friend! He bled, He died to save me; And not alone the gifts of life, But His own self He gave me. Naught that I have my own I call, I hold it for the Giver; My heart, my strength, my life, my all, Are His, and His forever. Verse 3: I’ve found a Friend, oh, such a Friend! All pow’r to Him is given, To guard me on my onward course, And bring me safe to Heaven. Th' eternal glories gleam afar, To nerve my faint endeavor: So now to watch, to work, to war, And then to rest forever. Verse 4: I’ve found a Friend, oh, such a Friend! So kind, and true, and tender. So wise a Counsellor and Guide, So mighty a Defender! From Him, who loves me now so well, What pow'r my soul can sever? Shall life or death, or earth or hell? No, I am His forever. Title: Sun of My Soul Author: John Keble Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 44388 Song ID: U-5025 Hymnal: 25 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4 Verse 1: Sun of my soul, Thou Savior dear, It is not night if Thou be near; O may no earthborn cloud arise To hide Thee from Thy servant's eyes! Verse 2: When the soft dews of kindly sleep My weary eyelids gently steep, Be my last thought, how sweet to rest Forever on my Savior's breast! Verse 3: Abide with me from morn till eve, For without Thee I cannot live; Abide with me when night is nigh, For without Thee I dare not die. Verse 4: Be near to bless me when I wake, Ere through the world my way I take; Abide with me till in Thy love I lose myself in heav'n above. Title: Jesus Is All the World to Me Author: Will L. Thompson Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 138830 Song ID: U-5028 Hymnal: 28 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4 Verse 1: Jesus is all the world to me, My Life, my Joy, my All; He is my Strength from day to day, Without Him I would fall: When I am sad, to Him I go, No other one can cheer me so; When I am sad He makes me glad, He's my Friend. Verse 2: Jesus is all the world to me, My friend in trials sore; I go to Him for blessings, and He gives them o'er and o'er: He sends the sunshine and the rain, He sends the harvest's golden grain; Sunshine and rain, harvest of grain, He's my Friend. Verse 3: Jesus is all the world to me, And true to Him I'll be; Oh, how could I this Friend deny, When He's so true to me? Following Him I know I'm right, He watches o'er me day and night; Following Him by day and night, He's my Friend. Verse 4: Jesus is all the world to me, I want no better friend; I trust Him now, I'll trust Him when Life's fleeting days shall end: Beautiful life with such a Friend, Beautiful life that has no end; Eternal life, eternal joy, He's my Friend. Title: Jesus Shall Reign Author: Isaac Watts and John Hatton Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 1510 Song ID: U-5030 Hymnal: 30 Notes: V1,V2,V3,V4 - New Church Hymnal V1,V3,V4,V5 - Celebration Hymnal Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse3, Verse4, Verse5 Verse 1: Jesus shall reign where’er the sun Does his successive journeys run; His kingdom spread from shore to shore, Till moons shall wax and wane no more. Verse 2: From north to south the princes meet To pay their homage at His feet; While western empires own their Lord, And savage tribes attend His word. Verse 3: To Him shall endless prayer be made, And endless praises crown His head; His name like sweet perfume shall rise With ev'ry morning sacrifice. Verse 4: People and realms of ev'ry tongue Dwell on His love with sweetest song, And infant voices shall proclaim Their early blessings on His name. Verse 5: Let ev'ry creature rise and bring His grateful honors to our King; Angels descend with songs again, And earth repeat the loud "Amen!" Title: I Gave My Life for Thee Author: Francis Havergal and Philip Bliss Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 85426 Song ID: U-5031 Hymnal: 31 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4 Verse 1: I gave My life for thee, My precious blood I shed, That thou might'st ransomed be, And quickened from the dead; I gave, I gave My life for thee, What hast thou giv'n for Me? I gave, I gave My life for thee, What hast thou giv'n for Me? Verse 2: My Father's house of light, My glory-circled throne, I left for earthly night, For wand'rings sad and lone; I left, I left it all for thee, Hast thou left aught for Me? I left, I left it all for thee, Hast thou left aught for Me? Verse 3: I suffered much for thee, More than thy tongue can tell Of bitt'rest agony, To rescue thee from hell; I've borne, I've borne it all for thee, What hast thou borne for Me? I've borne, I've borne it all for thee, What hast thou borne for Me? Verse 4: And I have brought to thee, Down from My home above, Salvation full and free, My pardon and My love; I bring, I bring rich gifts to thee, What hast thou brought to Me? I bring, I bring rich gifts to thee, What hast thou brought to Me? Title: Where Cross the Crowded Ways of Life Author: Frank M. North and Ludwig Van Beethoven Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 103250 Song ID: U-5036 Hymnal: 36 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4, Verse5 Verse 1: Where cross the crowded ways of life, Where sound the cries of race and clan, Above the noise of selfish strife, We hear Thy voice, O Son of man! Verse 2: In haunts of wretchedness and need, On shadowed thresholds dark with fears, From paths where hide the lures of greed, We catch the vision of Thy tears. Verse 3: The cup of water giv'n for Thee Still holds the freshness of Thy grace; Yet long these multitudes to see The sweet compassion of Thy face. Verse 4: O Master, from the mountainside, Make haste to heal these hearts of pain, Among these restless throngs abide, O tread the city's streets again; Verse 5: Till sons of men shall learn Thy love, And follow where Thy feet have trod: Till glorious from Thy heav'n above Shall come the city of our God. Title: Ivory Palaces Author: Henry Barraclough Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 86793 Song ID: U-5043 Hymnal: 43 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: My Lord has garments so wondrous fine, And myrrh their texture fills; Its fragrance reached to this heart of mine, With joy my being thrills. Verse 2: His life had also its sorrows sore, For aloes had a part; And when I think of the cross He bore, My eyes with teardrops start. Verse 3: His garments too were in cassia dipped, With healing in a touch; Each time my feet in some sin have slipped, He took me from its clutch. Verse 4: In garments glorious He will come, To open wide the door; And I shall enter my heav’nly home, To dwell forevermore. Chorus 1: Out of the ivory palaces, Into a world of woe, Only His great, eternal love Made my Savior go. Title: There Is a Green Hill Far Away Author: Cecil Alexander and George Stebbins Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 53104 Song ID: U-5045 Hymnal: 45 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: There is a green hill far away, Without a city wall, Where the dear Lord was crucified, Who died to save us all. Verse 2: We may not know, we cannot tell What pains He had to bear; But we believe it was for us He hung and suffered there. Verse 3: He died that we might be forgiv'n, He died to make us good, That we might go at last to heav'n, Saved by His precious blood. Verse 4: There was no other good enough To pay the price of sin, He only could unlock the gate Of heav'n and let us in. Chorus 1: Oh, dearly, dearly has He loved, And we must love Him, too, And trust in His redeeming blood, And try His works to do. Title: The Lily of the Valley Author: Charles W. Fry and William S. Hays Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 49242 Song ID: U-5050 Hymnal: 50 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus2, Verse3, Chorus3 Verse 1: I have found a friend in Jesus, He’s ev'rything to me, He’s the fairest of ten thousand to my soul; The Lily of the Valley, in Him alone I see All I need to cleanse and make me fully whole. Verse 2: He all my grief has taken, and all my sorrows borne; In temptation He’s my strong and mighty Tow'r; I have all for Him forsaken, and all my idols torn From my heart, and now He keeps me by His pow'r. Verse 3: He will never, never leave me, nor yet forsake me here, While I live by faith and do His blessed will; A wall of fire about me, I’ve nothing now to fear, With His manna He my hungry soul shall fill. Chorus 1: In sorrow He’s my Comfort, in trouble He’s my Stay, He tells me ev'ry care on Him to roll. He’s the Lily of the Valley, the bright and Morning Star, He’s the fairest of ten thousand to my soul. Chorus 2: Though all the world forsake me, and Satan tempts me sore, Through Jesus I shall safely reach the goal; He’s the Lily of the Valley, the bright and Morning Star, He’s the fairest of ten thousand to my soul. Chorus 3: Then sweeping up to glory, I'll see His blessed face, Where rivers of delight shall ever roll! He’s the Lily of the Valley, the bright and Morning Star, He’s the fairest of ten thousand to my soul. Title: Footsteps of Jesus Author: Mary Slade and A.B. Everett Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 115705 Song ID: U-5056 Hymnal: 56 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: Sweetly, Lord, have we heard Thee calling, Come, follow Me! And we see where Thy footprints falling Lead us to Thee. Verse 2: Though they lead o'er the cold, dark mountains, Seeking His sheep; Or along by Siloam's fountains, Helping the weak: Verse 3: If they lead through the temple holy, Preaching the Word; Or in homes of the poor and lowly, Serving the Lord: Verse 4: Then at last, when on high He sees us, Our journey done, We will rest where the steps of Jesus End at His throne. Chorus 1: Footprints of Jesus, that make the pathway glow; We will follow the steps of Jesus where'er they go. Title: The Light of the World is Jesus Author: Philip P. Bliss Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 59586 Song ID: U-5057 Hymnal: 57 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: The whole world was lost in the darkness of sin; The Light of the world is Jesus; Like sunshine at noonday His glory shone in, The Light of the world is Jesus. Verse 2: No darkness have we who in Jesus abide, The Light of the world is Jesus; We walk in the Light when we follow our Guide, The Light of the world is Jesus. Verse 3: Ye dwellers in darkness with sin-blinded eyes, The Light of the world is Jesus; Go, wash at His bidding, and light will arise, The Light of the world is Jesus. Verse 4: No need of the sunlight in heaven we're told, The Light of the world is Jesus; The Lamb is the light in the city of gold, The Light of the world is Jesus. Chorus 1: Come to the Light, 'tis shining for thee; Sweetly the Light has dawned upon me, Once I was blind, but now I can see: The Light of the world is Jesus. Title: He is Lord Author: Unknown Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: Song ID: U-5071 Hymnal: 71 Notes: "traditional" from several sources. Several variants in CCLI database, not this one. Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Chorus1 Chorus 1: He is Lord; He is Lord; He is risen from the dead, and He is Lord. Ev'ry knee shall bow, ev'ry tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. Title: Jesus is the Answer Author: Andrae and Sandra Crouch Copyright: ©1973 Bud John Songs, Inc. CCLI: 14260 Song ID: U-5073 Hymnal: 73 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1 Verse 1: If you have some questions in the corners of your mind, Traces of discouragement and peace you cannot find. Reflections of your past seem to face you ev'ry day, But this one thing I do know, Jesus is the way. Verse 2: I know you've got mountains that you think you cannot climb, I know your skies are dark, you think the sun won't shine. In case you do not know that the Word of God is true, And ev'rything He's promised, He will do it for you. Chorus 1: Jesus is the answer for the world today, Above Him there's no other, Jesus is the way. Jesus is the answer for the world today. Above Him there's no other, Jesus is the way. Title: Reach Out to Jesus Author: Ralph Carmichael Copyright: ©1968 Bud John Songs, Inc. CCLI: 15269 Song ID: U-5075 Hymnal: 75 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1 Verse 1: Is your burden heavy as you bear it all alone? Does the road you travel harbor danger yet unknown? Are you growing weary in the struggle of it all? Jesus will help you when on His name you call. Verse 2: Is the life you're living filled with sorrow and despair? Does the future press you with its worry and its care? Are you tired and friendless, have you almost lost your way? Jesus will help you, just come to Him today. Chorus 1: He is always there hearing ev'ry prayer, faithful and true. Walking by our side, in His love we hide all the day through. When you get discouraged just remember what to do, Reach out to Jesus, He's reaching out to you. Title: Holy Ghost, with Light Divine Author: Andrew Reed and Louis Gottschalk Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 58460 Song ID: U-5078 Hymnal: 78 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4 Verse 1: Holy Ghost, with light divine, Shine upon this heart of mine; Chase the shades of night away; Turn my darkness into day. Verse 2: Holy Ghost, with pow'r divine, Cleanse this guilty heart of mine; Long has sin, without control, Held dominion o'er my soul. Verse 3: Holy Ghost, with joy divine, Cheer this saddened heart of mine; Bid my many woes depart, Heal my wounded, bleeding heart. Verse 4: Holy Spirit, all divine, Dwell within this heart of mine; Cast down ev'ry idol throne; Reign supreme, and reign alone. Title: Breathe on Me, Breath of God Author: Edwin Hatch and Robert Jackson Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 99481 Song ID: U-5085 Hymnal: 85 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4 Verse 1: Breathe on me, Breath of God, Fill me with life anew, That I may love what Thou dost love, And do what Thou wouldst do. Verse 2: Breathe on me, Breath of God, Until my heart is pure, Until with Thee I will Thy will, To do and to endure. Verse 3: Breathe on me, Breath of God, Till I am wholly Thine, Till all this earthly part of me Glows with Thy fire divine. Verse 4: Breathe on me, Breath of God, So shall I never die, But live with Thee the perfect life Of Thine eternity. Title: In Times Like These Author: Ruth Caye Jones Copyright: ©1944 Singspiration Music CCLI: 11940 Song ID: U-5089 Hymnal: 89 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus2 Verse 1: In times like these you need a Savior, In times like these you need an anchor; Be very sure, be very sure Your anchor holds and grips the Solid Rock! Verse 2: In times like these you need the Bible, In times like these O be not idle; Be very sure, be very sure Your anchor holds and grips the Solid Rock! Verse 3: In times like these I have a Savior, In times like these I have an anchor; I'm very sure, I'm very sure My anchor holds and grips the Solid Rock! Chorus 1: This Rock is Jesus, Yes, He's the One; This Rock is Jesus, The only One! Be very sure, be very sure Your anchor holds and grips the Solid Rock! Chorus 2: This Rock is Jesus, Yes, He's the One; This Rock is Jesus, The only One! I'm very sure, I'm very sure My anchor holds and grips the Solid Rock! Title: My Hope Is in the Lord Author: Norman J. Clayton Copyright: ©1945 Norman J. Clayton. Renewed 1973 Wordspring Music, Inc. CCLI: 65934 Song ID: U-5091 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: My hope is in the Lord Who gave Himself for me, And paid the price of all my sin at Calvary. Verse 2: No merit of my own His anger to suppress. My only hope is found in Jesus' righteousness. Verse 3: And now for me He stands Before the Father's throne. He shows His wounded hands, and names me as His own. Verse 4: His grace has planned it all, 'Tis mine but to believe, And recognize His work of love and Christ receive. Chorus 1: For me He died, For me He lives, And everlasting life and light He freely gives. Title: Look and Live Author: William A. Ogden Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 121490 Song ID: U-5094 Hymnal: 94 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: I’ve a message from the Lord, hallelujah! The message unto you I’ll give; ’Tis recorded in His Word, hallelujah! It is only that you "look and live." Verse 2: I’ve a message full of love, hallelujah! A message, O my friend, for you; ’Tis a message from above, hallelujah! Jesus said it and I know ’tis true. Verse 3: Life is offered unto you, hallelujah! Eternal life thy soul shall have, If you'll only look to Him, hallelujah! Look to Jesus who alone can save. Verse 4: I will tell you how I came, hallelujah! To Jesus when He made me whole: ’Twas believing on His name, hallelujah! I trusted and He saved my soul. Chorus 1: Look and live, my brother, live! Look to Jesus now and live; ’Tis recorded in His Word, hallelujah! It is only that you "look and live." Title: Once for All! Author: Philip P. Bliss Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 22128 Song ID: U-5095 Hymnal: 95 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: Free from the law, O happy condition! Jesus hath bled, and there is remission; Cursed by the law and bruised by the fall, Grace hath redeemed us once for all. Verse 2: Now we are free, there’s no condemnation! Jesus provides a perfect salvation; "Come unto Me," O hear His sweet call! Come and He saves us once for all. Verse 3: Children of God, O glorious calling! Surely His grace will keep us from falling; Passing from death to life at His call, Blessed salvation once for all. Chorus 1: Once for all, O sinner, receive it! Once for all, O brother, believe it! Cling to the cross, the burden will fall; Christ hath redeemed us once for all! Title: Jesus Saves! Author: Priscilla Owens and William Kirkpatrick Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 56053 Song ID: U-5107 Hymnal: 107 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4 Verse 1: We have heard the joyful sound, Jesus saves! Jesus saves! Spread the tidings all around: Jesus saves! Jesus saves! Bear the news to ev'ry land, Climb the steeps and cross the waves; Onward! 'tis our Lord's command; Jesus saves! Jesus saves! Verse 2: Waft it on the rolling tide, Jesus saves! Jesus saves! Tell to sinners far and wide: Jesus saves! Jesus saves! Sing, ye islands of the sea; Echo back, ye ocean caves; Earth shall keep her jubilee; Jesus saves! Jesus saves! Verse 3: Sing above the battle strife, Jesus saves! Jesus saves! By His death and endless life, Jesus saves! Jesus saves! Sing it softly through the gloom, When the heart for mercy craves; Sing in triumph o'er the tomb, Jesus saves! Jesus saves! Verse 4: Give the winds a mighty voice, Jesus saves! Jesus saves! Let the nations now rejoice, Jesus saves! Jesus saves! Shout salvation full and free, Highest hills and deepest caves; This our song of victory, Jesus saves! Jesus saves! Title: In My Heart There Rings a Melody Author: Elton M. Roth Copyright: ©1924. Renewed 1951. Hope Publishing Company CCLI: 12080 Song ID: U-5111 Hymnal: 111 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: I have a song that Jesus gave me, It was sent from heav'n above; There never was a sweeter melody, 'Tis a melody of love. Verse 2: I love the Christ who died on Calv'ry, For He washed my sins away; He put within my heart a melody, And I know it's there to stay. Verse 3: 'Twill be my endless theme in glory, With the angels I will sing; 'Twill be a song with glorious harmony, When the courts of heaven ring. Chorus 1: In my heart there rings a melody, There rings a melody with heaven's harmony. In my heart there rings a melody; There rings a melody of love. Title: Pass It On Author: Kurt Kaiser Copyright: ©1969 Bud John Songs, Inc. CCLI: 14284 Song ID: U-5112 Hymnal: 112 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3 Verse 1: It only takes a spark to get a fire going, And soon all those around can warm up in its glowing; That's how it is with God's love; Once you've experienced it, You spread His love to ev'ryone; You want to pass it on. Verse 2: What a wondrous time is spring when all the trees are budding, The birds begin to sing, the flowers start their blooming; That's how it is with God's love; Once you've experienced it, You want to sing, it's fresh like spring, You want to pass it on. Verse 3: I wish for you, my friends, this happiness that I've found, You can depend on Him, It matters not where you're bound; I'll shout it from the mountain top, I want my world to know; The Lord of love has come to me, I want to pass it on. Title: Heavenly Sunshine Author: Charles E. Fuller Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: Song ID: U-5125 Hymnal: 125 Notes: Not in CCLI Database Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1 Verse 1: Heavenly sunshine, Heavenly sunshine! Flooding my soul with glory divine! Heavenly sunshine, Heavenly sunshine! Hallelujah, Jesus is mine! Title: God is So Good Author: Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: Song ID: U-5127 Hymnal: 127 Notes: Verses 5 and 6 are not in the hymnal. Nothing matching the lyrics are in the CCLI database. Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4 Verse 1: God is so good, God is so good, God is so good, He's so good to me! Verse 2: Jesus is real, Jesus is real, Jesus is real, He's so real to me! Verse 3: He saved my soul, He saved my soul, He saved my soul And He made me whole! Verse 4: I praise His name, I praise His name, I praise His name, He's so good to me! Verse 5: He cares for me, He cares for me, He cares for me, He's so good to me! Verse 6: He loves me so, He loves me so, He loves me so, He's so good to me! Title: A Child of the King Author: Harriet E. Buell and John B. Sumner Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 68261 Song ID: U-5130 Hymnal: 130 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: My Father is rich in houses and lands, He holdeth the wealth of the world in His hands! Of rubies and diamonds, of silver and gold, His coffers are full, He has riches untold. Verse 2: My Father’s own Son, the Savior of men, Once wandered on earth as the poorest of them; But now He is reigning forever on high, And will give me a home in heav'n by and by. Verse 3: I once was an outcast stranger on earth, A sinner by choice, and an alien by birth; But I’ve been adopted, my name’s written down, An heir to a mansion, a robe, and a crown. Verse 4: A tent or a cottage, why should I care? They’re building a palace for me over there; Though exiled from home, yet still I may sing: All glory to God, I’m a child of the King. Chorus 1: I’m a child of the King, A child of the King: With Jesus my Savior, I’m a child of the King. Title: Hiding in Thee Author: William O. Cushing and Ira D. Sankey Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 22582 Song ID: U-5131 Hymnal: 131 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: O safe to the Rock that is higher than I, My soul in its conflicts and sorrows would fly; So sinful, so weary, Thine, Thine would I be; Thou blest Rock of Ages, I’m hiding in Thee. Verse 2: In the calm of the noontide, in sorrow’s lone hour, In times when temptation casts o’er me its pow'r; In the tempests of life, on its wide, heaving sea, Thou blest Rock of Ages, I’m hiding in Thee. Verse 3: How oft in the conflict, when pressed by the foe, I have fled to my Refuge and breathed out my woe; How often, when trials like sea billows roll, Have I hidden in Thee, O Thou Rock of my soul. Chorus 1: Hiding in Thee, Hiding in Thee, Thou blest Rock of Ages, I’m hiding in Thee. Title: Moment by Moment Author: Daniel Webster Whittle and May Whittle Moody Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 68924 Song ID: U-5133 Hymnal: 133 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: Dying with Jesus, by death reckoned mine; Living with Jesus a new life divine; Looking to Jesus till glory doth shine, Moment by moment, O Lord, I am Thine. Verse 2: Never a trial that He is not there, Never a burden that He doth not bear, Never a sorrow that He doth not share, Moment by moment, I'm under His care. Verse 3: Never a heartache and never a groan, Never a teardrop and never a moan; Never a danger, but there on the throne, Moment by moment, He thinks of His own. Verse 4: Never a weakness that He doth not feel, Never a sickness that He cannot heal; Moment by moment, in woe or in weal, Jesus my Savior abides with me still. Chorus 1: Moment by moment I'm kept in His love; Moment by moment I've life from above; Looking to Jesus till glory doth shine; Moment by moment, O Lord, I am Thine. Title: My Anchor Holds Author: W.C. Martin and Daniel B. Towner Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 30990 Song ID: U-5134 Hymnal: 134 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: Though the angry surges roll O'er my tempest-driven soul, I am peaceful, for I know, Wildly though the winds may blow, I’ve an anchor safe and sure, That shall evermore endure. Verse 2: Mighty tides about me sweep, Perils lurk within the deep, Angry clouds o’ershade the sky, And the tempest rises high; Still I stand the tempest’s shock, For my anchor grips the Rock. Verse 3: I can feel the anchor fast As I meet each sudden blast, And the cable, though unseen, Bears the heavy strain between; Through the storm I safely ride, Till the turning of the tide. Verse 4: Troubles almost ’whelm the soul; Griefs like billows o’er me roll; Tempters seek to lure astray, Storms obscure the light of day: But in Christ I can be bold, I’ve an anchor that shall hold. Chorus 1: And it holds, my anchor holds; Blow your wildest then, O gale, On my bark so small and frail, By His grace I shall not fail, For my anchor holds, My anchor holds. Title: Jesus Never Fails Author: Arthur A. Luther Copyright: ©1927 Singspiration Music CCLI: 20845 Song ID: U-5141 Hymnal: 141 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: Earthly friends may prove untrue, Doubts and fears assail; One still loves and cares for you, One who will not fail. Verse 2: Though the sky be dark and drear, Fierce and strong the gale, Just remember He is near, And He will not fail. Verse 3: In life's dark and bitter hour Love will still prevail; Trust His everlasting pow'r, Jesus will not fail. Chorus 1: Jesus never fails, Jesus never fails; Heav'n and earth may pass away, But Jesus never fails. Title: No Other Plea Author: Lidie H. Edmunds and Andre E. M. Gretry Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 22070 Song ID: U-5146 Hymnal: 146 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: My faith has found a resting place, Not in device nor creed; I trust the Ever-living One, His wounds for me shall plead, Verse 2: Enough for me that Jesus saves, This ends my fear and doubt; A sinful soul, I come to Him, He’ll never cast me out. Verse 3: My heart is leaning on the Word, The written Word of God, Salvation by my Saviour’s name, Salvation through His blood. Verse 4: My great Physician heals the sick, The lost He came to save; For me His precious blood He shed, For me His Life He gave. Chorus 1: I need no other argument, I need no other plea, It is enough that Jesus died, And that He died for me. Title: I'll Live for Him Author: Ralph E. Hudson and C. R. Dunbar Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 23165 Song ID: U-5150 Hymnal: 150 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: My life, my love I give to Thee, Thou Lamb of God who died for me; Oh, may I ever faithful be, My Saviour and my God! Verse 2: I now believe Thou dost receive, For Thou hast died that I might live; And now henceforth I'll trust in Thee, My Saviour and my God! Verse 3: O Thou who died on Calvary, To save my soul and make me free, I’ll consecrate my life to Thee, My Saviour and my God! Chorus 1: I’ll live for Him who died for me, How happy then my life shall be! I’ll live for Him who died for me, My Saviour and my God! Title: CH 196 - O Come, Let Us Adore Him Author: John Francis Wade Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 31054 Song ID: U-2196 Hymnal: 534 Notes: Groups: Celebration Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1 Verse 1: O come, let us adore Him, O come, let us adore Him, O come, let us adore Him, Christ, the Lord! Verse 2: We'll praise His name forever, We'll praise His name forever, We'll praise His name forever, Christ the Lord. Verse 3: We'll give Him all the glory, We'll give Him all the glory, We'll give Him all the glory, Christ the Lord. Verse 4: For He alone is worthy, For He alone is worthy, For He alone is worthy, Christ the Lord. Title: Break Thou the Bread of Life Author: Mary A. Lathbury, Alexander Groves, and William F. Sherwin Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 128338 Song ID: U-5160 Hymnal: 160 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3 Verse 1: Break Thou the bread of life, Dear Lord, to me, As Thou didst break the loaves Beside the sea; Beyond the sacred page I seek Thee, Lord; My spirit pants for Thee, O Living Word! Verse 2: Break Thou the truth, dear Lord, To me, to me, As Thou didst bless the bread By Galilee; Then shall all bondage cease, All fetters fall, And I shall find my peace, My All in All. Verse 3: Teach me to live, dear Lord, Only for Thee, As Thy disciples lived in Galilee; Then, all my struggles o'er, Then, vict'ry won, I shall behold Thee, Lord, The Living One. Title: More Like the Master Author: Charles H. Gabriel Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 109694 Song ID: U-5163 Hymnal: 163 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: More like the Master I would ever be, More of His meekness, more humility; More zeal to labor, more courage to be true, More consecration for work He bids me do. Verse 2: More like the Master is my daily prayer; More strength to carry crosses I must bear; More earnest effort to bring His kingdom in; More of His Spirit, the wanderer to win. Verse 3: More like the Master I would live and grow; More of His love to others I would show; More self-denial, like His in Galilee, More like the Master I long to ever be. Chorus 1: Take Thou my heart, I would be Thine alone; Take Thou my heart and make it all Thine own; Purge me from sin, O Lord, I now implore, Wash me and keep me Thine forevermore. Title: For God So Loved the World Author: Frances Townsend and Alfred B. Smith Copyright: ©1938 Singspiration Music CCLI: 10738 Song ID: U-5164 Hymnal: 164 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1 Verse 1: For God so loved the world, He gave His only Son, To die on Calv'ry's tree, From sin to set me free; Some day He's coming back, What glory that will be! Wonderful His love to me. Title: We've a Story to Tell to the Nations Author: Henry Ernest Nichol Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 29420 Song ID: U-5167 Hymnal: 167 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: We’ve a story to tell to the nations That shall turn their hearts to the right; A story of truth and mercy, A story of peace and light, A story of peace and light. Verse 2: We’ve a song to be sung to the nations That shall lift their hearts to the Lord; A song that shall conquer evil And shatter the spear and sword, And shatter the spear and sword. Verse 3: We’ve a message to give to the nations, That the Lord who reigneth above Hath sent us His Son to save us, And show us that God is love, And show us that God is love. Verse 4: We’ve a Saviour to show to the nations Who the path of sorrow hath trod, That all of the world’s great peoples Might come to the truth of God, Might come to the truth of God! Chorus 1: For the darkness shall turn to dawning, And the dawning to noonday bright, And Christ’s great kingdom shall come to earth, The kingdom of love and light. Title: Higher Ground Author: Johnson Oatman, Jr. and Charles H. Gabriel Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 21844 Song ID: U-5171 Hymnal: 171 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: I'm pressing on the upward way, New heights I'm gaining ev'ry day; Still praying as I'm onward bound, "Lord, plant my feet on higher ground." Verse 2: My heart has no desire to stay Where doubts arise and fears dismay; Though some may dwell where these abound, My prayer, my aim, is higher ground. Verse 3: I want to live above the world, Tho' Satan's darts at me are hurled; For faith has caught the joyful sound, The song of saints on higher ground. Verse 4: I want to scale the utmost height And catch a gleam of glory bright; But still I'll pray till Heav'n I've found, "Lord, lead me on to higher ground." Chorus 1: Lord, lift me up and let me stand, By faith, on Heaven's tableland; A higher plane that I have found; Lord, plant my feet on higher ground. Title: I Need Thee Every Hour Author: Annie S. Hawks and Robert Lowry Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 78811 Song ID: U-5174 Hymnal: 174 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: I need Thee ev'ry hour, Most gracious Lord; No tender voice like Thine Can peace afford. Verse 2: I need Thee ev'ry hour, Stay Thou near by; Temptations lose their pow'r When Thou art nigh. Verse 3: I need Thee ev'ry hour, In joy or pain; Come quickly and abide, Or life is vain. Verse 4: I need Thee ev'ry hour, Most Holy One; O make me Thine indeed, Thou blessed Son. Chorus 1: I need Thee; O, I need Thee; Ev'ry hour I need Thee! O bless me now, my Saviour, I come to Thee. Title: Good Christians, Now Rejoice Author: John N. Neale and Joseph Martin Copyright: ©2004 Malcom Music CCLI: Song ID: U-3001 Hymnal: Notes: "The Voices of Christmas" Contata Groups: Misc. PlayOrder: Verse1 Verse 1: Good Christians, now rejoice with heart and soul and voice. Now ye need not fear the grave for Jesus Christ was born to save! Calls you one and calls you all to gain His everlasting hall. Christ was born to save! Christ was born to save! Title: Make Me a Blessing Author: Ira B. Wilson and George S. Schuler Copyright: ©1924. Renewed 1952 Word Music, Inc. CCLI: 11603 Song ID: U-5177 Hymnal: 177 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: Out in the highways and byways of life, Many are weary and sad; Carry the sunshine where darkness is rife, Making the sorrowing glad. Verse 2: Tell the sweet story of Christ and His love; Tell of His pow'r to forgive; Others will trust Him if only you prove True, ev'ry moment you live. Verse 3: Give as 'twas given to you in your need, Love as the Master loved you; Be to the helpless a helper in deed, Unto your mission be true. Chorus 1: Make me a blessing, Make me a blessing, Out of my life may Jesus shine; Make me a blessing, O Saviour, I pray, Make me a blessing to someone today. Title: Fill My Cup, Lord Author: Richard Blanchard Copyright: ©1959 Richard Blanchard. Assigned 1964 Word Music, Inc. CCLI: 15946 Song ID: U-5180 Hymnal: 180 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: Like the woman at the well I was seeking For things that could not satisfy; And then I heard my Savior speaking "Draw from My well that never shall run dry." Verse 2: There are millions in this world who are craving The pleasure earthly things afford; But none can match the wondrous treasure That I find in Jesus Christ my Lord. Verse 3: So, my brother, if the things this world gave you Leave hungers that won't pass away, My blessed Lord will come and save you, If you kneel to Him and humbly pray: Chorus 1: Fill my cup, Lord, I lift it up, Lord! Come and quench this thirsting of my soul; Bread of Heaven, feed me till I want no more, Fill my cup, fill it up and make me whole! Title: All My Life Author: Ralph Carmichael Copyright: ©1966 Bud John Songs, Inc. CCLI: 156630 Song ID: U-5183 Hymnal: 183 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Bridge1, Verse2 Verse 1: All my life Through the good and bad of life Whether I should gain or lose, still I choose to live my life ev'ry moment; All for Thee Walking, oh, so close to Thee While I'm learning ev'ry day, come what may, to trust in Thee. Verse 2: Then all my days, be the guardian of my ways, And I'll know the glory of all Thy love through all my days. Bridge 1: Take away the doubt that hides Thy perfect will. Give me faith, instead, and with Thy Spirit fill. Title: Cleanse Me Author: J. Edwin Orr Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 56307 Song ID: U-5187 Hymnal: 187 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4 Verse 1: Search me, O God, and know my heart today; Try me, O Saviour, know my thoughts, I pray; See if there be some wicked way in me: Cleanse me from ev'ry sin, and set me free. Verse 2: I praise Thee, Lord, for cleansing me from sin: Fulfill Thy word, and make me pure within; Fill me with fire, where once I burned with shame: Grant my desire to magnify Thy name. Verse 3: Lord, take my life, and make it wholly Thine: Fill my poor heart with Thy great love divine; Take all my will, my passion, self and pride; I now surrender: Lord, in me abide. Verse 4: O Holy Ghost, revival comes from Thee; Send a revival, start the work in me: Thy Word declares Thou wilt supply our need: For blessing now, O Lord, I humbly plead. Title: He is Coming Again Author: Mabel J. Camp Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 86810 Song ID: U-5192 Hymnal: 192 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: Lift up your head, pilgrims aweary! See day's approach now crimson the sky; Night shadows flee, and your Beloved, Awaited with longing, at last draweth nigh. Verse 2: Dark was the night sin warred against us! Heavy the load of sorrow we bore; But now we see signs of His coming Our hearts glow within us, joy's cup runneth o'er! Verse 3: O blessed hope! O blissful promise! Filling our hearts with rapture divine; O day of days! Hail Thy appearing! Thy transcendent glory forever shall shine! Verse 4: Even so, come, precious Lord Jesus! Creation waits redemption to see; Caught up in clouds, soon we shall meet Thee, O blessed assurance, forever with Thee! Chorus 1: He is coming again, He is coming again, The very same Jesus rejected of men; He is coming again, He is coming again, With pow'r and great glory, He is coming again! Title: Trusting Jesus Author: Edgar P. Stites and Ira D. Sankey Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 22537 Song ID: U-5194 Hymnal: 194 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: Simply trusting ev'ry day, Trusting through a stormy way; Even when my faith is small, Trusting Jesus, that is all. Verse 2: Brightly doth His Spirit shine Into this poor heart of mine; While He leads I cannot fall; Trusting Jesus, that is all. Verse 3: Singing if my way is clear; Praying if the path be drear; If in danger, for Him call; Trusting Jesus, that is all. Verse 4: Trusting Him while life shall last, Trusting Him till earth be past; Till within the jasper wall: Trusting Jesus, that is all. Chorus 1: Trusting as the moments fly, Trusting as the days go by; Trusting Him whate'er befall, Trusting Jesus, that is all. Title: Only Trust Him Author: John H. Stockton Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 23134 Song ID: U-5197 Hymnal: 197 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: Come, ev'ry soul by sin oppressed, There’s mercy with the Lord, And He will surely give you rest By trusting in His Word. Verse 2: For Jesus shed His precious blood Rich blessings to bestow; Plunge now into the crimson flood That washes white as snow. Verse 3: Yes, Jesus is the truth, the way, That leads you into rest; Believe in Him without delay, And you are fully blest. Verse 4: Come, then, and join this holy band, And on to glory go, To dwell in that celestial land, Where joys immortal flow. Chorus 1: Only trust Him, only trust Him, only trust Him now; He will save you, He will save you, He will save you now. Title: Am I a Soldier of the Cross? Author: Isaac Watts and Thomas A. Arne Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 115145 Song ID: U-5203 Hymnal: 203 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4 Verse 1: Am I a soldier of the cross, A follow'r of the Lamb? And shall I fear to own His cause, Or blush to speak His name? Verse 2: Must I be carried to the skies On flow'ry beds of ease, While others fought to win the prize, And sailed through bloody seas? Verse 3: Are there no foes for me to face? Must I not stem the flood? Is this vile world a friend to grace, To help me on to God? Verse 4: Sure I must fight, if I would reign; Increase my courage, Lord; I'll bear the toil, endure the pain, Supported by Thy Word. Title: Onward, Christian Soldiers Author: Sabine Baring-Gould and Arthur S. Sullivan Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 47017 Song ID: U-5205 Hymnal: 205 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: Onward, Christian soldiers, Marching as to war, With the cross of Jesus Going on before: Christ, the royal Master, Leads against the foe; Forward into battle, See, His banners go. Verse 2: Like a mighty army Moves the Church of God; Brothers, we are treading Where the saints have trod; We are not divided, All one body we, One in hope and doctrine, One in charity. Verse 3: Crowns and thrones may perish, Kingdoms rise and wane, But the Church of Jesus Constant will remain; Gates of hell can never 'Gainst that Church prevail; We have Christ's own promise, And that cannot fail. Verse 4: Onward, then, ye people, Join our happy throng, Blend with ours your voices In the triumph song; Glory, laud, and honor Unto Christ the King; This through countless ages Men and angels sing. Chorus 1: Onward, Christian soldiers, Marching as to war, With the cross of Jesus Going on before. Title: Stand Up, Stand Up For Jesus Author: George Duffield, Jr. and George J. Webb Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 132379 Song ID: U-5207 Hymnal: 207 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4 Verse 1: Stand up, stand up for Jesus, Ye soldiers of the cross, Lift high His royal banner, It must not suffer loss; From vict'ry unto vict'ry His army shall He lead, Till ev'ry foe is vanquished And Christ is Lord indeed. Verse 2: Stand up, stand up for Jesus, The trumpet call obey; Forth to the mighty conflict In this His glorious day. Ye that are men, now serve Him Against unnumbered foes; Let courage rise with danger, And strength to strength oppose. Verse 3: Stand up, stand up for Jesus, Stand in His strength alone; The arm of flesh will fail you, Ye dare not trust your own; Put on the gospel armor, Each piece put on with prayer; Where duty calls, or danger, Be never wanting there. Verse 4: Stand up, stand up for Jesus, The strife will not be long; This day the noise of battle, The next, the victor's song; To him that overcometh A crown of life shall be; He, with the King of Glory, Shall reign eternally. Title: Who Is on the Lord's Side? Author: Frances R. Havergal and C. Luise Reichardt Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 22135 Song ID: U-5208 Hymnal: 208 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus2, Verse3, Chorus3, Verse4, Chorus4 Verse 1: Who is on the Lord's side? Who will serve the King? Who will be His helpers Other lives to bring? Who will leave the world's side? Who will face the foe? Who is on the Lord's side? Who for Him will go? Verse 2: Jesus, Thou hast bought us, Not with gold or gem, But with Thine own lifeblood, For Thy diadem. With Thy blessing filling Each who comes to Thee, Thou hast made us willing, Thou has made us free. Verse 3: Not for weight of glory, Not for crown and palm, Enter we His service, Raise the conq'ror's psalm; But for love that claimeth Lives for whom He died, He whom Jesus nameth Must be on His side. Verse 4: Fierce may be the conflict, Strong may be the foe, But the King's own army None can overthrow. Round His standard ranging, Vict'ry is secure; For His truth unchanging Makes the triumph sure. Chorus 1: By Thy call of mercy, By Thy grace divine, We are on the Lord's side, Saviour, we are Thine! Chorus 2: By Thy grand redemption, By Thy grace divine, We are on the Lord's side, Saviour, we are Thine! Chorus 3: By Thy love constraining, By Thy grace divine, We are on the Lord's side, Saviour, we are Thine! Chorus 4: Joyfully enlisting, By Thy grace divine, We are on the Lord's side, Saviour, we are Thine! Title: As a Volunteer Author: W. S. Brown and Charles H. Gabriel Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 98475 Song ID: U-5209 Hymnal: 209 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: A call for loyal soldiers Comes to one and all; Soldiers for the conflict, Will you heed the call? Will you answer quickly? With a ready cheer? Will you be enlisted as a volunteer? Verse 2: Yes, Jesus calls for soldiers Who are filled with pow'r, Soldiers who will serve Him Ev'ry day and hour; He will not forsake you, He is ever near; Will you be enlisted as a volunteer? Verse 3: He calls you, for He loves you With a heart most kind. He whose heart was broken, Broken for mankind; Now, just now He calls you, Calls in accents clear, Will you be enlisted as a volunteer? Verse 4: And when the war is over, And the vict'ry won, When the true and faithful Gather one by one, He will crown with glory All who there appear; Will you be enlisted as a volunteer? Chorus 1: A volunteer for Jesus, A soldier true! Others have enlisted, Why not you? Jesus is the Captain, We will never fear; Will you be enlisted As a volunteer? Title: We Are More Than Conquerors Author: Ralph Carmichael Copyright: ©1985 Bud John Songs, Inc. CCLI: 54873 Song ID: U-5212 Hymnal: 212 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse2 Verse 1: We are more than conquerors through Him who loved us so. The Christ who dwells within us is the greatest pow'r we know. He will fight beside us though the enemy is great. Who can stand against us, He's the Captain of our fate. Verse 2: Then we will conquer, never fear, so let the battle rage. He has promised to be near until the end of the age. We are more than conquerors through Him that loved us so. The Christ who dwells within us is the greatest pow'r we know. Title: Faith Is the Victory Author: John H. Yates and Ira D. Sankey Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 98688 Song ID: U-5216 Hymnal: 216 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: Encamped along the hills of light, Ye Christian soldiers, rise, And press the battle ere the night Shall veil the glowing skies. Against the foe in vales below Let all our strength be hurled; Faith is the victory, we know, That overcomes the world. Verse 2: His banner over us is love, Our sword the Word of God; We tread the road the saints above With shouts of triumph trod. By faith they, like a whirlwind's breath, Swept on o'er ev'ry field; The faith by which they conquered death Is still our shining shield. Verse 3: On ev'ry hand the foe we find Drawn up in dread array; Let tents of ease be left behind, And onward to the fray; Salvation's helmet on each head, With truth all girt about, The earth shall tremble 'neath our tread, And echo with our shout. Verse 4: To him that overcomes the foe, White raiment shall be giv'n; Before the angels he shall know His name confessed in heav'n. Then onward from the hills of light, Our hearts with love aflame, We'll vanquish all the hosts of night, In Jesus' conqu'ring name. Chorus 1: Faith is the victory! Faith is the victory! O, glorious victory, That overcomes the world. Title: Work, for the Night Is Coming Author: Anna L. Coghill and Lowell Mason Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 124435 Song ID: U-5218 Hymnal: 218 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3 Verse 1: Work, for the night is coming, Work through the morning hours; Work while the dew is sparkling, Work 'mid springing flowers; Work while the day grows brighter, Under the glowing sun; Work, for the night is coming, When man's work is done. Verse 2: Work, for the night is coming, Work through the sunny noon; Fill brightest hours with labor, Rest comes sure and soon: Give ev'ry flying minute Something to keep in store; Work, for the night is coming, When man works no more. Verse 3: Work, for the night is coming, Under the sunset skies; While their bright tints are glowing, Work, for daylight flies; Work, till the last beam fadeth, Fadeth to shine no more; Work, while night is dark'ning, When man's work is o'er. Title: O Zion, Haste Author: Mary A. Thomson and James Walch Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 85316 Song ID: U-5220 Hymnal: 220 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1, Verse5, Chorus1 Verse 1: O Zion, haste, Thy mission high fulfilling, To tell to all the world that God is Light; That He who made all nations is not willing One soul should perish, lost in shades of night. Verse 2: Behold how many thousands still are lying Bound in the darksome prison house of sin, With none to tell them of the Saviour's dying, Or of the life He died for them to win. Verse 3: Proclaim to ev'ry people, tongue and nation That God in whom they live and move is love: Tell how He stooped to save His lost creation, And died on earth that man might live above. Verse 4: Give of thy sons to bear the message glorious; Give of thy wealth to speed them on their way; Pour out thy soul for them in prayer victorious; And all thou spendest Jesus will repay. Verse 5: He comes again; O Zion, ere thou meet Him Make known to ev'ry heart His saving grace; Let none whom He hath ransomed fail to greet Him, Through thy neglect, unfit to see His face. Chorus 1: Publish glad tidings, Tidings of peace, Tidings of Jesus, Redemption and release. Title: I'll Go Where You Want Me to Go Author: Mary Brown, Carrie E. Rounsefell and Charles E. Prior Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 47282 Song ID: U-5222 Hymnal: 222 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: It may not be on the mountain's height, Or over the stormy sea; It may not be at the battle's front My Lord will have need of me; But if by a still, small voice He calls To paths I do not know, I'll answer, dear Lord, with my hand in Thine, I'll go where You want me to go. Verse 2: Perhaps today there are loving words Which Jesus would have me speak; There may be now, in the paths of sin, Some wand'rer whom I should seek. O Savior, if Thou wilt be my Guide, Though dark and rugged the way, My voice shall echo the message sweet, I'll say what You want me to say. Verse 3: There's surely somewhere a lowly place In earth's harvest fields so wide, Where I may labor through life's short day For Jesus, the Crucified. So, trusting my all unto Thy care, I know Thou lovest me! I'll do Thy will with a heart sincere, I'll be what You want me to be. Chorus 1: I'll go where You want me to go, dear Lord, O'er mountain, or plain, or sea; I'll say what You want me to say, dear Lord, I'll be what You want me to be. Title: Let the Lower Lights Be Burning Author: Philip P. Bliss Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 94084 Song ID: U-5223 Hymnal: 223 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: Brightly beams our Father's mercy From His lighthouse evermore, But to us He gives the keeping Of the lights along the shore. Verse 2: Dark the night of sin has settled, Loud the angry billows roar; Eager eyes are watching, longing, For the lights along the shore. Verse 3: Trim your feeble lamp, my brother, Some poor sailor tempest-tossed, Trying now to make the harbor, In the darkness may be lost. Chorus 1: Let the lower lights be burning! Send a gleam across the wave; Some poor fainting, struggling seaman You may rescue, you may save. Title: Bring Them In Author: Alexcenah Thomas and William A. Ogden Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 22180 Song ID: U-5224 Hymnal: 224 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: Hark! 'Tis the Shepherd's voice I hear, Out in the desert dark and drear, Calling the sheep who've gone astray Far from the Shepherd's fold away. Verse 2: Who'll go and help this Shepherd kind, Help Him the wand'ring ones to find? Who'll bring the lost ones to the fold, Where they'll be sheltered from the cold? Verse 3: Out in the desert hear their cry, Out on the mountains wild and high; Hark! 'Tis the Master speaks to thee, "Go find My sheep where'er they be." Chorus 1: Bring them in, bring them in, Bring them in from the fields of sin; Bring them in, bring them in, Bring the wand'ring ones to Jesus. Title: Channels Only Author: Mary E. Maxwell and Ada Rose Gibbs Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 34226 Song ID: U-5226 Hymnal: 226 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: How I praise Thee, precious Saviour, That Thy love laid hold of me; Thou hast saved and cleansed and filled me That I might Thy channel be. Verse 2: Emptied that Thou shouldest fill me, A clean vessel in Thy hand; With no pow'r but as Thou givest Graciously with each command. Verse 3: Witnessing Thy pow'r to save me, Setting free from self and sin; Thou who boughtest to possess me, In Thy fullness, Lord come in. Verse 4: Jesus, fill now with Thy Spirit Hearts that full surrender know; That the streams of living water From our inner man may flow. Chorus 1: Channels only, blessed Master, But with all Thy wondrous pow'r Flowing through us, Thou canst use us Ev'ry day and ev'ry hour. Title: Rescue the Perishing Author: Fanny J. Crosby and William H. Doane Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 34549 Song ID: U-5227 Hymnal: 227 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: Rescue the perishing, Care for the dying, Snatch them in pity from sin and the grave; Weep o'er the erring one, Lift up the fallen, Tell them of Jesus the mighty to save. Verse 2: Tho' they are slighting Him, Still He is waiting, Waiting the penitent child to receive; Plead with them earnestly, Plead with them gently, He will forgive if they only believe. Verse 3: Down in the human heart, Crushed by the tempter, Feelings lie buried that grace can restore; Touched by a loving heart, Wakened by kindness, Chords that are broken will vibrate once more. Verse 4: Rescue the perishing, Duty demands it; Strength for thy labor the Lord will provide; Back to the narrow way Patiently win them; Tell the poor wand'rer a Saviour has died. Chorus 1: Rescue the perishing, Care for the dying; Jesus is merciful, Jesus will save. Title: Send the Light Author: Charles Hutchison Gabriel Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 76954 Song ID: U-5229 Hymnal: 229 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: There's a call comes ringing o'er the restless wave, "Send the light! Send the light!" There are souls to rescue, there are souls to save, Send the light! Send the light! Verse 2: We have heard the Macedonian call today, "Send the light! Send the light!" And a golden off'ring at the cross we lay, Send the light! Send the light! Verse 3: Let us pray that grace may ev'rywhere abound; Send the light! Send the light! And a Christlike spirit ev'rywhere be found, Send the light! Send the light! Verse 4: Let us not grow weary in the work of love, Send the light! Send the light! Let us gather jewels for a crown above, Send the light! Send the light! Chorus 1: Send the light! the blessed gospel light; Let it shine from shore to shore! Send the light! the blessed gospel light; Let it shine forevermore. Title: In the Service of the King Author: A. H. Ackley and B. D. Ackley Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 36475 Song ID: U-5230 Hymnal: 230 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: I am happy in the service of the King, I am happy, oh, so happy; I have peace and joy that nothing else can bring, In the service of the King. Verse 2: I am happy in the service of the King, I am happy, oh, so happy; Through the sunshine and the shadow I can sing, In the service of the King. Verse 3: I am happy in the service of the King, I am happy, oh, so happy; To His guiding hand forever I will cling, In the service of the King. Verse 4: I am happy in the service of the King, I am happy, oh, so happy; All that I possess to Him I gladly bring, In the service of the King. Chorus 1: In the service of the King, Ev'ry talent I will bring; I have peace and joy and blessing In the service of the King. Title: Just a Closer Walk with Thee Author: William J. Floyd Copyright: ©1964 Hope Publishing Company CCLI: 3062425 Song ID: U-5236 Hymnal: 236 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: I am weak but Thou art strong; Jesus, keep me from all wrong; I'll be satisfied as long As I walk, let me walk close to Thee. Verse 2: Thro' this world of toil and snares, If I falter, Lord, who cares? Who with me my burden shares? None but Thee, dear Lord, none but Thee. Verse 3: When my feeble life is o'er, Time for me will be no more; Guide me gently, safely o'er to Thy kingdom shore, to Thy shore. Chorus 1: Just a closer walk with Thee, Grant it, Jesus, is my plea, Daily walking close to Thee, Let it be, dear Lord, let it be. Title: I Am His, and He Is Mine Author: George W. Robinson and James Mountain Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 136973 Song ID: U-5239 Hymnal: 239 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4 Verse 1: Loved with everlasting love, Led by grace that love to know; Spirit, breathing from above, Thou hast taught me it is so! Oh, this full and perfect peace! Oh, this transport all divine! In a love which cannot cease, I am His, and He is mine. In a love which cannot cease, I am His, and He is mine. Verse 2: Heav'n above is softer blue, Earth around is sweeter green! Something lives in ev'ry hue Christ-less eyes have never seen: Birds with gladder songs o'erflow, Flow'rs with deeper beauties shine, Since I know, as now I know, I am His, and He is mine. Since I know, as now I know, I am His, and He is mine. Verse 3: Things that once were wild alarms Cannot now disturb my rest; Closed in everlasting arms, Pillowed on the loving breast. Oh, to lie forever here, Doubt, and care, and self resign, While He whispers in my ear, I am His, and He is mine. While He whispers in my ear, I am His, and He is mine. Verse 4: His forever, only His; Who the Lord and me shall part? Ah, with what a rest of bliss Christ can fill the loving heart! Heav'n and earth may fade and flee, First-born light in gloom decline; But while God and I shall be, I am His, and He is mine. But while God and I shall be, I am His, and He is mine. Title: Once to Every Man and Nation Author: James R. Lowell and Thomas J. Williams Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 96154 Song ID: U-5253 Hymnal: 253 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3 Verse 1: Once to ev'ry man and nation Comes the moment to decide, In the strife of truth with falsehood, For the good or evil side; Some great cause, some great decision, Off'ring each the bloom or blight, And the choice goes by forever 'Twixt that darkness and that light. Verse 2: Then to side with truth is noble, When we share her wretched crust, Ere her cause bring fame and profit, And 'tis prosp'rous to be just; Then it is the brave man chooses While the coward stands aside, Till the multitude make virtue Of the faith they had denied. Verse 3: Though the cause of evil prosper, Yet the truth alone is strong; Though her portion be the scaffold, And upon the throne be wrong, Yet that scaffold sways the future, And, behind the dim unknown, Standeth God within the shadow Keeping watch above His own. Title: 706 - For the Beauty of the Earth Author: Folliott S. Pierpoint and Conrad Kocher Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 43200 Song ID: U-0706 Hymnal: 259 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4, Verse5 Verse 1: For the beauty of the earth, For the glory of the skies, For the love which from our birth Over and around us lies: Lord of all, to Thee we raise This our hymn of grateful praise. Verse 2: For the beauty of each hour Of the day and of the night, Hill and vale, and tree, and flow'r, Sun and moon and stars of light: Lord of all, to Thee we raise This our hymn of grateful praise. Verse 3: For the joy of human love, Brother, sister, parent, child, Friends on earth and friends above; For all gentle thoughts and mild: Lord of all, to Thee we raise This our hymn of grateful praise. Verse 4: For the church that evermore Lifteth holy hands above, Off’ring up on ev’ry shore Her pure sacrifice of love: Lord of all, to Thee we raise This our hymn of grateful praise. Verse 5: For Thyself, best Gift Divine! To the world so freely giv’n; For that great, great love of Thine, Peace on earth, and joy in heav’n: Lord of all, to Thee we raise This our hymn of grateful praise. Title: Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken Author: John Newton and Franz Joseph Haydn Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 99371 Song ID: U-5260 Hymnal: 260 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4 Verse 1: Glorious things of thee are spoken, Zion, city of our God; He whose word cannot be broken Formed thee for His own abode; On the Rock of Ages founded, What can shake thy sure repose? With salvation's walls surrounded, Thou may'st smile at all thy foes. Verse 2: See the streams of living waters, Springing from eternal love, Well supply thy sons and daughters, And all fear of want remove: Who can faint, while such a river Ever will their thirst assuage? Grace which, like the Lord, the Giver, Never fails from age to age. Verse 3: Round each habitation hovering, See the clouds and fire appear For a glory and a covering, Showing that the Lord is near! Thus deriving from their banner Light by night and shade by day; Safe they feed upon the manna Which He gives them when they pray. Verse 4: Savior, if of Zion's city, I through grace a member am, Let the world deride or pity, I will glory in Thy name; Fading is the world's best pleasure, All its boasted pomp and show; Solid joys and lasting treasure None but Zion's children know. Title: Great God of Wonders! Author: Samuel Davies and John Newton Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 179222 Song ID: U-5261 Hymnal: 261 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Chorus1 Verse 1: Great God of wonders! All Thy ways are matchless, Godlike, and divine; But the fair glories of Thy grace More Godlike and unrivaled shine, More Godlike and unrivaled shine. Verse 2: In wonder lost, with trembling joy, We take the pardon of our God: Pardon for crimes of deepest dye, A pardon bought with Jesus' blood, A pardon bought with Jesus' blood. Verse 3: O may this strange, this matchless grace, This Godlike miracle of love, Fill the whole earth with grateful praise, And all th' angelic choirs above, And all th' angelic choirs above. Chorus 1: Who is a pard'ning God like Thee? Or who has grace so rich and free? Or who has grace so rich and free? Title: Soldiers of Christ, Arise Author: Charles Wesley and George J. Elvey Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 185924 Song ID: U-5265 Hymnal: 265 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3 Verse 1: Soldiers of Christ, arise, And put your armor on, Strong in the strength which God supplies Through His eternal Son; Strong in the Lord of hosts, And in His mighty pow'r Who in the strength of Jesus trusts Is more than conqueror. Verse 2: Stand then in His great might, With all His strength endued, And take, to arm you for the fight, The panoply of God; That having all things done, And all your conflicts past, Ye may o'ercome through Christ alone, And stand entire at last. Verse 3: Leave no unguarded place, No weakness of the soul, Take ev'ry virtue, ev'ry grace, And fortify the whole. From strength to strength go on, Wrestle and fight and pray, Tread all the pow'rs of darkness down, And win the well-fought day. Title: The Song of The Soul Set Free Author: Oswald J. Smith and Alfred H. Ackley Copyright: ©1938. Renewed 1966 Word Music, Inc. CCLI: 137484 Song ID: U-5279 Hymnal: 279 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: Fairest of ten thousand, Is Jesus Christ my Saviour, The Lily of the Valley, The Bright and Morning Star; He is all my glory, And in this heart of mine, Forevermore I'm singing, A song of love divine. Verse 2: Once my heart was burdened, But now I am forgiven, And with a song of gladness, I'm on my way to heav'n. Christ is my Redeemer, My Song of songs is He. My Saviour, Lord and Master, To Him my praise shall be. Verse 3: When He came to save me, He set the joy bells ringing, And now I'm ever singing, For Christ has ransomed me. Once I lived in darkness, The light I could not see, But now I sing His praises, For He has set me free. Verse 4: Angels cannot sing it, This song of joy and freedom, For mortals only know it, The ransomed and the free; Slaves were they in bondage, And deepest misery, But now they sing triumphant, Their song of liberty. Chorus 1: 'Tis the song of the soul set free, And its melody is ringing; 'Tis the song of the soul set free, Joy and peace to me it's bringing, 'Tis the song of the soul set free, And my heart is ever singing Hallelujah! Hallelujah! The song of the soul set free. Title: Unworthy Author: D.B. Thomas and Gloria Roe Copyright: ©1958 Word Music, Inc. CCLI: 199439 Song ID: U-5289 Hymnal: 289 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3 Verse 1: I am unworthy of the price He paid for me. I am unworthy of His death on Calvary. I am unworthy to call upon His name; Yet He loved me, still He loves me, Praise His holy name. Verse 2: I am unworthy of the blood He freely gave. I am unworthy, for in sin I was a slave. I am unworthy that He should bear my shame; Yet He loved me, still He loves me, Praise His holy name. Verse 3: I am unworthy of the place He has prepared. I am unworthy of His love that He has shared. I am unworthy to claim His precious name; Yet He loved me, still He loves me, Praise His holy name. Title: Let's Just Praise the Lord Author: William J. and Gloria Gaither Copyright: ©1972 William J. Gaither, Inc. CCLI: 20065 Song ID: U-5292 Hymnal: 292 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1 Verse 1: We thank You for Your kindness, We thank You for Your love, We've been in heav'nly places, Felt blessings from above; We've been sharing all the good things the fam'ly can afford, Let's just turn our praise t'ward heaven, And praise the Lord. Verse 2: Just the precious name of Jesus is worthy of our praise, Let us bow our knees before Him, Our hands to heaven raise; When He comes in clouds of glory, with Him to ever reign, Let's lift our happy voices, and praise His dear Name. Chorus 1: Let's just praise the Lord! Praise the Lord! Let's just lift our hands t'ward heaven and praise the Lord; Let's just praise the Lord! Praise the Lord! Let's just lift our hands t'ward heaven and praise the Lord. Title: When I Think of the Cross Author: Ralph Carmichael Copyright: ©1970 Bud John Songs, Inc. CCLI: 17188 Song ID: U-5294 Hymnal: 294 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus2 Verse 1: Long, long ago in a far away place, Rough rugged timbers were raised to the sky. There hung a man suspended in space And though He was blameless they left Him to die. Verse 2: He put an end to my guilt and despair, Turned bitter hating to sweet peace and love. Even the men that put Him up there Were offered forgiveness and life from above. Chorus 1: Just to think of the cross moves me now, The nails in His hands, His bleeding brow. To think of the cross moves me now. It should have been me, It should have been me, Instead I am free, I am free, I am free. Chorus 2: Just to think of the cross moves me now, The nails in His hands, His bleeding brow. To think of the cross moves me now. It should have been me, It should have been me, Instead I am free, I am free, I am free, I am free. Title: Must Jesus Bear the Cross Alone? Author: Thomas Shepherd and George N. Allen Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 121627 Song ID: U-5295 Hymnal: 295 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4 Verse 1: Must Jesus bear the cross alone, And all the world go free? No, there's a cross for ev'ry one, And there's a cross for me. Verse 2: The consecrated cross I'll bear, Till death shall set me free, And then go home my crown to wear, For there's a crown for me. Verse 3: Upon the crystal pavement, down at Jesus' pierced feet, Joyful, I'll cast my golden crown, And His dear name repeat. Verse 4: Oh! precious cross! Oh! glorious crown! Oh! resurrection day! Ye angels, from the stars come down, And bear my soul away. Title: Thy Loving Kindness Author: Hugh Mitchell Copyright: ©1956 Singspiration Music CCLI: 11012 Song ID: U-5297 Hymnal: 297 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2 Verse 1: Thy loving kindness is better than life. Thy loving kindness is better than life. My lips shall praise Thee, thus will I bless Thee. I will lift up my hands unto Thy name. Verse 2: I lift my hands, Lord, unto Thy name. I lift my hands, Lord, unto Thy name. My lips shall praise Thee, thus will I bless Thee. I will lift up my hands unto Thy name. Title: 99 - Forever Author: Chris Tomlin Copyright: 2001 worshiptogether.com songs, Six Steps Music CCLI: 3148428 Song ID: U-1057 Hymnal: 99 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal, Praise PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus2 Verse 1: Give thanks to the Lord, our God and King, His love endures forever. For He is good, He is above all things. His love endures forever. Sing praise (echo), sing praise (echo). Verse 2: With a mighty hand and outstretched arm, His love endures forever. For the life that’s been reborn, His love endures forever. Sing praise (echo), sing praise (echo). Sing praise (echo), sing praise (echo). Verse 3: From the rising to the setting sun, His love endures forever. By the grace of God we will carry on, His love endures forever. Sing praise (echo), sing praise (echo). Sing praise (echo), sing praise (echo). Chorus 1: Forever God is faithful. Forever God is strong, Forever God is with us, forever. Forever God is faithful. Forever God is strong, Forever God is with us, forever. Forever. Chorus 2: Forever God is faithful. Forever God is strong, Forever God is with us, forever. Forever God is faithful. Forever God is strong, Forever God is with us, forever. Forever. Forever. Forever. Title: Where the Spirit of the Lord Is Author: Stephen R. Adams Copyright: ©1973 Pilot Point Music CCLI: 27484 Song ID: U-5311 Hymnal: 311 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Chorus1 Chorus 1: Where the Spirit of the Lord is, There is peace! Where the Spirit of the Lord is, There is love! There is comfort in life's darkest hour, There is light and life, There is help and power in the Spirit, In the Spirit of the Lord! Title: I Am Trusting Thee, Lord Jesus Author: Frances R. Havergal and Ethelbert W. Bullinger Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 39544 Song ID: U-5313 Hymnal: 313 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4 Verse 1: I am trusting Thee, Lord Jesus, Trusting only Thee; Trusting Thee for full salvation, Great and free. Verse 2: I am trusting Thee to guide me, Thou alone shalt lead, Ev'ry day and hour supplying All my need. Verse 3: I am trusting Thee for power, Thine can never fail; Words which Thou Thyself shalt give me Must prevail. Verse 4: I am trusting Thee, Lord Jesus, Never let me fall; I am trusting Thee forever, And for all. Title: Teach Me To Pray Author: Albert S. Reitz Copyright: ©1924 A. S. Reitz. Renewed 1953 Broadman Press CCLI: 84843 Song ID: U-5314 Hymnal: 314 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: Teach me to pray, Lord, teach me to pray; This is my heart-cry day unto day; I long to know Thy will and Thy way; Teach me to pray, Lord, teach me to pray. Verse 2: Power in prayer, Lord, power in prayer! Here 'mid earth's sin and sorrow and care, Men lost and dying, souls in despair; O give me power, power in prayer! Verse 3: My weakened will, Lord, Thou canst renew; My sinful nature Thou canst subdue; Fill me just now with power anew; Power to pray and power to do! Verse 4: Teach me to pray, Lord, teach me to pray; Thou art my pattern day unto day; Thou art my surety now and for aye; Teach me to pray, Lord, teach me to pray. Chorus 1: Living in Thee, Lord, and Thou in me, Constant abiding, this is my plea; Grant me Thy power, boundless and free, Power with men and power with Thee. Title: Yield Not to Temptation Author: H. R. Palmer Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 87132 Song ID: U-5315 Hymnal: 315 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: Yield not to temptation, For yielding is sin; Each vict'ry will help you Some other to win; Fight manfully onward, Dark passions subdue; Look ever to Jesus, He'll carry you through. Verse 2: Shun evil companions, Bad language disdain; God's name hold in rev'rence, Nor take it in vain; Be thoughtful and earnest, Kindhearted and true; Look ever to Jesus, He'll carry you through. Verse 3: To him that o'ercometh, God giveth a crown; Through faith we will conquer, Though often cast down; He who is our Saviour, Our strength will renew; Look ever to Jesus, He'll carry you through. Chorus 1: Ask the Saviour to help you, Comfort, strengthen, and keep you; He is willing to aid you, He will carry you through. Title: 151 - Bless His Holy Name Author: Andrae Crouch Copyright: ©1973 Bud John Songs, Inc. CCLI: 17566 Song ID: U-0151 Hymnal: 317 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Chorus2, Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: He has done great things, He has done great things, He has done great things, Bless His holy name. Verse 2: He died for my sin, He died for my sin, He died for my sin, Bless His holy name. Verse 3: Jesus Christ is Lord, Jesus Christ is Lord, Jesus Christ is Lord, Bless His holy name. Chorus 1: Bless the Lord, O my soul, And all that is within me, Bless His holy name. Chorus 2: Bless the Lord, O my soul, And all that is within me, Bless His holy name. Bless the Lord, O my soul, And all that is within me, Bless His holy name. Title: Pentecostal Power Author: Charlotte G. Homer and Charles H. Gabriel Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 65415 Song ID: U-5318 Hymnal: 318 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: Lord, as of old at Pentecost Thou didst Thy power display, With cleansing, purifying flame Descend on us today. Verse 2: For mighty works for Thee, prepare And strengthen ev'ry heart; Come, take possession of Thine own, And nevermore depart. Verse 3: All self consume, all sin destroy! With earnest zeal endue Each waiting heart to work for Thee; O Lord, our faith renew! Verse 4: Speak, Lord, before Thy throne we wait, Thy promise we believe, And will not let Thee go until The blessing we receive. Chorus 1: Lord, send the old-time power, the Pentecostal power! Thy floodgates of blessing on us throw open wide! Lord, send the old-time power, the Pentecostal power, That sinners be converted and Thy name glorified! Title: Jesus, I My Cross Have Taken Author: Henry F. Lyte and Wolfgang A. Mozart Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 49479 Song ID: U-5321 Hymnal: 321 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4 Verse 1: Jesus, I my cross have taken, All to leave and follow Thee; Destitute, despised, forsaken, Thou from hence my all shalt be: Perish ev'ry fond ambition, All I've sought, and hoped, and known; Yet how rich is my condition, God and heav'n are still my own! Verse 2: Let the world despise and leave me, They have left my Savior too; Human hearts and looks deceive me; Thou art not, like man, untrue; And while Thou shalt smile upon me, God of wisdom, love, and might, Foes may hate and friends may shun me; Show Thy face, and all is bright. Verse 3: Man may trouble and distress me, 'Twill but drive me to Thy breast; Life with trials hard may press me, Heav'n will bring me sweeter rest. O 'tis not in grief to harm me, While Thy love is left to me; O 'twere not in joy to charm me, Were that joy unmixed with Thee. Verse 4: Hasten on from grace to glory, Armed by faith and winged by prayer; Heav'n's eternal day's before me, God's own hand shall guide me there. Soon shall close my earthly mission, Swift shall pass my pilgrim days, Hope shall change to glad fruition, Faith to sight, and prayer to praise. Title: Come, Come, Ye Saints Author: Avis B. Christiansen and William Clayton Copyright: ©1966 Hope Publishing Company CCLI: 481611 Song ID: U-5324 Hymnal: 324 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4 Verse 1: Come, come, ye saints, no toil nor labor fear, But with joy wend your way; Though hard to you life's journey may appear, Grace shall be as your day. God's hand of love shall be your guide, And all your needs He will provide; His pow'r shall every foe dispel, All is well, All is well! Verse 2: What though the path you tread be rough and steep? Have no fear, He is near! His mighty arm unto the end will keep; Soon His call you shall hear. Then follow on, fresh courage take, For God His own will ne'er forsake, Till in His presence they shall dwell! All is well, All is well! Verse 3: God hath prepared a glorious Home above Round His throne, for His own, Where they may rest forever in His love, Toil and tears all unknown. There they shall sing eternal praise To Him who saved them by His grace. Thru heaven's courts the song shall swell, All is well, All is well! Verse 4: With longing hearts we wait the promised day When the trump we shall hear, That summons us from earthly cares away, At His side to appear! But until then we'll labor on In patience till our course is run, Although the hour we may not tell, All is well, All is well! Title: Wherever He Leads I'll Go Author: B. B. McKinney Copyright: ©1936, 1964 Broadman Press CCLI: 25194 Song ID: U-5326 Hymnal: 326 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: "Take up thy cross and follow Me," I heard my Master say; "I gave My life to ransom thee, Surrender your all today." Verse 2: He drew me closer to His side, I sought His will to know, And in that will I now abide, Wherever He leads I'll go. Verse 3: It may be through the shadows dim, Or o'er the stormy sea, I take my cross and follow Him, Wherever He leadeth me. Verse 4: My heart, my life, my all I bring To Christ who loves me so; He is my Master, Lord, and King, Wherever He leads I'll go. Chorus 1: Wherever He leads I'll go, Wherever He leads I'll go, I'll follow my Christ who loves me so, Wherever He leads I'll go. Title: Stepping in the Light Author: Eliza E. Hewitt and William J. Kirkpatrick Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 98554 Song ID: U-5331 Hymnal: 331 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: Trying to walk in the steps of the Savior, Trying to follow our Savior and King, Shaping our lives by His blessed example, Happy, how happy, the songs that we bring. Verse 2: Pressing more closely to Him who is leading When we are tempted to turn from the way, Trusting the arm that is strong to defend us, Happy, how happy, our praises each day. Verse 3: Walking in footsteps of gentle forbearance, Footsteps of faithfulness, mercy and love, Looking to Him for the grace freely promised, Happy, how happy, our journey above. Verse 4: Trying to walk in the steps of the Savior, Upward, still upward we'll follow our Guide; When we shall see Him, the King in His beauty, Happy, how happy, our place at His side. Chorus 1: How beautiful to walk in the steps of the Savior, Stepping in the light, Stepping in the light; How beautiful to walk in the steps of the Savior, Led in paths of light. Title: Jesus, Savior, Pilot Me Author: Edward Hopper and John E. Gould Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 120958 Song ID: U-5341 Hymnal: 341 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3 Verse 1: Jesus, Savior, pilot me Over life's tempestuous sea; Unknown waves before me roll, Hiding rocks and treach'rous shoal; Chart and compass come from Thee, Jesus, Savior, pilot me! Verse 2: As a mother stills her child, Thou canst hush the ocean wild; Boist'rous waves obey Thy will When Thou say'st to them, "Be still!" Wondrous Sov'reign of the sea, Jesus, Savior, pilot me! Verse 3: When at last I near the shore, And the fearful breakers roar 'Twixt me and the peaceful rest Then, while leaning on Thy breast, May I hear Thee say to me. "Fear not, I will pilot thee!" Title: It's Just Like His Great Love Author: Edna R. Worrell and Clarence B. Strouse Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 77544 Song ID: U-5342 Hymnal: 342 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: A Friend I have, called Jesus, Whose love is strong and true, And never fails howe'er 'tis tried, No matter what I do; I've sinned against this love of His, But when I knelt to pray, Confessing all my guilt to Him, The sin-clouds rolled away. Verse 2: Sometimes the clouds of trouble Be-dim the sky above, I cannot see my Savior's face, I doubt His wondrous love; But He, from Heaven's mercy seat, Beholding my despair, In pity bursts the clouds between, And shows me He is there. Verse 3: When sorrows' clouds o'er take me, And break upon my head, When life seems worse than useless, And I were better dead; I take my grief to Jesus then, Nor do I go in vain, For heav'nly hope He gives that cheers Like sunshine after rain. Verse 4: Oh, I could sing forever Of Jesus' love divine, Of all His care and tenderness For this poor life of mine; His love is in and over all, And wind and waves obey When Jesus whispers "Peace, be still!" And rolls the clouds away. Chorus 1: It's just like Jesus to roll the clouds away, It's just like Jesus to keep me day by day, It's just like Jesus all along the way, It's just like His great love. Title: The New 23rd Author: Ralph Carmichael Copyright: ©1969 Bud John Songs, Inc. CCLI: 11225 Song ID: U-5347 Hymnal: 347 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Chorus1, Chorus2, Chorus3 Chorus 1: Because the Lord is my Shepherd, I have ev'rything that I need. He lets me rest in meadows green And leads me beside the quiet stream; He keeps on giving life to me And helps me to do what honors Him the most. Chorus 2: Even when walking through the dark valley of death, valley of death, I will never be afraid, For He is close beside me, Guarding, guiding all the way; He spreads a feast before me In the presence of my enemies, He welcomes me as His special guest. Chorus 3: With blessing overflowing, His goodness and unfailing kindness Shall be with me all of my life. And afterward I will live with Him Forever, forever in His home, Forever in His home. Title: Take My Hand, Precious Lord Author: Thomas A. Dorsey Copyright: ©1938 (renewed 1965) UNICHAPPELL Music Inc. CCLI: Song ID: U-5349 Hymnal: 349 Notes: Not In CCLI database Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2 Verse 1: Precious Lord, take my hand, Lead me on, help me stand; I am tired, I am weak, I am worn; Thru the storm, thru the night, Lead me on to the light; Take my hand, Precious Lord, lead me home. Verse 2: When my way grows drear, Precious Lord, linger near; When my life is almost gone; Hear my cry, hear my call, Hold my hand lest I fall; Take my hand, Precious Lord, lead me home. Title: There Is More to Life Author: Ralph Carmichael Copyright: ©1967 Bud John Songs, Inc. CCLI: 93212 Song ID: U-5356 Hymnal: 356 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus2 Verse 1: Is there something missing? Is there more to life? Who can tell us where to turn? Help us! help us! Help us through the strife. Can we find the answers? Can we really know? Does the Bible show the way for us, For us, for us here below? Verse 2: Now my life has meaning, Just the way He planned. Through the years I'll do His will; Guided, guided, Guided by His hand. Though each day is bringing Questions quite a few, If I pray and read His Word He will, He will, He will see me through. Chorus 1: Beneath the noise and laughter, with all the parties and fun, I wondered what would come after the empty masquerade was done! Then today they showed me that His love is real, And my life would only begin, when before Him I would kneel. Chorus 2: Now by His standard I measure, and life is worth so much more, Even the goals that I treasure are diff'rent than they were before. When I think of others groping aimlessly, I in turn must share with them telling what He's done for me. Title: xSpirit of the Living God Author: Daniel Iverson Copyright: ©1935. Renewed 1963 Birdwing Music CCLI: 23488 Song ID: U-5361 Hymnal: 361 Notes: CH 389 has more verses... Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Chorus1 Chorus 1: Spirit of the Living God, Fall fresh on me, Spirit of the Living God, Fall fresh on me. Melt me, mold me, Fill me, use me. Spirit of the Living God, Fall fresh on me. Title: Love Is Surrender Author: Ralph Carmichael Copyright: ©1986 Bud John Songs, Inc. CCLI: 14277 Song ID: U-5362 Hymnal: 362 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: Talk about love, How it makes life complete, You can talk all you want, Make it sound good and sweet. But the words have an empty ring, And they don't really mean a thing: Verse 2: Sing about love and the strength it can give. You can sing, Now you're ready to face life and live. But you know as the days go by, That no matter how hard you try: Verse 3: Shout about love and that wars will all end. You can shout "We're all brothers" and even pretend. But you can't cover up the past, Just pretending will never last: Chorus 1: Without Him love is not to be found, not to be found. For love is surrender, Love is surrender to His will, Love is surrender to His will. Title: Does Jesus Care? Author: Frank E. Graeff and J. Lincoln Hall Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 101812 Song ID: U-5365 Hymnal: 365 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: Does Jesus care when my heart is pained Too deeply for mirth and song; As the burdens press and the cares distress, And the way grows weary and long? Verse 2: Does Jesus care when my way is dark With a nameless dread and fear? As the daylight fades into deep night shades, Does He care enough to be near? Verse 3: Does Jesus care when I've tried and failed To resist some temptation strong; When for my deep grief I find no relief, Though my tears flow all the night long? Verse 4: Does Jesus care when I've said good-by To the dearest on earth to me, And my sad heart aches till it nearly breaks, Is it aught to Him? Does He see? Chorus 1: O yes, He cares; I know He cares, His heart is touched with my grief; When the days are weary, the long nights dreary, I know my Savior cares. Title: For Those Tears I Died Author: Marsha J. Stevens Copyright: ©1972 Bud John Songs, Inc. CCLI: 13948 Song ID: U-5369 Hymnal: 369 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: You said You'd come and share all my sorrows. You said You'd be there for all my tomorrows. I came so close to sending You away, But just like You promised You came there to stay, I just had to pray. Verse 2: Your goodness so great I can't understand. And dear Lord, I know that all this was planned. I know You're here now, and always will be, Your love loosed my chains and in You I'm free. But Jesus, why me? Verse 3: Jesus, I give You my heart and my soul. I know that without God I'd never be whole. Saviour, You opened all the right doors And I thank You, and praise You from earth's humble shores. Take me, I'm Yours. Chorus 1: And Jesus said, "Come to the water, stand by My side, I know you are thirsty, You won't be denied. I felt ev'ry teardrop when in darkness you cried And I strove to remind you That for those tears I died." Chorus 2: "Come to the water, stand by My side, I know you are thirsty, You won't be denied. I felt ev'ry teardrop when in darkness you cried And I strove to remind you That for those tears I died." Title: Like a River Glorious Author: Frances R. Havergal and James Mountain Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 33935 Song ID: U-5371 Hymnal: 371 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: Like a river glorious, Is God's perfect peace, Over all victorious In its bright increase; Perfect, yet it floweth Fuller ev'ry day, Perfect, yet it groweth Deeper all the way. Verse 2: Hidden in the hollow Of His blessed hand, Never foe can follow Never traitor stand; Not a surge of worry, Not a shade of care, Not a blast of hurry Touch the Spirit there. Verse 3: Ev'ry joy or trial Falleth from above, Traced upon our dial By the Sun of Love. We may trust Him fully, All for us to do; They who trust Him wholly Find Him wholly true. Chorus 1: Stayed upon Jehovah, Hearts are fully blest; Finding, as He promised, Perfect peace and rest. Title: Jesus, I Am Resting, Resting Author: Jean S. Pigott and James Mountain Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 148576 Song ID: U-5373 Hymnal: 373 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: Jesus, I am resting, resting In the joy of what Thou art; I am finding out the greatness Of Thy loving heart. Thou hast bid me gaze upon Thee, And Thy beauty fills my soul, For by Thy transforming power, Thou hast made me whole. Verse 2: O, how great Thy loving kindness, Vaster, broader than the sea! O how marvelous Thy goodness, Lavished all on me! Yes, I rest in Thee, Beloved, Know what wealth of grace is Thine, Know Thy certainty of promise, And have made it mine. Verse 3: Simply trusting Thee, Lord Jesus, I behold Thee as Thou art, And Thy love, so pure, so changeless, Satisfies my heart; Satisfies its deepest longings, Meets, supplies its ev'ry need, Compasseth me round with blessings: Thine is love indeed! Verse 4: Ever lift Thy face upon me As I work and wait for Thee; Resting 'neath Thy smile, Lord Jesus, Earth's dark shadows flee. Brightness of my Father's glory, Sunshine of my Father's face, Keep me ever trusting, resting, Fill me with Thy grace. Chorus 1: Jesus, I am resting, resting In the joy of what Thou art; I am finding out the greatness Of Thy loving heart. Title: Under His Wings Author: William O. Cushing and Ira D. Sankey Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 98626 Song ID: U-5376 Hymnal: 376 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: Under His wings I am safely abiding, Though the night deepens and tempests are wild; Still I can trust Him, I know He will keep me, He has redeemed me and I am His child. Verse 2: Under His wings, what a refuge in sorrow! How the heart yearningly turns to His rest! Often when earth has no balm for my healing, There I find comfort and there I am blest. Verse 3: Under His wings, O what precious enjoyment! There will I hide till life's trials are o'er; Sheltered, protected, no evil can harm me, Resting in Jesus I'm safe evermore. Chorus 1: Under His wings, Under His wings, Who from His love can sever? Under His wings my soul shall abide, Safely abide forever. Title: Dwelling in Beulah Land Author: C. Austin Miles Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 52954 Song ID: U-5382 Hymnal: 382 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: Far away the noise of strife upon my ear is falling, Then I know the sins of earth beset on ev'ry hand: Doubt and fear and things of earth in vain to me are calling, None of these shall move me from Beulah Land. Verse 2: Far below the storm of doubt upon the world is beating, Sons of men in battle long the enemy withstand: Safe am I within the castle of God's Word retreating, Nothing then can reach me, 'tis Beulah Land. Verse 3: Let the stormy breezes blow, their cry cannot alarm me; I am safely sheltered here, protected by God's hand: Here the sun is always shining, here there's naught can harm me, I am safe forever in Beulah Land. Verse 4: Viewing here the works of God, I sink in contemplation, Hearing now His blessed voice, I see the way He planned: Dwelling in the Spirit here I learn of full salvation, Gladly will I tarry in Beulah Land. Chorus 1: I'm living on the mountain, underneath a cloudless sky, I'm drinking at the fountain that never shall run dry; Oh, yes! I'm feasting on the manna from a bountiful supply, For I am dwelling in Beulah Land. Title: Burdens Are Lifted at Calvary Author: John M. Moore Copyright: ©1952 Singspiration Music. CCLI: 13900 Song ID: U-5383 Hymnal: 383 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: Days are filled with sorrow and care, Hearts are lonely and drear; Burdens are lifted at Calvary, Jesus is very near. Verse 2: Cast your care on Jesus today, Leave your worry and fear; Burdens are lifted at Calvary, Jesus is very near. Verse 3: Troubled soul, the Saviour can see Ev'ry heartache and tear; Burdens are lifted at Calvary, Jesus is very near. Chorus 1: Burdens are lifted at Calvary, Calvary, Calvary; Burdens are lifted at Calvary, Jesus is very near. Title: Happiness Is the Lord Author: Ira Stanphill Copyright: ©1968 Singspiration Music CCLI: 18998 Song ID: U-5387 Hymnal: 387 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Bridge1, Verse2 Verse 1: Happiness is to know the Savior, Living a life within His favor, Having a change in my behavior, Happiness is the Lord; Happiness is a new creation, "Jesus and me" in close relation, Having a part in His salvation, Happiness is the Lord. Verse 2: Happiness is to be forgiven, Living a life that's worth the livin', Taking a trip that leads to heaven, Happiness is the Lord, Happiness is the Lord, Happiness is the Lord! Bridge 1: Real joy is mine, no matter if teardrops start; I've found the secret, it's Jesus in my heart! Title: His Sheep Am I Author: Orien Johnson Copyright: ©1984 Word Music, Inc. CCLI: 14617 Song ID: U-5388 Hymnal: 388 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Chorus1, Verse1, Chorus1 Verse 1: Waters cool (in the valley), pastures green (on the mountain), In the evening (in the evening), walk my Lord and I; Dark the night (in the valley), rough the way (on the mountain), Step by step (step by step), my Lord and I. Chorus 1: In God's green pastures feeding, by His cool waters lie, Soft in the evening walk my Lord and I. All the sheep of His pasture fare so wondrously fine. His sheep am I. Title: There Shall Be Showers of Blessing Author: El Nathan and James McGranahan Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 3162064 Song ID: U-5393 Hymnal: 393 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4 Verse 1: "There shall be showers of blessing:" This is the promise of love; There shall be seasons refreshing, Sent from the Saviour above. Showers of blessing, Showers of blessing we need; Mercy-drops round us are falling, But for the showers we plead. Verse 2: "There shall be showers of blessing:" Precious reviving again; Over the hills and the valleys, Sound of abundance of rain. Showers of blessing, Showers of blessing we need; Mercy-drops round us are falling, But for the showers we plead. Verse 3: "There shall be showers of blessing:" Send them upon us, O Lord; Grant to us now a refreshing, Come, and now honor Thy Word. Showers of blessing, Showers of blessing we need; Mercy-drops round us are falling, But for the showers we plead. Verse 4: "There shall be showers of blessing:" Oh, that today they might fall, Now as to God we're confessing, Now as on Jesus we call! Showers of blessing, Showers of blessing we need; Mercy-drops round us are falling, But for the showers we plead. Chorus 1: Showers of blessing, Showers of blessing we need; Mercy-drops round us are falling, But for the showers we plead. Title: "Whosoever" Meaneth Me Author: J. Edwin McConnell Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 84881 Song ID: U-5396 Hymnal: 396 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: I am happy today and the sun shines bright, The clouds have been rolled away; For the Saviour said, Whosoever will May come with Him to stay. Verse 2: All my hopes have been raised, O His name be praised, His glory has filled my soul; I've been lifted up, and from sin set free, His blood has made me whole. Verse 3: O what wonderful love, O what grace divine, That Jesus should die for me; I was lost in sin, for the world I pined, But now I am set free. Chorus 1: "Whosoever," surely meaneth me, Surely meaneth me, O surely meaneth me; "Whosoever," surely meaneth me, "Whosoever," meaneth me. Title: No One Ever Cared for Me Like Jesus Author: Charles F. Weigle Copyright: ©1932 Singspiration Music. CCLI: 19007 Song ID: U-5400 Hymnal: 400 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: I would love to tell you what I think of Jesus Since I found in Him a friend so strong and true; I would tell you how He changed my life completely, He did something that no other friend could do. Verse 2: All my life was full of sin when Jesus found me, All my heart was full of misery and woe; Jesus placed His strong and loving arms around me, And He led me in the way I ought to go. Verse 3: Ev'ry day He comes to me with new assurance, More and more I understand His words of love; But I'll never know just why He came to save me, Till some day I see His blessed face above. Chorus 1: No one ever cared for me like Jesus, There's no other friend so kind as He; No one else could take the sin and darkness from me, O how much He cared for me. Title: He Lifted Me Author: Charles H. Gabriel Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 86360 Song ID: U-5402 Hymnal: 402 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: In loving kindness Jesus came, My soul in mercy to reclaim, And from the depths of sin and shame Through grace He lifted me. Verse 2: He called me long before I heard, Before my sinful heart was stirred, But when I took Him at His Word, Forgiv'n He lifted me. Verse 3: His brow was pierced with many a thorn, His hands by cruel nails were torn, When from my guilt and grief, forlorn, In love He lifted me. Verse 4: Now on a higher plane I dwell, And with my soul I know 'tis well; Yet how or why, I cannot tell, He should have lifted me. Chorus 1: From sinking sand He lifted me, With tender hand He lifted me, From shades of night to planes of light, O praise His name, He lifted me! Title: Since I Have Been Redeemed Author: Edwin O. Excell Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 40375 Song ID: U-5401 Hymnal: 401 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: I have a song I love to sing, Since I have been redeemed, Of my Redeemer, Savior, King, Since I have been redeemed. Verse 2: I have a Christ that satisfies, Since I have been redeemed, To do His will my highest prize, Since I have been redeemed. Verse 3: I have a witness bright and clear, Since I have been redeemed, Dispelling ev'ry doubt and fear, Since I have been redeemed. Verse 4: I have a home prepared for me, Since I have been redeemed, Where I shall dwell eternally, Since I have been redeemed. Chorus 1: Since I have been redeemed, Since I have been redeemed, I will glory in His name; Since I have been redeemed, I will glory in my Savior's name. Title: Sweeter as the Years Go By Author: Lelia N. Morris Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 71368 Song ID: U-5405 Hymnal: 405 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: Of Jesus' love that sought me When I was lost in sin; Of wondrous grace that brought me Back to His fold again; Of heights and depths of mercy, Far deeper than the sea, And higher than the heavens, My theme shall ever be. Verse 2: He trod, in old Judea, Life's pathway long ago; The people thronged about Him, His saving grace to know. He healed the brokenhearted, And caused the blind to see; And still His great heart yearneth In love for even me. Verse 3: 'Twas wondrous love which led Him For us to suffer loss, To bear without a murmur The anguish of the Cross. With saints redeemed in glory, Let us our voices raise, Till heav'n and earth re-echo With our Redeemer's praise. Chorus 1: Sweeter as the years go by, Sweeter as the years go by; Richer, fuller, deeper, Jesus' love is sweeter, Sweeter as the years go by. Title: 280 - Redeemed, How I Love to Proclaim It Author: Fanny J. Crosby and William J. Kirkpatrick Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 30622 Song ID: U-0280 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: Redeemed, how I love to proclaim it! Redeemed by the blood of the Lamb; Redeemed through His infinite mercy, His child, and forever, I am. Verse 2: Redeemed and so happy in Jesus, No language my rapture can tell; I know that the light of His presence With me doth continually dwell. Verse 3: I think of my blessed Redeemer, I think of Him all the day long; I sing, for I cannot be silent; His love is the theme of my song. Verse 4: I know I shall see in His beauty The King in whose law I delight; Who lovingly guardeth my footsteps, And giveth me songs in the night. Chorus 1: Redeemed, redeemed, Redeemed by the blood of the Lamb; Redeemed, redeemed, His child, and forever, I am. Title: Joy in Serving Jesus Author: Oswald J. Smith and Bentley D. Ackley Copyright: ©1931. Renewed 1959 Word Music, Inc. CCLI: 12592 Song ID: U-5410 Hymnal: 410 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: There is joy in serving Jesus, As I journey on my way, Joy that fills the heart with praises, Ev'ry hour and ev'ry day. Verse 2: There is joy is serving Jesus, Joy that triumphs over pain, Fills my soul with Heaven's music Till I join the glad refrain. Verse 3: There is joy in serving Jesus, As I walk alone with God, 'Tis the joy of Christ, my Savior, Who the path of suff'ring trod. Verse 4: There is joy in serving Jesus, Joy amid the darkest night, For I've learned the wondrous secret, And I'm walking in the light. Chorus 1: There is joy, joy, joy in serving Jesus, Joy that throbs within my heart; Ev'ry moment, ev'ry hour, As I draw upon His pow'r, There is joy, joy, Joy that never shall depart. Title: Only a Sinner Author: James M. Gray and Daniel B. Towner Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 34532 Song ID: U-5407 Hymnal: 407 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: Naught have I gotten but what I received; Grace hath bestowed it since I have believed; Boasting excluded, pride I abase; I'm only a sinner saved by grace! Verse 2: Once I was foolish, and sin ruled my heart, Causing my footsteps from God to depart; Jesus hath found me, happy my case; I now am a sinner saved by grace! Verse 3: Tears unavailing, no merit had I; Mercy had saved me, or else I must die; Sin had alarmed me, fearing God's face; But now I'm a sinner saved by grace! Verse 4: Suffer a sinner whose heart overflows, Loving His Savior, to tell what he knows; Once more to tell it would I embrace, I'm only a sinner saved by grace! Chorus 1: Only a sinner saved by grace! Only a sinner saved by grace! This is my story, to God be the glory, I'm only a sinner saved by grace! Title: At the Cross Author: Isaac Watts and Ralph E. Hudson Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 29499 Song ID: U-5422 Hymnal: 422 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: Alas! And did my Savior bleed? And did my Sov'reign die? Would He devote that sacred head For sinners such as I? Verse 2: Was it for crimes that I have done He groaned upon the tree? Amazing pity! Grace unknown! And love beyond degree! Verse 3: Well might the sun in darkness hide, And shut His glories in, When Christ, the mighty Maker, died For man the creature's sin. Verse 4: But drops of grief can ne'er repay The debt of love I owe: Here, Lord, I give myself away, 'Tis all that I can do! Chorus 1: At the cross, at the cross where I first saw the light, And the burden of my heart rolled away, It was there by faith I received my sight, And now I am happy all the day! Title: 652 - Jesus Loves Me Author: Anna B. Warner and William B. Bradbury Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 1187 Song ID: U-0652 Hymnal: 652 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: Jesus loves me! this I know, For the Bible tells me so; Little ones to Him belong, They are weak but He is strong. Verse 2: Jesus loves me! He who died Heaven's gate to open wide! He will wash away my sin, Let His little child come in. Verse 3: Jesus loves me! loves me still, Though I'm very weak and ill; From His shining throne on high, Comes to watch me where I lie. Verse 4: Jesus loves me! He will stay Close beside me all the way; If I love Him, when I die He will take me home on high. Chorus 1: Yes, Jesus loves me! Yes, Jesus loves me! Yes, Jesus loves me! The Bible tells me so. Title: Saved, Saved! Author: Jack P. Scholfield Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 29547 Song ID: U-5433 Hymnal: 433 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: I've found a friend who is all to me, His love is ever true; I love to tell how He lifted me And what His grace can do for you. Verse 2: He saves me from ev'ry sin and harm, Secures my soul each day; I'm leaning strong on His mighty arm; I know He'll guide me all the way. Verse 3: When poor and needy and all alone, In love He said to me, "Come unto Me and I'll lead you home, To live with Me eternally." Chorus 1: Saved by His pow'r divine, Saved to new life sublime! Life now is sweet and my joy is complete, For I'm saved, saved, saved! Title: I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say Author: Horatius Bonar Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 43138 Song ID: U-5428 Hymnal: 428 Notes: Not the traditional setting Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3 Verse 1: I heard the voice of Jesus say, "Come unto Me and rest; Lay down, thou weary one, lay down Thy head upon My breast." I came to Jesus as I was, Weary and worn and sad, I found in Him a resting-place, And He has made me glad. Verse 2: I heard the voice of Jesus say, "Behold, I freely give The living water; thirsty one, Stoop down and drink, and live." I came to Jesus and I drank Of that life-giving stream; My thirst was quenched, my soul revived, And now I live in Him. Verse 3: I heard the voice of Jesus say, "I am this dark world's Light; Look unto Me, thy morn shall rise, And all thy day be bright." I looked to Jesus and I found In Him my Star, my Sun; And in that light of life I'll walk, Till trav'ling days are done. Title: He Ransomed Me Author: Julia H. Johnston and J. W. Henderson Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 156623 Song ID: U-5437 Hymnal: 437 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: There's a sweet and blessed story Of the Christ who came from glory, Just to rescue me from sin and misery; He in loving kindness sought me, And from sin and shame hath brought me, Hallelujah! Jesus ransomed me. Verse 2: From the depth of sin and sadness To the heights of joy and gladness Jesus lifted me, in mercy full and free; With His precious blood He bought me, When I knew Him not, He sought me, And in love divine He ransomed me. Verse 3: From the throne of heav'nly glory O, the sweet and blessed story! Jesus came to lift the lost in sin and woe Into liberty all glorious, Trophies of His grace victorious, Evermore rejoicing here below. Verse 4: By and by with joy increasing, And with gratitude unceasing, Lifted up with Christ forevermore to be; I will join the hosts there singing, In the anthem ever ringing, To the King of Love who ransomed me. Chorus 1: Hallelujah, what a Saviour! Who can take a poor lost sinner, Lift him from the miry clay and set him free; I will ever tell the story, Shouting "Glory, glory, glory, Hallelujah! Jesus ransomed me." Title: Springs of Living Water Author: John W. Peterson Copyright: ©1950. Renewed 1978 John W. Peterson Music Company CCLI: 2904 Song ID: U-5441 Hymnal: 441 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: I thirsted in the barren land of sin and shame, And nothing satisfying there I found; But to the blessed cross of Christ one day I came, Where springs of living water did abound. Verse 2: How sweet the living water from the hills of God, It makes me glad and happy all the way; Now glory, grace and blessing mark the path I've trod, I'm shouting "Hallelujah" ev'ry day. Verse 3: O sinner, won't you come today to Calvary, A fountain there is flowing deep and wide; The Saviour now invites you to the water free, Where thirsting spirits can be satisfied. Chorus 1: Drinking at the springs of living water, Happy now am I, My soul they satisfy; Drinking at the springs of living water, O wonderful and bountiful supply. Title: Heaven Came Down and Glory Filled My Soul Author: John W. Peterson Copyright: ©1961 John W. Peterson Music Company CCLI: 19605 Song ID: U-5444 Hymnal: 444 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Ending1 Verse 1: O what a wonderful, wonderful day, Day I will never forget; After I'd wandered in darkness away, Jesus my Savior I met. O what a tender, compassionate Friend, He met the need of my heart; Shadows dispelling, with joy I am telling, He made all the darkness depart! Verse 2: Born of the Spirit with life from above Into God's fam'ly divine, Justified fully through Calvary's love, O what a standing is mine! And the transaction so quickly was made When as a sinner I came, Took of the offer of grace He did proffer, He saved me, O praise His dear name! Verse 3: Now I've a hope that will surely endure After the passing of time; I have a future in heaven for sure, There in those mansions sublime. And it's because of that wonderful day When at the cross I believed; Riches eternal and blessings supernal From His precious hand I received. Chorus 1: Heaven came down and glory filled my soul, When at the cross the Savior made me whole; My sins were washed away And my night was turned to day-- Heaven came down and glory filled my soul! Ending 1: Heaven came down and glory filled my soul! Title: A Life Worth Living Author: Ralph Carmichael Copyright: ©1965 Bud John Songs, Inc. CCLI: 366815 Song ID: U-5449 Hymnal: 449 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2 Verse 1: I rushed at life with hopes all burning, Along a road that had no turning. My selfish dreams had so inspired me, I could not see the folly of my way. I reached one goal and then another, Alas, but only to discover That true fulfillment had escaped me, And earthly treasures lasted but a day. Verse 2: And then as I stood surveying my loss A message of hope came to me. The debt of despair was paid on the cross And now by His grace we are newborn and free. Today I've found a life worth living. Today I've learned the joy of giving. A bright tomorrow now awaits me As in His love He leads me day by day. Title: Surely Goodness and Mercy Author: John W. Peterson and Alfred B. Smith Copyright: ©1954 Singspiration Music. CCLI: 15032 Song ID: U-5451 Hymnal: 451 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Ending1 Verse 1: A pilgrim was I, and a-wand'ring, In the cold night of sin I did roam, When Jesus the kind Shepherd found me, And now I am on my way home. Verse 2: He restoreth my soul when I'm weary, He giveth me strength day by day; He leads me beside the still waters, He guards me each step of the way. Verse 3: When I walk through the dark lonesome valley, My Savior will walk with me there; And safely His great hand will lead me To the mansions He's gone to prepare. Chorus 1: Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me All the days, all the days of my life; Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me All the days, all the days of my life. Ending 1: And I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever, And I will feast at the table spread for me; Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me All the days, all the days of my life, All the days, all the days of my life. Title: He's Everything to Me Author: Ralph Carmichael Copyright: ©1964 Bud John Songs, Inc. CCLI: 16141 Song ID: U-5453 Hymnal: 453 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Chorus1 Verse 1: In the stars His handiwork I see, On the wind He speaks with majesty. Tho' He ruleth over land and sea, What is that to me? I will celebrate Nativity, For it has a place in history. Sure, He came to set His people free, What is that to me? Chorus 1: Till by faith I met Him face to face, And I felt the wonder of His grace, Then I knew that He was more than just a God who didn't care That lived away out there and Now He walks beside me day by day, Ever watching o'er me lest I stray, Helping me to find that narrow way, He's ev'rything to me. Title: Why Not Now? Author: El Nathan and C. C. Case Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 98664 Song ID: U-5455 Hymnal: 455 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: While we pray and while we plead, While you see your soul's deep need, While our Father calls you home, Will you not, my brother, come? Verse 2: You have wandered far away; Do not risk another day; Do not turn from God thy face, But today accept His grace. Verse 3: In the world you've failed to find Aught of peace for troubled mind; Come to Christ, on Him believe, Peace and joy you shall receive. Verse 4: Come to Christ, confession make; Come to Christ, and pardon take; Trust in Him from day to day, He will keep you all the way. Chorus 1: Why not now? Why not now? Why not come to Jesus now? Why not now? Why not now? Why not come to Jesus now? Title: Lion of Judah Author: Robin Mark Copyright: ©1997 Daybreak Music, Ltd. CCLI: 1079280 Song ID: U-1058 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Praise PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Verse4, Chorus1, Chorus1 Verse 1: You're the Lion of Judah, the Lamb who was slain; You ascended to heaven and evermore will reign. At the end of the age, when the earth You reclaim, You will gather the nations before You. Verse 2: And the eyes of all men will be fixed on the Lamb Who was crucified. With wisdom and mercy and justice, You'll reign at Your Father's side. Verse 3: There's a shield in our hand, and a sword at our side, There's a fire in our spirits that cannot be denied; 'Cause the Father has told us for these You have died, For the nations that gather before You. Verse 4: And the ears of all men need to hear of the Lamb Who was crucified. Who descended to hell yet was raised up to reign At His Father's side. Chorus 1: And the angels will cry, "Hail the Lamb! Who was slain for the world, Reign in Pow'r!" And the earth will reply, "You shall reign! As the King of all Kings and the Lord of all Lords". Title: 131 - All the Earth will Sing Your Praises Author: Paul Baloche Copyright: ©2003 Integrity's Hosanna! Music CCLI: 4037057 Song ID: U-1059 Hymnal: 131 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal, Praise PlayOrder: Chorus3, Chorus1, Verse1, Chorus2, Ending1 Verse 1: You took, You take our sins away, O God; You give, You gave Your life away for us. You came down, You saved us through the cross. Our hearts are changed because of Your great love. Chorus 1: You lived, You died, You said in three days You would rise; You did, You’re alive! You rule, You reign; You said You’re coming back again; I know that You will; and all the earth will sing Your praises. (All the earth...) All the earth will sing Your praises. Chorus 2: You lived, You died, You said in three days You would rise; You did, You’re alive! You rule, You reign; You said You’re coming back again; I know that You will; and all the earth will sing Your praises. (All the earth...) Chorus 3: You lived, You died, You said in three days You would rise; You did, You’re alive! You rule, You reign; You said You’re coming back again; I know that You will; and all the earth will sing Your praises. All the earth will sing Your praises. Ending 1: All the earth will sing Your praises. (All the earth...) All the earth will sing Your praises. (All the earth...) All the earth will sing Your praises. Title: "Whosoever Will" Author: Philip P. Bliss Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 77159 Song ID: U-5458 Hymnal: 458 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: "Whosoever heareth," shout, shout the sound! Spread the blessed tidings all the world around. Tell the joyful news wherever man is found, "Whosoever will" may come. Verse 2: Whosoever cometh need not delay. Now the door is open; enter while you may. Jesus is the true, the only Living Way. "Whosoever will" may come. Verse 3: "Whosoever will!" the promise is secure; "Whosoever will" forever shall endure; "Whosoever will!" 'tis life forever more. "Whosoever will" may come. Chorus 1: "Whosoever will, whosoever will!" Send the proclamation over vale and hill. 'Tis a loving Father calls the wand'rer home; "Whosoever will" may come. Title: Let Jesus Come Into Your Heart Author: Lelia N. Morris Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 98523 Song ID: U-5462 Hymnal: 462 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: If you are tired of the load of your sin, Let Jesus come into your heart; If you desire a new life to begin, Let Jesus come into your heart.. Verse 2: If 'tis for purity now that you sigh, Let Jesus come into your heart; Fountains for cleansing are flowing near by, Let Jesus come into your heart. Verse 3: If there's a tempest your voice cannot still, Let Jesus come into your heart; If there's a void this world never can fill, Let Jesus come into your heart. Verse 4: If you would join the glad songs of the blest, Let Jesus come into your heart; If you would enter the mansions of rest, Let Jesus come into your heart. Chorus 1: Just now, your doubtings give o'er; Just now, reject Him no more; Just now, throw open the door; Let Jesus come into your heart. Title: Have You Any Room For Jesus? Author: Daniel W. Whittle and C. C. Williams Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 33928 Song ID: U-5465 Hymnal: 465 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: Have you any room for Jesus, He who bore your load of sin? As He knocks and asks admission, Sinner, will you let Him in? Verse 2: Room for pleasure, room for business, But for Christ the Crucified, Not a place that He can enter, In the heart for which He died? Verse 3: Have you any room for Jesus, As in grace He calls again? O, today is time accepted. You will never call in vain. Verse 4: Room and time now give to Jesus, Soon will pass God's day of grace; Soon your heart left cold and silent, And the Savior's pleading cease. Chorus 1: Room for Jesus, King of glory! Hasten now, His word obey; Swing the heart's door widely open, Bid Him enter while you may. Title: Give Me Thy Heart Author: Eliza E. Hewitt and William J. Kirkpatrick Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 115750 Song ID: U-5466 Hymnal: 466 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: "Give Me thy heart," says the Father above, No gift so precious to Him as our love; Softly He whispers, wherever thou art, "Gratefully trust Me, and give Me thy heart." Verse 2: "Give Me thy heart," says the Saviour of men, Calling in mercy again and again; "Turn now from sin, and from evil depart, Have I not died for thee? Give Me thy heart." Verse 3: "Give Me thy heart," says the Spirit divine, "All that thou hast, to My keeping resign; Grace more abounding is Mine to impart, Make full surrender and give Me thy heart." Chorus 1: "Give Me thy heart, give Me thy heart," Hear the soft whisper, wherever thou art: From this dark world He would draw thee apart; Speaking so tenderly, "Give Me thy heart." Title: Room at the Cross for You Author: Ira F. Stanphill Copyright: ©1946 Singspiration Music CCLI: 13010 Song ID: U-5467 Hymnal: 467 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: The cross upon which Jesus died Is a shelter in which we can hide; And its grace so free is sufficient for me, And deep is its fountain as wide as the sea. Verse 2: Though millions have found Him a friend And have turned from the sins they have sinned, The Savior still waits to open the gates And welcome a sinner before it's too late. Verse 3: The hand of my Savior is strong, And the love of my Savior is long; Through sunshine or rain, through loss or in gain, The blood flows from Calv'ry to cleanse ev'ry stain. Chorus 1: There's room at the cross for you, There's room at the cross for you; Though millions have come, There's still room for one, Yes, there's room at the cross for you. Title: The Savior Is Waiting Author: Ralph Carmichael Copyright: ©1958 Sacred Songs, Inc. Renewed 1986 Ralph Carmichael. Assigned 1987 to SpiritQuest Music CCLI: 16206 Song ID: U-5469 Hymnal: 469 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1 Verse 1: The Savior is waiting to enter your heart; Why don't you let Him come in? There's nothing in this world to keep you apart, What is your answer to Him? Verse 2: If you'll take one step t'ward the Savior, my friend; You'll find His arms open wide. Receive Him and all of your darkness will end, Within your heart He'll abide. Chorus 1: Time after time, He has waited before, And now He is waiting again. To see if you're willing to open the door, Oh, how He wants to come in. Title: We Shall See His Lovely Face Author: Norman J. Clayton Copyright: ©1943,1945 Renewed 1971,1973 Wordspring Music, Inc. CCLI: 27446 Song ID: U-5473 Hymnal: 473 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3 Verse 1: We shall see His lovely face Some bright, golden morning. When the clouds have rifted And the shades have flown; Sorrow will be turned to joy, Heartaches gone forever; No more night, only light, When we see His face. Verse 2: God shall wipe away all tears Some bright, golden morning, When the journey's ended, And the course is run; No more crying, pain or death In that home of gladness, Trials cease, all is peace, When we see His face. Verse 3: We shall meet to part no more, Some bright, golden morning, At the gates of glory Where our loved ones stand; Songs of vict'ry fill the skies In that hour of greeting, Endless days, endless praise, When we see His face. Title: Almost Persuaded Author: Philip P. Bliss Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 41745 Song ID: U-5470 Hymnal: 470 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3 Verse 1: "Almost persuaded" now to believe; "Almost persuaded" Christ to receive; Seems now some soul to say, "Go, Spirit, go Thy way, Some more convenient day On Thee I'll call." Verse 2: "Almost persuaded," come, come today; "Almost persuaded," turn not away; Jesus invites you here, Angels are lingering near, Prayers rise from hearts so dear, O wand'rer, come. Verse 3: "Almost persuaded," harvest is past! "Almost persuaded," doom comes at last! "Almost" cannot avail; "Almost" is but to fail! Sad, sad that bitter wail, "Almost" but lost. Title: Beyond the Sunset Author: Virgil P. Brock and Blanche Kerr Brock Copyright: ©1936. Renewed 1964 Word Music, Inc. CCLI: 14947 Song ID: U-5479 Hymnal: 479 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4 Verse 1: Beyond the sunset, O blissful morning, When with our Saviour heav'n is begun. Earth's toiling ended, O glorious dawning; Beyond the sunset, when day is done. Verse 2: Beyond the sunset no clouds will gather, No storms will threaten, no fears annoy; O day of gladness, O day unending, Beyond the sunset, eternal joy! Verse 3: Beyond the sunset a hand will guide me To God, the Father, whom I adore; His glorious presence, His words of welcome, Will be my portion on that fair shore. Verse 4: Beyond the sunset O glad reunion, With our dear loved ones who've gone before; In that fair homeland we'll know no parting, Beyond the sunset, for evermore! Title: When He Cometh Author: William O. Cushing and George F. Root Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 121263 Song ID: U-5482 Hymnal: 482 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: When He cometh, when He cometh To make up His jewels, All His jewels, precious jewels, His loved and His own. Verse 2: He will gather, He will gather The gems for His kingdom: All the pure ones, all the bright ones, His loved and His own. Verse 3: Little children, little children Who love their Redeemer Are the jewels, precious jewels, His loved and His own. Chorus 1: Like the stars of the morning, His bright crown adorning, They shall shine in their beauty, Bright gems for His crown. Title: O That Will Be Glory Author: Charles H. Gabriel Copyright: ©1928, 1956 Word Music, Inc. CCLI: 35933 Song ID: U-5484 Hymnal: 484 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: When all my labors and trials are o'er, And I am safe on that beautiful shore, Just to be near the dear Lord I adore, Will through the ages be glory for me. Verse 2: When by the gift of His infinite grace, I am accorded in heaven a place, Just to be there and to look on His face, Will through the ages be glory for me. Verse 3: Friends will be there I have loved long ago; Joy like a river around me will flow; Yet, just a smile from my Savior, I know, Will through the ages be glory for me. Chorus 1: O that will be glory for me, Glory for me, glory for me; When by His grace I shall look on His face, That will be glory, be glory for me. Title: Will Jesus Find Us Watching? Author: Fanny J. Crosby and William H. Doane Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 124394 Song ID: U-5485 Hymnal: 485 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: When Jesus comes to reward His servants, Whether it be noon or night, Faithful to Him will He find us watching, With our lamps all trimmed and bright? Verse 2: If, at the dawn of the early morning, He shall call us one by one, When to the Lord we restore our talents, Will He answer thee, "Well done"? Verse 3: Have we been true to the trust He left us? Do we seek to do our best? If in our hearts there is naught condemns us, We shall have a glorious rest. Verse 4: Blessed are those whom the Lord finds watching, In His glory they shall share; If He shall come at the dawn or midnight, Will He find us watching there? Chorus 1: Oh, can we say we are ready, brother? Ready for the soul's bright home? Say, will He find you and me still watching, Waiting, waiting when the Lord shall come? Title: Face to Face Author: Carrie E. Breck and Grant C. Tullar Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 33382 Song ID: U-5491 Hymnal: 491 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: Face to face with Christ, my Savior, Face to face, what will it be? When with rapture I behold Him, Jesus Christ who died for me. Verse 2: Only faintly now I see Him, With the dark'ning veil between, But a blessed day is coming, When His glory shall be seen. Verse 3: What rejoicing in His presence, When are banished grief and pain; When the crooked ways are straightened, And the dark things shall be plain. Verse 4: Face to face! O, blissful moment! Face to face, to see and know; Face to face with my Redeemer, Jesus Christ, who loves me so. Chorus 1: Face to face I shall behold Him, Far beyond the starry sky; Face to face in all His glory, I shall see Him by and by! Title: He the Pearly Gates Will Open Author: Fred Blom, Nathaniel Carlson, and Elsie Ahlwen Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 72556 Song ID: U-5493 Hymnal: 493 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: Love Divine, so great and wondrous, Deep and mighty, pure, sublime! Coming from the heart of Jesus, Just the same through tests of time. Verse 2: Like a dove when hunted, frightened, As a wounded fawn was I; Brokenhearted, yet He healed me, He will heed the sinner's cry. Verse 3: Love Divine, so great and wondrous, All my sins He then forgave! I will sing His praise forever, For His blood, His pow'r to save. Verse 4: In life's eventide, at twilight, At His door I'll knock and wait; By the precious love of Jesus I shall enter heaven's gate. Chorus 1: He the pearly gates will open, So that I may enter in; For He purchased my redemption And forgave me all my sin. Title: Is It the Crowning Day? Author: George W. Whitcomb and Charles H. Marsh Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 125001 Song ID: U-5495 Hymnal: 495 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: Jesus may come today, Glad day! Glad day! And I would see my Friend; Dangers and troubles would end If Jesus should come today. Verse 2: I may go home today, Glad day! Glad day! Seemeth I hear their song; Hail to the radiant throng! If I should go home today. Verse 3: Why should I anxious be? Glad day! Glad day! Lights appear on the shore, Storms will affright nevermore, For He is "at hand" today. Verse 4: Faithful I'll be today, Glad day! Glad day! And I will freely tell Why I should love Him so well, For He is my all today. Chorus 1: Glad day! Glad day! Is it the crowning day? I'll live for today, nor anxious be, Jesus, my Lord, I soon shall see; Glad day! Glad day! Is it the crowning day? Title: When the Roll Is Called Up Yonder Author: James M. Black Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 31315 Song ID: U-5497 Hymnal: 497 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: When the trumpet of the Lord shall sound and time shall be no more, And the morning breaks eternal, bright and fair; When the saved of earth shall gather over on the other shore, And the roll is called up yonder I'll be there! Verse 2: On that bright and cloudless morning when the dead in Christ shall rise And the glory of His resurrection share; When His chosen ones shall gather to their home beyond the skies, And the roll is called up yonder I'll be there! Verse 3: Let us labor for the Master from the dawn till setting sun, Let us talk of all His wondrous love and care; Then when all of life is over and our work on earth is done, And the roll is called up yonder I'll be there! Chorus 1: When the roll is called up yonder, When the roll is called up yonder, When the roll is called up yonder, When the roll is called up yonder I'll be there! Title: Shall We Gather at the River? Author: Robert Lowry Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 93731 Song ID: U-5499 Hymnal: 499 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: Shall we gather at the river, Where bright angel feet have trod; With its crystal tide forever Flowing by the throne of God? Verse 2: On the bosom of the river, Where the Savior King we own, We shall meet, and sorrow never 'Neath the glory of the throne. Verse 3: Ere we reach the shining river, Lay we ev'ry burden down; Grace our spirits will deliver, And provide a robe and crown. Verse 4: Soon we'll reach the shining river, Soon our pilgrimage will cease; Soon our happy hearts will quiver With the melody of peace. Chorus 1: Yes, we'll gather at the river, The beautiful, the beautiful river, Gather with the saints at the river That flows by the throne of God. Title: Lord, I'm Coming Home Author: William J. Kirkpatrick Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 78842 Song ID: U-5500 Hymnal: 500 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: I've wandered far away from God, Now I'm coming home; The paths of sin too long I've trod, Lord, I'm coming home. Verse 2: I've wasted many precious years, Now I'm coming home; I now repent with bitter tears, Lord, I'm coming home. Verse 3: I'm tired of sin and straying, Lord, Now I'm coming home; I'll trust Thy love, believe Thy word, Lord, I'm coming home. Verse 4: My soul is sick, my heart is sore, Now I'm coming home; My strength renew, my hope restore, Lord, I'm coming home. Chorus 1: Coming home, coming home, Nevermore to roam, Open wide Thine arms of love, Lord, I'm coming home. Title: Saved By Grace Author: Fanny J. Crosby and George C. Stebbins Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 87417 Song ID: U-5501 Hymnal: 501 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: Some day the silver cord will break, And I no more as now shall sing; But O, the joy when I shall wake Within the palace of the King! Verse 2: Some day my earthly house will fall, I cannot tell how soon 'twill be, But this I know, my All in All Has now a place in Heav'n for me. Verse 3: Some day, when fades the golden sun Beneath the rosy-tinted west, My blessed Lord will say, "Well done!" And I shall enter into rest. Verse 4: Some day, till then I'll watch and wait, My lamp all trimmed and burning bright, That when my Savior opes the gate, My soul to Him may take its flight. Chorus 1: And I shall see Him face to face, And tell the story, Saved by grace; And I shall see Him face to face, And tell the story, Saved by grace. Title: What If It Were Today? Author: Leila N. Morris Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 27075 Song ID: U-5503 Hymnal: 503 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: Jesus is coming to earth again, What if it were today? Coming in power and love to reign, What if it were today? Coming to claim His chosen Bride, All the redeemed and purified, Over this whole earth scattered wide, What if it were today? Verse 2: Satan's dominion will soon be o'er, O, that it were today! Sorrow and sighing shall be no more, O, that it were today! Then shall the dead in Christ arise, Caught up to meet Him in the skies, When shall these glories meet our eyes? What if it were today? Verse 3: Faithful and true would He find us here, If He should come today? Watching in gladness and not in fear, If He should come today? Signs of His coming multiply, Morning light breaks in eastern sky, Watch, for that time is drawing nigh, What if it were today? Chorus 1: Glory, glory! Joy to my heart 'twill bring; Glory, glory! When we shall crown Him King; Glory, glory! Haste to prepare the way; Glory, glory! Jesus will come some day. Title: Jesus Is Coming Again Author: John W. Peterson Copyright: ©1957. Renewed 1985 John W. Peterson Music Company CCLI: 2674 Song ID: U-5507 Hymnal: 507 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: Marvelous message we bring, Glorious carol we sing, Wonderful word of the King: Jesus is coming again! Verse 2: Forest and flower exclaim, Mountain and meadow the same, All earth and heaven proclaim: Jesus is coming again! Verse 3: Standing before Him at last, Trial and trouble all past, Crowns at His feet we will cast: Jesus is coming again! Chorus 1: Coming again, Coming again; Maybe morning, maybe noon, Maybe evening and maybe soon! Coming again, Coming again; O what a wonderful day it will be! Jesus is coming again! Title: The Land Without Tears Author: Ralph Carmichael Copyright: ©1964 Bud John Songs, Inc. CCLI: 366918 Song ID: U-5508 Hymnal: 508 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2 Verse 1: Thru the night of regret and sorrow Flowed my shameless tears. Lost from sight was that glad tomorrow, Naught but wasted years. In my weakness I knelt to pray. In His kindness I heard Him say "I'll take you safely across the way, Into the land without tears." Verse 2: Now I know He will walk beside me Through the darkest night. As I go He'll be there to guide me In the path that's right. When I come to the close of day, When He speaks I will hear Him say "I'll take you safely across the way, Into the land without tears." Title: Nothing Is Impossible Author: Eugene Clark Copyright: ©1966 The Good News Broadcasting Association, Inc. CCLI: Song ID: U-5513 Hymnal: 513 Notes: Not in CCLI database Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Chorus1 Chorus 1: Nothing is impossible when you put your trust in God; Nothing is impossible when you're trusting in His Word. Harken to the voice of God to thee: "Is there anything too hard for Me?" Then put your trust in God alone and rest upon His Word; For ev'rything, Oh ev'rything, Yes, ev'rything is possible with God. Title: Make a Joyful Noise Author: Jimmy Owens Copyright: ©1975 Bud John Songs, Inc. CCLI: 14820 Song ID: U-5519 Hymnal: 519 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Chorus1, Chorus2 Chorus 1: Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all the earth! Make a joyful noise unto the Lord! Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all the earth! Make a joyful noise unto the Lord! Chorus 2: Make a loud noise and rejoice! Sing praises! Make a joyful noise unto the Lord! Make a loud noise and rejoice! Sing praises! Make a joyful noise unto the Lord! Title: The Numbers Song Author: Ralph Carmichael Copyright: ©1965 Bud John Songs, Inc. CCLI: 367168 Song ID: U-5520 Hymnal: 520 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4, Verse5, Verse6, Verse7 Verse 1: ONE is for the wond'rous land in which we live, To the old Red, White and Blue loyalty we give. Songs may come, songs may go, happiness they bring; But the song that gives you strength is good for you to sing, sing, sing. Verse 2: TWO is for the tumult sounding far and near, But with freedom ringing now we need never fear! Songs may come, songs may go, happiness they bring; But the song that gives you strength is good for you to sing, sing, sing. Verse 3: THREE is for the Wise Men following the Star, And today their wisdom can guide us from afar! Songs may come, songs may go, happiness they bring; But the song that gives you strength is good for you to sing, sing, sing. Verse 4: FOUR is for the Blessed City built Four Square, What rejoicing there will be when we get up there! Songs may come, songs may go, happiness they bring; But the song that gives you strength is good for you to sing, sing, sing. Verse 5: FIVE is for the little boy with his loaves of bread, When we all give thanks to Him multitudes are fed! Songs may come, songs may go, happiness they bring; But the song that gives you strength is good for you to sing, sing, sing. Verse 6: SIX is for the long days that we work and play, But the next we set aside to worship Him and pray! Songs may come, songs may go, happiness they bring; But the song that gives you strength is good for you to sing, sing, sing. Verse 7: SEVEN is the perfect number, we are told. Let's be more like seven before we get too old! Songs may come, songs may go, happiness they bring; But the song that gives you strength is good for you to sing, sing, sing. Chorus 1: Songs may come, songs may go, happiness they bring; But the song that gives you strength is good for you to sing, sing, sing. Title: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow Author: Jack Wyrtzen and Don Wyrtzen Copyright: ©1966 Singspiration Music. CCLI: 13003 Song ID: U-5523 Hymnal: 523 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4 Verse 1: Yesterday He died for me, yesterday, yesterday, Yesterday He died for me, yesterday, Yesterday He died for me, died for me: This is history. Verse 2: Today He lives for me, today, today, Today He lives for me, today, Today He lives for me, lives for me: This is victory. Verse 3: Tomorrow He comes for me, He comes, He comes, Tomorrow He comes for me, He comes, Tomorrow He comes for me, comes for me: This is mystery. Verse 4: O friend, do you know Him? know Him? know Him? O friend, do you know Him? know Him? O friend, do you know Him? Do you know Him? Jesus Christ the Lord, Jesus Christ the Lord, Jesus Christ the Lord! Title: His Name Is Wonderful Author: Audrey Mieir Copyright: ©1959 Audrey Mieir. Renewed 1987 Manna Music, Inc. CCLI: 1122230 Song ID: U-5525 Hymnal: 525 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Chorus1, Chorus2 Chorus 1: His Name is Wonderful, His Name is Wonderful, His Name is Wonderful, Jesus my Lord. He is the mighty King, Master of ev'rything, His Name is Wonderful, Jesus my Lord. Chorus 2: He's the Great Shepherd, The Rock of all Ages, Almighty God is He. Bow down before Him, Love and adore Him. His Name is Wonderful, Jesus my Lord. Title: There's Something About That Name Author: William J. and Gloria Gaither Copyright: ©1970 William J. Gaither, Inc. CCLI: 14064 Song ID: U-5526 Hymnal: 526 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Chorus1 Chorus 1: Jesus, Jesus, Jesus; There's just something about that name! Master, Savior, Jesus, Like the fragrance after the rain; Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Let all heaven and earth proclaim; Kings and kingdoms will all pass away, But there's something about that name! Title: Thou Art Worthy Author: Pauline Michael Mills Copyright: ©1963, 1975 Fred Bock Music Company CCLI: 14789 Song ID: U-5527 Hymnal: 527 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Chorus1, Chorus2 Chorus 1: Thou art worthy, Thou art worthy, Thou art worthy, oh Lord To receive glory, glory and honour, glory and honour and pow'r. Chorus 2: For Thou hast created, hast all things created. Thou hast created all things. And for Thy pleasure they are created, for Thou art worthy, oh Lord. Title: 231 - O Sacred Head, Now Wounded Author: Bernard of Clairvaux, James W. Alexander and Hans Hassler Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 108303 Song ID: U-0231 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3 Verse 1: O sacred Head, now wounded, With grief and shame weighed down, Now scornfully surrounded With thorns, Thine only crown; How pale Thou art with anguish, With sore abuse and scorn! How does that visage languish Which once was bright as morn! Verse 2: What Thou, my Lord, hast suffered Was all for sinners’ gain: Mine, mine was the transgression, But Thine the deadly pain; Lo, here I fall, my Savior! ’Tis I deserve Thy place; Look on me with Thy favor, Vouchsafe to me Thy grace. Verse 3: What language shall I borrow To thank Thee, dearest Friend, For this, Thy dying sorrow, Thy pity without end? O make me Thine forever, And should I fainting be, Lord, let me never, never Outlive my love to Thee. Title: Hallelujah for the Cross! Author: Horatius Bonar and James McGranahan Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 51728 Song ID: U-5559 Hymnal: 559 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: The cross, it standeth fast! Hallelujah, hallelujah! Defying ev'ry blast! Hallelujah, hallelujah! The winds of hell have blown, The world its hate hath shown, Yet it is not overthrown! Hallelujah for the cross. Verse 2: It is the old cross still! Hallelujah, hallelujah! Its triumph let us tell! Hallelujah, hallelujah! The grace of God here shone Through Christ, the blessed Son, Who did for sin atone! Hallelujah for the cross. Verse 3: 'Twas here the debt was paid! Hallelujah, hallelujah! Our sins on Jesus laid! Hallelujah, hallelujah! So 'round the cross we sing Of Christ, our offering, Of Christ, our living King! Hallelujah for the cross. Chorus 1: Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah for the cross; Hallelujah, hallelujah, it shall never suffer loss! Title: 254 - Were You There? Author: Frederick J. Word and John Wesley Work, Jr. Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 29516 Song ID: U-0254 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4 Verse 1: Were you there when they crucified my Lord? Were you there when they crucified my Lord? Oh! Sometimes it causes me to tremble, tremble, tremble, Were you there when they crucified my Lord? Verse 2: Were you there when they nailed Him to the tree? Were you there when they nailed Him to the tree? Oh! Sometimes it causes me to tremble, tremble, tremble, Were you there when they nailed Him to the tree? Verse 3: Were you there when they laid Him in the tomb? Were you there when they laid Him in the tomb? Oh! Sometimes it causes me to tremble, tremble, tremble, Were you there when they laid Him in the tomb? Verse 4: Were you there when He rose up from the grave? Were you there when He rose up from the grave? Oh! Sometimes I feel like shouting "Glory, Glory, Glory!" Were you there when He rose up from the grave? Verse 5: Were you there when they pierced Him in the side? Were you there when they pierced Him in the side? Oh! Sometimes it causes me to tremble, tremble, tremble, Were you there when they pierced Him in the side? Title: Oh How He Loves You and Me Author: Kurt Kaiser Copyright: ©1975 Word Music, Inc. CCLI: 15850 Song ID: U-5570 Hymnal: 570 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2 Verse 1: Oh, how He loves you and me, Oh, how He loves you and me. He gave His life, what more could He give; Oh, how He loves you, Oh, how He loves me, Oh, how He loves you and me. Verse 2: Jesus to Calv'ry did go, His love for mankind to show. What He did there brought hope from despair. Oh, how He loves you, Oh, how He loves me, Oh, how He loves you and me. Title: We Give Thanks Author: Flo Price Copyright: ©1974 Bud John Songs, Inc. CCLI: 954069 Song ID: U-5572 Hymnal: 572 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3 Verse 1: We give thanks, oh God, to Thee That our nation still is free; We can worship without fear With our loved ones gathered near. Verse 2: Be with those in other lands Who are bound by cruel bands; From oppression hope will spring, May they soon hear freedom ring. Verse 3: Bless our country, let us be Always sure to honor Thee; Make our justice truly just, May it be "In God we trust." Title: The Star-Spangled Banner Author: Francis Scott Key and John Stafford Smith Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 93786 Song ID: U-5575 Hymnal: 575 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Ending1, Verse2, Ending2 Verse 1: O say, can you see, by the dawn's early light, What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming, Whose broad stripes and bright stars, through the perilous fight, O'er the ramparts we watched, were so gallantly streaming? Verse 2: O thus be it ever, when free men shall stand Between their loved homes and the war's desolation! Blest with vict'ry and peace, may the heav'n-rescued land Praise the Pow'r that hath made and preserved us a nation! Ending 1: And the rockets' red glare, the bombs bursting in air, Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there. O say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave? Ending 2: Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just; And this be our motto: "In God is our trust!" And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave! Title: America, the Beautiful Author: Katherine L. Bates and Samuel A. Ward Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 33368 Song ID: U-5578 Hymnal: 578 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4 Verse 1: O beautiful for spacious skies, For amber waves of grain, For purple mountain majesties Above the fruited plain! America! America! God shed His grace on thee, And crown thy good with brotherhood From sea to shining sea! Verse 2: O beautiful for pilgrim feet, Whose stern, impassioned stress, A thoroughfare for freedom beat Across the wilderness! America! America! God mend thine ev'ry flaw, Confirm thy soul in self-control, Thy liberty in law! Verse 3: O beautiful for heroes proved In liberating strife, Who more than self their country loved, And mercy more than life! America! America! May God thy gold refine Till all success be nobleness And ev'ry gain divine! Verse 4: O beautiful for patriot dream That sees beyond the years; Thine alabaster cities gleam, Undimmed by human tears! America! America! God shed His grace on thee, And crown thy good with brotherhood From sea to shining sea! Title: Jesus Calls Us Author: Mrs. Cecil F. Alexander and William H. Jude Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 68900 Song ID: U-5580 Hymnal: 580 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4 Verse 1: Jesus calls us; o'er the tumult Of our life's wild, restless sea, Day by day His sweet voice soundeth, Saying, "Christian, follow Me." Verse 2: Jesus calls us from the worship Of the vain world's golden store, From each idol that would keep us, Saying, "Christian, love Me more." Verse 3: In our joys and in our sorrows, Days of toil and hours of ease, Still He calls, in cares and pleasures, "Christian, love Me more than these." Verse 4: Jesus calls us; by Thy mercies, Savior may we hear Thy call, Give our hearts to Thy obedience, Serve and love Thee best of all. Title: The Lord Is in His Holy Temple Author: George F. Root Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 569849 Song ID: U-5581 Hymnal: 581 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Chorus1 Chorus 1: The Lord is in His holy temple, The Lord is in His holy temple; Let all the earth keep silence, Let all the earth keep silence before Him, Keep silence, keep silence before Him. Title: Now the Day Is Over Author: Sabine Baring-Gould and Joseph Barnby Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 121885 Song ID: U-5583 Hymnal: 583 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4, Verse5 Verse 1: Now the day is over, Night is drawing nigh, Shadows of the evening Steal across the sky. Verse 2: Jesus, give the weary Calm and sweet repose; With Thy tend'rest blessing May our eyelids close. Verse 3: Grant to little children Visions bright of Thee; Guard the sailors tossing On the deep blue sea. Verse 4: Through the long night watches, May Thine angels spread Their white wings above me, Watching 'round my bed. Verse 5: When the morning wakens, Then may I arise Pure and fresh and sinless In Thy holy eyes. Title: God Be with You Author: Jeremiah E. Rankin and William G. Tomer Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 49273 Song ID: U-5584 Hymnal: 584 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4 Verse 1: God be with you till we meet again, By His counsels guide, uphold you, With His sheep securely fold you, God be with you till we meet again. Till we meet, till we meet, Till we meet at Jesus' feet, Till we meet, till we meet, God be with you till we meet again. Verse 2: God be with you till we meet again, 'Neath His wings protecting hide you, Daily manna still provide you, God be with you till we meet again. Till we meet, till we meet, Till we meet at Jesus' feet, Till we meet, till we meet, God be with you till we meet again. Verse 3: God be with you till we meet again, When life's perils thick confound you, Put His arms unfailing round you, God be with you till we meet again. Till we meet, till we meet, Till we meet at Jesus' feet, Till we meet, till we meet, God be with you till we meet again. Verse 4: God be with you till we meet again, Keep love's banner floating o'er you; Smite death's threat'ning wave before you, God be with you till we meet again. Till we meet, till we meet, Till we meet at Jesus' feet, Till we meet, till we meet, God be with you till we meet again. Chorus 1: Till we meet, till we meet, Till we meet at Jesus' feet, Till we meet, till we meet, God be with you till we meet again. Title: The Lord Bless You and Keep You Author: Peter C. Lutkin Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 96367 Song ID: U-5585 Hymnal: 585 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Chorus1 Chorus 1: The Lord bless you and keep you; The Lord lift His countenance upon you, and give you peace, and give you peace; The Lord make His face to shine upon you, and be gracious unto you, be gracious, The Lord be gracious, gracious unto you. Title: Hear Our Prayer, O Lord Author: George Whelpton Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 60609 Song ID: U-5590 Hymnal: 590 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Chorus1 Chorus 1: Hear our prayer, O Lord; hear our prayer, O Lord; Incline Thine ear to us and grant us Thy peace. Title: Christ, We Do All Adore Thee Author: Theodore Baker and Theodore Dubois Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 148143 Song ID: U-5591 Hymnal: 591 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Chorus1 Chorus 1: Christ, we do all adore Thee, and we do praise Thee forever; Christ, we do all adore Thee, and we do praise Thee forever, For on the holy cross hast Thou the world from sin redeemed. Christ, we do all adore Thee, and we do praise Thee forever. Christ, we do all adore Thee. Title: Gloria Patri Author: Henry W. Greatorex Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 767775 Song ID: U-5594 Hymnal: Back Cover Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Chorus1 Chorus 1: Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost; As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen, Amen. Title: Bless Thou the Gifts Author: Samuel Longfellow, Robert Schumann, and Rosemary Hadler Copyright: ©1958 Lorenz Publishing Company CCLI: 325643 Song ID: U-5595 Hymnal: Back Cover Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Chorus1 Chorus 1: Bless Thou the gifts our hands have brought; Bless Thou the work our hearts have planned; Ours is the faith, the will, the thought; The rest, O God, is in Thy hand. Title: CH 597 - Take My Life and Let It Be Consecrated Author: Frances Ridley Havergal and Henri A. Cesar Malan Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 1390 Song ID: U-2597 Hymnal: Notes: Celebration Hymnal #597 Words differ from U-0152 Groups: Celebration Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4, Verse5, Verse6 Verse 1: Take my life and let it be Consecrated, Lord, to Thee; Take my moments and my days-- Let them flow in ceaseless praise, Let them flow in ceaseless praise. Verse 2: Take my hands and let them move At the impulse of Thy love; Take my feet and let them be Swift and beautiful for Thee, Swift and beautiful for Thee. Verse 3: Take my voice and let me sing Always, only, for my King; Take my lips and let them be Filled with messages from Thee, Filled with messages from Thee. Verse 4: Take my silver and my gold-- Not a mite would I withhold; Take my intellect and use Every pow'r as Thou shalt choose, Every pow'r as Thou shalt choose. Verse 5: Take my love-- my Lord, I pour At Thy feet its treasure store; Take myself-- and I will be Ever, only, all for Thee, Ever, only, all for Thee. Verse 6: Take my will and make it Thine-- It shall be no longer mine; Take my heart-- it is Thine own, It shall be Thy royal throne, It shall be Thy royal throne. Ending 1: It shall be Thy royal throne. Take my life, I consecrate it, Lord, to Thee Title: Famous One Author: Chris Tomlin and Jesse Reeves Copyright: ©2002 worshiptogether.com, Six Steps Music CCLI: 3599431 Song ID: U-1060 Hymnal: 810 Notes: Groups: Praise PlayOrder: Chorus1, Chorus1, Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus2 Verse 1: And for all You've done and yet to do, With ev'ry breath I'm praising You. Desire of nations, and ev'ry heart; You alone are God, You alone are God. Verse 2: The morning star is shining through, And ev'ry eye is watching You. Revealed by nature, and miracles, You are beautiful; You are beautiful. Chorus 1: You are the Lord, the famous One, famous One; Great is Your name in all the earth. The heavens declare You're glorious, glorious; Great is Your fame beyond the earth. Chorus 2: You are the Lord, the famous One, famous One; Great is Your name in all the earth. The heavens declare You're glorious, glorious; Great is Your fame beyond the earth. Great is Your name in all the earth. Title: The First Place Author: Matthew Westerholm Copyright: ©1999 Matthew Westerholm CCLI: 2896142 Song ID: U-1061 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Praise PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Chorus1, Ending1 Verse 1: Jesus, the perfect picture of the unseen God; Maker, of things we cannot comprehend. Wisdom, the earth displays Your strength and beauty; Sovereign, yes, every throne knows You are God. Verse 2: Victor, over sin and death You triumphed; Firstborn, You've shown us life beyond the grave. Bridegroom, we long for You in expectation; Jesus, Your church rejoices to proclaim. Chorus 1: Every inch of this universe belongs to You, O Christ; For through You and for You it was made. Your creation endures by the order of Your hand; So You must have in all things the first place. Ending 1: So You must have in all things the first place. Title: Salvation Belongs to Our God Author: Adrian Howard and Pat Turner Copyright: ©1985 Restoration Music, Ltd. CCLI: 24092 Song ID: U-1062 Hymnal: 921 Notes: Groups: Praise PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Bridge1, Chorus2 Verse 1: Salvation belongs to our God, Who sits upon the throne, And unto the Lamb: Praise and glory, wisdom and thanks, Honor and power and strength. Verse 2: And we, the redeemed, shall be strong In purpose and unity, Declaring aloud: Praise and glory, wisdom and thanks, Honor and power and strength. Chorus 1: Be to our God forever and ever, Be to our God forever and ever, Be to our God forever and ever, Amen. Chorus 2: Be to our God forever and ever, Be to our God forever and ever, Be to our God forever and ever, Amen. Forever and ever, Amen. Amen. Bridge 1: Praise and glory, wisdom and thanks, Honor and power and strength. Title: Blessed Be Your Name Author: Beth Redman and Matt Redman Copyright: ©2002 Thankyou Music. CCLI: 3798438 Song ID: U-3002 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Misc. PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Chorus2, Bridge1, Chorus2, Ending1 Verse 1: Blessed be Your name In the land that is plentiful; Where Your streams of abundance flow, Blessed be Your name. And blessed be Your name, When I'm found in the desert place; Though I walk through the wilderness, Blessed be Your name. Verse 2: Blessed be Your name, When the sun's shining down on me; When the world's "all as it should be", Blessed be Your name. And blessed be Your name, On the road marked with suffering; Though there's pain in the offering, Blessed be Your name. Chorus 1: Every blessing You pour out I'll turn back to praise; And when the darkness closes in, Lord, still I will say: Blessed be the name of the Lord, Blessed be Your name; Blessed be the name of the Lord, Blessed be Your glorious name. Chorus 2: Blessed be the name of the Lord, Blessed be Your name; Blessed be the name of the Lord, Blessed be Your glorious name. Bridge 1: You give and take away, You give and take away, My heart will choose to say: Lord, blessed be Your name. You give and take away, You give and take away, My heart will choose to say: Lord, blessed be Your name. Ending 1: Blessed be the name of the Lord, Blessed be Your name; Blessed be the name of the Lord, Blessed be Your glorious name. Blessed be Your name. Title: Did You Feel The Mountains Tremble? Author: Martin Smith Copyright: ©1994 Curious? Music UK CCLI: 1097028 Song ID: U-3003 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Misc. PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Bridge1, Chorus1, Verse3, Bridge2, Chorus1, Verse1 Verse 1: Did you feel the mountains tremble? Did you hear the oceans roar When the people rose to sing of Jesus Christ, the risen One? Verse 2: Did you feel the people tremble? Did you hear the singers roar When the lost began to sing of Jesus Christ, the saving One? Verse 3: Do you feel the darkness tremble, When all the saints join in one song; And all the streams flow as one river To wash away our brokenness? Chorus 1: Open up the doors, Let the music play; Let the streets resound with singing: Songs that bring Your hope, Songs that bring Your joy, Dancers who dance upon injustice. Bridge 1: And we can see that, God, You're moving; A mighty river through the nations, And young and old will turn to Jesus. Fling wide, you heavenly gates! Prepare the way of the risen Lord! Bridge 2: And here we can see that, God, You're moving; A time of jubilee is coming, And young and old return to Jesus. Fling wide, you heavenly gates! Prepare the way of the risen Lord! Title: The Season of the Long Rains Author: Ralph Carmichael Copyright: ©1970 Bud John Songs, Inc. CCLI: 91427 Song ID: U-5015 Hymnal: 15 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2 Verse 1: Great God of my salvation reveal to me Thy perfect will. Now hear my supplication and with Thy blessed Spirit fill. Like the season of the long rains making garden forests green, May Thy sweet refreshing Spirit bathe my heart and make me clean, Bathe my heart and make me clean. Verse 2: Great God be Thou my help and stay and shield me with Thy mighty hand. Then let me serve Thee day by day and o'er my being take command. Like the season of the long rains pouring blessing from above, May Thy sweet refreshing Spirit overflow my heart with love, Overflow my heart with love. Title: I Believe God Is Real Author: Ralph Carmichael Copyright: ©1969 Bud John Songs, Inc. CCLI: 92756 Song ID: U-5017 Hymnal: 17 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Ending1, Verse2, Ending2 Verse 1: If I were to tell you what someone told me, Well I might miss a detail or two. For when you describe something you didn't see, Then you're never quite sure that it's true. Verse 2: With all of creation persuasive enough Now to prove Him Creator to be. And maybe if somewhere a God does exist, Why should He be bothered with me? Ending 1: But what I have seen with the eyes of my soul And with fingers of faith I can feel, I can feel, Well you just have to listen and know that it's true. There's no doubt I believe God is real. Ending 2: Well, what I have seen with the eyes of my soul And with fingers of faith I can feel, I can feel, Makes it clear that He's living and loves us today. There's no doubt I believe, There's no doubt I believe, There's no doubt I believe God is real. Title: Wonderful Guest Author: Louis Paul Lehman Copyright: ©1955 Manna Music, Inc. CCLI: 145249 Song ID: U-5035 Hymnal: 35 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Ending1, Verse2, Ending2 Verse 1: We have a Wonderful Guest at our house, Who makes our home a heaven ev'ry day; And this Wonderful Guest at our house, has promised us He'll never go away. Verse 2: We have a Wonderful Guest at our house, Who makes our home a heaven ev'ry day; And this Wonderful Guest at our house, He kneels with us and listens when we pray. Ending 1: He brought a lovely letter from His Father's house above, And ev'ry day we read it, and it tells us of His love. And when we go to sleep at night, He sees that ev'rything goes right, This Wonderful Guest at our house, who makes our home a heaven ev'ry day. Ending 2: His name is Jesus and because He loves us one and all, He'd love to visit your house if you'd like to have Him call. So if someday you should decide, just ask Him in and He'll abide; This Wonderful Guest at our house, who makes our home a heaven ev'ry day. Title: God Is So Wonderful Author: Virginia Marshall Copyright: ©1964 Word Music, Inc. CCLI: 10525 Song ID: U-5011 Hymnal: 11 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Chorus1, Verse1, Chorus2 Verse 1: It's wonderful because He saved me. It's wonderful that He forgave me. It's wonderful, wonderful, so very wonderful, wonderful that He is mine. Chorus 1: God is so wonderful, I can't explain, but I can say "Glory, Hallelujah! Praise His Holy Name." God is so wonderful, I can't explain, but I can say "Glory, Hallelujah! Praise His Holy Name." Chorus 2: Oh, God is so wonderful, I can't explain, but I can say "Glory, Hallelujah! Praise His Holy Name." God is so wonderful, I can't explain, but I can say "Glory, Hallelujah! Praise His Holy Name." Title: Still Sweeter Every Day Author: W. C. Martin and C. Austin Miles Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 102921 Song ID: U-5039 Hymnal: 39 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: To Jesus ev'ry day I find my heart is closer drawn, He's fairer than the glory of the gold and purple dawn; He's all my fancy pictures in its fairest dreams, and more, Each day He grows still sweeter than He was the day before. Verse 2: His glory broke upon me when I saw Him from afar, He's fairer than the lily, brighter than the morning star; He fills and satisfies my longing spirit o'er and o'er, Each day He grows still sweeter than He was the day before. Verse 3: My heart is sometimes heavy but He comes with sweet relief, He folds me to His bosom when I droop with blighting grief; I love the Christ who all my burdens in His body bore, Each day He grows still sweeter than He was the day before. Chorus 1: The half cannot be fancied this side the golden shore; O there He'll be still sweeter than He ever was before. Title: Wonderful Author: Alfred Henry Ackley Copyright: ©1938. Renewed 1966 Word Music, Inc. CCLI: 63723 Song ID: U-5042 Hymnal: 42 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: Wonderful birth! To a manger He came Made in the likeness of man, to proclaim God's boundless love for a world sick with sin, Pleading with sinners to let Him come in. Verse 2: Wonderful life, full of service so free, Friend to the poor and the needy was He: Unfailing goodness on all He bestowed, Undying faith in the vilest He showed. Verse 3: Wonderful death, for it meant not defeat, Calvary made His great mission complete, Wrought our redemption, and when He arose, Banished forever the last of our foes. Verse 4: Wonderful hope! He is coming again, Coming as King o'er the nations to reign; Glorious promise, His Word cannot fail, His righteous kingdom at last must prevail! Chorus 1: Wonderful name He bears, Wonderful crown He wears, Wonderful blessings His triumphs afford; Wonderful Calvary, Wonderful grace for me, Wonderful love of my wonderful Lord! Title: We Have an Anchor Author: Priscilla J. Owens and William J. Kirkpatrick Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 47031 Song ID: U-5046 Hymnal: 46 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: Will your anchor hold in the storms of life, When the clouds unfold their wings of strife? When the strong tides lift, and the cables strain, Will your anchor drift, or firm remain? Verse 2: It is safely moored, 'twill the storm withstand, For 'tis well secured by the Saviour's hand; And the cables, passed from His heart to mine, Can defy that blast, through strength divine. Verse 3: It will firmly hold in the straits of fear, When the breakers have told the reef is near; Though the tempest rage and the wild winds blow, Not an angry wave shall our bark o'erflow. Verse 4: When our eyes behold through the gath'ring night The city of gold, our harbor bright, We shall anchor fast by the heav'nly shore, With the storms all past forevermore. Chorus 1: We have an anchor that keeps the soul Steadfast and sure while the billows roll, Fastened to the Rock which cannot move, Grounded firm and deep in the Saviour's love. Title: Jesus the Son of God Author: G.T. Haywood Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 128084 Song ID: U-5048 Hymnal: 48 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1, Verse5, Chorus1 Verse 1: Do you know Jesus, Our Lord, our Savior, Jesus the Son of God? Have you ever seen Him, Or shared of His favor, Jesus the Son of God. Verse 2: God gave Him, a ransom, Our souls to recover; Jesus the Son of God. His blood made us worthy His Spirit to hover; Jesus the Son of God. Verse 3: O who would reject Him, Despise, or forsake Him, Jesus the Son of God? O who ever sought Him, And He would not take him? Jesus the Son of God. Verse 4: If you will accept Him And trust and believe Him, Jesus the Son of God, Your soul will exalt Him, And never will leave Him; Jesus the Son of God. Verse 5: Then someday from heaven, On clouds of bright glory, Jesus the Son of God Will come for His jewels, Most precious and holy, Jesus the Son of God. Chorus 1: O sweet Wonder! O sweet Wonder! Jesus the Son of God; How I adore Thee! O how I love Thee! Jesus the Son of God. Title: I Need Jesus Author: George O. Webster and Charles H. Gabriel Copyright: ©1924. Renewed 1952 Word Music, Inc. CCLI: 124916 Song ID: U-5049 Hymnal: 49 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: I need Jesus, my need I now confess; No friend like Him in times of deep distress; I need Jesus, the need I gladly own; Though some may bear their load alone, Yet I need Jesus. Verse 2: I need Jesus, I need a friend like Him, A friend to guide when paths of life are dim; I need Jesus, when foes my soul assail; Alone I know I can but fail, So I need Jesus. Verse 3: I need Jesus, I need Him to the end; No one like Him, He is the sinner's Friend; I need Jesus, no other friend will do; So constant, kind, so strong and true, Yes, I need Jesus. Chorus 1: I need Jesus, I need Jesus, I need Jesus ev'ry day; Need Him in the sunshine hour, Need Him when the storm clouds low'r; Ev'ry day along my way, Yes, I need Jesus. Title: He Careth for You Author: Harry D. Clarke Copyright: ©1932. Renewed 1960 Hope Publishing Company CCLI: 131363 Song ID: U-5052 Hymnal: 52 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Chorus1 Chorus 1: He careth for you, He careth for you. Through sunshine or shadow, He careth for you. Title: Following Jesus Author: Leonard Weaver and M.E. Upham Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 789375 Song ID: U-5055 Hymnal: 55 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Chorus1 Chorus 1: Following Jesus, ever day by day, Nothing can harm me when He leads the way; Sunshine or shadow, whate'er befall, Jesus my Savior is my All in All. Title: My Wonderful Lord Author: Haldor Lillenas Copyright: ©1938. Renewed 1965 Lillenas Publishing Company CCLI: 5255 Song ID: U-5060 Hymnal: 60 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: I have found a deep peace that I never had known And a joy this world could not afford Since I yielded control of my body and soul To my wonderful, wonderful Lord. Verse 2: I desire that my life shall be ordered by Thee, That my will be in perfect accord With Thine own sov'reign will, Thy desires to fulfill, My wonderful, wonderful, Lord. Verse 3: All the talents I have I have laid at Thy feet; Thy approval shall be my reward. Be my store great or small, I surrender it all To my wonderful, wonderful Lord. Verse 4: Thou art fairer to me than the fairest of earth, Thou omnipotent, life-giving Word. O Thou Ancient of Days, Thou art worthy all praise, My wonderful, wonderful Lord. Chorus 1: My wonderful Lord, my wonderful Lord, By angels and seraphs in heaven adored! I bow at Thy shrine, my Saviour divine, My wonderful, wonderful Lord. Title: He Giveth More Grace Author: Annie Johnston Flint and Hubert Mitchell Copyright: ©1941. Renewed 1969 Lillenas Publishing Company CCLI: 14466 Song ID: U-5061 Hymnal: 61 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1 Verse 1: He giveth more grace when the burdens grow greater; He sendeth more strength when the labors increase. To added affliction He addeth His mercy; To multiplied trials, His multiplied peace. Verse 2: When we have exhausted our store of endurance, When our strength has failed ere the day is half done, When we reach the end of our hoarded resources, Our Father's full giving is only begun. Chorus 1: His love has no limit; His grace has no measure; His pow'r has no boundary known unto men. For out of His infinite riches in Jesus, He giveth, and giveth, and giveth again! Title: All That Thrills My Soul Author: Thoro Harris Copyright: ©1931 Mrs. Thoro Harris. Renewed 1959 Nazarene Publishing House CCLI: 12884 Song ID: U-5063 Hymnal: 63 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1, Verse5, Chorus1 Verse 1: Who can cheer the heart like Jesus, By His presence all divine? True and tender, pure and precious, Oh, how blest to call Him mine! Verse 2: Love of Christ so freely given, Grace of God beyond degree, Mercy higher than the heaven, Deeper than the deepest sea. Verse 3: What a wonderful redemption! Never can a mortal know How my sin, though red like crimson, Can be whiter than the snow. Verse 4: Ev'ry need His hand supplying, Ev'ry good in Him I see; On His strength divine relying, He is All in All to me. Verse 5: By the crystal flowing river With the ransomed I will sing, And forever and forever Praise and glorify the King. Chorus 1: All that thrills my soul is Jesus; He is more than life to me; And the fairest of ten thousand, In my blessed Lord I see. Title: A Shelter in the Time of Storm Author: Vernon J. Charlesworth and Ira D. Sankey Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 42892 Song ID: U-5065 Hymnal: 65 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: The Lord's our Rock, in Him we hide, A Shelter in the time of storm; Secure whatever ill betide, A Shelter in the time of storm. Verse 2: A Shade by day, Defense by night, A Shelter in the time of storm; No fears alarm, no foes affright, A Shelter in the time of storm. Verse 3: The raging storms may round us beat, A Shelter in the time of storm; We'll never leave our safe retreat, A Shelter in the time of storm. Verse 4: O Rock divine, O Refuge dear, A Shelter in the time of storm; Be Thou our helper ever near, A Shelter in the time of storm. Chorus 1: O, Jesus is a Rock in a weary land, A weary land, a weary land; O, Jesus is a Rock in a weary land, A Shelter in the time of storm. Title: Have I Done My Best for Jesus Author: Ensign Edwin Young and Harry Storrs Copyright: ©1924. Renewed Harry N. Storrs. CCLI: 144587 Song ID: U-5066 Hymnal: 66 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: I wonder, have I done my best for Jesus, Who died upon the cruel tree? To think of His great sacrifice at Calv'ry! I know my Lord expects the best from me. Verse 2: The hours that I have wasted are so many, The hours I've spent for Christ so few; Because of all my lack of love for Jesus, I wonder if His heart is breaking too. Verse 3: I wonder, have I cared enough for others, Or have I let them die alone? I might have helped a wand'rer to the Savior, The seed of precious Life I might have sown. Verse 4: No longer will I stay within the valley, I'll climb to mountain heights above; The world is dying now for want of someone To tell them of the Savior's matchless love. Chorus 1: How many are the lost that I have lifted? How many are the chained I've helped to free? I wonder, have I done my best for Jesus, When He has done so much for me? Title: How Can I Help But Love Him Author: Elton M. Roth Copyright: ©1921. Renewed 1948 by Elton Roth CCLI: Song ID: U-5067 Hymnal: 67 Notes: Not in CCLI Database Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: Down from His splendor in glory He came, Into a world of woe; Took on Himself all my guilt and my shame, Why should He love me so? Verse 2: I am unworthy to take of His grace, Wonderful grace so free; Yes, Jesus suffered and died in my place, E’en for a soul like me. Verse 3: He is the fairest of thousands to me, His love is sweet and true; Wonderful beauty in Him I now see, More than I ever knew. Chorus 1: How can I help but love Him, When He loved me so? How can I help but love Him, When He loved me so? Title: My Friend and I Author: Ralph Carmichael Copyright: ©1960 Bud John Songs, Inc. CCLI: 197596 Song ID: U-5068 Hymnal: 68 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1 Verse 1: There has never been a friend like Jesus, I have never found a friend so true, When I weaken and my steps grow wayward, Then He comes to me with strength anew. Verse 2: Let me recommend this friend so faithful, He will understand your deepest need. For He walked this lonely path before us, And He's able ev'ry step to lead. Chorus 1: We walk hand in hand through this pilgrim land, Here we linger for a day. But soon we'll leave this land of night for that land so bright, There my friend and I will stay. Title: You Shall Be Holy Author: Jimmy Owens Copyright: ©1975 Bud John Songs, Inc. CCLI: 12293 Song ID: U-5070 Hymnal: 70 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Chorus1, Chorus2, Chorus3, Chorus1 Chorus 1: You shall be holy unto Me, For I, the Lord, am holy, You shall be holy unto Me, For I, the Lord, am holy. Chorus 2: And you shall sanctify yourselves and be holy, For I am holy, And you shall sanctify yourselves and be holy, For I am holy. Chorus 3: And I will walk among you and will be your God. And I will walk among you and you shall be My people. Title: Tower of Strength Author: Tom Adair, Frances Adair and Bobby Hammack Copyright: ©1974,1976 Bud John Songs, Inc. CCLI: 197637 Song ID: U-5072 Hymnal: 72 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1 Verse 1: He made me walk, touched my life and set me free, That's why He will always be my Tower of Strength. My step is strong, In my heart's a happy song, It's because He came along, my Tower of Strength. Verse 2: I had a friend, he was blind, he could not see, Met the Man from Galilee, that Tower of Strength. His eyes are clear, All the darkness swept away, Just because he found one day, his Tower of Strength. Chorus 1: A Tower of Strength, Tower of Strength, In trial and triumph, He'll always be A Tower of Strength, Tower of Strength, My Master, Jesus, My Tower of Strength. Title: Lord, Lay Some Soul Upon My Heart Author: Dr. Leon Tucker and Ira D. Sankey Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 27910 Song ID: U-5074 Hymnal: 74 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Chorus1 Chorus 1: Lord, lay some soul upon my heart, And love that soul through me; And may I nobly do my part To win that soul for Thee. Title: I Believe You Jesus Author: Flo Price Copyright: ©1975 Bud John Songs, Inc. CCLI: 197644 Song ID: U-5076 Hymnal: 76 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3 Verse 1: I believe You, Jesus; I believe You, Jesus; I believe You, Jesus, for I know Your Word is true. Verse 2: I will trust You, Jesus; I will trust You, Jesus; I will trust You, Jesus, for I know Your Word is true. Verse 3: I will love You, Jesus; I will love You, Jesus; I will love You, Jesus, and I know You love me too. Title: Holy Spirit, Faithful Guide Author: Marcus M. Wells Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 197668 Song ID: U-5079 Hymnal: 79 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3 Verse 1: Holy Spirit, faithful Guide, Ever near the Christian's side; Gently lead us by the hand, Pilgrims in a desert land; Weary souls fore'er rejoice, While they hear that sweetest voice, Whisp'ring softly, "Wanderer, come! Follow Me, I'll guide thee home." Verse 2: Ever present, truest Friend, Ever near Thine aid to lend, Leave us not to doubt and fear, Groping on in darkness drear; When the storms are raging sore, Hearts grow faint, and hopes give o'er, Whisper softly, "Wanderer come! Follow Me, I'll guide thee home." Verse 3: When our days of toil shall cease, Waiting still for sweet release, Looking up to heaven in prayer, Joyful that our names are there: Fearing not the dismal flood, Pleading naught but Jesus' blood, Whisper softly, "Wanderer, come! Follow Me, I'll guide thee home." Title: Fill Me Now Author: Elwood H. Stokes and John R. Sweney Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 34439 Song ID: U-5080 Hymnal: 80 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: Hover o'er me Holy Spirit, Bathe my trembling heart and brow; Fill me with Thy hallowed presence, Come, O come and fill me now. Verse 2: Thou canst fill me, gracious Spirit, Though I cannot tell Thee how; But I need Thee, greatly need Thee, Come, O come and fill me now. Verse 3: I am weakness, full of weakness, At Thy sacred feet I bow; Blest, divine, eternal Spirit, Fill with pow'r, and fill me now. Verse 4: Cleanse and comfort, bless and save me, Bathe, O bathe my heart and brow; Thou art comforting and saving, Thou art sweetly filling now.. Chorus 1: Fill me now, fill me now, Jesus, come and fill me now; Fill me with Thy hallowed presence, Come, O come and fill me now. Title: Come, Holy Spirit Author: William J. and Gloria Gaither Copyright: ©1964 William J. Gaither, Inc. CCLI: 10934 Song ID: U-5081 Hymnal: 81 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: Come, as a wisdom to children, Come, as new sight to the blind, Come, Lord, as strength to my weakness; Take me; soul, body and mind. Verse 2: Come, as a rest to the weary, Come, as a balm for the sore, Come, as a dew to my dryness; Fill me with joy, evermore. Verse 3: Come, like a spring in the desert, Come, to the withered of soul; Oh, let Thy sweet healing power Touch me, and make me whole. Chorus 1: Come, Holy Spirit, I need Thee, Come, sweet Spirit, I pray; Come, in Thy strength and Thy power, Come, in Thine own gentle way. Title: Share His Love Author: William J. Reynolds Copyright: ©1973 Van Ness Press, Inc. CCLI: 26454 Song ID: U-5090 Hymnal: 90 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: The love of God is broader than earth's vast expanse, 'Tis deeper and wider than the sea. Love reaches out to all to bring abundant life, For God so loved the world His only Son He gave. Verse 2: All those who have trusted in God's only Son, And hold this precious treasure in their hearts, Seek ways to make it known to all who need to know That God so loved the world His only Son He gave. Verse 3: We show the love of God each day we live, Reveal Christ's presence in our lives; And how the Holy Spirit guides us day by day, For God so loved the world His only Son He gave. Chorus 1: Share His love by telling what the Lord has done for you. Share His love by sharing of your faith, And show the world that Jesus Christ is real to you ev'ry moment, ev'ry day. Title: Look to the Lamb of God Author: H.G. Jackson and James Black Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 175697 Song ID: U-5092 Hymnal: 92 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: If you from sin are longing to be free, Look to the Lamb of God; He, to redeem you, died on Calvary, Look to the Lamb of God. Verse 2: When Satan tempts, and doubts and fears assail, Look to the Lamb of God; You in His strength shall over all prevail, Look to the Lamb of God. Verse 3: Are you aweary, does the way seem long? Look to the Lamb of God; His love will cheer and fill your heart with song, Look to the Lamb of God. Verse 4: Fear not when shadows on your pathway fall, Look to the Lamb of God; In joy or sorrow Christ is all in all, Look to the Lamb of God. Chorus 1: Look to the Lamb of God, Look to the Lamb of God, For He alone is able to save you, Look to the Lamb of God. Title: No One Understands Like Jesus Author: John W. Peterson Copyright: ©1952. Renewed 1980 John W. Peterson Music Company CCLI: 2791 Song ID: U-5093 Hymnal: 93 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: No one understands like Jesus, He's a friend beyond compare; Meet Him at the throne of mercy, He is waiting for you there. Verse 2: No one understands like Jesus, Ev'ry woe He sees and feels; Tenderly He whispers comfort, And the broken heart He heals. Verse 3: No one understands like Jesus, When the foes of life assail; You should never be discouraged, Jesus cares and will not fail. Verse 4: No one understands like Jesus, When you falter on the way, Tho' you fail Him, sadly fail Him, He will pardon you today. Chorus 1: No one understands like Jesus, When the days are dark and grim; No one is so near, so dear as Jesus, Cast your ev'ry care on Him. Title: The Nail-Scarred Hand Author: B.B. McKinney Copyright: ©1924 Robert H. Coleman. Renewed 1952, 1994 Broadman Press CCLI: 148181 Song ID: U-5096 Hymnal: 96 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: Have you failed in your plan of your storm-tossed life? Place your hand in the nail-scarred hand; Are you weary and worn from its toil and strife? Place your hand in the nail-scarred hand. Verse 2: Are you walking alone through the shadows dim? Place your hand in the nail-scarred hand: Christ will comfort your heart, put your trust in Him, Place your hand in the nail-scarred hand. Verse 3: Would you follow the will of the risen Lord? Place your hand in the nail-scarred hand; Would you live in the light of His blessed Word? Place your hand in the nail-scarred hand. Verse 4: Is your soul burdened down with its load of sin? Place your hand in the nail-scarred hand; Throw your heart open wide, let the Saviour in, Place your hand in the nail-scarred hand. Chorus 1: Place your hand in the nail-scarred hand, Place your hand in the nail-scarred hand; He will keep to the end, He's your dearest friend, Place your hand in the nail-scarred hand. Title: Verily, I Say Unto You Author: James McGranahan Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 197864 Song ID: U-5097 Hymnal: 97 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: Oh, what a Saviour that He died for me! From condemnation He hath made me free; "He that believeth on the Son," said He, "Hath everlasting life." Verse 2: All my iniquities on Him were laid, All my indebtedness by Him was paid; All who believe on Him, the Lord hath said, "Hath everlasting life." Verse 3: Though poor and needy, I can trust my Lord; Though weak and sinful, I believe His Word; O glad message! Ev'ry child of God "Hath everlasting life." Verse 4: Though all unworthy, yet I will not doubt; For him that cometh He will not cast out: "He that believeth," oh, the good news shout! "Hath everlasting life." Chorus 1: "Verily, verily, I say unto you; verily, verily," message ever new! "He that believeth on the Son" 'tis true! "Hath everlasting life!" Title: When I See the Blood Author: John G. Foote Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 124318 Song ID: U-5098 Hymnal: 98 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: Christ our Redeemer died on the cross, Died for the sinner, paid all his due; Sprinkle your soul with the blood of the Lamb, And I will pass, will pass over you. Verse 2: Chiefest of sinners, Jesus will save; All He has promised, that He will do; Wash in the fountain opened for sin, And I will pass, will pass over you. Verse 3: Judgment is coming, all will be there, Each one receiving justly his due; Hide in the saving, sin-cleansing blood, And I will pass, will pass over you. Verse 4: O great compassion! O boundless love! O loving kindness, faithful and true! Find peace and shelter under the blood, And I will pass, will pass over you. Chorus 1: When I see the blood, When I see the blood, When I see the blood, I will pass, I will pass over you. Title: Saved by the Blood Author: S.J. Henderson and Daniel B. Towner Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 56455 Song ID: U-5101 Hymnal: 101 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: Saved by the blood of the Crucified One! Now ransomed from sin and a new work begun, Sing praise to the Father and praise to the Son, Saved by the blood of the Crucified One! Verse 2: Saved by the blood of the Crucified One! The angels rejoicing because it is done; A child of the Father, joint-heir with the Son, Saved by the blood of the Crucified One! Verse 3: Saved by the blood of the Crucified One! The Father He spake, and His will it was done; Great price of my pardon, His own precious Son; Saved by the blood of the Crucified One! Verse 4: Saved by the blood of the Crucified One! All hail to the Father, All hail to the Son, All hail to the Spirit, the great Three in One! Saved by the blood of the Crucified One! Chorus 1: Saved! Saved! My sins are all pardoned, my guilt is all gone! Saved! Saved! I am saved by the blood of the Crucified One! Title: Such Love Author: C. Bishop and Robert Harkness Copyright: ©1929. Renewed 1957 Lillenas Publishing Company (Admin. by The Copyright Company) CCLI: 52909 Song ID: U-5102 Hymnal: 102 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: That God should love a sinner such as I, Should yearn to change my sorrow into bliss, Nor rest till He had planned to bring me nigh, How wonderful is love like this! Verse 2: That Christ should join so freely in the scheme, Although it meant His death on Calvary, Did ever human tongue find nobler theme Than love divine that ransomed me! Verse 3: That for a willful outcast such as I, The Father planned, the Saviour bled and died; Redemption for a worthless slave to buy, Who long had law and grace defied. Verse 4: And now He takes me to His heart, a son, He asks me not to fill a servant's place; The "Far-off country" wand'rings all are done, Wide open are His arms of grace. Chorus 1: Such love, such wondrous love, Such love, such wondrous love, That God should love a sinner such as I, How wonderful is love like this! Title: The Cleansing Wave Author: Phoebe P. Knapp Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 47543 Song ID: U-5105 Hymnal: 105 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: Oh! Now I see the crimson wave, The fountain deep and wide; Jesus, my Lord, mighty to save, Points to His wounded side. Verse 2: I see the new creation rise, I hear the speaking blood; It speaks, my thankful heart replies, Cleans'd 'neath its precious flood. Verse 3: O rise to walk in Heav'n's own light Above the world and sin, With heart made pure, and garments white, And Christ enthroned within. Verse 4: Amazing grace! ' Tis heav'n below To feel the blood applied, And Jesus, only Jesus know, My Jesus crucified. Chorus 1: The cleansing stream, I see, I see, I plunge, and oh, it cleanseth me! Oh! praise the Lord, it cleanseth me, It cleanseth me, yes, cleanseth me! Title: Christ Receiveth Sinful Men Author: Erdmann Neumeister and James McGranahan Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 82924 Song ID: U-5106 Hymnal: 106 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: Sinners Jesus will receive: Sound this word of grace to all Who the heav'nly pathway leave, All who linger, all who fall. Verse 2: Come, and He will give you rest; Trust Him, for His Word is plain; He will take the sinfulest; Christ receiveth sinful men. Verse 3: Now my heart condemns me not, Pure before the law I stand; He who cleansed me from all spot, Satisfied its last demand. Verse 4: Christ receiveth sinful men, Even me with all my sin; Purged from ev'ry spot and stain, Heav'n with Him I enter in. Chorus 1: Sing it o'er and o'er again; Christ receiveth sinful men; Make the message clear and plain: Christ receiveth sinful men. Title: I Believe Jesus Saves Author: William McDonald and Joseph P. Webster Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 198148 Song ID: U-5109 Hymnal: 109 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1, Verse5, Chorus1 Verse 1: I am coming to Jesus for rest, Rest, such as the purified know; My soul is athirst to be blest, To be washed and made whiter than snow. Verse 2: In coming, my sin I deplore, My weakness and poverty show; I long to be saved evermore, To be washed and made whiter than snow. Verse 3: To Jesus I give up my all, Ev'ry treasure and idol I know; For His fullness of blessing I call, Till His blood washes whiter than snow. Verse 4: I am trusting in Jesus alone, Trusting now His salvation to know; And His blood doth so fully atone, I am washed and made whiter than snow. Verse 5: My heart is in raptures of love, Love, such as the ransomed ones know; I am strengthened with might from above, I am washed and made whiter than snow. Chorus 1: I believe Jesus saves, And His blood washes whiter than snow; I believe Jesus saves, And His blood washes whiter than snow. Title: Sweet By And By Author: S. F. Bennett and Joseph P. Webster Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 36437 Song ID: U-5110 Hymnal: 110 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: There's a land that is fairer than day, And by faith we can see it afar; For the Father waits over the way, To prepare us a dwelling place there. Verse 2: We shall sing on that beautiful shore The melodious songs of the blest, And our spirits shall sorrow no more, Not a sigh for the blessing of rest. Verse 3: To our bountiful Father above We will offer our tribute of praise, For the glorious gift of His love And the blessings that hallow our days. Chorus 1: In the sweet by and by, We shall meet on that beautiful shore. In the sweet by and by, We shall meet on that beautiful shore. Title: Without Him Author: Mylon Lefevre Copyright: ©1963 Angel Band Music CCLI: 27219 Song ID: U-5113 Hymnal: 113 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1 Verse 1: Without Him I could do nothing, Without Him I'd surely fail; Without Him I would be drifting Like a ship without a sail. Verse 2: Without Him I would be dying, Without Him I'd be enslaved; Without Him life would be hopeless. But with Jesus, thank God, I'm saved. Chorus 1: Jesus, O Jesus! Do you know Him today? You can't turn Him away; O Jesus, O Jesus! Without Him how lost I would be. Title: God Can See Us Author: Ralph Carmichael Copyright: ©1970 Bud John Songs, Inc. CCLI: 198210 Song ID: U-5115 Hymnal: 115 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4, Bridge1, Verse5, Verse6 Verse 1: God can see you, (He can see me,) Yes it is true, (True as can be;) God can see back (Through His own Son) Jesus our Lord. Verse 2: From His point of view, (Now He can see) We look like new, (Starting out free,) Looking through Christ, (He can see us) clean and restored. Verse 3: There is a way (That He can hear,) Now when we pray (Simple and clear;) God can hear us (Pray in the name) of Jesus our Lord. Verse 4: Just whisper a prayer, (Call Him by name,) He's always there, (Always the same,) God answers back (Giving His love) keeping His word. Verse 5: God can know you, (He can know me.) We can be in (His family) He'll know us back (Through His own Son) Jesus our Lord. Verse 6: Well, God wants to know, (He wants to see,) God wants to hear (Both you and me;) He wants us back, (That's why He sent) Jesus our Lord. Bridge 1: There's only one Mediator Between us and our Creator, And blameless now we can stand before God's throne Though Jesus Christ alone. Title: Tell It Like It Is Author: Ralph Carmichael Copyright: ©1969 Bud John Songs, Inc. CCLI: 198241 Song ID: U-5117 Hymnal: 117 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Verse4, Chorus2, Verse5, Verse6, Chorus3 Verse 1: Let's tell the truth about the world we live in, Let's ask about the God who put it here; Let's tell the truth about our friends and neighbors, Let's check the cause of all our hate and fear. Verse 2: Let's look at love and find out where it comes from, Let's look at life and all that we hold dear; Let's check it now before it quickly passes, Let's use today before it disappears. Verse 3: Let's take a long look at ourselves and find out Just who we are and where we go from here; Let's get some answers to important questions, Let's have some truth and have it loud and clear. Verse 4: So if you dare to face the issue squarely, Not just pretend, but really be sincere; Don't be surprised 'cause anything could happen, We might just open up a new frontier. Verse 5: There's more to come, it's only the beginning, There's more to tell and we are finding out; His truth is strong, His love is even stronger, And Christ within, that's what it's all about. Verse 6: We'll make the world a better place to live in, But changes have to start with "number one!" A living Christ can really make it happen, And then look out, we've only just begun: Chorus 1: Let's tell it like it is, tell it like it is. We're tired of pretty words designed for youth. Let's tell it like it is, tell it like it is. Get down to where the searcher meets the truth. Chorus 2: Let's tell it like it is, tell it like it is. Don't think that life is wasted on the youth. Just tell it like it is, tell it like it is. Get movin' to the rhythm, movin' to the rhythm, moving to the rhythm of the truth! Chorus 3: To tell it like it is, tell it like it is. Don't think that life is wasted on the youth. Just tell it like it is, tell it like it is. Start thinkin' with a new mind, come up to where there's real life, movin' to the rhythm of the truth! Title: Believe in Your Heart Author: Cam Floria Copyright: ©1973 Bud John Songs, Inc. CCLI: 198265 Song ID: U-5118 Hymnal: 118 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus2 Verse 1: Believe in your heart in Jesus, Confess with your lips, He is Lord. Your words will confirm your salvation, Your heart is your judge before God. Verse 2: Believe He will not disappoint you, Just give yourself up to His care. For anyone calling, He answers Whoever will offer that prayer. Chorus 1: Believe! Believe! Believe His true resurrection. Believe in your heart, believe in the Lord, Believe and then you'll be saved. Chorus 2: Receive! Receive! Receive His true resurrection. Receive in your heart, receive the Lord Jesus. Receive and then you'll be saved. Title: I Know a Fount Author: Oliver Cooke Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 37106 Song ID: U-5119 Hymnal: 119 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Chorus1 Chorus 1: I know a fount where sins are washed away, I know a place where night is turned to day; Burdens are lifted, blind eyes made to see; There's a wonder working pow'r in the blood of Calvary. Title: No Greater Love Author: Ralph Carmichael Copyright: ©1969 Bud John Songs, Inc. CCLI: 16196 Song ID: U-5120 Hymnal: 120 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1 Verse 1: Oh, have you heard the story, Christ left His throne in glory And walked across a page of history. He found us bowed and wasted, Our bitter cup He tasted, Then gave His life for us, now we are free, we are free. Verse 2: In going or in giving, In dying or in living, I'll try to show the world it has a friend. By praying and by caring, By reaching out and sharing, The love of Christ will go on without end, without end. Chorus 1: There is no greater love than this, No greater love than this, That a man should give his life to save another. There is no greater love than this, No greater love than this, Make me willing, Lord, at least to help my brother. Title: Jesus, Jesus, Jesus Author: Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 37182 Song ID: U-5123 Hymnal: 123 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Chorus1 Chorus 1: Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Never have I heard a name that thrilled my soul like Thine. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, O what wondrous grace that links that lovely name with mine. Title: You Can Touch Him Author: Ralph Carmichael Copyright: ©1968 Bud John Songs, Inc. CCLI: 174100 Song ID: U-5126 Hymnal: 126 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: The God that made the world out yonder and others yet unknown, Reached out His hand in mighty power and spoke from heaven's throne. Verse 2: "Let there be earth, Let there be man, And give him all therein." But all too soon man chose the pathway that leads to death and sin. Verse 3: He reached again, this time in mercy with gentle hand so kind, To heal the man of sin and sickness, to soothe his angry mind. Verse 4: And still today with hands now reaching The Savior stands near by, And you can touch His hand of healing if you will only try. Chorus 1: The mighty God of all creation is the loving God of our salvation. And you can touch His hand of healing, You can touch Him now, if you'll only try. Title: Hallelujah! His Blood Avails for Me Author: Jimmy Owens Copyright: ©1972 Bud John Songs, Inc. CCLI: 92718 Song ID: U-5128 Hymnal: 128 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4, Verse5, Verse6, Verse7, Verse8 Verse 1: What a friend we have in Jesus, all our sins and griefs to bear. What a privilege to carry ev'rything to God in prayer. Hallelujah! His blood avails for me. I once was lost but now am found, was blind but now I see. Verse 2: Take the name of Jesus with you, Child of sorrow and of woe. It will joy and comfort give you, Take it then where'er you go. Hallelujah! His blood avails for me. I once was lost but now am found, was blind but now I see. Verse 3: I love to tell the story Of unseen things above, Of Jesus and His glory, Of Jesus and His love. Hallelujah! His blood avails for me. I once was lost but now am found, was blind but now I see. Verse 4: Jesus loves me, this I know, For the Bible tells me so. Little ones to Him belong, They are weak but He is strong. Hallelujah! His blood avails for me. I once was lost but now am found, was blind but now I see. Verse 5: My Jesus, I love Thee, I know Thou art mine. For Thee all the follies Of sin I resign. Hallelujah! His blood avails for me. I once was lost but now am found, was blind but now I see. Verse 6: My gracious Redeemer, My Savior art Thou; If ever I loved Thee, My Jesus, 'tis now. Hallelujah! His blood avails for me. I once was lost but now am found, was blind but now I see. Verse 7: Blest be the tie that binds Our hearts in Christian love; The fellowship of kindred minds Is like to that above. Hallelujah! His blood avails for me. I once was lost but now am found, was blind but now I see. Verse 8: Shall we gather at the river, Where bright angel's feet have trod? With its crystal tide forever Flowing by the throne of God. Hallelujah! His blood avails for me. I once was lost but now am found, was blind but now I see. Chorus 1: Hallelujah! His blood avails for me. I once was lost but now am found, was blind but now I see. Title: Someone Is Waiting Author: Ken Medema Copyright: ©1973 Word Music, Inc. CCLI: 53427 Song ID: U-5129 Hymnal: 129 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2 Verse 1: Someone is waiting right outside your door. Someone is waiting, whom you've never seen before. Not the thousands or the millions who crowd the city streets, But someone is lying at your feet. Verse 2: Someone is waiting to see how much you care. Someone is calling, will you answer? Do you dare? Not the millions who are teeming In some faraway exotic land, But someone is waiting at your hand. Title: Is My Name Written There Author: Mary A. Kidder and Frank M. Davis Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 93669 Song ID: U-5132 Hymnal: 132 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus3 Verse 1: Lord, I care not for riches, Neither silver nor gold; I would make sure of heaven, I would enter the fold. In the book of Thy kingdom With its pages so fair, Tell me, Jesus, my Saviour, Is my name written there? Verse 2: Lord, my sins they are many, Like the sands of the sea, But Thy blood, O my Saviour, Is sufficient for me: For Thy promise is written In bright letters that glow, "Though your sins be as scarlet, I will make them like snow." Verse 3: Oh, that beautiful city With its mansions of light, With its glorified beings in pure garments of white! Where no evil thing cometh To despoil what is fair, Where the angels are watching! Yes, my name's written there. Chorus 1: Is my name written there, On the page white and fair? In the book of Thy kingdom, Is my name written there? Chorus 3: Yes, my name's written there, On the page white and fair. In the book of Thy kingdom, Yes, my name's written there. Title: If Your Heart Keeps Right Author: Lizzie DeArmond and B. D. Ackley Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 112643 Song ID: U-5136 Hymnal: 136 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: If the dark shadows gather As you go along, Do not grieve for their coming, Sing a cheery song, There is joy for the taking, It will soon be light. Ev'ry cloud wears a rainbow If your heart keeps right. Verse 2: Is your life just a tangle Full of toil and care? Smile a bit as you journey, Others' burdens share; You'll forget all your troubles, Making their lives bright, Skies will grow blue and sunny If your heart keeps right. Verse 3: There are blossoms of gladness 'Neath the winter's snow, From the gloom and the darkness Comes the morning's glow; Never give up the battle, You will win the fight, Gain the rest of the Victor If your heart keeps right. Chorus 1: If your heart keeps right, If your heart keeps right, There's a song of gladness In the darkest night; If your heart keeps right, If your heart keeps right, Ev'ry cloud will wear a rainbow, If your heart keeps right. Title: I've Anchored in Jesus Author: Lewis E. Jones Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 90167 Song ID: U-5140 Hymnal: 140 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: Upon life's boundless ocean where mighty billows roll, I've fixed my hope in Jesus, blest anchor of my soul; When trials fierce assail me as storms are gath'ring o'er, I rest upon His mercy and trust Him more. Verse 2: He keeps my soul from evil and gives me blessed peace, His voice hath stilled the waters and bid their tumult cease; My Pilot and Deliv'rer, to Him I all confide, For always when I need Him, He's at my side. Verse 3: He is my Friend and Saviour, in Him my anchor's cast, He drives away my sorrows and shields me from the blast; By faith I'm looking upward beyond life's troubled sea, There I behold a haven prepared for me. Chorus 1: I've anchored in Jesus, The storms of life I'll brave, I've anchored in Jesus, I fear no wind or wave, I've anchored in Jesus for He hath pow'r to save, I've anchored to the Rock of Ages. Title: He Is Able to Deliver Thee Author: William A. Ogden Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 85361 Song ID: U-5142 Hymnal: 142 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: 'Tis the grandest theme through the ages rung; 'Tis the grandest theme for a mortal tongue; 'Tis the grandest theme that the world e'er sung, "Our God is able to deliver thee." Verse 2: 'Tis the grandest theme in the earth or main; 'Tis the grandest theme for a mortal strain; 'Tis the grandest theme, tell the world again, "Our God is able to deliver thee." Verse 3: 'Tis the grandest theme, let the tidings roll, To the guilty heart, to the sinful soul; Look to God in faith, He will make thee whole, "Our God is able to deliver thee." Chorus 1: He is able to deliver thee, He is able to deliver thee; Though by sin opprest, Go to Him for rest: "Our God is able to deliver thee." Title: Something Good Is Going to Happen to You Author: Ralph Carmichael Copyright: ©1969 Bud John Songs, Inc. CCLI: 19258 Song ID: U-5149 Hymnal: 149 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: Right there in the dust He sat by the gate To listen to footsteps and patiently wait. The blind man just didn't dream that this was the day That Jesus of Nazareth would pass by his way. Verse 2: She stood by the well So tired and alone, Misfortune and heartache was all she had known. She looked at the Stranger, but who would ever think 'Twas Jesus to offer her living water to drink. Verse 3: They were only wee children So happy at play, And told to stay quiet and out of the way. But then came the Savior with arms open wide, They're part of His Kingdom, make room by His side. Verse 4: My friend, if you're list'ning Right now to me, This is the moment that you can be free. This very same Jesus is right here today, Release your faith and touch Him, then believe me when I say: Chorus 1: Something good is going to happen to you, Happen to you this very day. Something good is going to happen to you, Jesus of Nazareth is passing your way. Title: If We Could See Beyond Today Author: Norman J. Clayton Copyright: ©1938 Wordspring Music, Inc. CCLI: 198423 Song ID: U-5153 Hymnal: 153 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3 Verse 1: If we could see beyond today As God can see, If all the clouds should roll away, The shadows flee, O'er present griefs we would not fret, Each sorrow we would soon forget, For many joys are waiting yet, For you and me. Verse 2: If we could know beyond today As God doth know, Why dearest treasures pass away And tears must flow, And why the darkness leads to light, Why dreary days will soon grow bright: Someday life's wrongs will be made right, Faith tells us so. Verse 3: If we could see, if we could know, We often say, But God in love a veil doth throw Across our way; We cannot see what lies before, And so we cling to Him the more: He leads us till this life is o'er, Trust and obey. Title: My Jesus, As Thou Wilt! Author: Benjamin Schmolck and C. M. von Weber Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 121823 Song ID: U-5158 Hymnal: 158 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3 Verse 1: My Jesus, as Thou wilt! O may Thy will be mine; Into Thy hand of love I would my all resign. Through sorrow, or through joy, Conduct me as Thine own; And help me still to say, "My Lord, Thy will be done." Verse 2: My Jesus, as Thou wilt! Though seen through many a tear, Let not my star of hope Grow dim or disappear. Since Thou on earth hast wept And sorrowed oft alone, If I must weep with Thee, "My Lord, Thy will be done." Verse 3: My Jesus, as Thou wilt! All shall be well for me; Each changing future scene I gladly trust with Thee. Straight to my home above I travel calmly on, And sing, in life or death, "My Lord, Thy will be done." Title: The Way of the Cross Leads Home Author: Jessie B. Pounds and Charles H. Gabriel Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 36028 Song ID: U-5162 Hymnal: 162 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: I must needs go home by the way of the cross, There's no other way but this; I shall ne'er get sight of the gates of light, If the way of the cross I miss. Verse 2: I must needs go on in the blood-sprinkled way, The path that the Savior trod, If I ever climb to the heights sublime, Where the soul is at home with God. Verse 3: Then I bid farewell to the way of the world, To walk in it nevermore; For my Lord says, "Come," and I seek my home, Where He waits at the open door. Chorus 1: The way of the cross leads home, The way of the cross leads home; It is sweet to know as I onward go, The way of the cross leads home. Title: A Passion for Souls Author: Herbert G. Tovey and Foss L. Fellers Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 86951 Song ID: U-5168 Hymnal: 168 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: Give me a passion for souls, dear Lord, A passion to save the lost; O that Thy love were by all adored, And welcomed at any cost. Verse 2: Tho' there are dangers untold and stern Confronting me in the way, Willingly still would I go, nor turn, But trust Thee for grace each day. Verse 3: How shall this passion for souls be mine? Lord, make Thou the answer clear; Help me to throw out the old life line To those who are struggling near. Chorus 1: Jesus, I long, I long to be winning Men who are lost, and constantly sinning; O may this hour be one of beginning The story of pardon to tell. Title: If Jesus Goes With Me Author: C. Austin Miles Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 114689 Song ID: U-5173 Hymnal: 173 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: It may be in the valley, where countless dangers hide; It may be in the sunshine that I in peace abide; But this one thing I know, if it be dark or fair, If Jesus is with me, I'll go anywhere! Verse 2: It may be I must carry the blessed word of life Across the burning deserts to those in sinful strife; And though it be my lot to bear my colors there, If Jesus goes with me, I'll go anywhere! Verse 3: But if it be my portion to bear my cross at home, While others bear their burdens beyond the billows' foam, I'll prove my faith in Him, confess His judgments fair, And, if He stays with me, I'll go anywhere! Verse 4: It is not mine to question the judgments of my Lord, It is but mine to follow the leadings of His Word. But if to go or stay, or whether here or there, I'll be, with my Saviour, content anywhere! Chorus 1: If Jesus goes with me, I'll go anywhere! 'Tis heaven to me, Where'er I may be, If He is there! I count it a privilege here His cross to bear; If Jesus goes with me, I'll go anywhere. Title: Deeper, Deeper Author: C. P. Jones Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 47512 Song ID: U-5176 Hymnal: 176 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: Deeper, deeper in the love of Jesus Daily let me go; Higher, higher in the school of wisdom, More of grace to know. Verse 2: Deeper, deeper, blessed Holy Spirit, Take me deeper still, Till my life is wholly lost in Jesus And His perfect will. Verse 3: Deeper, deeper, though it cost hard trials, Deeper let me go! Rooted in the holy love of Jesus, Let me fruitful grow. Verse 4: Deeper, higher ev'ry day in Jesus Till all conflicts past, Finds me conqu'ror, and in His own image Perfected at last. Chorus 1: O deeper yet, I pray, And higher ev'ry day, And wiser, blessed Lord In Thy precious holy Word. Title: The Day of Thy Power Author: Jack W. Hayford Copyright: ©1976 Rocksmith Music CCLI: 31841 Song ID: U-5178 Hymnal: 178 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1 Verse 1: May I stand, O Lord, in this holy place. May I worship Thee and behold Thy face. May I be transformed by Thy Word and Thy Spirit and behold the day of Thy power. Title: Is Your All on the Altar? Author: Elisha A. Hoffman Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 120776 Song ID: U-5179 Hymnal: 179 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: You have longed for sweet peace, and for faith to increase, And have earnestly, fervently prayed; But you cannot have rest or be perfectly blest Until all on the altar is laid. Verse 2: Would you walk with the Lord in the light of His Word, And have peace and contentment alway? You must do His sweet will To be free from all ill, On the altar your all you must lay. Verse 3: Oh, we never can know what the Lord will bestow Of the blessings for which we have prayed, Till our body and soul He doth fully control, And our all on the altar is laid. Verse 4: Who can tell all the love He will send from above, And how happy our hearts will be made, Of the fellowship sweet we shall share at His feet When our all on the altar is laid? Chorus 1: Is your all on the altar of sacrifice laid? Your heart, does the Spirit control? You can only be blest and have peace and sweet rest, As you yield Him your body and soul. Title: Bring Back the Springtime Author: Kurt Kaiser Copyright: ©1970 Word Music, Inc. CCLI: 9907 Song ID: U-5181 Hymnal: 181 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1 Verse 1: When in the spring the flow'rs are blooming bright and fair, After the gray of winter's gone; Once again the lark begins its tuning, Back in the meadows of my home. Verse 2: Lord, make me like the stream that flows so cool and clear, Down from the mountains high above. I will tell the world the wondrous story Of the precious stream filled with Your love. Chorus 1: Lord, to my heart bring back the springtime, Take away the cold and dark of sin. O refill me now, sweet Holy Spirit, May I warm and tender be again. Title: I'll Turn It All Over to Jesus Author: Lynn Mann Copyright: ©1976 Bud John Songs, Inc. CCLI: 198715 Song ID: U-5185 Hymnal: 185 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus2, Verse3, Chorus3 Verse 1: I'm exhausted tryin' to figure out which way my life should go, My world gets more confusing ev'ry day. There are times I think I have it made but the feeling goes away, The burden's just too much for me to bear. Verse 2: Well, it's You and me alone right now and I'm not sure what to say, I've never been down on my knees before. But Lord, I'm to the point in life where I can't run away From all that I have been in all my shame. Verse 3: The room is very quiet now, there's an atmosphere of peace, The heaviness I knew has disappeared. Lord, I feel Your presence is around me ev'rywhere, And all I had to do was ask You in. Chorus 1: So I'll turn it all over to Jesus, It's the first time that I ever said a prayer; But I've heard if I just put my trust in Jesus, My burdens and frustrations He will bear. Chorus 2: So I'll turn myself over to Jesus And admit that I can't make it on my own. I realize I need the help of Jesus To shed the life I've known, that I have known. Chorus 3: I just turned it all over to Jesus And He's taken all my emptiness away. I felt Him put His loving arms around me, And then I knew I only had to pray. Title: Faith of Our Mothers Author: A.B. Patton and Henri F. Hemy Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 428643 Song ID: U-5190 Hymnal: 190 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4 Verse 1: Faith of our mothers, living still In cradle song and bedtime prayer; In nursery lore and fireside love, Thy presence still pervades the air; Faith of our mothers, living faith! We will be true to thee till death. Verse 2: Faith of our mothers, loving faith, Fount of our childhood's trust and grace, Oh, may Thy consecration prove Source of a finer, nobler race: Faith of our mothers, living faith, We will be true to thee till death. Verse 3: Faith of our mothers, guiding faith, For youthful longing, youthful doubt, How blurred our vision, blind our way, Thy providential care without: Faith of our mothers, guiding faith, We will be true to thee till death. Verse 4: Faith of our mothers, Christian faith, In truth beyond our stumbling creeds, Still serve the home and save the Church, And breathe thy spirit thro' our deeds: Faith of our mothers, Christian faith! We will be true to thee till death. Title: To Be Used of God Author: Audrey Mieir Copyright: ©1954 Manna Music, Inc. CCLI: 19203 Song ID: U-5193 Hymnal: 193 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1 Verse 1: I've a yearning in my heart that cannot be denied, It's a longing that has never yet been satisfied. I want the world to know the One who loves them so, Like a flame it's burning deep inside. Verse 2: When I think about the shortness of my earthly years, I remember all the wasted days, the wasted tears. I long to preach the Word to those who've never heard Of the One who can dispel all fears. Chorus 1: To be used of God, to sing, to speak, to pray; To be used of God to show someone the way. I long so much to feel the touch of His consuming fire; To be used of God is my desire. Title: Victory Ahead Author: William Grum Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 123027 Song ID: U-5195 Hymnal: 195 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: When the hosts of Israel, led by God, Round the walls of Jericho softly trod; Trusting in the Lord, they felt the conqu'ror's tread, By faith they saw the victory ahead. Verse 2: David, with a shepherd's sling and five stones, Met the giant on the field all alone; Trusting in the Lord, he knew what God had said, By faith he saw the victory ahead. Verse 3: Daniel prayed unto the Lord thrice each day, Then unto the lion's den led the way; Trusting in the Lord, he did not fear or dread, By faith he saw the victory ahead. Verse 4: When like those who've gone before to that land, By death's river cold and dark I shall stand; Trusting in the Lord, I will not fear or dread, By faith I'll see the victory ahead. Chorus 1: Victory ahead! Victory ahead! Through the blood of Jesus, victory ahead; Trusting in the Lord, I hear the conqu'ror's tread, By faith I see the victory ahead. Title: The Miracle of Faith Author: Ralph Carmichael and Jean Sibelius Copyright: ©1973 Bud John Songs, Inc. CCLI: 198784 Song ID: U-5199 Hymnal: 199 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1 Verse 1: If without faith I lose my way in darkness, And without faith my hopes and dreams would fail; Then give me faith to flood my way with brightness, And give me faith to see my hopes prevail. Verse 2: Let faith remain a bulwark for all seasons. Let faith be always equal to the hour. Be not concerned with earthling doubts or reasons. Fly on the wings of faith's eternal pow'r. Chorus 1: Almighty God, the source of my salvation, Impart to me Your miracle of faith. Title: Trusting is Believing Author: Flo Price Copyright: ©1974 Bud John Songs, Inc. CCLI: 198801 Song ID: U-5200 Hymnal: 200 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2 Verse 1: Trusting is believing that God will keep His Word, And trusting is believing your ev'ry prayer is heard. And trusting is letting God know that you're depending on Him; It's feeling His forgiveness within. Verse 2: Trusting is believing that God could care for you, And trusting is believing just as a child would do. It's like giving your hand to Jesus and knowing He won't let go; I'll trust Him because He loves me so. Title: Jesus Never Forgets Author: Jack Coleman Copyright: ©1972 Bud John Songs, Inc. CCLI: 43853 Song ID: U-5201 Hymnal: 201 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Chorus1 Chorus 1: Jesus never forgets. Jesus never forgets. His love is free to all who will walk with Him, For Jesus never forgets. Title: He that Overcomes Author: Lawrence Holben and Cam Floria Copyright: ©1972 Bud John Songs, Inc. CCLI: 12255 Song ID: U-5214 Hymnal: 214 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4, Verse5 Verse 1: He that overcomes will stand, He that overcomes will stand. Stand before the heav'nly King, He that overcomes will stand. Verse 2: He that overcomes will sing, He that overcomes will sing. Sing a song of joy and praise, He that overcomes will sing. Verse 3: He that overcomes will shine, He that overcomes will shine. Shine around the heav'nly throne, He that overcomes will shine. Verse 4: He that overcomes will live, He that overcomes will live. Live eternal life above, He that overcomes will live. Verse 5: He that overcomes will rise, He that overcomes will rise. Rise to meet Him in the sky, He that overcomes will rise. Title: Now Walk with God Author: Otis Skillings Copyright: ©1969 Lillenas Publishing Company CCLI: 68474 Song ID: U-5215 Hymnal: 215 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1 Verse 1: On God's Holy Word I challenge you To give to the Lord your life anew. My friend, make your choice; He waits for you, For this is the moment of truth. Chorus 1: Now walk with God and He will be your dearest Friend Where'er you go, in ev'rything you do. And may your life reflect His love to ev'ryone. Now walk with God and He will walk with you. Title: Speak, My Lord Author: George Bennard Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 125685 Song ID: U-5221 Hymnal: 221 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: Hear the Lord of harvest sweetly calling, "Who will go and work for Me today? Who will bring to Me the lost and dying? Who will point them to the narrow way?" Verse 2: When the coal of fire touched the prophet, Making him as pure, as pure can be, When the voice of God said, "Who'll go for us?" Then he answered, "Here I am, send me." Verse 3: Millions now in sin and shame are dying, Listen to their sad and bitter cry; Hasten, brother, hasten to the rescue; Quickly answer, "Master, here am I." Verse 4: Soon the time for reaping will be over; Soon we'll gather for the harvest home; May the Lord of harvest smile upon us, May we hear His blessed "Child, well done." Chorus 1: Speak, my Lord, speak, my Lord, Speak, and I'll be quick to answer Thee; Speak, my Lord, speak, my Lord, Speak, and I will answer, "Lord, send me." Title: The Regions Beyond Author: Albert B. Simpson and Margaret M. Simpson Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 198959 Song ID: U-5231 Hymnal: 231 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: To the regions beyond I must go, I must go, Where the story has never been told; To the millions that never have heard of His love, I must tell the sweet story of old. Verse 2: To the hardest of places He calls me to go, Not thinking of comfort or ease; The world may pronounce me a dreamer, a fool, Enough if the Master I please. Verse 3: O ye that are spending your leisure and powers In pleasures so foolish and fond, Awake from your selfishness, folly, and sin; And go to the regions beyond. Verse 4: There are other lost sheep that the Master must bring, And to them must the message be told. He sends me to gather them out of all lands And welcome them back to His fold. Chorus 1: To the regions beyond, I must go, I must go, Till the world, all the world, His salvation shall know. Title: Throw Out the Life-Line Author: Edward S. Ufford Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 115798 Song ID: U-5232 Hymnal: 232 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: Throw out the Life-Line across the dark wave, There is a brother whom someone should save; Somebody's brother! O who then, will dare To throw out the Life-Line, his peril to share? Verse 2: Throw out the Life-Line with hand quick and strong: Why do you tarry, why linger so long? See! He is sinking, O hasten today And out with the Life-Boat! Away, then away! Verse 3: Throw out the Life-Line to danger-fraught men, Sinking in anguish where you've never been: Winds of temptation and billows of woe Will soon hurl them out where the dark waters flow. Verse 4: Soon will the season of rescue be o'er, Soon will they drift to eternity's shore; Haste, then, my brother, no time for delay, But throw out the Life-Line and save them today. Chorus 1: Throw out the Life-Line! Throw out the Life-Line! Someone is drifting away; Throw out the Life-Line! Throw out the Life-Line! Someone is sinking today. Title: All He Wants Is You Author: Audrey Mieir Copyright: ©1967 Manna Music, Inc. CCLI: 14923 Song ID: U-5233 Hymnal: 233 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1 Verse 1: Something more than gold for the Master; Something more than gifts to appease. There is only one thing that you alone can bring. There is only one gift that will please. Verse 2: Nothing less than this can you offer; Nothing less than this can you bring. It is not just your songs, But for you alone He longs. Nothing less can you give to your King. Chorus 1: All He wants is you, No one else will do. Not just a part, He wants all of your heart. All He wants is all of you, All He wants is you. Chorus 2: All He wants is me, Unreservedly. Not just a part, He wants all of my heart. All He wants is all of me, All He wants is me. Title: Something Beautiful Author: Gloria and William J. Gaither Copyright: ©1971 William J. Gaither, Inc. CCLI: 18060 Song ID: U-5234 Hymnal: 234 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Chorus1 Chorus 1: Something beautiful, Something good; All my confusion He understood; All I had to offer Him was brokenness and strife, But He made something beautiful of my life. Title: So Send I You Author: E. Margaret Clarkson and John W. Peterson Copyright: ©1954 Singspiration Music CCLI: 13962 Song ID: U-5238 Hymnal: 238 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4, Verse5, Ending1 Verse 1: So send I you to labor unrewarded, To serve unpaid, unloved, unsought, unknown, To bear rebuke, to suffer scorn and scoffing; So send I you to toil for Me alone. Verse 2: So send I you to bind the bruised and broken, o'er wand'ring souls to work, to weep, to wake, To bear the burdens of a world aweary; So send I you to suffer for My sake. Verse 3: So send I you to loneliness and longing, With heart a-hung'ring for the loved and known, Forsaking home and kindred, friend and dear one; So send I you to know My love alone. Verse 4: So send I you to leave your life's ambition, To die to dear desire, self-will resign, To labor long and love where men revile you; So send I you to lose your life in Mine. Verse 5: So send I you to hearts made hard by hatred, To eyes made blind because they will not see, To spend, though it be blood, to spend and spare not; So send I you to taste of Calvary. Ending 1: "As the Father hath sent Me, so send I you." Title: Nothing Between Author: Charles A. Tindley Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 33289 Song ID: U-5245 Hymnal: 245 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: Nothing between my soul and the Savior, Naught of this world's delusive dream; I have renounced all sinful pleasure, Jesus is mine; there's nothing between. Verse 2: Nothing between, like worldly pleasure, Habits of life though harmless they seem, Must not my heart from Him e'er sever, He is my all; there's nothing between. Verse 3: Nothing between, like pride or station, Self or friends shall not intervene, Though it may cost me much tribulation, I am resolved; there's nothing between. Verse 4: Nothing between, e'en many hard trials, Though the whole world against me convene; Watching with prayer and much self-denial, I'll triumph at last, with nothing between. Chorus 1: Nothing between my soul and the Savior, So that His blessed face may be seen; Nothing preventing the least of His favor, Keep the way clear! Let nothing between. Title: The Family of God Author: Gloria and William J. Gaither Copyright: ©1970 William J. Gaither, Inc. CCLI: 17023 Song ID: U-5246 Hymnal: 246 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1 Verse 1: You will notice we say brother and sister 'round here. It's because we're a fam'ly and these folks are so near. When one has a heartache we all share the tears, And rejoice in each vict'ry in this fam'ly so dear. Verse 2: From the door of an orph'nage to the house of the King, No longer an outcast, a new song I sing; From rags unto riches, from the weak to the strong, I'm not worthy to be here, but praise God I belong! Chorus 1: I'm so glad I'm a part of the fam'ly of God; I've been washed in the fountain, Cleansed by His blood! Joint heirs with Jesus as we travel this sod, For I'm part of the fam'ly, the fam'ly of God. Title: Come Together Author: Jimmy and Carol Owens Copyright: 1972 Bud John Songs, Inc. CCLI: 199123 Song ID: U-5248 Hymnal: 248 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: Jesus' people come together, let your light shine! Share your love with one another, let your light shine! Let no diff'rence grow between you, let your light shine! Let His Spirit flow between you, let your light shine! Verse 2: Jesus' people come together, let your light shine! Come and worship your Redeemer, let your light shine! Sing for joy and shout for gladness, let your light shine! Come and praise Him for His goodness, let your light shine! Verse 3: Jesus' people come together, let your light shine! Tell the world about your Savior, let your light shine! Preach the gospel of salvation, let your light shine! Spread the news to ev'ry nation, let your light shine! Chorus 1: Well, let it shine, shine, shine! Come on and let your light shine! Well, let it shine, shine, shine! Come on and let your light shine! Title: Collection Chorus Author: Cam Floria Copyright: ©1973 Bud John Songs, Inc. CCLI: 199147 Song ID: U-5249 Hymnal: 249 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2 Verse 1: Lay aside your gift the first day, Don't begrudge and do not spare; God delights in cheerful givers, Those who generously share. Verse 2: And here's a thought for any giver, If your gift is large or small; More than any gift of money, What God really wants is all of you. Title: The Giving Song Author: Ralph Carmichael Copyright: ©1970 Bud John Songs, Inc. CCLI: 219326 Song ID: U-5250 Hymnal: 250 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: With our hearts we give Thee praise For Thy blessing from above, As our voices now we raise, Teach us how to share Thy love. Verse 2: Daily from Thy hand we take Treasures rich and love so pure. Others would we dare forsake, Who could then such guilt endure? Verse 3: When around us falls the night, We enjoy Thy tender care; But before the morning light; Some will die in deep despair. Chorus 1: From the act of giving Springs the joy of living; Making room for blessings more From Thy boundless mercy store. Title: Growing Together Author: Bob Laurent, Kathy Brawley, Mark Johnson, Pam Murphy and Ralph Hunt Copyright: ©1974 Bud John Songs, Inc. CCLI: 199192 Song ID: U-5251 Hymnal: 251 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Chorus1, Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: His love becomes our own By dying on Mount Calv'ry. We love not as the world loves, but in Him. Verse 2: Just waiting for the day I'll look at Him and say, "Oh, Father, how I thank You for Your love." Verse 3: In dying we can live, By giving we receive, And growing, become children of the light. Chorus 1: Growing together, Loving one another; Growing together in the Lord. Growing together, Loving one another; Growing together in the Lord. Title: The Last Mile of the Way Author: Johnson Oatman, Jr. and William Edie Marks Copyright: ©1908. Renewed 1936 by John T. Benson Publishing Company CCLI: 199219 Song ID: U-5254 Hymnal: 254 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: If I walk in the pathway of duty, If I work till the close of the day; I shall see the great King in His beauty, When I've gone the last mile of the way. Verse 2: If for Christ I proclaim the glad story, If I seek for His sheep gone astray, I am sure He will show me His glory, When I've gone the last mile of the way. Verse 3: Here the dearest of ties we must sever, Tears of sorrow are seen ev'ry day; But no sickness, no sighing forever; When I've gone the last mile of the way. Verse 4: And if here I have earnestly striven, And have tried all His will to obey, 'Twill enhance all the rapture of heaven, When I've gone the last mile of the way. Chorus 1: When I've gone the last mile of the way, I will rest at the close of the day, And I know there are joys that await me, When I've gone the last mile of the way. Title: Every Moment of Every Day Author: Norman J. Clayton Copyright: ©1983 Chorus, 1943 Verses. Renewed 1966, 1971 Wordspring Music, Inc. CCLI: 63228 Song ID: U-5255 Hymnal: 255 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: Only to be what He wants me to be, Ev'ry moment of ev'ry day; Yielded completely to Jesus alone, Ev'ry step of this pilgrim way: Verse 2: Trusting my Savior whatever betide, Ev'ry moment of ev'ry day; Knowing He's able and ready to guide Ev'ry step of this pilgrim way: Verse 3: Living for Jesus, surrendered and true, Ev'ry moment of ev'ry day; Walking with only His pleasure in view, Ev'ry step of this pilgrim way: Chorus 1: Just to be clay in the Potter's hands, Ready to do what His Word commands; Only to be what He wants me to be, Ev'ry moment of ev'ry day. Title: His Loving-Kindness Author: Samuel Medley and William Caldwell Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 199367 Song ID: U-5266 Hymnal: 266 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4 Verse 1: Awake, my soul, to joyful lays, And sing thy great Redeemer's praise; He justly claims a song from me, His loving-kindness, oh, how free! Loving-kindness, loving-kindness, His loving-kindness, oh, how free! Verse 2: He saw me ruined by the fall, Yet loved me notwithstanding all; He saved me from my lost estate, His loving-kindness, oh, how great! Loving-kindness, loving-kindness, His loving-kindness, oh, how great! Verse 3: Though num'rous hosts of mighty foes, Tho' earth and hell my way oppose, He safely leads my soul along, His loving-kindness, oh, how strong! Loving-kindness, loving-kindness, His loving-kindness, oh, how strong! Verse 4: When trouble, like a gloomy cloud, Has gathered thick and thundered loud, He near my soul has always stood, His loving-kindness, oh, how good! Loving-kindness, loving-kindness, His loving-kindness, oh, how good! Title: Wounded for Me Author: Gladys Watkins Roberts and W.G. Ovens Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 89305 Song ID: U-5273 Hymnal: 273 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4, Verse5 Verse 1: Wounded for me, Wounded for me, There on the cross He was wounded for me; Gone my transgressions, and now I am free, All because Jesus was wounded for me. Verse 2: Dying for me, Dying for me, There on the cross He was dying for me; Now in His death my redemption I see, All because Jesus was dying for me. Verse 3: Risen for me, Risen for me, Up from the grave He has risen for me; Now evermore from death's sting I am free, All because Jesus has risen for me. Verse 4: Living for me, Living for me, Up in the skies He is living for me; Daily He's pleading and praying for me, All because Jesus is living for me. Verse 5: Coming for me, Coming for me, One day to earth He is coming for me; Then with what joy His dear face I shall see, Oh, how I praise Him, He's coming for me. Title: By a New and Living Way Author: Carol Owens and Jimmy Owens Copyright: ©1975 Bud John Songs, Inc. CCLI: 199374 Song ID: U-5274 Hymnal: 274 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3 Verse 1: By a new and living way entrance to the very throne Is secured for those for whom Jesus' blood does now atone. Priests and prophets of the past never were such access giv'n, Now the lowliest blood-washed son may approach the throne of heav'n. Verse 2: Now receive us, Lord, we pray as we boldly come to Thee By the new and living way open'd there at Calvary. As we enter through the veil lost in wonder and in awe, May our worship, warm though frail, mingle with the heav'nly song. Verse 3: With the great unnumbered choir let our voices now unite, Saints and martyrs glorified, precious loved ones robed in light. "Holy, holy, holy, Lord!" Let us with the angels cry, "Hallelujah to the Lamb!" Let our worship sound on high. Title: At the Close of Day Author: Ralph Carmichael Copyright: ©1958 Bud John Songs, Inc. CCLI: 199415 Song ID: U-5280 Hymnal: 280 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Chorus1 Chorus 1: At the close of day, May Thy Spirit stay To guide us through the night, For this we humbly pray. Title: Thank You, Jesus Author: Ruth G. Hallett and John C. Hallett Copyright: ©1948 Renewed 1976 Word Music, Inc. CCLI: 36183 Song ID: U-5284 Hymnal: 284 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2 Verse 1: Thank You, Jesus, for all You've done, Thank You, Lord. Thank You, Jesus, for vict'ries won, O! Thank You, Lord. For Thy love and tender care, For Thy Word and answered prayer, Thank You, Jesus, for all You've done, Thank You, Lord. Verse 2: Thank You, Jesus, for love like Thine, Thank You, Lord. Thank You, Jesus, for grace divine, O! Thank You, Lord. For Thy cross of Calvary, For Thy blood that cleanseth me, Thank You, Jesus, that Thou art mine, Thank You, Lord. Title: Let It Ring Author: Kurt Kaiser Copyright: ©1973 Bud John Songs, Inc. CCLI: 199446 Song ID: U-5290 Hymnal: 290 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: I'll praise the Lord in my house, Will you praise the Lord in yours? If we praise the Lord in our town, Will you praise the Lord in yours? If we praise the Lord in this state, Soon this whole great country will know that Jesus Christ our Savior has conquered ev'ry foe. Verse 2: I'll thank the Lord in my house, Will you thank the Lord in yours? If we thank the Lord in our town, Will you thank the Lord in yours? If we thank the Lord in this state, Soon this whole great country will know that Jesus Christ our Savior has conquered ev'ry foe. Verse 3: I'll serve the Lord in my house, Will you serve the Lord in yours? If we serve the Lord in our town, Will you serve the Lord in yours? If we serve the Lord in this state, Soon this whole great country will know that Jesus Christ our Savior has conquered ev'ry foe. Chorus 1: It's ringing here, It's ringing there, The joy of the Lord is ev'rywhere. It's ringing loud, It's ringing clear, The joy of the Lord is here! Title: We Worship and Adore Thee Author: Darrell Rodman and Fred Bock Copyright: ©1982 Fred Bock Music Company CCLI: 4107420 Song ID: U-5293 Hymnal: 293 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Chorus1 Chorus 1: We worship and adore Thee Bowing down before Thee, Songs of praises singing, Hallelujahs ringing. Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Amen. Title: 'Tis the Blessed Hour of Prayer Author: Fanny J. Crosby and William H. Doane Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 119093 Song ID: U-5300 Hymnal: 300 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: 'Tis the blessed hour of prayer, when our hearts lowly bend, And we gather to Jesus, our Saviour and Friend; If we come to Him in faith, His protection to share, What a balm for the weary! Oh, how sweet to be there! Verse 2: 'Tis the blessed hour of prayer, when the Saviour draws near, With a tender compassion, His children to hear; When He tells us we may cast at His feet ev'ry care, What a balm for the weary! Oh, how sweet to be there! Verse 3: 'Tis the blessed hour of prayer, when the tempted and tried To the Saviour who loves them their sorrow confide; With a sympathizing heart He removes ev'ry care; What a balm for the weary! Oh, how sweet to be there! Verse 4: At the blessed hour of prayer, trusting Him we believe That the blessings we're needing we'll surely receive; In the fullness of this trust we shall lose ev'ry care; What a balm for the weary! Oh, how sweet to be there! Chorus 1: Blessed hour of prayer, Blessed hour of prayer; What a balm for the weary! Oh, how sweet to be there! Title: I Am Praying for You Author: S. O'Malley Cluff and Ira D. Sankey Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 22795 Song ID: U-5301 Hymnal: 301 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: I have a Saviour, He's pleading in glory, A dear, loving Saviour, Though earth-friends be few; And now He is watching in tenderness o'er me, But oh, that my Saviour were your Saviour too! Verse 2: I have a Father; to me He has given A hope for eternity, blessed and true; And soon He will call me to meet Him in heaven, But oh, that He'd let me bring you with me too! Verse 3: I have a robe; 'tis resplendent in whiteness, Awaiting in glory my wondering view; Oh, when I receive it all shining in brightness, Dear friend, could I see you receiving one too! Verse 4: When He has found you, tell others the story, That my loving Saviour is your Saviour too; Then pray that your Saviour may bring them to glory, And prayer will be answered, 'twas answered for you! Chorus 1: For you I am praying, For you I am praying, For you I am praying, I'm praying for you. Title: The Beautiful Garden of Prayer Author: Eleanor Allen Schroll and J. H. Fillmore Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 60252 Song ID: U-5304 Hymnal: 304 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: There's a garden where Jesus is waiting, There's a place that is wondrously fair; For it glows with the light of His presence, 'Tis the beautiful garden of prayer. Verse 2: There's a garden where Jesus is waiting, And I go with my burden and care, Just to learn from His lips words of comfort, In the beautiful garden of prayer. Verse 3: There's a garden where Jesus is waiting, And He bids you to come meet Him there, Just to walk and to talk with my Saviour, In the beautiful garden of prayer. Chorus 1: O the beautiful garden, the garden of prayer, O the beautiful garden of prayer; There my Saviour awaits, and He opens the gates To the beautiful garden of prayer. Title: As We Come to Thee in Prayer Author: Ralph Carmichael Copyright: ©1970 Bud John Songs, Inc. CCLI: 140024 Song ID: U-5306 Hymnal: 306 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Chorus1 Chorus 1: Now, Dear Lord, as we pray, take our hearts and minds far away From the press of the world all around To Thy throne where grace doth abound. May our lives be transform'd by Thy love, May our souls be refreshed from above. At this moment, let people ev'rywhere Join us now as we come to Thee in prayer. Title: If My People Will Pray Author: Jimmy Owens Copyright: ©1973 Bud John Songs, Inc. CCLI: 13821 Song ID: U-5308 Hymnal: 308 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Chorus1, Chorus2, Chorus3, Chorus4 Chorus 1: If My people which are called by My name shall humble themselves, shall humble themselves and pray; Chorus 2: If My people which are called by My name shall seek My face and turn from their wicked ways; Then will I hear from heaven, Then will I hear from heaven, Then will I hear and will forgive, forgive their sin. Chorus 3: If My people which are called by My name shall humble themselves, shall humble themselves and pray, I will forgive their sin, I will forgive their sin, I will forgive their sin and heal their land. Chorus 4: If My people which are called by My name shall humble themselves, shall humble themselves, shall humble themselves and pray. Title: Thank You, Lord Author: Dan Burgess Copyright: ©1978 Bud John Songs, Inc. CCLI: 15276 Song ID: U-5309 Hymnal: 309 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3 Verse 1: Thank You, Lord, for the trials that come my way, In that way I can grow each day as I let You lead. And thank You, Lord, for the patience those trials bring, In that process of growing I can learn to care. Verse 2: Thank You, Lord, with each trial I feel inside That You're there to help lead and guide me away from wrong. For You promised, Lord, that with ev'ry testing, That Your way of escaping's easier to bear. Verse 3: Thank You, Lord, for the vict'ry that growing brings, In surrender of ev'rything, Life is so worthwhile. And I thank You, Lord, that when ev'rything's put in place, Out in front I can see Your face and it's there You belong. Chorus 1: But it goes against the way I am to put my human nature down, And let the Spirit take control of all I do. For when those trials come, my human nature shouts the thing to do, And God's soft prompting can be easily ignored. Title: I've Got Confidence Author: Andrae Crouch Copyright: ©1969 Bud John Songs, Inc. CCLI: 58707 Song ID: U-5310 Hymnal: 310 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1 Verse 1: When trouble is in my way, I can't tell my night from day, When I'm tossed from side to side, Like a ship on a raging tide, I don't worry, I don't fret. God has never failed me yet. Troubles come from time to time, But that's all right, I'm not the worrying kind. Verse 2: Some folks wonder how I smile, Even though I'm goin' through trials. How can I have a song When ev'rything is goin' wrong? I don't worry, I don't fret. God has never failed me yet. Troubles come from time to time, But that's all right, I'm not the worrying kind. Chorus 1: 'Cause I've got confidence. God is gonna see me through. No matter what the case may be, I know He's gonna fix it for me. Chorus 2: I've got confidence. God is gonna see me through. No matter what the case may be, I know He's gonna fix it for me. Title: Through It All Author: Andrae Crouch Copyright: ©1971 Manna Music, Inc. CCLI: 18211 Song ID: U-5312 Hymnal: 312 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: I've had many tears and sorrows, I've had questions for tomorrow, There've been times I didn't know right from wrong. But in ev'ry situation, God gave blessed consolation that my trials come to only make me strong. Verse 2: I've been to lots of places And I've seen a lot of faces, There've been times I felt so all alone. But in my lonely hours, Yes, those precious lonely hours, Jesus let me know that I was His own. Verse 3: I thank God for the mountains And I thank Him for the valleys, I thank Him for the storms He brought me through. For if I'd never had a problem, I wouldn't know that He could solve them, I'd never know what faith in God could do. Chorus 1: Through it all, through it all, Oh, I've learned to trust in Jesus, I've learned to trust in God. Through it all, through it all, I've learned to depend upon His Word. Title: The Blood Will Never Lose Its Power Author: Andrae Crouch Copyright: ©1966 Manna Music, Inc. CCLI: 11885 Song ID: U-5316 Hymnal: 316 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1 Verse 1: The blood that Jesus shed for me Way back on Calvary; The blood that gives me strength from day to day, It will never lose its pow'r. Verse 2: It soothes my doubts and calms my fears, And it dries all my tears; The blood that gives me strength from day to day, It will never lose its pow'r. Chorus 1: It reaches to the highest mountain, It flows to the lowest valley; The blood that gives me strength from day to day, It will never lose its pow'r. Title: Just When I Need Him Most Author: William C. Poole and Charles H. Gabriel Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 65855 Song ID: U-5329 Hymnal: 329 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: Just when I need Him, Jesus is near, Just when I falter, just when I fear; Ready to help me, ready to cheer, Just when I need Him most. Verse 2: Just when I need Him, Jesus is true, Never forsaking all the way through; Giving for burdens pleasures anew, Just when I need Him most. Verse 3: Just when I need Him, Jesus is strong, Bearing my burdens all the day long; For all my sorrow giving a song, Just when I need Him most. Verse 4: Just when I need Him, He is my all, Answering when upon Him I call; Tenderly watching lest I should fall, Just when I need Him most. Chorus 1: Just when I need Him most, Just when I need Him most; Jesus is near to comfort and cheer, Just when I need Him most. Title: CH 364 - The Lord has Risen Author: Wordsworth, Beethoven / Cook / Wesley Copyright: Public Domain / ©1976 John T. Benson Publishing Company / Public Domain CCLI: 41903,3329,27965 Song ID: U-2364 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Celebration Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Chorus1, Chorus1, Verse3, Verse4, Verse5, Verse6 Verse 1: Alleluia! Alleluia! Hearts to heav'n and voices raise; Sing to God a hymn of gladness, Sing to God a hymn of praise. He who on the cross as Savior For the world's salvation bled, Jesus Christ, the King of Glory, Now is risen from the dead. Verse 2: Now the iron bars are broken, Christ from death to life is born; Glorious life, and life immortal, On this resurrection morn. Christ has triumphed, and we conquer By His mighty enterprise; We with Him to life eternal By His resurrection rise. Verse 3: Christ the Lord is ris'n today. Alleluia! Sons of men and angels say: Alleluia! Raise your joys and triumphs high. Alleluia! Sing, ye heav'ns, and earth, reply: Alleluia! Verse 4: Lives again our glorious King. Alleluia! Where, O death, is now thy sting? Alleluia! Dying once, He all doth save. Alleluia! Where thy victory, O grave? Alleluia! Verse 5: Love's redeeming work is done. Alleluia! Fought the fight, the battle won. Alleluia! Death in vain forbids Him rise. Alleluia! Christ has opened paradise. Alleluia! Verse 6: Soar we now where Christ has led. Alleluia! Foll'wing our exalted Head. Alleluia! Made like Him, like Him we rise. Alleluia! Ours the cross, the grave, the skies. Alleluia! Chorus 1: I live, I live because He is risen; I live, I live with pow'r over sin. I live, I live because He is risen; I live, I live to worship Him. Thank You, Jesus, thank You, Jesus; Because You're alive, Because You're alive, Because You're alive, I live! Bridge 1: Title: When Love Shines In Author: Carrie E. Breck and William J. Kirkpatrick Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 315543 Song ID: U-5340 Hymnal: 340 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: Jesus comes with pow'r to gladden, When love shines in; Ev'ry life that woe can sadden, When love shines in. Love will teach us how to pray, Love will drive the gloom away, Turn our darkness into day When love shines in. Verse 2: How the world will glow with beauty, When love shines in; And the heart rejoice in duty, When love shines in. Trials may be sanctified, And the soul in peace abide, Life will all be glorified When love shines in. Verse 3: Darkest sorrow will grow brighter, When love shines in; And the heaviest burden lighter, When love shines in. 'Tis the glory that will throw Light to show us where to go; O the heart shall blessing know When love shines in. Verse 4: We may have unfading splendor, When love shines in; And a friendship true and tender, When love shines in. When earth's vict'ries shall be won, And our life in heav'n begun, There will be no need of sun When love shines in. Chorus 1: When love shines in, When love shines in, How the heart is tuned to singing, When love shines in. When love shines in, When love shines in, Joy and peace to others bringing, When love shines in! Title: Like A Lamb Who Needs the Shepherd Author: Ralph Carmichael Copyright: ©1964 Bud John Songs, Inc. CCLI: 16189 Song ID: U-5345 Hymnal: 345 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3 Verse 1: Where He leads me I must follow, Without Him I'd lose my way. I will see a bright tomorrow If I follow Him today. Like a lamb who needs the Shepherd, At His side I'll always stay. Through the night His strength I'll borrow, Then I'll see another day. Verse 2: Life is like a winding pathway, Who can tell what lies ahead? Will it lead to shady pastures, Or to wilderness instead? Like a lamb who needs the Shepherd, When into the night I go, Help me find the path that's narrow, While I travel here below. Verse 3: Tho' you walk thru darkest valleys And the sky is cold and gray, Tho' you climb the steepest mountains He will never let you stray. Like a lamb who needs the Shepherd, By your side He'll always stay. Till the end of life's long journey He will lead you all the way. Title: It Matters To Him Author: Audrey Mieir Copyright: ©1959 Audrey Mieir, Renewed 1987 Manna Music, Inc. CCLI: 17119 Song ID: U-5346 Hymnal: 346 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1 Verse 1: Although He has millions of souls to see about, Although the sun, the moon and the stars are in His care, How wonderful to know wherever you may go, He can be reached just by a whispered prayer. Chorus 1: It matters to Him about you, Your heartaches, your sorrow He shares, Regardless of what you may do, He wants you, He loves you, He cares. Oh yes, it matters to Him about you, Believe it because it is true. Cling to His hand, He'll understand, For it matters to Him about you. Title: Precious the Moments Author: Ralph Carmichael Copyright: ©1968 Bud John Songs, Inc. CCLI: 163771 Song ID: U-5348 Hymnal: 348 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2 Verse 1: Precious the moments I spend with Him; Here in His presence my cares grow dim. Fear is dispelled by His tender smile, Trusting in Him makes my life worth while. Gain and contentment He doth provide, With Him I prosper whate'er betide; And like a child I'll stay close to His side, Here in His presence I will abide. Verse 2: Precious the moments I spend in prayer, For He has promised to meet me there. Often I kneel with a heavy heart, But once again He doth strength impart. As I continue along my way, Show me Thy favor and grace, I pray; And in Thy will help me always to stay, Serving Thee faithfully day by day. Title: He's Listening Author: Flo Price Copyright: ©1969 Lexicon Music, Inc. CCLI: 341184 Song ID: U-5350 Hymnal: 350 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1 Verse 1: No one knows what a smile can conceal, But God understands what your heart feels; Your problem is never too great or too small, For He sees the tiniest sparrow fall. Verse 2: No one cares and your friends aren't around, And your world has tumbled right down to the ground; Just tell Him that you want a new life to live, For God loves you so, and He wants to forgive. Chorus 1: He's list'ning to you, He's list'ning to you. He knows ev'ry heartbreak that you're going through; So tell Him today that you're lonely and blue, 'Cause He's list'ning, He's list'ning to you. Title: Closer Than a Brother Author: Ralph Carmichael Copyright: ©1963 Bud John Songs, Inc. CCLI: 225372 Song ID: U-5352 Hymnal: 352 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: There's a Friend who is closer than a brother, He is with me each moment, each day. Earthly friends often grieve one another But there's One I can trust and obey. Verse 2: There was once when I thought I was happy, With the love of a friend that I knew. But I found as I searched this world over There is only one Friend that is true. Verse 3: If your heart now is breaking within you, And you've come to the end of the road. If you tell Him that you really need Him I am sure He will carry your load. Chorus 1: He is closer than a brother And He tells me to Him I belong. When forsaken by all others The sound of His voice makes me strong. Title: Let Us Love One Another Author: Don Norville Copyright: ©1975 Paragon Music Corporation CCLI: 140189 Song ID: U-5353 Hymnal: 353 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Chorus1 Chorus 1: Let us love one another, Let us love one another In God's love, In God's love. Let us love one another, Let us love one another In God's love, In God's love. Title: I'm Living in His Love Author: Ralph Carmichael Copyright: ©1972 Bud John Songs, Inc. CCLI: 220195 Song ID: U-5354 Hymnal: 354 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus2 Verse 1: He did not come to spare me all the woes of life, Or bear me up on flow'ry beds of ease. He does not shield my ears from cries of pain and strife, Nor hide my eyes from scenes that may displease. Verse 2: I cannot tell what lies beyond the tow'ring range, Or what the distant valley holds for me. My pathways lead through lands and waters cold and strange, Tomorrow comes, but has no guarantee. Chorus 1: But sure am I His pow'r has form'd this world I see, And stronger still His mighty love for me; So without fear I'm living in that love each day, My God will take me through the storms, let come what may. Chorus 2: But sure am I His pow'r has form'd this world I see, And stronger still His saving grace for me; So without fear I'm living in God's love each day. My God will take me through the storms, let come what may. Title: I'm Gonna Keep on Singing Author: Andrae Crouch Copyright: ©1971 Bud John Songs, Inc. CCLI: 23086 Song ID: U-5355 Hymnal: 355 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3 Verse 1: I'm gonna keep on singing, I'm gonna keep on shouting, I'm gonna keep on lifting my voice and let the world know Jesus saves. Verse 2: I'm gonna keep on marching, I'm gonna keep on fighting, I'm gonna keep on lifting my voice and let the world know Jesus saves. Verse 3: You trumpets keep on sounding, You bells keep on ringing, And ev'rybody Keep lifting your voice and let the world know Jesus saves. Title: By His Grace Author: Dan Burgess Copyright: ©1975 Bud John Songs, Inc. CCLI: 588356 Song ID: U-5358 Hymnal: 358 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Chorus1, Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1 Verse 1: I came to Jesus in sorrow, He took away my sadness with love; And now, thank Jesus, there's no sorrow anymore, It's gone because Jesus cares for me from above. Verse 2: I came to Jesus in trouble, He gave me lasting answers with love; And now, thank Jesus, there's no trouble anymore, It's gone for now He is leading me from above. Chorus 1: Jesus loves us, Jesus keeps us, Jesus leads us day after day. When our own strength breaks and fails us, Jesus lifts us by His Grace. Title: Return Author: Ralph Carmichael and Dick Ross Copyright: ©1960 Bud John Songs, Inc. CCLI: 680333 Song ID: U-5360 Hymnal: 360 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus2 Verse 1: Once I wander'd alone on the road of life, Never thinking of God and His Word. I was sure that I needed no help from Him, Then He spoke to my heart and I heard; Verse 2: Other voices had called me to pleasures fair, Other arms reached to snare and entwine. But God loved me so much that He found me there, And He said, "Wayward Child, you're still Mine." Chorus 1: "Return to the One who loves you. Return to the Savior who cares. He gives perfect peace, your burden He bears. Return to the Savior who cares." Chorus 2: I returned to the One who loves me. I returned to the Savior who cares. He gave perfect peace, my burden He bears. I returned to the Savior who cares. Title: I Must Tell Jesus Author: Elisha A. Hoffman Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 35768 Song ID: U-5364 Hymnal: 364 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: I must tell Jesus all of my trials; I cannot bear these burdens alone; In my distress He kindly will help me; He ever loves and cares for His own. Verse 2: I must tell Jesus all of my troubles; He is a kind, compassionate friend; If I but ask Him, He will deliver, Make of my troubles quickly an end. Verse 3: Tempted and tried, I need a great Saviour, One who can help my burdens to bear; I must tell Jesus, I must tell Jesus; He all my cares and sorrows will share. Verse 4: O how the world to evil allures me! O how my heart is tempted to sin! I must tell Jesus, and He will help me Over the world the vict'ry to win. Chorus 1: I must tell Jesus! I must tell Jesus! I cannot bear my burdens alone; I must tell Jesus! I must tell Jesus! Jesus can help me, Jesus alone. Title: CH 632 - I Love You, My Lord Author: Cull / Prentis, Doane Copyright: ©1976 Maranatha! Music / Public Doman CCLI: Song ID: U-2632 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Celebration Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus2, Verse3, Chorus3, Verse4, Chorus4 Verse 1: Open our eyes, Lord, We want to see Jesus. To reach out and touch Him, And say that we love Him. Verse 2: More love to Thee, O Christ, More love to Thee! Hear Thou the prayer I make On bended knee. Verse 3: Once earthly joy I craved, Sought peace and rest; Now Thee alone I seek, Give what is best. Verse 4: Then shall my latest breath whisper Thy praise; This be the parting cry My heart shall raise. Chorus 1: Open our ears, Lord, And help us to listen, Open our eyes, Lord, We want to see Jesus. Chorus 2: This is my earnest plea: More love, O Christ, to Thee, More love to Thee, More love to Thee. Chorus 3: This all my prayer shall be: More love, O Christ, to Thee, More love to Thee, More love to Thee. Chorus 4: This still my prayer shall be: More love, O Christ, to Thee, More love to Thee, More love to Thee. Title: CH 212 - Offering of Thanks Author: Dearman / Von Berthorst Copyright: ©1997 Integrity's Hosanna! Music, Word Music CCLI: Song ID: U-2212 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Celebration Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus2, Verse2, Chorus2 Verse 1: We bring the sacrifice of praise into the house of the Lord; We bring the sacrifice of praise into the house of the Lord. Verse 2: I will enter His gates With thanksgiving in my heart; I will enter His courts with praise. I will say, "This is the day That the Lord has made!" I will rejoice For He has made me glad. Chorus 1: And we offer up to You the sacrifices of thanksgiving; And we offer up to You the sacrifices of joy. Chorus 2: He has made me glad, He has made me glad, I will rejoice for He has made me glad. He has made me glad, He has made me glad. I will rejoice for He has made me glad. Title: 68 - Holy, Holy, Holy Author: Reginald Heber, John Dykes Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 1156 Song ID: U-0068 Hymnal: 68 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4 Verse 1: Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty! Early in the morning our song shall rise to Thee. Holy, holy, holy! merciful and mighty! God in three Persons, blessed Trinity! Verse 2: Holy, holy, holy! all the saints adore Thee, Casting down their golden crowns around the glassy sea; Cherubim and seraphim falling down before Thee, Who wert, and art, and evermore shalt be. Verse 3: Holy, holy, holy! though the darkness hide Thee, Though the eye of sinful man Thy glory may not see; Only Thou art holy; there is none beside Thee, Perfect in power, in love and purity. Verse 4: Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty! All Thy works shall praise Thy name, in earth, and sky, and sea; Holy, holy, holy! merciful and mighty! God in three Persons, blessed Trinity! Title: 10 - Abba Father Author: Steve Fry Copyright: ©1979 Birdwing Music; BMG Songs, Inc. CCLI: 1204 Song ID: U-0010 Hymnal: 10 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2 Verse 1: "Abba Father, Abba Father," Deep within my soul I cry. Abba Father, Abba Father, I will never cease to love You. Verse 2: Father, Father, Jehovah Shammah, You are the One who’s standing near. Abba Father, Abba Father, I will never cease to love You. Title: 394 - In Christ There Is No East or West Author: John Oxenham, Alexander Reinagle Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 25352 Song ID: U-0394 Hymnal: 394 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4 Verse 1: In Christ there is no East or West, In Him no South or North; But one great fellowship of love Throughout the whole wide earth. Verse 2: In Him shall true hearts everywhere Their high communion find; His service is the golden cord Close binding all mankind. Verse 3: Join hands then, children of the faith, Whate’er your race may be; Who serves my Father as a child Is surely kin to me. Verse 4: In Christ now meet both East and West, In Him meet South and North: All Christly souls are one in Him Throughout the whole wide earth. Title: 552 - My Jesus, I Love Thee Author: William Featherston, Adoniram Gordon Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 27817 Song ID: U-0552 Hymnal: 552 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4 Verse 1: My Jesus, I love Thee, I know Thou art mine; For Thee all the follies of sin I resign. My gracious Redeemer, my Savior art Thou: If ever I loved Thee, my Jesus, ’tis now. Verse 2: I love Thee because Thou hast first loved me And purchased my pardon on Calvary’s tree. I love Thee for wearing the thorns on Thy brow: If ever I loved Thee, my Jesus, ’tis now. Verse 3: I’ll love Thee in life, I will love Thee in death, And praise Thee as long as Thou lendest me breath. And say, when the death dew lies cold on my brow, "If ever I loved Thee, my Jesus, ’tis now." Verse 4: In mansions of glory and endless delight, I’ll ever adore Thee in heaven so bright. And singing Thy praises, before Thee I’ll bow, "If ever I loved Thee, my Jesus, ’tis now." Title: 449 - Because He Lives Author: Gloria and William J. Gaither Copyright: ©1971 William J. Gaither, Inc. CCLI: 16880 Song ID: U-0449 Hymnal: 449 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: God sent His Son, they called Him Jesus; He came to love, heal and forgive. He lived and died to buy my pardon; An empty grave is there to prove my Savior lives. Verse 2: How sweet to hold a newborn baby, And feel the pride and joy he gives; But greater still the calm assurance, This child can face uncertain days because He lives. Verse 3: And then one day I’ll cross the river; I’ll fight life’s final war with pain; And then as death gives way to vict’ry, I’ll see the lights of glory and I’ll know He lives. Chorus 1: Because He lives I can face tomorrow; Because He lives all fear is gone; Because I know He holds the future, And life is worth the living just because He lives. Title: 391 - We Are Called to Be God’s People Author: Thomas Jackson, Franz Joseph Haydn Copyright: ©1975 Broadman Press CCLI: 137367 Song ID: U-0391 Hymnal: 391 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3 Verse 1: We are called to be God’s people, Showing by our lives His grace, One in heart and one in spirit, Sign of hope for all the race. Let us show how He has changed us, And remade us as His own; Let us share our life together As we shall around His throne. Verse 2: We are called to be God’s servants, Working in His world today; Taking His own task upon us, All His sacred words obey. Let us rise, then, to His summons, Dedicate to Him our all, That we may be faithful servants, Quick to answer now His call. Verse 3: We are called to be God’s prophets, Speaking for the truth and right; Standing firm for godly justice, Bringing evil into light. Let us seek the courage needed, Our high calling to fulfill, That we all may know the blessing Of the doing of God’s will. Title: 371 - Come, All Christians, Be Committed Author: Eva Lloyd, James Wood Copyright: ©1986 Broadman Press CCLI: 25204 Song ID: U-0371 Hymnal: 371 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Bridge1, Verse2, Bridge2, Verse3, Bridge3, Verse4, Bridge4 Verse 1: Come, all Christians, be committed To the service of the Lord. Make your lives for Him more fitted, Tune your hearts with one accord. Verse 2: Of your time and talents give Him, They are gifts from God above, To be used by Christians freely To proclaim His wondrous love. Verse 3: God’s command to love each other Is required of everyone. Showing mercy to each other Mirrors His redeeming Son. Verse 4: Come in praise and adoration, All who on Christ’s name believe. Worship Him with consecration, Grace and love will you receive. Bridge 1: Come in to His courts with gladness, Each His sacred vows renew, Turn away from sin and sadness, Be transformed with life anew. Bridge 2: Come again to serve the Savior, Tithes and off’rings with you bring. In your work, with Him find favor, And with joy His praises sing. Bridge 3: In compassion He has given Of His love that is divine; On the cross sins were forgiven; Joy and peace are fully thine. Bridge 4: For His grace give Him the glory, For the Spirit and the Word, And repeat the gospel story Till the world His name has heard. Title: 639 - Now Thank We All Our God Author: Martin Rinkart, Johann Cruger and Catherine Winkworth Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 86638 Song ID: U-0639 Hymnal: 639 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3 Verse 1: Now thank we all our God With heart and hands and voices, Who wondrous things hath done, In whom His world rejoices; Who, from our mothers’ arms, Hath blest us on our way With countless gifts of love, And still is ours today. Verse 2: O may this bounteous God Through all our life be near us, With ever joyful hearts And blessed peace to cheer us; And keep us in His grace, And guide us when perplexed, And free us from all ills In this world and the next. Verse 3: All praise and thanks to God The Father now be given, The Son, and Him who reigns With them in highest heaven, The one eternal God, Whom earth and heav’n adore; For thus it was, is now, And shall be evermore. Title: 578 - Rejoice, Ye Pure in Heart Author: Edward Plumptre, Arthur Messiter Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 85323 Song ID: U-0578 Hymnal: 578 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: Rejoice, ye pure in heart; Rejoice, give thanks and sing Beneath the standard of your God, The cross of Christ your King. Verse 2: Bright youth and snow-crowned age, Strong men and maidens fair, Raise high your free, exulting song, God’s wondrous praise declare. Verse 3: Yes, on through life’s long path, Still singing as ye go; From youth to age, by night and day, In gladness and in woe; Verse 4: Still lift your standard high, Still march in firm array; As warriors through the darkness toil Till dawns the golden day. Chorus 1: Rejoice, rejoice, Rejoice, give thanks and sing! Title: 175 - O Come, O Come, Emmanuel Author: John Neale, Henry Coffin, and Thomas Helmore Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 31982 Song ID: U-0175 Hymnal: 175 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: O come, O come, Emmanuel, And ransom captive Israel, That mourns in lonely exile here, Until the Son of God appear. Verse 2: O come, Thou Dayspring, come and cheer Our spirits by Thine advent here; Disperse the gloomy clouds of night, And death’s dark shadows put to flight. Verse 3: O come, Thou Wisdom from on high, And order all things, far and nigh; To us the path of knowledge show, And cause us in her ways to go. Verse 4: O come, Desire of nations, bind All peoples in one heart and mind. Bid envy, strife, and quarrels cease; Fill the whole world with heaven’s peace. Chorus 1: Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel Shall come to thee, O Israel! Title: 180 - The First Noel Author: Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 31047 Song ID: U-0180 Hymnal: 180 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: The first Noel the angel did say, Was to certain poor shepherds in fields as they lay; In fields where they lay keeping their sheep, On a cold winter’s night that was so deep. Verse 2: For all to see there was a star Shining in the east, beyond them far, And to the earth it gave great light, And so it continued both day and night. Verse 3: And by the light of that same star The wise men came from country far; To seek for a king was their intent, And to follow the star wherever it went. Verse 4: Then let us all with one accord Sing praises to our heavenly Lord Who hath made heav’n and earth of naught, And with His blood mankind hath bought. Chorus 1: Noel, Noel, Noel, Noel, Born is the King of Israel. Title: 24 - O Worship the King Author: Robert Grant and Johann Michael Haydn Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 1486 Song ID: U-0024 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4 Verse 1: O worship the King, all glorious above, And gratefully sing His wonderful love; Our Shield and Defender, the Ancient of Days, Pavilioned in splendor, and girded with praise. Verse 2: O tell of His might, O sing of His grace, Whose robe is the light, whose canopy space! His chariots of wrath the deep thunderclouds form, And dark is His path on the wings of the storm. Verse 3: Thy bountiful care what tongue can recite? It breathes in the air, it shines in the light; It streams from the hills, it descends to the plain, And sweetly distills in the dew and the rain. Verse 4: Frail children of dust, and feeble as frail, In Thee do we trust, nor find Thee to fail: Thy mercies how tender, how firm to the end; Our Maker, Defender, Redeemer, and Friend! Title: 28 - To God Be the Glory Author: Fanny J. Crosby and William H. Doane Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 23426 Song ID: U-0028 Hymnal: Notes: v4 is v3 old-style (transport) Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: To God be the glory, great things He hath done; So loved He the world that He gave us His Son, Who yielded His life an atonement for sin, And opened the lifegate that all may go in. Verse 2: O perfect redemption, the purchase of blood, To every believer the promise of God; The vilest offender who truly believes, That moment from Jesus a pardon receives. Verse 3: Great things He hath taught us, great things He hath done, And great our rejoicing through Jesus the Son; But purer, and higher, and greater will be Our wonder, our vict’ry, when Jesus we see. Verse 4: Great things He hath taught us, great things He hath done, And great our rejoicing through Jesus the Son; But purer, and higher, and greater will be Our wonder, our transport, when Jesus we see. Chorus 1: Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, Let the earth hear His voice! Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, Let the people rejoice! O come to the Father through Jesus, the Son, And give Him the glory, great things He hath done! Title: 206 - Silent Night Author: Joseoh Mohr and Franz Grueber Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 27862 Song ID: U-0206 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4 Verse 1: Silent night, holy night, All is calm, all is bright Round yon virgin mother and child! Holy Infant so tender and mild, Sleep in heavenly peace, Sleep in heavenly peace. Verse 2: Silent night, holy night, Darkness flies, all is light; Shepherds hear the angels sing, "Alleluia! hail the King! Christ the Savior is born, Christ the Savior is born." Verse 3: Silent night, holy night, Son of God, love’s pure light Radiant beams from Thy holy face, With the dawn of redeeming grace, Jesus, Lord, at Thy birth, Jesus, Lord, at Thy birth. Verse 4: Silent night, holy night, Wondrous star, lend thy light; With the angels let us sing Alleluia to our King; Christ the Savior is born, Christ the Savior is born. Title: 176 - Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus Author: Charles Wesley and Rowland H. Prichard Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 31999 Song ID: U-0176 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Bridge1, Verse2, Bridge2 Verse 1: Come, Thou long-expected Jesus, Born to set Thy people free; From our fears and sins release us; Let us find our rest in Thee. Verse 2: Born Thy people to deliver, Born a child, and yet a King, Born to reign in us forever, Now Thy gracious kingdom bring. Bridge 1: Israel’s strength and consolation, Hope of all the earth Thou art; Dear desire of ev’ry nation, Joy of ev’ry longing heart. Bridge 2: By Thine own eternal Spirit Rule in all our hearts alone; By Thine all-sufficient merit, Raise us to Thy glorious throne. Title: A Living Circle Author: Ralph Carmichael Copyright: ©1968 Bud John Songs, Inc. CCLI: 366891 Song ID: U-5366 Hymnal: 366 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2 Verse 1: When you find life unkind and there's nothing really left for you; Why go on, hope is gone, Quitting seems the only thing to do. There's a friend who can mend ev'ry broken vessel just like new. Come and see, you'll agree ev'ry word I tell you now is true. Verse 2: First you must ask Him to please forgive. Then you must promise for Him you will live. Then you'll find peace of mind and the strength you need to see you through. And you'll try, just like I, to help others find the Savior too. Title: I Love Thee, I Love Thee Author: Jeremiah Ingalls Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 318801 Song ID: U-5395 Hymnal: 395 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4 Verse 1: I love Thee, I love Thee, I love Thee, my Lord; I love Thee, my Savior, I love Thee, my God; I love Thee, I love Thee, and that Thou dost know; But how much I love Thee my actions will show. Verse 2: I’m happy, I’m happy, O wondrous account! My joys are immortal, I stand on the mount; I gaze on my treasure and long to be there With Jesus and angels and kindred so dear. Verse 3: O Jesus, my Savior, with Thee I am blest, My life and salvation, my joy and my rest; Thy name be my theme, and Thy love be my song; Thy grace shall inspire both my heart and my tongue. Verse 4: O, who’s like my Savior? He’s Salem’s bright King; He smiles and He loves me and helps me to sing; I’ll praise Him, I’ll praise Him with notes loud and clear, While rivers of pleasure my spirit shall cheer. Title: The Healer Author: Lois Irwin Copyright: ©1955 Zondervan Fiesta Corporation CCLI: 51072 Song ID: U-5367 Hymnal: 367 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: On the Cross crucified, In great sorrow He died; The Giver of life was He. Yet my Lord was despised and rejected of men, This Jesus of Calvary. Verse 2: Price for healing was paid, As those cruel stripes were made, Within Pilate's judgment hall. Now His suff'ring affords perfect healing for all. This wonderful Healer's mine. Verse 3: Came the leper to Christ, Saying "Surely I know, That Thou, Lord, canst make me whole." When his great faith was seen, Jesus said "Yes, I will." And touched him and made him clean. Verse 4: He has healed my sick soul, Made me ev'ry whit whole, And He'll do the same for you. He's the same yesterday and today and for aye, This Healer of men today. Chorus 1: He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; Surely He bore our sorrows, And by His stripes we are healed. Title: Wonderful Peace Author: Haldor Lillenas Copyright: ©1923. Renewed 1950 Lillenas Publishing Company CCLI: 2203 Song ID: U-5372 Hymnal: 372 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: Coming to Jesus, my Savior, I found Wonderful peace, wonderful peace; Storms in their fury may rage all around, I have peace, sweet peace. Verse 2: Peace like a river, so deep and so broad, Wonderful peace, wonderful peace; Resting my soul on the bosom of God, I have peace, sweet peace. Verse 3: Peace like a holy and infinite calm, Wonderful peace, wonderful peace; Like to the strains of an evening psalm, I have peace, sweet peace. Verse 4: Gone is the battle that once raged within, Wonderful peace, wonderful peace; Jesus has saved me and cleansed me from sin, I have peace, sweet peace. Chorus 1: Peace, peace, wonderful peace, Peace, peace, glorious peace; Since my Redeemer has ransomed my soul, I have peace, sweet peace. Title: All Things in Jesus Author: Harry Dixon Loes Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 150021 Song ID: U-5374 Hymnal: 374 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: Friends all around us are trying to find What the heart yearns for, by sin undermined; I have the secret, I know where 'tis found; Only in Jesus true pleasures abound. Verse 2: Some carry burdens whose weight has for years Crushed them with sorrow and blinded with tears; Yet One stands ready to help them just now, If they with faith and in penitence bow. Verse 3: No other name stirs the joy-chords within, And through none else is remission of sin; He knows the pain of the heart sorely tried, All of its needs will in Him be supplied. Verse 4: Jesus is all this sad world needs today; Blindly men strive, for sin darkens the way. O to draw back the grim curtains of night; One glimpse of Jesus, and all will be bright! Chorus 1: All that I want is in Jesus; He satisfies, joy He supplies; Life would be worthless without Him, All things in Jesus I find. Title: Wonderful, Wonderful Jesus Author: Anna B. Russell and Ernest O. Sellers Copyright: CCLI: 67932 Song ID: U-5375 Hymnal: 375 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: There is never a day so dreary, There is never a night so long, But the soul that is trusting Jesus Will somewhere find a song. Verse 2: There is never a cross so heavy, There is never a weight of woe, But that Jesus will help to carry Because He loveth so. Verse 3: There is never a care or burden, There is never a grief or loss, But that Jesus in love will lighten When carried to the cross. Verse 4: There is never a guilty sinner, There is never a wand'ring one, But that God can in mercy pardon Through Jesus Christ, His Son. Chorus 1: Wonderful, wonderful Jesus, In the heart He implanteth a song; A song of deliv'rance, of courage, of strength, In the heart He implanteth a song. Title: The Haven of Rest Author: Henry L. Gilmour and George D. Moore Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 31016 Song ID: U-5379 Hymnal: 379 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: My soul, in sad exile, was out on life's sea So burdened with sin and distressed, Till I heard a sweet voice saying "Make Me your choice," And I entered the haven of rest. Verse 2: I yielded myself to His tender embrace, And, faith taking hold of the Word, My fetters fell off, and I anchored my soul, The haven of rest is my Lord. Verse 3: The song of my soul, since the Lord made me whole, Has been the old story so blest Of Jesus, who'll save whosoever will have A home in the haven of rest. Chorus 1: I've anchored my soul in the haven of rest, I'll sail the wide seas no more; The tempest may sweep o'er the wild, stormy deep, In Jesus I'm safe evermore. Title: Sweet Peace, the Gift of God's Love Author: Peter P. Bilhorn Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 122262 Song ID: U-5380 Hymnal: 380 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: There comes to my heart one sweet strain, A glad and a joyous refrain, I sing it again and again, Sweet peace, the gift of God's love. Verse 2: By Christ on the cross peace was made, My debt by His death was all paid, No other foundation is laid For peace, the gift of God's love. Verse 3: When Jesus as Lord I had crowned, My heart with this peace did abound. In Him the rich blessing I found, Sweet peace, the gift of God's love. Chorus 1: Peace, peace, God's peace! Wonderful gift from above! Oh, Wonderful, wonderful peace! Sweet peace, the gift of God's love! Title: Constantly Abiding Author: Anne S. Murphy Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 87345 Song ID: U-5384 Hymnal: 384 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: There's a peace in my heart that the world never gave, A peace it can not take away; Though the trials of life may surround like a cloud, I've a peace that has come there to stay! Verse 2: All the world seemed to sing of a Savior and King, When peace sweetly came to my heart; Troubles all fled away and my night turned to day, Blessed Jesus, how glorious Thou art! Verse 3: This treasure I have in a temple of clay, While here on His footstool I roam: But He's coming to take me some glorious day, Over there to my heavenly home! Chorus 1: Constantly abiding, Jesus is mine; Constantly abiding, rapture divine; He never leaves me lonely, whispers, O so kind: "I will never leave thee," Jesus is mine. Title: The Bond of Love Author: Otis Skillings Copyright: ©1971 Lillenas Publishing Company CCLI: 14459 Song ID: U-5385 Hymnal: 385 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Chorus1, Chorus2 Chorus 1: We are one in the bond of love; We are one in the bond of love. We have joined our spirit with the Spirit of God; We are one in the bond of love. Chorus 2: Let us sing now, ev'ry one; Let us feel His love begun. Let us join our hands, that the world will know We are one in the bond of love. Title: It Is Mine Author: Elisha A. Hoffman and William E. Marks Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 120790 Song ID: U-5386 Hymnal: 386 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: God's abiding peace is in my soul today, Yes, I feel it now, yes, I feel it now; He has taken all my doubts and fears away, Though I cannot tell you how. Verse 2: He has wrought in me a sweet and perfect rest, In my raptured heart I can feel it now; He each passing moment keeps me saved and blest, Floods with light my heart and brow. Verse 3: He has given me a never-failing joy, Oh, I have it now! Oh, I have it now! To His praise I will my ransomed pow'rs employ, And renew my grateful vow. Verse 4: Oh, the love of God is comforting my soul, For His love is mine, yes, His love is mine! Waves of joy and gladness o'er my spirit roll, Thrilling me with life divine. Chorus 1: It is mine, mine, blessed be His name! He has given peace, perfect peace to me; It is mine, mine, blessed be His name! Mine for all eternity! Title: He Is So Precious to Me Author: Charles H. Gabriel Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 31724 Song ID: U-5403 Hymnal: 403 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: So precious is Jesus, my Saviour, my King, His praise all the day long with rapture I sing; To Him in my weakness for strength I can cling, For He is so precious to me. Verse 2: He stood at my heart's door 'mid sunshine and rain, And patiently waited an entrance to gain; What shame that so long He entreated in vain, For He is so precious to me. Verse 3: I stand on the mountain of blessing at last, No cloud in the heavens a shadow to cast; His smile is upon me, the valley is past, For He is so precious to me. Verse 4: I praise Him because He appointed a place Where, some day, through faith in His wonderful grace, I know I shall see Him, shall look on His face, For He is so precious to me. Chorus 1: For He is so precious to me, For He is so precious to me; Tis Heaven below My Redeemer to know, For He is so precious to me. Title: Jesus Took My Burden Author: Johnson Oatman, Jr. and Bertha Mae Lillenas Copyright: ©1933. Renewed 1961 Word Music, Inc. CCLI: 99003 Song ID: U-5411 Hymnal: 411 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: When I, a poor, lost sinner, Before the Lord did fall, And in the name of Jesus For pardon loud did call; He heard my supplication, And soon the weak was strong, For Jesus took my burden, And left me with a song. Verse 2: Ofttimes the way is dreary, And rugged seems the road, Ofttimes I'm weak and weary, When bent beneath some load; But when I cry in weakness, "How long, O Lord, how long?" Then Jesus takes the burden, And leaves me with a song. Verse 3: When I was crushed with sorrow I bowed in deep despair, My load of grief and heartache Seemed more than I could bear; 'Twas then I heard a whisper, "You to the Lord belong," Then Jesus took my burden, And left me with a song. Verse 4: I'll trust Him for the future, He knoweth all the way, For with His eye He'll guide me Along life's pilgrim way; And I will tell in heaven, While ages roll along, How Jesus took my burden, And left me with a song. Chorus 1: Yes, Jesus took my burden I could no longer bear, Yes, Jesus took my burden In answer to my prayer; My anxious fear subsided, My spirit was made strong, For Jesus took my burden, And left me with a song. Title: Christ Liveth in Me Author: Daniel W. Whittle and James McGranahan Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 99955 Song ID: U-5420 Hymnal: 420 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: Once far from God and dead in sin, No light my heart could see, But in God's Word the light I found, Now Christ liveth in me. Verse 2: As rays of light from yonder sun The flow'rs of earth set free, So life and light and love came forth From Christ living in me. Verse 3: As lives the flow'r within the seed, As in the cone, the tree, So, praise the God of truth and grace, His Spirit dwelleth in me. Verse 4: With longing all my heart is filled That like Him I may be, As on the wondrous thought I dwell, That Christ liveth in me. Chorus 1: Christ liveth in me, Christ liveth in me; O what a salvation this, That Christ liveth in me. Title: Dear Jesus, I Love You Author: Walter Hawkins Copyright: ©1976 Bud John Music, Inc. CCLI: 322392 Song ID: U-5426 Hymnal: 426 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Chorus1 Chorus 1: Dear Jesus, I love You, You're a friend of mine. You supply my ev'ry need, My hungry soul You feed. I'm aware You are my source From which all blessings flow, And with this thought in mind I know just where to go. Title: I Walk With the King Author: James Rowe and Bentley DeForest Ackley Copyright: ©1915 Homer Rodeheaver. Renewed 1943 Word Music, Inc. CCLI: 98499 Song ID: U-5427 Hymnal: 427 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: In sorrow I wandered, my spirit opprest, But now I am happy, securely I rest; From morning till evening glad carols I sing, And this is the reason, I walk with the King. Verse 2: For years in the fetters of sin I was bound, The world could not help me, no comfort I found; But now like the birds and the sunbeams of spring, I'm free and rejoicing, I walk with the King. Verse 3: O soul near despair in the lowlands of strife, Look up and let Jesus come into your life; The joy of salvation to you He would bring, Come into the sunlight and walk with the King. Chorus 1: I walk with the King, hallelujah! I walk with the King, praise His name! No longer I roam, my soul faces home, I walk and I talk with the King. Title: Since the Fullness of His Love Came In Author: Eliza E. Hewitt and B. D. Ackley Copyright: ©1916. Renewal, 1944, By B.D. Ackley. Assigned To Hope Publishing Company CCLI: 91661 Song ID: U-5431 Hymnal: 431 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: Once my way was dark and dreary, For my heart was full of sin; But the sky is bright and cheery, Since the fullness of His love came in. Verse 2: There is grace for all the lowly, Grace to keep the trusting soul; Pow'r to cleanse and make me holy, Jesus shall my yielded life control. Verse 3: Let me spread abroad the story, Other souls to Jesus win; For the Cross is now my glory, Since the fullness of His love came in. Chorus 1: I can never tell how much I love Him; I can never tell His love for me. For it passeth human measure, Like a deep, unfathomed sea. 'Tis redeeming love in Christ, my Savior; In my soul the heav'nly joys begin; And I live for Jesus only, Since the fullness of His love came in. Title: I Am Coming, Lord Author: Lewis Hartsough Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 124806 Song ID: U-5432 Hymnal: 432 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: I hear Thy welcome voice, That calls me, Lord, to Thee, For cleansing in Thy precious blood That flowed on Calvary. Verse 2: Though coming weak and vile, Thou dost my strength assure; Thou dost my vileness fully cleanse, Till spotless all and pure. Verse 3: 'Tis Jesus calls me on To perfect faith and love, To perfect hope, and peace, and trust, For earth and heavens above. Chorus 1: I am coming, Lord! Coming now to Thee! Wash me, cleanse me in the blood That flowed on Calvary! Title: I Found What I Wanted Author: Ralph Carmichael Copyright: ©1955. Renewed 1982 Bud John Songs, Inc. CCLI: 293373 Song ID: U-5439 Hymnal: 439 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1 Verse 1: I found what I wanted when I found the Lord. I found more than pleasures of earth could afford. I knew the moment I knelt how rich my life really could be, Yes, God did this for me. Verse 2: You'll know what it means to have wonderful rest. The life of a Christian is always the best. So come and see for yourself that what I have told you is true, God will do this for you. Chorus 1: I found what I wanted, my searching is through. My life has a purpose that I never knew. As gently He leads me I trust in His Word, I found what I wanted when I found the Lord. Title: Thou Wilt Keep Him in Perfect Peace Author: Vivian Amsler Kretz Copyright: ©1934. Renewed 1962 U. K. Amster 1977. Assigned to Singspiration Music CCLI: 150564 Song ID: U-5440 Hymnal: 440 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Chorus1 Chorus 1: Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Thee. When the shadows come and darkness falls, He giveth inward peace. O, He is the only perfect resting place, He giveth perfect peace! Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Thee. Title: Let All That Is Within Me Author: Melvin Harrel Copyright: ©1963 Gospel Publishing House CCLI: 12073 Song ID: U-5442 Hymnal: 442 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3 Verse 1: Let all that is within me cry "Holy." Let all that is within me cry "Holy." Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lamb that was slain. Verse 2: Let all that is within me cry "Glory." Let all that is within me cry "Glory." Glory, Glory, Glory to the Lamb that was slain. Verse 3: Let all that is within me cry "Jesus." Let all that is within me cry "Jesus." Jesus, Jesus, Jesus is the Lamb that was slain. Title: Wonderful, Wonderful Jesus Author: Benjamin A. Baur Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 81949 Song ID: U-5448 Hymnal: 448 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Chorus1 Chorus 1: Wonderful, wonderful Jesus, Who can compare with Thee! Wonderful, wonderful Jesus, Fairer than all Thou art to me! Wonderful, wonderful Jesus, O how my soul loves Thee! Fairer than all the fairest, Jesus, Thou art to me! Title: Alleluia Author: Carl Seal Copyright: ©1982 Bud John Songs, Inc. CCLI: 492033 Song ID: U-5454 Hymnal: 454 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Chorus1 Chorus 1: Alleluia, Alleluia. Alleluia, Amen. Alleluia, Alleluia. Alleluia, Amen. Title: You Must Open the Door Author: Ina Duley Ogdon and Homer A. Rodeheaver Copyright: ©1934. Renewed 1962 Word Music, Inc. CCLI: 125386 Song ID: U-5456 Hymnal: 456 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: There's a Saviour who stands at the door of your heart, He is longing to enter, why let Him depart? He has patiently called you so often before, But you must open the door. Verse 2: He has come from the Father salvation to bring, And His name is called Jesus, Redeemer and King; To save you and keep you He pleads evermore, But you must open the door. Verse 3: He is loving and kind, full of infinite grace, In your heart, in your life, will you give Him a place? He is waiting to bless you, your soul to restore, But you must open the door. Verse 4: He will lead you at last to that blessed abode, To the city of God, at the end of the road, Where the night never falls, when life's journey is o'er, But you must open the door. Chorus 1: You must open the door, You must open the door. When Jesus comes in, He will save you from sin, But you must open the door. Title: He Brought Me Out Author: Henry J. Zelley and Henry L. Gilmour Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 42902 Song ID: U-5457 Hymnal: 457 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1, Verse5, Chorus1 Verse 1: My heart was distressed 'neath Jehovah's dread frown, And low in the pit where my sins dragged me down; I cried to the Lord from the deep miry clay, Who tenderly brought me out to golden day. Verse 2: He placed me upon the strong Rock by His side, My steps were established and here I'll abide; No danger of falling, while here I remain, But stand by His grace until the crown I gain. Verse 3: He gave me a song, 'twas a new song of praise, By day and by night its sweet notes I will raise; My heart's overflowing, I'm happy and free, I'll praise my Redeemer, who has rescued me. Verse 4: I'll sing of His wonderful mercy to me, I'll praise Him till all men His goodness shall see; I'll sing of salvation at home and abroad, Till many shall hear the truth and trust in God. Verse 5: I'll tell of the pit, with its gloom and despair. I'll praise the dear Father, who answered my prayer; I'll sing my new song, the glad story of love, Then join in the chorus with the saints above. Chorus 1: He brought me out of the miry clay, He set my feet on the Rock to stay; He puts a song in my soul today, A song of praise, hallelujah. Title: What Will You Do With Jesus? Author: Albert B. Simpson and Mary L. Stocks Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 439814 Song ID: U-5460 Hymnal: 460 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1, Verse5, Chorus1 Verse 1: Jesus is standing in Pilate's hall Friendless, forsaken, betrayed by all: Hearken! What meaneth the sudden call? What will you do with Jesus? Verse 2: Jesus is standing on trial still, You can be false to Him if you will, You can be faithful through good or ill: What will you do with Jesus? Verse 3: Will you evade Him as Pilate tried? Or will you choose Him, what'er betide? Vainly you struggle from Him to hide: What will you do with Jesus? Verse 4: Will you, like Peter, your Lord deny? Or will you scorn from His foes to fly, Daring for Jesus to live or die? What will you do with Jesus? Verse 5: "Jesus, I give Thee my heart today! Jesus, I'll follow Thee all the way, Gladly obeying Thee!" will you say: "This will I do with Jesus!" Chorus 1: What will you do with Jesus? Neutral you cannot be; Some day your heart will be asking, "What will He do with me?" Title: Come As You Are Author: Ralph Carmichael Copyright: ©1973 Bud John Songs, Inc. CCLI: 220841 Song ID: U-5471 Hymnal: 471 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1 Verse 1: Ev'ryone says we are born to be free, Nobody wants to live halfheartedly. Somebody's missing the chance now to be Newborn and turned on completely. Verse 2: Maybe you've tried to make life on your own, Keeping each failure your secret alone. Someday you'll say "Oh, if I'd only known, I could have lived life completely." Chorus 1: Come to Him now, just as you are. Why keep on looking near and far? This is the moment that you've waited for, Don't put it off anymore. A better time there'll never be, A better place you'll never see, While you are here and He is so near, Come to Him, just as you are. Title: A Glorious Church Author: Ralph E. Hudson Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 31700 Song ID: U-5474 Hymnal: 474 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: Do you hear them coming, brother, Thronging up the steeps of light, Clad in glorious shining garments, Blood-washed garments pure and white? Verse 2: Do you hear the stirring anthems Filling all the earth and sky, 'Tis a grand, victorious army, Lift its banner up on high! Verse 3: Never fear the clouds of sorrow, Never fear the storms of sin, We shall triumph on the morrow, Even now our joys begin. Verse 4: Wave the banner, shout His praises, For our victory is nigh! We shall join our conqu'ring Saviour, We shall reign with Him on high! Chorus 1: 'Tis a glorious church without spot or wrinkle, Washed in the blood of the Lamb; 'Tis a glorious church without spot or wrinkle, Washed in the blood of the Lamb. Title: Christ Returneth! Author: H. L. Turner and James McGranahan Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 184482 Song ID: U-5475 Hymnal: 475 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: It may be at morn, when the day is awaking, When sunlight through darkness and shadow is breaking, That Jesus will come in the fullness of glory To receive from the world His own. Verse 2: It may be at midday it may be at twilight, It may be, perchance, that the blackness of midnight Will burst into light in the blaze of His glory, When Jesus receives His own. Verse 3: While hosts cry "Hosanna," from heaven descending, With glorified saints and the angels attending, With grace on His brow, like a halo of glory, Will Jesus receive His own. Verse 4: O joy! O delight! Should we go without dying, No sickness, no sadness, No dread and no crying, Caught up through the clouds with our Lord into glory, When Jesus receives His own. Chorus 1: O Lord Jesus, how long, how long Ere we shout the glad song: "Christ returneth! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Amen, Hallelujah! Amen." Title: He's Coming Soon Author: Thoro Harris and Queen Liliuokalani Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 54000 Song ID: U-5476 Hymnal: 476 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: In these, the closing days of time, What joy the glorious hope affords, That soon, oh, wondrous truth sublime! He shall reign, King of kings and Lord of lords. Verse 2: The signs around in earth and air, Or painted on the starlit sky, God's faithful witnesses declare That the coming of the Saviour draweth nigh. Verse 3: The dead in Christ who 'neath us lie, In countless numbers, all shall rise When through the portals of the sky He shall come to prepare our paradise. Verse 4: And we who, living, yet remain, Caught up, shall meet our faithful Lord, This hope we cherish not in vain, But we comfort one another by this word. Chorus 1: He's coming soon, He's coming soon; With joy we welcome His returning; It may be morn, it may be night or noon; We know He's coming soon. Title: O Great God Author: Ralph Carmichael Copyright: ©1972 Bud John Songs, Inc. CCLI: 220470 Song ID: U-5477 Hymnal: 477 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1 Verse 1: O Great God who watches o'er us all Now help us in this twilight hour. May we heed Thy Spirit's gentle call, Fill our hearts with fervent love and mighty pow'r. Verse 2: O Great God whose arm is strong to save Now turn our wayward steps to Thee. Break the bonds of hate that now enslave, Oh restore our sight and set our spirits free. Chorus 1: Great God above reach down in love To heal the broken soul of man and nation. Begin in me for all the world to see The miracle, O God, of Your love. Title: My Saviour First of All Author: Fanny J. Crosby and John R. Sweney Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 105777 Song ID: U-5480 Hymnal: 480 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: When my life work is ended, and I cross the swelling tide, When the bright and glorious morning I shall see; I shall know my Redeemer when I reach the other side, And His smile will be the first to welcome me. Verse 2: Oh, the soul-thrilling rapture when I view His blessed face, And the luster of His kindly beaming eye; How my full heart will praise Him for the mercy, love and grace, That prepares for me a mansion in the sky. Verse 3: Oh, the dear ones in glory, how they beckon me to come, And our parting at the river I recall; To the sweet vales of Eden they will sing my welcome home, But I long to meet my Saviour first of all. Verse 4: Through the gates to the city in a robe of spotless white, He will lead me where no tears shall ever fall; In the glad song of ages I shall mingle with delight; But I long to meet my Saviour first of all. Chorus 1: I shall know Him, I shall know Him, As redeemed by His side I shall stand; I shall know Him, I shall know Him, by the print of the nails in His hand. Title: When We See Christ Author: Esther Kerr Rusthoi Copyright: ©1940 Singspiration Music CCLI: 12004 Song ID: U-5481 Hymnal: 481 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: Oft times the day seems long, our trials hard to bear, We're tempted to complain, to murmur and despair; But Christ will soon appear to catch His Bride away, All tears forever over in God's eternal day. Verse 2: Sometimes the sky looks dark with not a ray of light, We're tossed and driven on, no human help in sight; But there is One in heav'n who knows our deepest care, Let Jesus solve your problem, just go to Him in prayer. Verse 3: Life's day will soon be o'er, all storms forever past, We'll cross the great divide to glory, safe at last; We'll share the joys of heav'n, a harp, a home, a crown, The tempter will be banished, we'll lay our burden down. Chorus 1: It will be worth it all when we see Jesus, Life's trials will seem so small when we see Christ; One glimpse of His dear face all sorrow will erase, So bravely run the race till we see Christ. Title: Zion's Hill Author: James Allen Crutchfield Copyright: ©1923. Renewed 1950 Haldor Lillenas CCLI: 41776 Song ID: U-5483 Hymnal: 483 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: There waits for me a glad tomorrow Where gates of pearl swing open wide, And when I've passed this vale of sorrow, I'll dwell upon the other side. Verse 2: Some day I'll hear the angels singing Beyond the shadows of the tomb, And all the bells of heaven ringing, While saints are singing, "Home, sweet home." Verse 3: Some day my labors will be ended, And all my wand'rings will be o'er. And all earth's broken ties be mended, And I shall sigh and weep no more. Verse 4: Some day the dark clouds will be rifted, And all the night of gloom be past. And all life's burdens will be lifted; The day of rest shall dawn at last. Chorus 1: Some day, beyond the reach of mortal ken, Some day, God only knows just where and when, The wheels of mortal life shall all stand still, And I shall go to dwell on Zion's hill. Title: O I Want to See Him Author: R. H. Cornelius Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 51687 Song ID: U-5486 Hymnal: 486 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: As I journey through the land singing as I go, Pointing souls to Calvary, to the crimson flow, Many arrows pierce my soul from without, within; But my Lord leads me on, through Him I must win. Verse 2: When in service for my Lord dark may be the night, But I'll cling more close to Him, He will give me light; Satan's snares may vex my soul, turn my thoughts aside; But my Lord goes ahead, leads whate'er betide. Verse 3: When in valleys low I look t'ward the mountain height, And behold my Saviour there, leading in the fight, With a tender hand outstretched t'ward the valley low, Guiding me, I can see, as I onward go. Verse 4: When before me billows rise from the mighty deep, Then my Lord directs my bark; He doth safely keep, And He leads me gently on through this world below; He's a real Friend to me, O I love Him so. Chorus 1: O I want to see Him, look upon His face, There to sing forever of His saving grace; On the streets of Glory let me lift my voice; Cares all past, home at last, ever to rejoice. Title: No Night There Author: John R. Clements and Hart P. Danks Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 225839 Song ID: U-5488 Hymnal: 488 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: In the land of fadeless day Lies the "city foursquare," It shall never pass away, And there is "no night there." Verse 2: All the gates of pearl are made, In the "city foursquare," All the streets with gold are laid, And there is "no night there." Verse 3: And the gates shall never close To the "city foursquare," There life's crystal river flows, And there is "no night there." Verse 4: There they need no sunshine bright, In that "city foursquare," For the Lamb is all the light, And there is "no night there." Chorus 1: God shall "wipe away all tears;" There's no death, no pain, nor fears; And they count not time by years, For there is "no night there." Title: We'll Understand It Better Author: C. A. Tindley Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 22953 Song ID: U-5490 Hymnal: 490 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: We are often tossed and driv'n on the restless sea of time, Somber skies and howling tempests oft succeed a bright sunshine, In that land of perfect day, when the mists have rolled away, We will understand it better by and by. Verse 2: We are often destitute of the things that life demands, Want of food and want of shelter, thirsty hills and barren lands, We are trusting in the Lord, and according to His Word, We will understand it better by and by. Verse 3: Trials dark on ev'ry hand, and we cannot understand, All the ways that God would lead us to that blessed Promised Land; But He guides us with His eye and we'll follow till we die, For we'll understand it better by and by. Verse 4: Temptations, hidden snares, often take us unawares, And our hearts are made to bleed for many a thoughtless word or deed, And we wonder why the test when we try to do our best, But we'll understand it better by and by. Chorus 1: By and by when the morning comes, When the saints of God are gathered home, We will tell the story how we've overcome; For we'll understand it better by and by. Title: There's a Great Day Coming Author: Will L. Thompson Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 121988 Song ID: U-5492 Hymnal: 492 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: There's a great day coming, A great day coming, There's a great day coming by and by; When the saints and the sinners shall be parted right and left, Are you ready for that day to come? Verse 2: There's a bright day coming, A bright day coming, There's a bright day coming by and by; But its brightness shall only come to them that love the Lord, Are you ready for that day to come? Verse 3: There's a sad day coming, A sad day coming, There's a sad day coming by and by; When the sinner shall hear his doom, "Depart I know ye not," Are you ready for that day to come? Chorus 1: Are you ready? Are you ready? Are you ready for the judgment day? Are you ready? Are you ready for the judgment day? Title: Some Golden Daybreak Author: Carl Blackmore Copyright: ©1934. Renewed 1962 Word Music, Inc. CCLI: 17669 Song ID: U-5494 Hymnal: 494 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: Some glorious morning sorrow will cease, Some glorious morning all will be peace; Heartaches all ended, Labor all done, Heaven will open, Jesus will come. Verse 2: Sad hearts will gladden, all shall be bright, Good-bye forever to earth's dark night; Changed in a moment, like Him to be, Oh, glorious daybreak, Jesus I'll see. Verse 3: Oh, what a meeting, there in the skies, No tears nor crying shall dim our eyes; Loved ones united eternally, Oh, what a daybreak that morn will be. Chorus 1: Some golden daybreak Jesus will come; Some golden daybreak, battles all won, He'll shout the vict'ry, break through the blue, Some golden daybreak, for me, for you. Title: I Belong to the King Author: Ida R. Smith and J. Lincoln Hall Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 140440 Song ID: U-5496 Hymnal: 496 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: I belong to the King, I'm a child of His love, I shall dwell in His palace so fair; For He tells of its bliss in yon heaven above, And His children its splendors shall share. Verse 2: I belong to the King, and He loves me, I know, For His mercy and kindness, so free, Are unceasingly mine wheresoever I go, And my refuge unfailing is He. Verse 3: I belong to the King, and His promise is sure, That we all shall be gathered at last In His kingdom above, by life's waters so pure, When this life with its trials is past. Chorus 1: I belong to the King, I'm a child of His love, And He never forsaketh His own; He will call me some day to His palace above, I shall dwell by His glorified throne. Title: Yesterday, Today, Forever Author: Albert B. Simpson and James H. Burke Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 55566 Song ID: U-5498 Hymnal: 498 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Chorus1 Chorus 1: Yesterday, today, forever, Jesus is the same; All may change, but Jesus never, Glory to His name! Glory to His name, Glory to His name! All may change, but Jesus never, Glory to His name! Title: One of These Days Author: Ralph Carmichael Copyright: ©1963 Bud John Songs, Inc. CCLI: 69686 Song ID: U-5504 Hymnal: 504 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1 Verse 1: I looked about one mornin', and through a misty sky I gazed upon a battlefield, mankind was passin' by. I saw how evil and despair held them in a trance, And as they called for me to join I shouted, "Not a chance!" Verse 2: I know the world is reeling, there's trouble ev'rywhere. My heart goes out to ev'ryone beset by fear and care. For Christ the Lord Himself hath said those who will prepare, May sit with Him in paradise And in His glory share. Chorus 1: One of these days, One of these days, One of these days I'm goin' home, One of these days. Trouble will soon be past, there will be peace at last. One of these days I'm goin' home, One of these days. Title: My Home, Sweet Home Author: N.B. Vandall Copyright: ©1926. Renewed 1953 Singspiration Music CCLI: 44670 Song ID: U-5506 Hymnal: 506 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: Walking along life's road one day, I heard a voice so sweetly say, "A place up in heav'n I am building thee, A beautiful, beautiful home." Verse 2: Loved ones upon that shore I'll meet, Casting their crowns at Jesus' feet; I'll worship and praise Him forevermore In my beautiful, beautiful home. Verse 3: Life's day is short, I soon shall go To be with Him who loved me so; I see in the distance that shining shore, My beautiful, beautiful home. Chorus 1: Home, sweet home; Home, sweet home Where I'll never roam! I see the light of that city so bright, My home, sweet home. Title: Lord, Achieve Your Holy Purpose Author: Jimmy Owens Copyright: ©1974 Bud John Songs, Inc. CCLI: 340501 Song ID: U-5511 Hymnal: 511 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4, Verse5, Verse6 Verse 1: Lord, achieve Your holy purpose, wake Your church to intercede. All across this dark'ning nation bid Your people humbly plead. Send the seasons of refreshing promised in Your Holy Word; Healing peace and restoration, Righteousness and joy restored. Verse 2: Separate the church apostate from the living church of God, Purge and purify Your people, turn their hearts to serve the Lord. Hold aloft the Spirit's standard over all the earth below, Let the blood-washed now assemble; Let the mighty army grow. Verse 3: Send us forth into the battle in the armor of the light, By the power of the Spirit, overcoming Satan's might. In the face of persecution, faithful even unto death; Shrinking not from toil or suff'ring, Praising till our dying breath. Verse 4: Onward to her holy mission Moves the ransomed church of God; Glorious without spot or wrinkle, all her gifts and pow'r restored. Speed the gospel of the Kingdom forth to all the world abroad, Till we see the final harvest Gathered in the fields of God. Verse 5: Holy Spirit, Purifier, Now prepare the holy bride; Come Lord Jesus, soon, and take her swiftly to Your wounded side. Celebrate the Wedding Supper, safe in heaven with Your own; While the world in pain and sorrow Reaps the harvest it has sown. Verse 6: Come establish then Your kingdom over all the kings of earth; Let the nations bow before You, Let creation sing Your worth. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! He shall reign forevermore! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! King of kings and Lord of lords! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Title: Make Your People One Author: Lawrence Holben and William Tewson Copyright: ©1973 Bud John Songs, Inc. CCLI: 13223 Song ID: U-5512 Hymnal: 512 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1 Verse 1: If I make one prayer to You my God, If one song is lifted to Your name; It is to ask that Your children might see they are one, might learn to love as You love Your Son. Chorus 1: Lord, make Your people one, Let Your will be done; Finish, O finish the work begun, Lord, make Your people one. Title: A Quiet Place Author: Ralph Carmichael Copyright: ©1969 Bud John Songs, Inc. CCLI: 14916 Song ID: U-5514 Hymnal: 514 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Chorus1, Ending1 Chorus 1: There is a quiet place, far from the rapid pace, Where God can soothe my troubled mind, Sheltered by tree and flow'r, there in my quiet hour With Him, my cares are left behind. Ending 1: Whether a garden small or on a mountain tall, New strength and courage there I find; Then from this quiet place I go prepared to face a new day with love for all mankind. Title: I Will Bless Thee, O Lord Author: Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: Song ID: U-5515 Hymnal: 515 Notes: Not in CCLI database Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Chorus1 Chorus 1: I will bless Thee, O Lord. I will bless Thee, O Lord. With a heart of thanksgiving I will bless Thee, O Lord. With my hands lifted up, and my mouth filled with praise, With a heart of thanksgiving I will bless Thee, O Lord. Title: Step Into the Sunshine Author: Molly Ann Leikin and Clark Gassman Copyright: ©1978 Bud John Songs, Inc. CCLI: 10185 Song ID: U-5517 Hymnal: 517 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Chorus1 Chorus 1: Step into the sunshine, Get out of the shade, This is the one time that you've got it made; And you can feel yourself smilin' way down to your shoes, Step into the sunshine, find the great good news. Title: I'm Gonna Go Back Author: Ralph Carmichael Copyright: ©1968 Bud John Songs, Inc. CCLI: 92866 Song ID: U-5518 Hymnal: 518 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Chorus1, Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1 Verse 1: When my mind gets tired and weary, When my path gets long and dreary, Then I pray for Him to guide me And a little voice within me seems to point the way. Verse 2: When my future seems uncertain, Darkness hovers like a curtain, I just pause a while and listen And a little voice within me seems to point the way. Chorus 1: I'm gonna go back and read the Bible, Gonna go back and read the Word. Gimme that good old time religion, It's the best news I've ever heard. Gimme that singin' and the shoutin', Gimme that gospel preachin' too. Gonna go back to where I started, Tellin' you what I'm gonna do. Title: All Day Song Author: John Fischer Copyright: ©1976 Bud John Songs, Inc. CCLI: 11184 Song ID: U-5521 Hymnal: 521 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Chorus1 Chorus 1: Love Him in the mornin' when you see the sun arisin'. Love Him in the evenin' 'cause He took you through the day. And in the in-between time when you feel the pressure comin', Remember that He loves you and He promises to stay. Title: Take Me Back Author: Andrae Crouch Copyright: ©1973 Bud John Songs, Inc. CCLI: 23103 Song ID: U-5522 Hymnal: 522 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Chorus1, Verse1, Chorus1 Verse 1: I tried so hard to make it all alone. I need Your help just to make it home. Chorus 1: Take me back. Take me back, dear Lord, To the place where I first received You. Take me back. Take me back, dear Lord, where I first believed. Title: He's the Savior of My Soul Author: Kathryn Kuhlman Copyright: ©1965 Kathryn Kuhlman Foundation CCLI: 38428 Song ID: U-5524 Hymnal: 524 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Chorus1 Chorus 1: He's the Savior of my soul, My Jesus, My Jesus. He's the Savior of my soul, He's the Savior of my soul. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. He's the Savior of my soul, He's the Savior of my soul. Title: Father, We Thank You Author: Jimmy Owens Copyright: ©1974 Bud John Songs, Inc. CCLI: 56943 Song ID: U-5528 Hymnal: 528 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1 Verse 1: May we enter Your gates with thanksgiving. May we enter Your courts with our praise. May we fall at Your throne where Your glory is shown, And be lost in Your love and Your grace. Chorus 1: Father, we thank You, Father, we thank You. Father, we thank You for Your love. Title: Sweet, Sweet Spirit Author: Doris Akers Copyright: ©1962. Renewed 1990 Manna Music, Inc. CCLI: 18204 Song ID: U-5529 Hymnal: 529 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1 Verse 1: There's a sweet, sweet Spirit in this place, And I know that it's the Spirit of the Lord; There are sweet expressions on each face, And I know they feel the presence of the Lord. Chorus 1: Sweet Holy Spirit, Sweet Heavenly Dove, Stay right here with us, Filling us with Your love. And for these blessings we lift our hearts in praise, Without a doubt we'll know that we have been revived When we shall leave this place. Title: Calvary Covers It All Author: Mrs. Walter G. Taylor Copyright: ©1934 Mrs. Walter G. Taylor. Renewed 1962 Word Music, Inc. CCLI: 19911 Song ID: U-5556 Hymnal: 556 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: Far dearer than all that the world can impart Was the message that came to my heart; How that Jesus alone for my sin did atone, And Calvary covers it all. Verse 2: The stripes that He bore and the thorns that He wore Told His mercy and love evermore; And my heart bowed in shame as I called on His name, And Calvary covers it all. Verse 3: How matchless the grace, when I looked in the face Of this Jesus, my crucified Lord; My redemption complete I then found at His feet, And Calvary covers it all. Verse 4: How blessed the thought, that my soul by Him bought, Shall be His in the glory on high; Where with gladness and song I'll be one of the throng, And Calvary covers it all. Chorus 1: Calvary covers it all, My past with its sin and stain; My guilt and despair Jesus took on Him there, And Calvary covers it all. Title: He Rose Triumphantly Author: Oswald J. Smith and B. D. Ackley Copyright: ©1944. Renewed 1972 Word Music, Inc. CCLI: 27408 Song ID: U-5562 Hymnal: 562 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: Our blessed Lord was slain, The Christ who came to reign, And in a grave He lay, To wait the coming day. Verse 2: They sorrowed when He died, Nor sought their tears to hide; But soon their bitter pain Was turned to joy again. Verse 3: The stone was rolled away, For Christ was raised that day; And now He lives above To manifest His love. Chorus 1: He rose triumphantly, In pow'r and majesty, The Saviour rose no more to die; O let us now proclaim The glory of His name, And tell to all, He lives today. Title: We Plow the Fields, and Scatter Author: Matthias Claudius, Jane M. Campbell, and Johann A.P. Schulz Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 328554 Song ID: U-5565 Hymnal: 565 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: We plow the fields, and scatter The good seed on the land, But it is fed and watered By God's almighty hand; He sends the snow in winter, The warmth to swell the grain, The breezes and the sunshine, And soft refreshing rain. Verse 2: He only is the Maker Of all things near and far, He paints the wayside flower, He lights the evening star; The wind and waves obey Him, By Him the birds are fed; Much more to us, His children, He gives our daily bread. Verse 3: We thank Thee then, O Father, For all things bright and good, The seedtime and the harvest, Our life, our health, our food; Accept the gifts we offer For all Thy love imparts, And what Thou most desirest, Our humble, thankful hearts. Chorus 1: All good gifts around us Are sent from heav'n above; Then thank the Lord, O thank the Lord For all His love. Title: Thanks to God for My Redeemer Author: August Ludvig Storm and J. A. Hultman Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 87448 Song ID: U-5569 Hymnal: 569 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3 Verse 1: Thanks to God for my Redeemer, Thanks for all Thou dost provide! Thanks for times now but a mem'ry, Thanks for Jesus by my side! Thanks for pleasant, balmy springtime, Thanks for dark and dreary fall! Thanks for tears by now forgotten, Thanks for peace within my soul! Verse 2: Thanks to God that Thou hast answered, Thanks for what Thou dost deny! Thanks for storms that I have weathered, Thanks for all Thou dost supply! Thanks for pain, and thanks for pleasure, Thanks for comfort in despair! Thanks for grace that none can measure, Thanks for love beyond compare! Verse 3: Thanks for roses by the wayside, Thanks for thorns their stems contain! Thanks for home and thanks for fireside, Thanks for hope, that sweet refrain! Thanks for joy and thanks for sorrow, Thanks for heav'nly peace with Thee! Thanks for hope in the tomorrow, Thanks through all eternity! Title: To Our God Give Praise Author: Ralph Carmichael Copyright: ©1971 Bud John Songs, Inc. CCLI: 458974 Song ID: U-5571 Hymnal: 571 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2 Verse 1: Praise and rejoicing fill ev'ry heart, This day of gladness we've set apart; Music and singing ring through the air resounding with joy ev'rywhere. Come let us worship, glad voices raise, This day was made for singing and praise. Let all creation give thanks today. Before Him now we humbly bow and to our God give praise. Verse 2: Love and thanksgiving fill ev'ry heart, This day of gladness we've set apart; Music and singing ring through the air resounding with joy ev'rywhere. After the harvest, glad voices raise, This day was made for singing and praise. Let all creation give thanks today. Before Him now we humbly bow on this Thanksgiving Day! Title: Our House Author: Flo Price Copyright: ©1973 Bud John Songs, Inc. CCLI: 173785 Song ID: U-5573 Hymnal: 573 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Chorus1 Chorus 1: Our house is the place I love best. Our house isn't like all the rest; For our love makes something special out of our house, our house. At our house we are taught to obey, And our house is a church when we pray; For God's love makes something special out of our house ev'ry day. Title: I Like the Sound of America Author: Flo Price Copyright: ©1974 Bud John Songs, Inc. CCLI: 422711 Song ID: U-5579 Hymnal: 579 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Chorus1, Verse1, Chorus1 Verse 1: The sounds of people laughing that you hear most ev'ry day, The fact'ries and the farms and the places children play, The silence of the mountains and the ocean's mighty roar, America! America! Chorus 1: I like the sound of America. I like the sound of America. Best sounding word that I've ever heard, that's America, America. I like the sound of America, The sight and the sound of America. Land of the free where I want to be, that's America to me. Title: God is Here Right Now Author: Kurt Kaiser Copyright: ©1973 Bud John Songs, Inc. CCLI: 138627 Song ID: U-5586 Hymnal: 586 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: God is here right now, Let Him hallow this place. Let Him have His way with you, For God is here right now. It doesn't matter where you've been, It doesn't matter who you know; It doesn't matter what your goals, It only matters that you sit and quietly behold Him. Verse 2: God is here right now, Let Him hallow this place. Let Him have His way with you, For God is here right now. For this next hour let's look at Him, Don't let your mind go wandering; For now concern yourself with Christ, Let Him alone be in your mind and quietly behold Him. Verse 3: God is here right now, Let Him hallow this place. Let Him have His way with you, For God is here right now. Erase the thoughts of yesterday, Forget about the things that others say; Pack up your thoughts that cloud the way, Just put your mind at ease just now and quietly behold Him. Chorus 1: God is here right now, Let Him hallow this place. Let Him have His way with you, For God is here right now. Chorus 2: He'll go with you now as you leave this place. He'll go ev'rywhere you go, Yes, He'll go with you now. Title: When You Pray Author: Audrey Mieir Copyright: ©1969. Renewed 1987 Manna Music, Inc. CCLI: 20168 Song ID: U-5587 Hymnal: 587 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Chorus2 Verse 1: At the close of the day when you kneel to pray, Will you remember me? I need help ev'ry day, this is why I pray, Will you remember me? Chorus 1: When you pray will you pray for me, For I need His love and His care; When you pray will you pray for me, Will you whisper my name in your prayer? Chorus 2: When I pray I will pray for you, For you need His love and His care; When I pray I will pray for you, I will whisper your name in my prayer. Title: God Love You Author: Ralph Carmichael Copyright: ©1957 Bud John Songs, Inc. CCLI: 570357 Song ID: U-5588 Hymnal: 588 Notes: Chorus 2 - "Alternate Lyrics for Weekly Use". Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Chorus1 Chorus 1: God love you and not let you out of His sight. God keep and protect you by day and by night. Till we meet again may His love follow you. Where'er you go and whatever you do. Chorus 2: God love you and not let you out of His sight. God bring us together one week from tonight. Till then we'll be praying for each one of you. Won't you be praying for all of us too? Title: xDoxology Author: Thomas Ken and Jimmy Owens Copyright: ©1972 Bud John Songs, Inc. CCLI: 19935 Song ID: U-5589 Hymnal: 589 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Chorus1 Chorus 1: Praise God from whom all blessings flow; Praise Him all creatures here below. Praise Him above ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Title: xOh How I Love Jesus Author: Frederick Whitfield and Larry Dalton Copyright: ©1974 Bud John Songs, Inc. CCLI: 1601218 Song ID: U-5069 Hymnal: U-0069 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1 Verse 1: There is a name I love to hear, I love to sing its worth; It sounds like music in my ear, The sweetest name on earth. It tells me of a Savior's love Who died to set me free; It tells me of His precious blood, The sinner's perfect plea. Verse 2: It tells me what my Father has In store for ev'ry day; And though I walk a darkened path, It gives sunshine all the way. It tells of One whose loving heart Can feel my deepest woe; Who in each sorrow bears a part That none can bear below. Chorus 1: Oh! How I love Jesus! Oh! How I love Jesus! Oh! How I love Jesus, Because He first loved me! Title: I Want You Author: Tom Adair, Frances Adair, and Bobby Hammack Copyright: ©1975 Bud John Songs, Inc. CCLI: 174117 Song ID: U-5116 Hymnal: 116 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Chorus2, Verse2, Chorus1, Chorus2, Verse3, Chorus1, Chorus2 Verse 1: I want you to share my Father's love with me. I want you to share His love for all to see. He is always there, your strength He'll always be, I want you to share my Father's love with me. Verse 2: He wants us to share our Father's love with you. He wants us to share so you can share it too. Come along with me and I will show you how To fish for souls of men, so hear My message now. Verse 3: We've come here to share a message that is true. We've come here to share so you can share it too. Happiness is there, a plan from God for you, We've come here to share a message strong and true. Chorus 1: Share it with each other, Share with one another; Share with ev'ryone along the way. Learn God's happy lesson, Find what He can do, To share this living message, just let it live in you. Chorus 2: Leave behind your care, Come on and follow Me, I want you to share My Father's love with Me. Title: New Wine Author: Keith Miller and Ralph Carmichael Copyright: ©1973 Bud John Songs, Inc. CCLI: 198337 Song ID: U-5124 Hymnal: 124 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1 Verse 1: It's like there was a miracle exploding in the air. The sky's a diff'rent color now and sounds come from ev'rywhere, The smell of grass in Springtime, A thousand changing lights All beaming out like fingers Poking stars into the night. Verse 2: It's like a great rock festival, A gentle touching crowd. It's holding hands with someone's heart While swallowing a cloud. It means there is a meaning Behind this uptight world, That I can be at home inside Where fears and shadows whirled. Chorus 1: It's like a blast of freedom That cracked the wall of time. God let us hear His secret, And taste of His new wine. Title: My Master Author: Ralph Carmichael Copyright: ©1969, 1976 Bud John Songs, Inc. CCLI: Song ID: U-5148 Hymnal: 148 Notes: Not in CCLI database Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1 Verse 1: My Master is the King of glory, Creator of all heav'n and earth. My Master is a loving Savior, the Son of man of lowly birth. My Master is a mighty Ruler and to Him ev'ry knee shall bow. My Master is a gentle shepherd who tenderly protects me now. Chorus 1: And though the world may change around me His love will always be the same. He'll never leave me nor forsake me, And I can always call upon His name. My Master is the risen Savior and to the world salvation brings; Then soon He'll come again in glory as Lord of lords and King of kings. Title: xStand Up, Stand Up for Jesus Author: George Duffield, Jr. and Adam Geibel Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: Song ID: U-5206 Hymnal: 206 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: Stand up, stand up for Jesus, Ye soldiers of the cross; Lift high His royal banner, It must not suffer loss: From vict'ry unto vict'ry His army shall He lead, Till ev'ry foe is vanquished, And Christ is Lord indeed. Verse 2: Stand up, stand up for Jesus, The trumpet call obey; Forth to the mighty conflict, In this His glorious day: Ye who are men, now serve Him Against unnumbered foes; Let courage rise with danger, And strength to strength oppose. Verse 3: Stand up, stand up for Jesus, Stand in His strength alone; The arm of flesh will fail you, Ye dare not trust your own: Put on the gospel armor, Each piece put on with prayer; Where duty calls, or danger, Be never wanting there. Verse 4: Stand up, stand up for Jesus, The strife will not be long; This day the noise of battle, The next, the victor's song: To him who overcometh A crown of life shall be; He, with the King of Glory, Shall reign eternally. Chorus 1: Stand up for Jesus, Ye soldiers of the cross; Lift high His royal banner, It must not, it must not suffer loss. Title: Not With a Sword Author: Ralph Carmichael Copyright: ©1971 Bud John Songs, Inc. CCLI: 198832 Song ID: U-5210 Hymnal: 210 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2 Verse 1: March with us! You're welcome to join our jubilant throng. March with us! We're singing a happy glorious song. Christ will lead His children in vict'ry over all wrong, For in His love we're marching and love is making us strong. Verse 2: All around there's tension and hatred filling our land. Now it's time for us to decide and take a firm stand. Christ Himself will show the way if we heed His command. And love will win, so brother, just start by taking His hand. Chorus 1: "Not by might and not by power, But by My Holy Spirit," thus saith the Lord. We will fight and we will conquer; But we will win by loving and not with a sword. Title: xAll Hail the Power of Jesus' Name Author: Edward Perronet, John Rippon, and James Ellor Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 196858 Song ID: U-5267 Hymnal: 267 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: All hail the pow'r of Jesus' name! Let angels prostrate fall, Let angels prostrate fall; Bring forth the royal diadem, Verse 2: Ye chosen seed of Israel's race, Ye ransomed from the fall, Ye ransomed from the fall; Hail Him who saves you by His grace, Verse 3: Let ev'ry kindred, ev'ry tribe, On this terrestrial ball, On this terrestrial ball; To Him all majesty ascribe, Verse 4: O that with yonder sacred throng We at His feet may fall, We at His feet may fall! We'll join the everlasting song, Chorus 1: And crown Him, crown Him, crown Him, crown Him, And crown Him Lord of all. Title: xAll Hail the Power of Jesus' Name Author: Edward Perronet, John Rippon, and William Shrubsole Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 584594 Song ID: U-5269 Hymnal: 269 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4 Verse 1: All hail the pow'r of Jesus' name! Let angels prostrate fall; Bring forth the royal diadem, And crown Him, crown Him, crown Him, Crown Him Lord of all! Verse 2: Ye chosen seed of Israel's race, Ye ransomed from the fall, Hail Him who saves you by His grace, And crown Him, crown Him, crown Him, Crown Him Lord of all! Verse 3: Let ev'ry kindred, ev'ry tribe, On this terrestrial ball, To Him all majesty ascribe, And crown Him, crown Him, crown Him, Crown Him Lord of all! Verse 4: O that with yonder sacred throng We at His feet may fall! We'll join the everlasting song, And crown Him, crown Him, crown Him, Crown Him Lord of all! Title: Lord, Hear Thou My Prayer Author: Ralph Carmichael Copyright: ©1967,1976 Bud John Songs, Inc. CCLI: Song ID: U-5291 Hymnal: 291 Notes: Not in CCLI Database Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1 Verse 1: Help me, Lord, to do Thy will amid the conflict of this hour: Waiting in Thy presence till my life reflects Thy love and pow'r. Fill my mind with thoughts ever pure, Through my lips Thy truth declare, Keep me in Thy love secure, Oh, Lord, hear Thou my prayer. Title: xGuide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah Author: William Williams, Thomas Hastings, and Peter Williams Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 539099 Song ID: U-5323 Hymnal: 323 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3 Verse 1: Guide me, O Thou great Jehovah, Pilgrim through this barren land; I am weak, but Thou art mighty, Hold me with Thy pow'rful hand; Bread of Heaven, Feed me till I want no more; Bread of Heaven, Feed me till I want no more. Verse 2: Open now the crystal fountain Whence the healing waters flow; Let the fiery, cloudy pillar Lead me all my journey through; Strong Deliv'rer, Be Thou still my Strength and Shield; Strong Deliv'rer, Be Thou still my Strength and Shield. Verse 3: When I tread the verge of Jordan, Bid my anxious fears subside; Death of death, and hell's destruction, Land me safe on Canaan's side: Songs of praises I will ever give to Thee; Songs of praises I will ever give to Thee. Title: xThe Lord Is My Shepherd Author: James Montgomery and Thomas Koschat Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 122475 Song ID: U-5325 Hymnal: 325 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4 Verse 1: The Lord is my Shepherd; no want shall I know. I feed in green pastures; safe-folded I rest. He leadeth my soul where the still waters flow, Restores me when wand'ring, redeems when oppressed; Restores me when wand'ring, redeems when oppressed. Verse 2: Through the valley and shadow of death though I stray, Since Thou art my Guardian, no evil I fear. Thy rod shall defend me, Thy staff be my stay. No harm can befall, with my Comforter near; No harm can befall, with my Comforter near. Verse 3: In the midst of affliction my table is spread; With blessings unmeasured my cup runneth o'er; With perfume and oil Thou anointest my head. Oh, what shall I ask of Thy providence more? Oh, what shall I ask of Thy providence more? Verse 4: Let goodness and mercy, my bountiful God, Still follow my steps till I meet Thee above. I seek by the path which my fore-fathers trod, Through the land of their sojourn, Thy kingdom of love; Through the land of their sojourn, Thy kingdom of love. Title: Follow, I Will Follow Thee Author: Howard and Margaret Brown Copyright: ©1935,1963 Singspiration Music CCLI: Song ID: U-5336 Hymnal: 336 Notes: Not in CCLI Database Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: Jesus calls me, I must follow, Follow Him today; When His tender voice is pleading How can I delay? Verse 2: Jesus calls me, I must follow, Follow ev’ry hour, Know the blessing of His presence, Fullness of His pow’r. Verse 3: Jesus calls me, I must follow, Follow Him alway; When my Savior goes before me I can never stray. Chorus 1: Follow, I will follow Thee, my Lord, Follow ev’ry passing day; My tomorrows are all known to Thee, Thou wilt lead me all the way. Title: Never Alone Author: Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: Song ID: U-5337 Hymnal: 337 Notes: Not in CCLI Database Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: I've seen the light'ning flashing, And heard the thunder roll; I've felt sin's breakers dashing, Trying to conquer my soul; I've heard the voice of my Saviour, Telling me still to fight on; He promised never to leave me, Never to leave me alone. Verse 2: The world's fierce winds are blowing, Temptations sharp and keen; I feel a peace in knowing My Saviour stands between; He stands to shield me from danger, When earthly friends are gone; He promised never to leave me, Never to leave me alone. Verse 3: When in affliction's valley I'm treading the road of care; My Saviour helps me to carry My cross when heavy to bear; My feet, entangled with briars ready to cast me down, My Saviour whispers His promise, "I never will leave thee alone." Verse 4: He died for me on the mountain, For me they pierced His side; For me He opened the fountain, The crimson, cleansing tide; For me He's waiting in glory, Seated upon His throne; He promised never to leave me, Never to leave me alone. Chorus 1: No, never alone! No, never alone! He promised never to leave me, Never to leave me alone; No, never alone! No, never alone! He promised never to leave me, Never to leave me alone. Title: All Things Work Together Author: Danniebelle Hall Copyright: ©1974 Bud John Songs, Inc. CCLI: 220872 Song ID: U-5357 Hymnal: 357 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1 Verse 1: We find ourselves in situations That we just cannot understand, And when we search for explanations In love God says, "This is My plan. I lead in ways that you don't know of, Your life through trials I refine. If you can only learn to follow And rest within My will divine." Verse 2: Our lives are filled with disappointments, Sometimes we lose the ones we love so dear. Our minds are often torn and troubled, Our hearts would fail because of fear. But we can rest in this assurance That when in His likeness we shall be, We'll know just as Jesus knows us And all things clearly we shall see. Chorus 1: For we know that all things work together, We know that all things work together For good to them that love the Lord And for ev'ryone called according to His Word. Title: The God of Miracles Author: Ralph Carmichael Copyright: ©1968 Bud John Songs, Inc. CCLI: 220580 Song ID: U-5368 Hymnal: 368 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1 Verse 1: For all the tired and needy, For all the rich and proud, For all the sick and weary, For all the bent and bowed, There's one electric moment the instant you believe; Just touch His hand of healing, By faith you will receive. Chorus 1: The God of miracles is reaching out His hand. The God of miracles is moving through the land. So touch Him, believe Him this moment as you pray, Now expect a miracle and a miracle is yours today. Title: Joy Is the Center of His Will Author: Ralph Carmichael Copyright: ©1972 Bud John Songs CCLI: 555688 Song ID: U-5389 Hymnal: 389 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2 Verse 1: From His tender love and mercy often did I stray, Choosing rather sure destruction on my downward way. All the while, God's hand outreaching, off'ring life and strength anew, All the while God's Spirit whisp'ring, "Child, what will you do?" Verse 2: First a little spark ignited, next a burning coal; Then like a fire through my being, faith has made me whole. Now I am alive and moving, now my thirsty soul He fills. Joy is being in His presence, Joy is the center of His will. Title: The Fruit of the Spirit Author: Cam Floria and William Tewson Copyright: ©1973 Bud John Songs CCLI: 221077 Song ID: U-5390 Hymnal: 390 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1 Verse 1: We walk in the Spirit together, We're careful in all that we say Not to offend our dear brother, And holding him up when we pray. Verse 2: Living a life of example, Pure in the Spirit, and true, Helping our neighbors around us To know Jesus cares for them too. Chorus 1: The fruit of the Spirit is love, Longsuff'ring, gentle and kind. If joy is the Savior above A Christian is what you will find. Title: O Say, But I'm Glad Author: James P. Sullivan and Mildred Sullivan Lacour Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 32709 Song ID: U-5406 Hymnal: 406 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: There is a song in my heart today, Something I never had; Jesus has taken my sins away, O say, but I'm glad! Verse 2: Wonderful, marvelous love He brings, Into a heart that's sad; Through darkest tunnels the soul just sings, O say, but I'm glad! Verse 3: Won't you come to Him with all your care, Weary and worn and sad? You, too, will sing as His love you share, O say, but I'm glad! Chorus 1: O say, but I'm glad, I'm glad, O say, but I'm glad! Jesus has come and my cup's overrun, O say, but I'm glad! Title: I Expect A Miracle Author: Ralph Carmichael Copyright: ©1968 Bud John Songs, Inc. CCLI: 366987 Song ID: U-5445 Hymnal: 445 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1 Verse 1: Just like a child I come to Him in joy or in despair. It makes no diff'rence, great or small He hears my ev'ry prayer. And nothing is impossible, He said it and it's true. So I expect a miracle, and nothing less will do. Verse 2: The measure of His love is more than I can comprehend, That God so mighty is so willing, broken lives to mend. Then when I touch His healing hand and faith comes pouring through, I just expect a miracle, for nothing less will do. Chorus 1: I have asked, in faith believing, From a childlike point of view. Now I expect a miracle, And nothing less will do. Title: I Found the Answer Author: Johnny Lange Copyright: ©1957 Bulls-Eye Music, Inc. CCLI: Song ID: U-5447 Hymnal: 447 Notes: Not in CCLI database Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: I was weak and weary, I had gone astray, Walking in the darkness, I couldn't find my way; Then a light came shining to lead me from despair, All my sins forgiven, and I was free from care. Verse 2: I was sad and lonely, all my hopes were gone, Days were long and dreary, I couldn't carry on; Then I found the courage to keep my head up high, Once again I'm happy and here's the reason why: Verse 3: Keep your Bible with you, read it ev'ry day, Always count your blessings and always stop to pray; Learn to keep believing and faith will see you through, Seek to know contentment and it will come to you. Chorus 1: I found the answer, I learned to pray! With faith to guide me, I found the way; The sun is shining for me each day, I found the answer, I learned to pray! Title: Are You Washed in the Blood? Author: Elisha A. Hoffman Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 21105 Song ID: U-5468 Hymnal: 468 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: Have you been to Jesus for the cleansing power? Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb? Are you fully trusting in His grace this hour? Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb? Verse 2: Are you walking daily by the Saviour's side? Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb? Do you rest each moment in the Crucified? Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb? Verse 3: When the Bridegroom cometh will your robes be white? Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb? Will your soul be ready for the mansions bright, And be washed in the blood of the Lamb? Verse 4: Lay aside the garments that are stained with sin, And be washed in the blood of the Lamb; There's a fountain flowing for the soul unclean, O be washed in the blood of the Lamb! Chorus 1: Are you washed in the blood, In the soul-cleansing blood of the Lamb? Are your garments spotless? Are they white as snow? Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb? Title: The Moment of Truth Author: Kurt Kaiser Copyright: ©1970 Bud John Songs CCLI: Song ID: U-5472 Hymnal: 472 Notes: Not in CCLI Database Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1 Verse 1: The moment of truth is here for you, This moment will never come again. I know the One who can make life begin, You, too, can know Him, my friend. Verse 2: If your life is a puzzle to you, The pieces don't seem to fall in place. I know the One who can put them in right, Come meet my Lord face to face. Chorus 1: The moment of truth is here for you, This moment will never come again. Jesus, the One who will make your life new Is here in this moment of truth. Title: Welcome to the Family of God Author: Cam Floria Copyright: ©1974 Bud John Songs CCLI: 239564 Song ID: U-5502 Hymnal: 502 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Chorus1, Bridge1, Verse1, Chorus1, Bridge1, Verse2, Bridge1 Verse 1: Angels up above give voice, A Child of His has come, let's all rejoice. Verse 2: Let the Holy Spirit fill your life, and welcome to the family of God. Chorus 1: Welcome to the family of God, Welcome, all the praise will go to Him. Welcome to the family of God, Welcome, all the praise belongs to Him. Bridge 1: Praise God! Praise God! Praise God, all glory! Praise God! Praise God! Praise God, all glory! Title: I Wish We'd All Been Ready Author: Larry Norman Copyright: ©1969,1972 Beechwood Music Corporation CCLI: Song ID: U-5505 Hymnal: 505 Notes: Not in CCLI Database Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse1, Ending1 Verse 1: Life was filled with guns and wars and ev'ryone got trampled on the floor. I wish we'd all been ready. Children died, the days grew cold, a piece of bread would buy a bag of gold. I wish we'd all been ready. Verse 2: Man and wife asleep in bed, she hears a noise and turns her head, he's gone. I wish we'd all been ready. Two men coming up a hill, one disappears and one left standing still. I wish we'd all been ready. Chorus 1: There's no time to change your mind, the Son is come and you've been left behind. Ending 1: There's no time to change your mind, How could you have been so blind? The Father spoke, the demons dined, the Son is come and you've been left behind. You've been left behind. You've been left behind. Title: Hark, Hark, My Soul! Author: Frederick W. Faber and Henry Smart Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: Song ID: U-5510 Hymnal: 510 Notes: Not in CCLI Database Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: Hark! hark, my soul! Angelic songs are swelling O’er earth’s green fields and ocean’s wave-beat shore; How sweet the truth those blessed strains are telling Of that new life when sin shall be no more! Verse 2: Far, far away, like bells at evening pealing, The voice of Jesus sounds o’er land and sea, And laden souls by thousands meekly stealing, Kind Shepherd, turn their weary steps to Thee. Verse 3: Onward we go, for still we hear them singing, "Come, weary souls, for Jesus bids you come;" And through the dark, its echoes sweetly ringing, The music of the gospel leads us home. Verse 4: Angels, sing on! Your faithful watches keeping; Sing us sweet fragments of the songs above; Till morning’s joy shall end the night of weeping, And life’s long shadows break in cloudless love. Chorus 1: Angels of Jesus, angels of light, Singing to welcome the pilgrims of the night! Title: xAnd Can It Be That I Should Gain Author: Charles Wesley and Thomas Campbell Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 25280 Song ID: U-3004 Hymnal: Notes: Contemporary Arrangement Groups: Misc. PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1, Ending1 Verse 1: And can it be that I should gain An int'rest in the Savior's blood? Died He for me, who caused His pain? For me, who Him to death pursued? Amazing love! How can it be That Thou, my God, shouldst die for me? Verse 2: He left His Father's throne above; So free, so infinite His grace. Emptied Himself of all but love, And bled for Adam's helpless race. 'Tis mercy all, immense and free, For, O my God, it found out me. Verse 3: Long my imprisoned spirit lay Fast bound in sin and nature's night; Thine eye diffused a quick'ning ray, I woke, the dungeon flamed with light. My chains fell off; my heart was free. I rose, went forth and followed Thee. Verse 4: No condemnation now I dread; Jesus, and all in Him, is mine! Alive in Him, my living Head, And clothed in righteousness divine; Bold I approach th' eternal throne, And claim the crown, through Christ my own. Chorus 1: Amazing love! How can it be That Thou, my God, shouldst die for me? Amazing love! How can it be That Thou, my God, shouldst die for me? Ending 1: That Thou, my God, shouldst die for me? Amazing love! Amazing love! Title: 655 - The Family Prayer Song Author: Morris Chapman Copyright: ©1994 Maranatha Praise, Inc. CCLI: 1680466 Song ID: U-1064 Hymnal: 655 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal, Praise PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1 Verse 1: Come and fill our home with Your presence; You alone are worthy of our rev'rence. Verse 2: Lord, we vow to live holy; Bowing our knees to You only. Chorus 1: As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. We will serve the Lord. Title: 542 - Lord, Be Glorified Author: Bob Kilpatrick Copyright: ©1978 Bob Kilpatrick Ministries CCLI: 26368 Song ID: U-1065 Hymnal: 542 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal, Praise PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3 Verse 1: In my life, Lord, be glorified, be glorified. In my life, Lord, be glorified today. Verse 2: In our home, Lord, be glorified, be glorified, In our home, Lord, be glorified today. Verse 3: In Your church, Lord, be glorified, be glorified. In Your church, Lord, be glorified today. Verse 4: In our land,, Lord, be glorified, be glorified. In our land, Lord, be glorified today. Title: CH 112 - Give to Our God Immortal Praise Author: Isaac Watts and Ralph Vaughan Williams Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 2219891 Song ID: U-2112 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Celebration Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3 Verse 1: Give to our God immortal praise; Mercy and truth are all His ways: Hallelujah, Hallelujah! Wonders of grace to God belong, Repeat His mercies in your song: Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah! Verse 2: Give to the Lord of lords renown; The King of kings with glory crown: Hallelujah, Hallelujah! His mercies ever shall endure, When lords and kings are known no more: Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah! Verse 3: He built the earth, He spread the sky, And fixed the starry lights on high: Hallelujah, Hallelujah! Wonders of grace to God belong, Repeat His mercies in your song: Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah! Chorus 1: Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah! Title: CH 68 - We Praise Thee, O God, Our Redeemer Author: Julia Cady Cory and Adrianus Valerius Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 101771 Song ID: U-2068 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Celebration Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3 Verse 1: We praise Thee, O God, our Redeemer, Creator; In grateful devotion our tribute we bring. We lay it before Thee; we kneel and adore Thee; We bless Thy holy name, glad praises we sing. Verse 2: We worship Thee, God of our fathers, we bless Thee; Through life's storm and tempest our guide Thou hast been. When perils o'ertake us, Thou wilt not forsake us, And with Thy help, O Lord, life's battles we win. Verse 3: With voices united our praises we offer, And gladly our songs of true worship we raise. Thy strong arm will guide us; our God is beside us. To Thee, our great Redeemer, forever be praise. Title: CH 650 - O For A Heart To Praise My God Author: Charles Wesley and Carl G. Glaser Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 121933 Song ID: U-2650 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Celebration Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3 Verse 1: O for a heart to praise my God, A heart from sin set free, A heart that always feels Thy blood So freely shed for me. Verse 2: A heart in every thought renewed And full of love divine; Perfect and right and pure and good, A copy, Lord, of Thine! Verse 3: Thy nature, gracious Lord, impart; Come quickly from above. Write Thy new name upon my heart, Thy new, best name of Love. Title: Lord God of Abraham Author: Steve Merkel and Wes Tuttle Copyright: ©2005 Integrity's Hosanna! Music CCLI: 4488644 Song ID: U-1066 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Praise PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Chorus1, Chorus2, Verse3, Verse4, Chorus1, Chorus2, Bridge1, Bridge2, Chorus1, Chorus2 Verse 1: Lord God of Abraham, Isaac and Israel, Let it be known today that You are God; Verse 2: We offer up our lives as a living sacrifice; Purify us with Your holy fire, holy fire. Verse 3: Lord God of Abraham, Isaac and Israel, Let it be known today that You are God; Verse 4: Come now and fill this place, Be exalted in our praise; Let it be known today that You are God, You are God. Chorus 1: You are the Holy One, highly exalted One; We've come to worship at Your holy hill; Chorus 2: You are the Holy One, highly exalted One; And we surrender to Your sovereign will, O Lord God of Abraham. Bridge 1: For the Lord, He is God; For the Lord, He is God; And He shall reign forevermore, Bridge 2: For the Lord, He is God; For the Lord, He is God; And He shall reign forevermore. Title: 459 - Still Author: Reuben Morgan Copyright: ©2002 Hillsong Publishing CCLI: 3940963 Song ID: U-1067 Hymnal: 459 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal, Praise PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Chorus1 Verse 1: Hide me now under Your wings. Cover me within Your mighty hand. Verse 2: Find rest, my soul, in Christ alone. Know His pow'r in quietness and trust. Chorus 1: When the oceans rise and thunders roar, I will soar with You above the storm. Father, You are King over the flood. I will be still, and know You are God. Title: Break Thou the Bread of Life / Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah Author: Lathbury, Sherwin /Williams, Hughes, Williams Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 128338,1448 Song ID: U-3005 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Misc. PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4 Verse 1: Break Thou the bread of life, Dear Lord, to me, As Thou didst break the loaves Beside the sea; Beyond the sacred page I seek Thee, Lord; My spirit pants for Thee, O Living Word. Verse 2: Break Thou the bread of life, O Lord, to me, That hid within my heart Thy Word may be; Mold Thou each inward thought, From self set free, And let my steps be all Controlled by Thee. Verse 3: Open Thy Word of Truth That I may see Thy message written clear And plain for me; Then in sweet fellowship, Walking with Thee, Thine image on my life Engraved will be. Verse 4: When I tread the verge of Jordan, Bid my anxious fears subside; Bear me through the swelling current, Land me safe on Canaan's side; Songs of praises, songs of praises, I will ever give to Thee, I will ever give to Thee. Title: CH 667 - Lord, Speak to Me Author: Frances Ridley Havergal and Robert Schumann Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 103391 Song ID: U-2667 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Celebration Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4 Verse 1: Lord, speak to me, that I may speak In living echoes of Thy tone; As Thou hast sought, so let me seek Thine erring children lost and lone. Verse 2: O teach me, Lord, that I may teach The precious things Thou dost impart; And wing my words that they may reach The hidden depths of many a heart. Verse 3: O fill me with Thy fullness, Lord, Until my very heart o'erflow In kindling thought and glowing word, Thy love to tell, Thy praise to show. Verse 4: O use me, Lord, use even me, Just as Thou wilt, and when, and where, Until Thy blessed face I see-- Thy rest, Thy joy, Thy glory share. Title: CH 791 - Jesus, We Just Want to Thank You Author: Gloria Gaither and William J. Gaither Copyright: ©1974 William J. Gaither, Inc. CCLI: 18101 Song ID: U-2791 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Celebration Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1 Verse 1: Jesus, we just want to thank You, Jesus, we just want to thank You, Jesus, we just want to thank You, Thank You for being so good. Verse 2: Jesus, we just want to praise You, Jesus, we just want to praise You, Jesus, we just want to praise You, Praise You for being so good. Verse 3: Savior, we just want to serve You, Savior, we just want to serve You, Savior, we just want to serve You, Serve You for being so good. Verse 4: Jesus, we know You are coming, Jesus, we know You are coming, Jesus, we know You are coming, Take us to live in Your home. Title: Sing Alleluia Author: Marc Byrd and Steve Hindalong Copyright: ©2002 New Spring Publishing, Inc.\Never Say Never Songs\Meaux Mercy\Blue Raft Music CCLI: 3493025 Song ID: U-1068 Hymnal: Notes: Bridge 2 includes the echo part Groups: Praise PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Bridge1, Chorus2 Verse 1: All creatures of our God and King, Lift up your voice and with us sing. Sun, moon, and stars rejoice on high, Praise to the Lord of light divine. Verse 2: Praise to the Giver of good things, Merciful Father, Holy King. Join with the angels; sing out loud, Praise Him who reigns above the clouds. Chorus 1: Sing alleluia! Sing alleluia! Praise the Father above, sing alleluia! Sing alleluia! Sing alleluia! For His infinite love, sing alleluia! Chorus 2: Sing alleluia! Sing alleluia! Praise the Father above, sing alleluia! Sing alleluia! Sing alleluia! For His infinite love, sing alleluia! Sing alleluia! Bridge 1: When the morning comes, For the rising sun, When the day is done Praise the Lord of love. Alleluia! Alleluia! All creatures of our God and King Lift up your voice and with us sing. Bridge 2: (O praise Him) when the morning comes, (Alleluia!) for the rising sun, (O praise Him) when the day is done (Alleluia!) Praise the Lord of love. (O praise Him) Alleluia! (Alleluia!) Alleluia! All creatures of our God and King Lift up your voice and with us sing. Title: My Refuge Be Author: David Edwards, John Hartley, Margaret Becker, and Russell Mauldin Copyright: ©2002 Modern M. Music, Nail Prince Music, New Spring Publishing, Inc., worshiptogether.com songs CCLI: 3552557 Song ID: U-1069 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Praise PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Chorus1 Verse 1: All throughout my days I will seek your peace, Let me hear Your voice singing over me. When my weary heart drives me to despair, In the shadows, Lord, let me find You there. Verse 2: Friend of broken hearts and all the lost, I will find my strength in Your precious cross. And with ev’ry breath that You give to me May I glorify Your majesty. Chorus 1: Into You, I will hasten; Into You, I will lean. Light of the world, my only shelter, King of love, my refuge be. King of love, my refuge be. Title: Sing Noel Author: Eddie Carswell and Michael O'Brien Copyright: ©2001 Bridge Building Music, Inc.\Sheltering Tree Music\Designer Music Group, Inc. CCLI: 3459423 Song ID: U-1070 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Praise PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus2, Bridge1, Chorus3 Verse 1: Shepherds on the hillside, wise men from afar Celebrate the coming of my Lord. What a tiny stable, what a wondrous star; Unto us a Child is given, unto us a Savior's born. Verse 2: See the little Baby in the manger low; Joyful, we adore the newborn King. Hosanna in the highest, kneel before His throne. Join us in a mighty chorus! Hark, the herald angels sing! Chorus 1: Sing Noel to all in heaven. Sing Noel to all the earth. Sing Noel for Christ our Savior, sing Noel! Sing Noel, all of creation. Sing Noel, celebrate His birth. Sing Noel for Christ our Savior, sing Noel! Chorus 2: Sing Noel to all in heaven. Sing Noel to all the earth. Sing Noel for Christ our Savior, sing Noel! Sing Noel, all of creation. Sing Noel, celebrate His birth. Sing Noel for Christ our Savior, sing Noel! Chorus 3: Sing Noel to all in heaven. Sing Noel to all the earth. Sing Noel for Christ our Savior, sing Noel! Sing Noel, all of creation. Sing Noel, celebrate His birth. Sing Noel for Christ our Savior, sing Noel! For Christ our Savior sing Noel! Noel! Bridge 1: Rejoice, for God is with us. Rejoice, Immanuel! Rejoice and sound those trumpets. Rejoice and ring those bells. Rejoice to the King of Glory, and again we say rejoice! He is the Wonderful Counselor, the Prince of Peace. Title: CH 556 - Let My Life Praise Him Author: B. Darnall,D. Tunney,M. Tunney /J.G. Elliott /E. Goodine Copyright: ©1985 BMG Songs,Pamela Kay Music/ ©1992 BMG Songs,Charlie Monk Music /©1992 New Spring Publishing. CCLI: 10635,2652874,863806 Song ID: U-2556 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Celebration Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4, Verse5 Verse 1: Lord, we want to know You, Live our lives to show You All the love we owe You-- We're seekers of Your heart, Seekers of Your heart. Verse 2: I am crucified with Christ, therefore I no longer live; Jesus Christ now lives in me. I am crucified with Christ, therefore I no longer live; Jesus Christ now lives in me. Verse 3: I am crucified with Christ, therefore I no longer live; Jesus Christ now lives in me. I am crucified with Christ, therefore I no longer live; Jesus Christ now lives in me. Jesus Christ now lives in me. Verse 4: Praise You, praise You; Let my life praise You. Praise You, praise You; Let my life, O Lord, praise You. Verse 5: Praise You, praise You; Let my life praise You. Praise You, praise You; Let my life, O Lord, praise You. Let my life, O Lord, praise You. Title: CH 598 - Wherever He Leads I'll Go Author: B. B. McKinney Copyright: ©1936, 1964 Broadman Press. CCLI: 25194 Song ID: U-2598 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Celebration Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4 Verse 1: "Take up thy cross and follow Me," I heard my Master say: "I gave My life to ransom thee, Surrender your all today." Wherever He leads I'll go, Wherever He leads I'll go; I'll follow my Christ who loves me so, Wherever He leads I'll go. Verse 2: He drew me closer to His side, I sought His will to know, And in that will I now abide, Wherever He leads I'll go. Wherever He leads I'll go, Wherever He leads I'll go; I'll follow my Christ who loves me so, Wherever He leads I'll go. Verse 3: It may be through the shadows dim, Or o'er the stormy sea, I take the cross and follow Him, Wherever He leadeth me. Wherever He leads I'll go, Wherever He leads I'll go; I'll follow my Christ who loves me so, Wherever He leads I'll go. Verse 4: My heart, my life, my all I bring To Christ who loves me so; He is my Master, Lord, and King, Wherever He leads I'll go. Wherever He leads I'll go, Wherever He leads I'll go; I'll follow my Christ who loves me so, Wherever He leads I'll go. Chorus 1: Wherever He leads I'll go, Wherever He leads I'll go; I'll follow my Christ who loves me so, Wherever He leads I'll go. Title: CH 421 - Love That Binds Author: Jim Gilbert / Otis Skillings / Richard Gillard Copyright: ©1977 Bud John Songs, Inc. / ©1971 Lillenas Publishing Co. / ©1977 Scripture In Song CCLI: 10130, 14459, 772673 Song ID: U-2421 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Celebration Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse4, Verse5, Verse7, Verse8, Verse4 Verse 1: I love you with the love of the Lord. Yes, I love you with the love of the Lord. I can see in you the glory of my King, And I love you with the love of the Lord. Verse 2: We are one in the bond of love, We are one in the bond of love; We have joined our spirit with the Spirit of God, We are one in the bond of love. Verse 3: Let us sing now, every one, Let us feel His love begun; Let us join our hands that the world will know We are one in the bond of love. Verse 4: Brother, sister, let me serve you, Let me be as Christ to you; Pray that I may have the grace To let you be my servant too. Verse 5: We are pilgrims on a journey; We're together on this road. We are here to help each other Walk the mile and bear the load. Verse 6: I will hold the Christ-light for you In the nighttime of your fear; I will hold my hand out to you, Speak the peace you long to hear. Verse 7: I will weep when you are weeping; When you laugh, I'll laugh with you. I will share your joy and sorrow Till we've seen this journey through. Verse 8: When we sing to God in heaven, We shall find such harmony, Born of all we've known together Of Christ's love and agony. Ending 1: Let me be your servant, Let me by your servant, Let me be as Christ to you. Title: Renew Me Author: Lana Gibbons Copyright: ©1999 Lana Gibbons CCLI: Song ID: U-1071 Hymnal: Notes: Not in CCLI database Groups: Praise PlayOrder: Chorus1, Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: For You alone are my strength, my song. Your love redeems me, makes right of my wrong. Savior and Shepherd, my Master and King, Restore my joy, so my spirit can sing. Verse 2: For You alone can restore my soul, Your love repairs me, turns broken to whole. Almighty God, You remove all my sin. You give me life in Your Spirit within. Verse 3: For You alone give me pow’r to start, Your love is kindling a pureness of heart. Maker, Creator of all that is new, Help me, revise me, so I’m more like You. Chorus 1: Renew me, repair me, refresh me, restore me. Renew a right spirit within me. Redeem me, recharge me, revise me, revive me. Create in me a clean heart. Title: Shine On / Shine, Jesus Shine Author: Graul,Millard,Bryson,Scheuchzer,Cochran,Kipley,Shaffer / Kendrick Copyright: ©2004 Simpleville Music,Wet As A Fish Music,Songs From The Indigo Room,Wordspring Music, LLC/©1987 Make Way Music CCLI: 4312260,30426 Song ID: U-1072 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Praise PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Chorus2, Chorus1 Verse 1: If we're to be the light that shines for all of man, Then how can we light the way if we don't go to them? I believe to know God's heart is to meet them where they are. Verse 2: In all that's said and done and everything you do, Just let your life glorify the One who shines on you. I believe we worship Christ when we show the world His light. Chorus 1: Won't you shine on? Won't you shine on? You can shine on, shine on. Chorus 2: Shine, Jesus shine, fill this land with the Father's glory; Blaze, Spirit blaze, set our hearts on fire. Flow, river flow, flood the nations with grace and mercy; Send forth Your Word, Lord, and let there be light. Title: Again And Again Author: Claire Cloninger and Robert Sterling Copyright: ©2004 Juniper Landing Music, Two Fine Boys Music, Word Music CCLI: 4320685 Song ID: U-1073 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Praise PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Chorus1, Chorus2, Verse3, Chorus1, Chorus2, Verse4, Ending1 Verse 1: Lord of the manger, Lord of the cross, We gained our freedom with the life that You lost. You lived among us, our Savior and friend. And we praise You, Lord Jesus, again and again. Verse 2: Lord of all mercy, Lord of all joy, You claimed the vict'ry death can never destroy. You give us new life that never will end. And we praise You, Lord Jesus, again and again. Verse 3: Lord of all ages, Lord of all days. We stand before You forever amazed At how You have loved us and called us Your friend; And we praise You, Lord Jesus, again and again. Verse 4: Lord of all ages, Lord of all days. We stand before You forever amazed At how You have loved us and called us Your friend; Chorus 1: Glory to the One who walks beside us. (Sing Glory to His name.) Glory to the One who always will. (Sing glory, Glory!) Chorus 2: We praise You for Your awesome love that guides us. (We praise You for Your love.) And when Your kingdom comes, we will praise You still. Ending 1: Praise You, Lord Jesus, Praise You, Lord Jesus, Praise You, Lord Jesus, again and again. Again, Again, Again, Again! Title: Great is Thy Faithfulness / Amazing Grace Author: Chisholm and Runyan / Newton, Rees, and Excell Copyright: ©1923. Renewed 1951 Hope Publishing Company / Public Domain CCLI: 18723/22025 Song ID: U-3007 Hymnal: Notes: Medley for SAM Choir Groups: Misc. PlayOrder: Chorus1, Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: "Great is Thy faithfulness," O God my Father, There is no shadow of turning with Thee; Thou changest not, Thy compassions, they fail not; As Thou hast been Thou forever wilt be. Verse 2: Pardon for sin and a peace that endureth, Thy own dear presence to cheer and to guide; Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow, Blessings all mine, with ten thousand beside! Verse 3: Amazing grace, how sweet the sound That saved a wretch like me! I once was lost, but now am found, Was blind, but now I see. Verse 4: When we've been there ten thousand years, Bright shining as the sun, We've no less days to sing God's praise Than when we first begun. Chorus 1: "Great is Thy faithfulness! Great is Thy faithfulness!" Morning by morning new mercies I see; All I have needed Thy hand hath provided, "Great is Thy faithfulness," Lord, unto me! Title: I Bow Before You Author: Lowell Alexander and Robert Sterling Copyright: ©2001 Two Fine Boys Music CCLI: Song ID: U-1074 Hymnal: Notes: Not in CCLI database Groups: Praise PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse1, Verse2, Chorus1, Chorus2, Ending1 Verse 1: Jesus, I bow before You. I want to give You all that I am. Shape me to be like You, Lord, for there is mercy in Your hands. Verse 2: Jesus, how I adore You. I want to make You King of my heart. Hold me so close to You, Lord. There is salvation in Your arms. Chorus 1: Lord, I will praise You endlessly; yes, I will praise You endlessly. Lord, I will bow down on my knees and I will praise You endlessly. Chorus 2: Lord, I will praise You endlessly; yes, I will praise You endlessly. Lord, I will bow down on my knees and I will praise You endlessly. Ending 1: Jesus, I bow before You. Jesus, I bow before You. Jesus, I bow before You. Jesus, I bow before You. Title: Apostle's Creed (We Believe) Author: Dan Wilt Copyright: ©1996 Vineyard Songs Canada CCLI: 2143637 Song ID: U-1075 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Praise PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Verse4, Chorus1, Chorus2 Verse 1: We believe in God the Father, Almighty Maker of the heavens and the earth. And in Jesus Christ His Son, Who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, and given birth. We believe, we believe. Verse 2: And He was born of the Virgin Mary, And He suffered under Pontius Pilate. He was crucified and dead and buried, And He descended to the depths of hell, and then He rose again. We believe, we believe. We believe, we believe, we believe. Verse 3: He ascended to the highest heavens And is seated at the right hand of God. He will come again to judge the living, Yes, He will come again to judge the living, and judge the dead. We believe, we believe. Verse 4: And we believe in the Holy Spirit; And we believe in the Holy Christian Church. And we believe in the communion of saints; And we believe in the forgiveness of sins, and the resurrection. We believe, we believe. We believe, we believe, we believe. Chorus 1: And we believe He sends His Spirit On His church with grace and power. And we believe He pours His Spirit On His church this final hour. Chorus 2: And we believe He sends His Spirit On His church with grace and power. And we believe He pours His Spirit On His church this final hour. We believe, we believe, we believe. We believe, we believe, we believe. Title: CH 433 - Rise Up, O Church Of God Author: William Merrill, Aaron Williams, and Joseph Barlowe Copyright: ©1997 Integrity's Hosanna! Music and Word Music CCLI: 285666 Song ID: U-2433 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Celebration Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4 Verse 1: Rise up, O Church of God! Have done with lesser things; Give heart and mind and soul and strength To serve the King of kings. Verse 2: Rise up, O Church of God! His kingdom tarries long; Bring in the day of brotherhood And end the night of wrong. Verse 3: Rise up, O sons of God! The church for you doth wait, Her strength unequal to her task. Rise up, and make her great! Verse 4: Lift high the cross of Christ! Tread where His feet have trod; As foll'wers of the Son of Man, Rise up, O Church of God! Ending 1: Rise up, Rise up, Rise up! Title: CH 805 - If My People's Hearts Are Humbled Author: Claire Cloninger and John Zundel Copyright: ©1986 Word Music, LLC CCLI: 96123 Song ID: U-2805 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Celebration Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2 Verse 1: If My people's hearts are humbled, If they pray and seek My face; If they turn away from evil I will not withhold My grace. I will hear their prayers from heaven; I will pardon every sin. If My people's hearts are humbled, I will surely heal their land. Verse 2: Then My eyes will see their sorrow, Then My ears will hear their plea. If My people's hearts are humbled I will set their nation free. If My people's hearts are humbled, If they pray and seek My face; If they turn away from evil I will not withhold My grace. Title: CH 586 - He's Got The Whole World in His Hands Author: Copyright: ©1986 Word Music LLC CCLI: 4666473 Song ID: U-2586 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Celebration Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4 Verse 1: He's got the whole world in His hands, He's got the whole world in His hands, He's got the whole world in His hands, He's got the whole world in His hands. Verse 2: He's got the wind and the rain in His hands, He's got the wind and the rain in His hands, He's got the wind and the rain in His hands, He's got the whole world in His hands. Verse 3: He's got the tiny little baby in His hands, He's got the tiny little baby in His hands, He's got the tiny little baby in His hands, He's got the whole world in His hands. Verse 4: He's got you and me, brother, in His hands, He's got you and me, sister, in His hands, He's got you and me, brother, in His hands, He's got the whole world in His hands. Title: CH 61 - Bless the Lord Your God Author: Fitts / Assisi, Draper Copyright: ©1984 Scripture In Song / Public Domain CCLI: 21480,1502 Song ID: U-2061 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Celebration Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Chorus1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4 Verse 1: Father in heaven, how we love You; We lift Your name in all the earth. May Your kingdom be established in our praises, As Your people declare Your mighty works. Verse 2: All creatures of our God and King, Lift up your voice and with us sing Alleluia! Alleluia! Thou burning sun with golden beam, Thou silver moon with softer gleam, O praise Him! O praise Him! Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia! Verse 3: Thou rushing wind that art so strong, Ye clouds that sail in heav'n along, O praise Him! Alleluia! Thou rising morn, in praise rejoice; Ye lights of evening, find a voice, O praise Him! O praise Him! Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia! Verse 4: Let all things their Creator bless, And worship Him in humbleness, O praise Him! Alleluia! Praise, praise the Father, praise the Son, And praise the Spirit, Three in One, O praise Him! O praise Him! Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia! Chorus 1: Blessed be the Lord God Almighty, Who was, and is, and is to come. Blessed be the Lord God Almighty, Who reigns forevermore. Ending 1: O praise Him! (O praise Him!) Allelu, alleluia! Title: CH 42 - Crown Him Lord of All Author: Perronet,Rippon,Holden /Damazio/ Elvey,Thring,Bridges Copyright: Public Domain /©1991 Integrity's Hosanna! Music/ Public Domain CCLI: 25400,,206009,23938 Song ID: U-2042 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Celebration Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Chorus1, Chorus1, Verse4, Verse5, Verse6 Verse 1: All hail the pow'r of Jesus' name! Let angels prostrate fall; Bring forth the royal diadem, And crown Him Lord of all; Bring forth the royal diadem, And crown Him Lord of all! Verse 2: Let ev'ry kindred, ev'ry tribe On this terrestrial ball, To Him all majesty ascribe, And crown Him Lord of all; To Him all majesty ascribe And crown Him Lord of all! Verse 3: O that with yonder sacred throng We at His feet may fall! We'll join the everlasting song, And crown Him Lord of all; We'll join the everlasting song, And crown Him Lord of all! Verse 4: Crown Him with many crowns, The Lamb upon His throne. Hark! how the heav'nly anthem drowns All music but its own! Awake, my soul, and sing Of Him who died for thee, And hail Him as thy matchless King Through all eternity. Verse 5: Crown Him the Lord of life! Who triumphed o'er the grave; Who rose victorious in the strife For those He came to save. His glories now we sing, Who died and rose on high, Who died eternal life to bring And lives that death may die. Verse 6: Crown Him the Lord of heav'n! One with the Father known, One with the Spirit through Him giv'n From yonder glorious throne. To Thee be endless praise, For Thou for us hast died. Be Thou, O Lord, through endless days Adored and magnified! Chorus 1: Crown Him King of kings; Crown Him Lord of lords. Wonderful, Counselor, the Mighty God; Emmanuel, God is with us, And He shall reign, He shall reign, He shall reign forevermore. Ending 1: He shall reign, He shall reign, He shall reign forevermore. Crown Him! Title: 50 - Indescribable Author: Laura Story Copyright: ©2004 Worshiptogether.com Songs/sixsteps Music/Gleaning Publishing CCLI: 4403076 Song ID: U-1076 Hymnal: 50 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal, Praise PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus2, Chorus3, Chorus4, Ending1 Verse 1: From the highest of heights to the depths of the sea, Creation’s revealing Your majesty. From the colors of fall to the fragrance of spring, Every creature unique in the song that it sings. All exclaiming: Verse 2: Who has told every lightning bolt where it should go, Or seen heavenly storehouses laden with snow? Who imagined the sun and gives source to its light, Yet conceals it to bring us the coolness of night? None can fathom! Chorus 1: Indescribable, uncontainable; You placed the stars in the sky, and You know them by name. You are amazing, God! All powerful, untamable! Awestruck, we fall to our knees as we humbly proclaim, You are amazing, God! Chorus 2: Indescribable, uncontainable; You placed the stars in the sky, and You know them by name. You are amazing, God! All powerful, untamable! Awestruck, we fall to our knees as we humbly proclaim, You are amazing, God! You are amazing, God! Chorus 3: Indescribable, uncontainable; You placed the stars in the sky, and You know them by name. You are amazing, God! All powerful, untamable! Awestruck, we fall to our knees as we humbly proclaim, You are amazing, God! Chorus 4: Indescribable, uncontainable; You placed the stars in the sky, and You know them by name. You are amazing, God! Incomp’rable, unchangeable! You see the depths of my heart and You love me the same. You are amazing, God! Ending 1: You see the depths of my heart and You love me the same. You are amazing, God. You see the depths of my heart and You love me the same. You are amazing, God. Title: I Will Never Be (the Same Again) Author: Geoff Bullock Copyright: ©1995 Word Music, Inc and Maranatha! Music CCLI: 1874911 Song ID: U-1077 Hymnal: 864 Notes: Groups: Praise PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3 Verse 1: I will never be the same again; I can never return, I’ve closed the door. I will walk the path, I’ll run the race, And I will never be the same again. Verse 2: There are higher heights, there are deeper seas; Whatever You need to do, Lord, do in me. The glory of God fills my life, And I will never be the same again. Verse 3: I will never be the same again; I can never return, I’ve closed the door. I will walk the path, I’ll run the race, And I will never be the same again. No, I will never be the same again. Chorus 1: Fall like fire, soak like rain; Flow like mighty waters again and again. Sweep away the darkness, burn away the chaff, And let a flame burn to glorify Your name! Title: You Are Everything (Everything I Need) Author: Brian Doerksen and Steve Mitchinson Copyright: ©2004 Integrity’s Hosanna! Music CCLI: 4316871 Song ID: U-1078 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Praise PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse1, Chorus2, Chorus3 Verse 1: My soul is yearning for Your living stream. My heart is aching for You. All that I long for is found in Your heart. You are everything I need. Chorus 1: You are the thirst, You are the stream, You are the hunger living deep inside of me. You are the food that satisfies, You are provision for the journey of our lives. You are everything, You are. Chorus 2: You are the thirst, You are the stream, You are the hunger living deep inside of me. You are the food that satisfies, You are provision for the journey of our lives. Chorus 3: You are the thirst, You are the stream, You are the hunger living deep inside of me. You are the food that satisfies, You are provision for the journey of our lives. You are everything, You are everything, You are everything, You are. Title: CH 221 - All Praise To Our Redeeming Lord Author: Charles Wesley and Carl G. Glaser Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 178962 Song ID: U-2221 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Celebration Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3 Verse 1: All praise to our redeeming Lord, Who joins us by His grace And bids us, each to each restored, Together seek His face. Verse 2: He bids us build each other up; And gathered into one, To our high calling's glorious hope, We hand in hand go on. Verse 3: And if our fellowship below In Jesus be so sweet, What greater blessings shall we know When round His throne we meet? Title: 128 - Beautiful One Author: Tim Hughes Copyright: ©2002 Thankyou Music CCLI: 3915912 Song ID: U-1079 Hymnal: 128 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal, Praise PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Chorus1, Bridge1, Chorus1, Ending1 Verse 1: Wonderful, so wonderful, is Your unfailing love; Your cross has spoken mercy over me. No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no heart could fully know how glorious, how beautiful You are. Verse 2: Powerful, so powerful, Your glory fills the skies; Your mighty works displayed for all to see. The beauty of Your majesty awakes my heart to sing; How marvelous, how wonderful You are. Chorus 1: Beautiful One, I love; Beautiful One, I adore; Beautiful One, my soul must sing. Bridge 1: You opened my eyes to Your wonders anew, You captured my heart with this love; ‘Cause nothing on earth is as beautiful as You, Jesus. Bridge 2: You opened my eyes to Your wonders anew, You captured my heart with this love; ‘Cause nothing on earth is as beautiful as You. Ending 1: My soul, my soul must sing. My soul, my soul must sing. My soul, my soul must sing, Beautiful One. My soul, my soul must sing. My soul, my soul must sing. My soul, my soul must sing, Beautiful One. Title: Come And Behold Him Author: George Searcy and John Chisum Copyright: ©1994 Integrity's Hosanna! Music, Integrity's Praise! Music CCLI: 1322573 Song ID: U-1080 Hymnal: 790 Notes: Groups: Praise PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Chorus1, Ending1 Verse 1: Come and behold Him, come see His glory; Come with an honest heart to see all He is. We will discover all of His beauty; His light will burn away all the darkness we've known. Verse 2: Come and behold Him, come see His mercy; Come find His tenderness reaching to you. Just as a mirror shows a reflection, His Word and Spirit come, now reflecting His love. Verse 3: Come and behold Him, come filled with wonder; Come see the Christ child here; a Savior is born. In His redemption we find perfection; Come now, believing our Messiah has come. Chorus 1: Come and behold Him, come and behold Him; Come with an honest heart to see all He is. Come and behold Him, wait now before Him; Come with an honest heart to see all He is. Chorus 2: Come and behold Him, come and behold Him; Come with an honest heart to see all He is. Come and behold Him, wait now before Him; Come with an honest heart to see all He is. Come with an honest heart to see all He is. Ending 1: Come with an honest heart to see all He is. Title: CH 599 - Jesus Is Lord of All Author: Gloria Gaither and William J. Gaither Copyright: ©1973 William J. Gaither, Inc. CCLI: 13096 Song ID: U-2599 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Celebration Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3 Verse 1: All my tomorrows, all my past-- Jesus is Lord of all. I've quit my struggles, contentment at last! Jesus is Lord of all. King of kings, Lord of lords, Jesus is Lord of all; All my possessions and all my life, Jesus is Lord of all. Verse 2: All of my conflicts, all my thoughts-- Jesus is Lord of all. His love wins the battles I could not have fought; Jesus is Lord of all. King of kings, Lord of lords, Jesus is Lord of all; All my possessions and all my life, Jesus is Lord of all. Verse 3: All of my longings, all my dreams-- Jesus is Lord of all. All of my failures His power redeems; Jesus is Lord of all. King of kings, Lord of lords, Jesus is Lord of all; All my possessions and all my life, Jesus is Lord of all. Chorus 1: King of kings, Lord of lords, Jesus is Lord of all; All my possessions and all my life, Jesus is Lord of all. Title: 5 - How Great is Our God Author: Chris Tomlin, Ed Cash, and Jesse Reeves Copyright: ©2004 Worshiptogether.com Songs; sixsteps Music; Alletrop Music CCLI: 4348399 Song ID: U-1081 Hymnal: 5 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal, Praise PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Chorus2, Bridge1, Ending1 Verse 1: The splendor of the King, clothed in majesty; Let all the earth rejoice, all the earth rejoice. He wraps Himself in light, and darkness tries to hide, And trembles at His voice, and trembles at His voice. Verse 2: And age to age He stands, time is in His hands; Beginning and the End, Beginning and the End. The Godhead, three in one, Father, Spirit, Son, The Lion and the Lamb, the Lion and the Lamb. Chorus 1: How great is our God! Sing with me: How great is our God! And all will see how great, How great is our God. Chorus 2: Name above all names, Worthy of our praise. My heart will sing "How great is our God." Bridge 1: How great is our God! (Name above all names,) Sing with me: How great is our God! (Worthy of our praise.) And all will see how great, (My heart will sing) How great is our God. Ending 1: How great is our God! (Name above all names,) Sing with me: How great is our God! (Worthy of our praise.) And all will see how great, (My heart will sing) How great is our God. How great, how great is our God! Ending 2: How great is our God! Sing with me: How great is our God! And all will see how great, How great is our God. How great, how great is our God! Title: CH 19 - Sing His Praise Author: Greenelsh / Wesley, Glaser, Mason Copyright: ©1978 Integrity's Hosanna! Musix / Public Domain CCLI: 19351, 369 Song ID: U-2019 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Celebration Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4, Verse6 Verse 1: Let there be glory and honor and praises; Glory and honor to Jesus. Glory and honor, glory and honor to Him. Verse 2: O for a thousand tongues to sing My great Redeemer's praise, The glories of my God and King, The triumphs of His grace. Verse 3: Jesus! the name that charms our fears, That bids our sorrows cease, 'Tis music in the sinner's ears, 'Tis life and health and peace. Verse 4: He breaks the pow'r of cancelled sin, He sets the prisoner free; His blood can make the foulest clean; His blood availed for me. Verse 5: Hear Him, ye deaf; His praise, ye dumb, Your loosened tongues employ; Ye blind, behold your Savior come; And leap, ye lame, for joy. Verse 6: My gracious Master and my God, Assist me to proclaim, To spread through all the earth abroad, The honors of Thy name. Ending 1: O for a thousand tongues to sing My great Redeemer's praise. Title: The River is Here Author: Andy Park Copyright: ©1994 Mercy/Vineyard Publishing CCLI: 1475231 Song ID: U-1082 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Praise PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Ending1 Verse 1: Down the mountain the river flows, And it brings refreshing wherever it goes. Through the valleys and over the fields, The river is rushing and the river is here. Verse 2: The river of God is teeming with life, And all who touch it can be revived. And those who linger on this river’s shore Will come back thirsting for more of the Lord. Verse 3: Up to the mountain we love to go To find the presence of the Lord. Along the banks of the river we run, We dance with laughter giving praise to the Son. Chorus 1: The river of God sets our feet a-dancing, The river of God fills our hearts with cheer. The river of God fills our mouth with laughter, And we rejoice for the river is here. Ending 1: The river of God sets our feet a-dancing, The river of God fills our hearts with cheer. The river of God fills our mouth with laughter, And we rejoice for the river is here. And we rejoice for the river is here. Title: CH 792 - For All These Things Author: Bob Farrell and Greg Nelson Copyright: ©1993 Lehsem Music, LLC\Steadfast Music\Gentle Ben Music\Dayspring Music, LLC CCLI: 1169231 Song ID: U-2792 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Celebration Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4, Verse5 Verse 1: From mountain heights and vaulted skies Your hand is clearly seen; We cast our praise with nature's cry With thanks for all these things. Verse 2: For promises from age to age That caused our hearts to dream; Purest adoration we impart, With thanks for all these things. Verse 3: From ransomed men of tender heart, Whose souls You taught to sing; Your children lift their voice to You With thanks for all these things. Verse 4: For refuge from the dark'ning storm And rest beneath Your wings; We worship You with grateful hearts, O God for all these things. Verse 5: We honor You, our Risen Lord; We praise You, coming King. We consecrate our lives to You With thanks for all these things. Title: CH 247 - Let's Worship and Adore Him Author: John Francis Wade and Tom Fettle Copyright: ©1997 Integritys Hosanna! Music and Word Music CCLI: 31054 Song ID: U-2247 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Celebration Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2 Verse 1: Let's worship and adore Him, Let's worship and adore Him, Let's worship and adore Him, Christ the Lord Verse 2: For He alone is worthy, For He alone is worthy, For He alone is worthy, Christ the Lord. Title: CH 293 - Praise The One Who Breaks The Darkness Author: John Wyeth and Rusty Edwards Copyright: ©1987 Hope Publishing Company CCLI: 1828792 Song ID: U-2293 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Celebration Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3 Verse 1: Praise the One who breaks the darkness With a liberating light; Praise the One who frees the pris'ners, Turning blindness into sight. Praise the One who preached the gospel, Healing every dread disease, Calming storms and feeding thousands With the very bread of peace. Verse 2: Praise the One who blessed the children With a strong yet gentle word; Praise the One who drove out demons With a piercing two-edged sword. Praise the One who brings cool water To the desert's burning sand; From this well comes living water Quenching thirst in every land. Verse 3: Praise the one true love incarnate: Christ, who suffered in our place; Jesus died and rose for many That we may know God by grace. Let us sing for joy and gladness, Seeing what our God has done. Praise the one redeeming glory; Praise the One who makes us one. Title: CH 394 - Greater Is He That Is In Me Author: Lanny Wolfe Copyright: ©1973 Lanny Wolfe Music CCLI: 6962 Song ID: U-2394 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Celebration Hymnal PlayOrder: Chorus1 Chorus 1: Greater is He that is in me, Greater is He that is in me; Greater is He that is in me Than he that is in the world. Title: The Savior of the World is Coming Author: Copyright: CCLI: Song ID: U-3008 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Misc. PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse1, Chorus1, Verse1, Chorus2 Verse 1: The Savior of the world is coming, The Savior of the world is coming down; Come on, Gabriel, go tell Mary, The Savior of the world is coming down. Chorus 1: And He will be King, And His Kingdom will never end, And He will be called the Son of the Most High. He will come in Love, And the world will never be the same. The Savior of the world is coming down. Chorus 2: And He will be King, And His Kingdom will never end, And He will be called the Son of the Most High. He will come in Love, And the world will never be the same. The Savior of the world is coming down. The Savior of the world is coming down. Oh-oh, the Savior of the world is coming down. Title: You Are Holy (Prince Of Peace) Author: Mark Imboden / Tammi Rhoton Copyright: ©1994 Imboden Music\Martha Jo Publishing (Admin. by Music Services) CCLI: 2332149 Song ID: U-3009 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Misc. PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Chorus1, Chorus2 Verse 1: You are holy, (You are holy) You are mighty. (You are mighty) You are worthy, (You are worthy) Worthy of praise. (Worthy of praise) Verse 2: I will follow, (I will follow) I will listen. (I will listen) I will love You (I will love You) All of my days. (All of my days) Chorus 1: I will sing to and worship The King who is worthy. I will love and adore Him; I will bow down before Him. Chorus 2: I will sing to and worship The King who is worthy. I will love and adore Him; I will bow down before Him. You're my Prince of Peace, And I will live my life for You. Title: Every Move I Make Author: David Ruis Copyright: ©1996 Mercy / Vineyard Publishing \ ION Publishing CCLI: 1595726 Song ID: U-3010 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Misc. PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1 Verse 1: Every move I make, I make in You; (You make me move, Jesus) Every breath I take, I breathe in You. Every step I take, I take in You (You are my way, Jesus) Every breath I take, I breathe in You. Chorus 1: Waves of mercy, Waves of grace; Everywhere I look, I see Your face. Your love has captured me. Oh, my God, this love-- how can it be! Title: Everyday Author: Joel Houston Copyright: ©1999 Hillsong Publishing CCLI: 2798154 Song ID: U-3011 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Misc. PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Chorus1, Bridge1 Verse 1: What to say, Lord? It's You who gave me life, and I can't explain just how much You mean to me. Now that You have saved me, Lord, I give all that I am to You, that everyday, I can be a light that shines Your name. Verse 2: Everyday, Lord, I'll learn to stand upon Your Word. And I pray that I, that I might come to know You more. That You would guide me in every single step I take. That everyday, I can be a light unto the world. Chorus 1: Everyday, it's You I'll live for. Everyday, I'll follow after You. Everyday, I'll walk with You, my Lord. Bridge 1: It's You I live for, everyday. It's You I live for, everyday. It's You I live for, everyday. Title: 58 - Our God Reigns Author: Leonard E. Smith, Jr. Copyright: ©1974, 1978 New Jerusalem Music CCLI: 8458 Song ID: U-0058 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: How lovely on the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, good news. Announcing peace, proclaiming news of happiness. Our God reigns; our God reigns! Verse 2: He had no stately form; He had no majesty, That we should be drawn to Him. He was despised, and we took no account of Him, Yet now He reigns with the Most High. Verse 3: Out of the tomb He came with grace and majesty; He is alive, He is alive. God loves us so-- see here His hands, His feet, His side. Yes, we know He is alive. Chorus 1: Our God reigns! Our God reigns! Our God reigns! Our God reigns! Title: CH 346 - This is Love Author: Wesley and Campbell / Gabriel / Kaiser Copyright: Public Domain / Public Domain / ©1975 Word Music, LLC CCLI: 25280/25297/15850 Song ID: U-2346 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Celebration Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4, Verse5, Verse6, Verse7 Verse 1: And can it be that I should gain An int'rest in the Savior's blood? Died He for me, who caused His pain? For me, who Him to death pursued? Amazing love! How can it be That Thou, my God, shouldst die for me? Amazing love! How can it be That Thou, my God, shouldst die for me? Verse 2: He left His Father's throne above; So free, so infinite His grace. Emptied Himself of all but love, And bled for Adam's helpless race. 'Tis mercy all, immense and free, For, O my God, it found out me. Amazing love! How can it be That Thou, my God, shouldst die for me? Verse 3: No condemnation now I dread; Jesus, and all in Him, is mine! Alive in Him, my living Head, And clothed in righteousness divine; Bold I approach th' eternal throne And claim the crown, through Christ, my own. Amazing love! How can it be That Thou, my God, shouldst die for me? Verse 4: I stand amazed in the presence Of Jesus, the Nazarene, And wonder how He could love me, A sinner, condemned, unclean. How marvelous, How wonderful! And my song shall ever be: How marvelous, How wonderful Is my Savior's love for me! Verse 5: He took my sins and my sorrows; He made them His very own. He bore the burden to Calv'ry And suffered and died alone. How marvelous, How wonderful! And my song shall ever be: How marvelous, How wonderful Is my Savior's love for me! Verse 6: O how He loves you and me! O how He loves you and me! He gave His life; What more could He give? O how He loves you; O how He loves me; O how He loves you and me! Verse 7: Jesus to Calv'ry did go; His love for sinners to show. What He did there Brought hope from despair. O how He loves you; O how He loves me; O how He loves you and me! Chorus 1: Amazing love! How can it be That Thou, my God, shouldst die for me? Chorus 2: How marvelous, How wonderful! And my song shall ever be: How marvelous, How wonderful Is my Savior's love for me! Chorus 3: O how He loves you; O how He loves me; O how He loves you and me! Title: Again I Say Rejoice Author: Israel Houghton and Aaron Lindsey Copyright: ©2004 Integrity's Praise! Music / Aaron Lindsey Publishing CCLI: 4302823 Song ID: U-1083 Hymnal: 762 Notes: Groups: Praise PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse1, Chorus1, Bridge1, Ending1 Verse 1: Come bless the Lord, Come bless the Lord. Draw near to worship Christ the Lord. And bless His name, His holy name, Declaring He is good. O that we would praise Him! O that we would praise Him! Chorus 1: Rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say, again I say; Rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say, again I say; Rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say, again I say "Rejoice!" Bridge 1: O that we would praise His name; Praise His name to the ends of the earth. O that we would praise His name; Praise His name to the ends of the earth. O that we would praise His name. Again I say, again I say; Again I say, again I say; Again I say, again I say; Ending 1: Rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say, again I say; Rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say, again I say; "Rejoice!" And again I say, again I say; "Rejoice!" And again I say, again I say "Rejoice!" Title: 121 - Everlasting God Author: Brenton Brown and Ken Riley Copyright: ©2005 Thankyou Music CCLI: 4556538 Song ID: U-1084 Hymnal: 121 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal, Praise PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse1, Chorus2, Bridge1, Chorus2 Verse 1: Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord, We will wait upon the Lord, We will wait upon the Lord. Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord. We will wait upon the Lord, We will wait upon the Lord. Our God, You reign forever. Our Hope, our strong Deliverer. Chorus 1: You are the everlasting God, The everlasting God. You do not faint, You won't grow weary. Chorus 2: You are the everlasting God, The everlasting God. You do not faint, You won't grow weary. You're the defender of the weak, You comfort those in need. You lift us up on wings like eagles. Bridge 1: Our God, You reign forever. Our Hope, our strong Deliverer. Title: 67 - Holy Is The Lord Author: Chris Tomlin and Louie Giglio Copyright: ©2003 worshiptogether.com Songs / sixsteps Music CCLI: 4158039 Song ID: U-1085 Hymnal: 67 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal, Praise PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse1, Chorus1, Bridge1, Chorus2, Ending1 Verse 1: We stand and lift up our hands, For the joy of the Lord is our strength. We bow down and worship Him now-- How great, how awesome is He. And together we sing. Everyone sing: Chorus 1: Holy is the Lord God Almighty-- the earth is filled with His glory. Holy is the Lord God Almighty-- the earth is filled with His glory. The earth is filled with His glory. Chorus 2: Holy is the Lord God Almighty-- the earth is filled with His glory. Holy is the Lord God Almighty-- the earth is filled with His glory. Bridge 1: And it's rising up all around, It's the anthem of the Lord's renown. Yes, it's rising up all around, It's the anthem of the Lord's renown. Yes, it's rising up all around, It's the anthem of the Lord's renown. And together we sing. Everyone sing: Ending 1: The earth is filled with His glory. The earth is filled with His glory. Holy is the Lord. (Holy is the Lord.) Holy is the Lord. (Holy is the Lord.) Holy is the Lord. Title: How Great Are You Lord Author: Lynn DeShazo Copyright: ©1999 Integrity's Hosanna! Music CCLI: 2888576 Song ID: U-1086 Hymnal: 849 Notes: Groups: Praise PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse1, Chorus1, Verse1, Ending1 Verse 1: How great are You, Lord, How great is Your mercy, How great are the things That You have done for me. How great are You, Lord, Your loving kindness Is filling my heart as I sing, How great are You, Lord. Chorus 1: How great is Your love, it reaches to the heavens. How great is the heart that sought and rescued me. Ending 1: Is filling my heart as I sing, how great are You, Lord. Is filling my heart as I sing, How great are You, Lord! Title: 103 - Offering Author: Paul Baloche Copyright: 2002 Integrity's Hosanna! Music CCLI: 3956562 Song ID: U-1087 Hymnal: 103 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal, Praise PlayOrder: Verse3, Verse4, Chorus1, Verse3, Verse4, Chorus2, Chorus3, Chorus4, Ending1 Verse 1: Over the skies of Bethlehem appeared a star While angels sang to lowly shepherds. Verse 2: Three wise men seeking truth traveled from afar, Hoping to find the child from heaven. Falling on their knees, they bowed before the humble Prince of Peace. Verse 3: The sun cannot compare to the glory of Your love; There is no shadow in Your presence. Verse 4: No mortal man would dare to stand before Your throne, Before the Holy One of heaven. It’s only by Your blood, and it’s only through Your mercy, Lord, I come. Chorus 1: I bring an offering of worship to my King. No one on earth deserves the praises that I sing. Jesus, may You receive the honor that You’re due. Oh, Lord, I bring an offering to You. Chorus 2: I bring an offering of worship to my King. No one on earth deserves the praises that I sing. Jesus, may You receive the honor that You’re due. Oh, Lord, I bring an offering to You. Chorus 3: I bring an offering of worship to my King. No one on earth deserves the praises that I sing. Jesus, may You receive the honor that You’re due. Oh, Lord, I bring an offering to You. Chorus 4: I bring an offering of worship to my King. No one on earth deserves the praises that I sing. Jesus, may You receive the honor that You’re due. Oh, Lord, I bring an offering to You. Ending 1: Oh, Lord, I bring an offering to You, An offering to You. Title: CH 187 - Praise, Love And Thanks Author: Bonner / Sinclair / Coelho Copyright: Compilation ©1997 Integrity's Hosanna! Music and Word Music CCLI: Song ID: U-2187 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Celebration Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4, Verse5, Verse6, Verse7, Verse8, Verse9, Verse8 Verse 1: Praise Him, praise Him, all ye little children, God is love, God is love; Praise Him, praise Him, all ye little children, God is love, God is love. Verse 2: Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia! Verse 3: I will praise Him, I will praise Him, I will praise Him, I will praise Him, I will praise Him, I will praise Him, I will praise Him, I will praise Him! Verse 4: Love Him, love Him, all ye little children, God is love, God is love; Love Him, love Him, all ye little children, God is love, God is love. Verse 5: Father, I adore You, Lay my life before You; How I love You. Verse 6: Jesus, I adore You, Lay my life before You; How I love You. Verse 7: Thank Him, thank Him, all ye little children, God is love, God is love; Thank Him, thank Him, all ye little children, God is love, God is love. Verse 8: God is so good, God is so good, God is so good, He's so good to me. Verse 9: He loves me so, He loves me so, He loves me so, He's so good to me. Title: CH 77 - Worthy of Love And Praise Author: Klein / Featherston and Gordon Copyright: Compilation ©1997 by Integrity's Hosanna ! Music and Word Music CCLI: 25266,27817 Song ID: U-2077 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Celebration Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse5, Ending1 Verse 1: I love You, Lord, and I lift my voice To worship You, O my soul, rejoice! Take joy, my King, in what you hear: May it be a sweet, sweet sound in Your ear. Verse 2: My Jesus, I love Thee; I know Thou art mine. For Thee all the follies of sin I resign. My gracious Redeemer, my Savior art Thou: If ever I loved Thee, my Jesus, 'tis now. Verse 3: I love Thee because Thou hast first loved me And purchased my pardon on Calvary's tree. I love Thee for wearing the thorns on Thy brow: If ever I loved Thee, my Jesus, 'tis now. Verse 4: I'll love Thee in life; I will love Thee in death And praise Thee as long as Thou lendest me breath. And say when the death-dew lies cold on my brow, "If ever I loved Thee, my Jesus 'tis now." Verse 5: In mansions of glory and endless delight, I'll ever adore Thee in heaven so bright. I'll sing with the glittering crown on my brow, "If ever I loved Thee, my Jesus, 'tis now." Ending 1: "If ever I loved Thee, my Jesus, 'tis now." Title: CH 102 - Praise to the King Author: Moody / Grant / Guthrie / Haydn Copyright: ©1997 Integrity's Hosanna! Music CCLI: 12877/ Song ID: U-2102 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Celebration Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4 Verse 1: All hail King Jesus! All hail Emmanuel: King of kings, Lord of lords, Bright Morning Star. And throughout eternity I'll sing His praises, And I'll reign with Him throughout eternity. Verse 2: O worship the King, all glorious above, And gratefully sing His wonderful love; Our Shield and Defender, the Ancient of Days, Pavilioned in splendor, and girded with praise. Verse 3: O tell of His might, and sing of His grace, Whose robe is the light, whose canopy space. His chariots of wrath the deep thunderclouds form, And dark is His path on the wings of the storm. Verse 4: All hail to the King! in splendor enthroned; Glad praises we bring, Thy wonders make known. Returning victorious, great conqueror of sin, King Jesus, all glorious, our vict'ry will win. Title: CH 538 - My Faith, My Hope Author: Palmer / Mason / Clayton Copyright: ©1977 Integrity's Hosanna! Music CCLI: 43334,65934 Song ID: U-2538 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Celebration Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4, Verse5 Verse 1: My faith looks up to Thee, Thou Lamb of Calvary, Savior divine! Now hear me while I pray, Take all my guilt away, O let me from this day Be wholly Thine! Verse 2: May Thy rich grace impart Strength to my fainting heart, My zeal inspire; As Thou hast died for me, O may my love to Thee Pure, warm, and changeless be, A living fire! Verse 3: My hope is in the Lord Who gave Himself for me And paid the price of all my sin at Calvary. For me He died; For me He lives, And everlasting life and light He freely gives. Verse 4: And now for me He stands Before the Father's throne; He shows His wounded hands and names me as His own. For me He died; For me He lives, And everlasting life and light He freely gives. Verse 5: His grace has planned it all, 'Tis mine but to believe And recognize His work of love and Christ receive. For me He died; For me He lives, And everlasting life and light He freely gives. Title: CH 409 - Thanks to God Whose Word Was Spoken Author: R.T. Brooks Copyright: ©1954. Renewed 1982. Hope Publishing Company CCLI: 2990581 Song ID: U-2409 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Celebration Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4 Verse 1: Thanks to God whose Word was spoken in the deed that made the earth. His the voice that called a nation; His the fires that tried her worth. God has spoken, God has spoken; Praise Him for His open word. Verse 2: Thanks to God whose Word incarnate Glorified the flesh of man. Deeds and words and death and rising Tell the grace in heaven's plan. God has spoken, God has spoken; Praise Him for His open Word. Verse 3: Thanks to God whose word was written In the Bible's sacred page, Record of the revelation Showing God to every age. God has spoken, God has spoken; Praise Him for His open Word. Verse 4: Thanks to God whose Word is answered by the Spirit's voice within. Here we drink of joy unmeasured, Life redeemed from death and sin. God has spoken, God has spoken; Praise Him for His open Word. Title: CH 531 - Unto Thee, O Lord Author: Charles F. Monroe Copyright: ©1971, 1973 Maranatha! Music CCLI: 36011 Song ID: U-2531 Hymnal: CH 531 Notes: Groups: Celebration Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse1, Chorus1 Verse 1: Unto Thee, O Lord, (Unto Thee, O Lord,) do I lift up my soul. (do I lift up my soul.) Chorus 1: O my God, I trust in Thee; (O my God, I trust in Thee;) Let me not be ashamed, Let not my enemies triumph over me. Title: CH 160 - Antiphonal Praise Author: Steve Green Copyright: ©1990 Birdwing Music CCLI: 567542 Song ID: U-2160 Hymnal: CH 160 Notes: Groups: Celebration Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Chorus1 Verse 1: We worship You, (echo) Almighty God; (echo) In You alone (echo) is our delight. (echo) Verse 2: We worship You, (echo) O holy God, (echo) And lift our voice (echo) to sing Your praise. (echo) Chorus 1: Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia! Title: 285 - I Will Sing of My Redeemer Author: James McGranahan and Philip Paul Bliss Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 69260 Song ID: U-0285 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: I will sing of my Redeemer And His wondrous love to me; On the cruel cross He suffered From the curse to set me free. Verse 2: I will tell the wondrous story How, my lost estate to save, In His boundless love and mercy He the ransom freely gave. Verse 3: I will praise my dear Redeemer; His triumphant power I'll tell, How the victory He giveth Over sin and death and hell. Verse 4: I will sing of my Redeemer And His heav'nly love for me; He from death to life hath brought me Son of God, with Him to be. Chorus 1: Sing, oh, sing of my Redeemer, With His blood He purchased me. On the cross He sealed my pardon, Paid the debt and made me free. Title: Awana Theme Song Author: Copyright: ©Copyright Awana® Clubs International. CCLI: Song ID: U-4001 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Awana PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1 Verse 1: Firmly AWANA stands, led by the Lord’s commands, "Approved workmen are not ashamed," Boys and girls for His service claimed! Hail! AWANA! On the march for youth; Hail! AWANA! Holding forth the truth. Building lives on the Word of God AWANA stands! Chorus 1: Our Savior following with steps unfaltering, And love unaltering, His praise we sing, His banner over us, in service glorious, We’ll fight victorious for Christ our King! YOUTH ON THE MARCH! Title: Sparks for Jesus Author: Copyright: ©Copyright 1990 Awana® Clubs International. CCLI: Song ID: U-4002 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Awana PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1 Verse 1: We are "Sparks" for Jesus, "Sparks" to light the world, We will shine for Jesus as we tell each boy and girl! Chorus 1: We will hide God’s Word in our hearts; We will serve Him right from the start; From His love we never can part for we are "Sparks!" "Sparks!" "Sparks!" "Sparks!" "Sparks" to light the world. Title: The Ultimate Adventure Author: Copyright: ©Copyright 2002 Awana® Clubs International. CCLI: Song ID: U-4003 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Awana PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1 Verse 1: I am off on the Ultimate Adventure! Trusting Jesus all along the way. To the truth of God’s Word I will surrender, No matter where I am from day to day. Verse 2: I will train for the mission He has for me. I will trust in Him to give the victory. As I read His Word and pray, He gives direction, As I follow Him each and every day. Chorus 1: In the sky, undersea, in the wild, Christ with me. Here at home, around the world, His love is clear to see. Won’t you come along with me on the Ultimate Adventure! Title: A Perfect Book Author: Copyright: ©Copyright Awana® Clubs International. CCLI: Song ID: U-4004 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Awana PlayOrder: Chorus1, Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4, Chorus1, Verse5, Verse6, Chorus2 Verse 1: OLD TESTAMENT! Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, then there's Deuteronomy (doot, doot, doot) Verse 2: Joshua, Judges, Ruth, First and Second Samuel, First and Second Kings, First and Second Chronicles, Ezra, and Nehemiah, Esther, Job, Psalms, Proverbs, (doot, doot, doo, doot) Verse 3: Ecclesiastes and the Song of Solomon, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, (woo-hoo) Verse 4: Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum,(Nay-who?) Habakkuk, and Zephaniah, Haggai and Zechariah, and don't forget good old Malachi. Verse 5: NEW TESTAMENT! Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Acts, and Romans, First and Second Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, First and Second Thessalonians, Verse 6: First and Second Timothy, Titus, Philemon, Hebrews, James, First and Second Peter, First, Second, Third John, Jude and Revelation. That's what's in God's Perfect Book. Chorus 1: A Book of books, is what it took, for God to get His message to us. He wrote it out, there is no doubt, He didn't want to leave us clueless. God put it all together, and gave us all... A Perfect Book. Chorus 2: A Book of books, is what it took, for God to get His message to us. He wrote it out, there is no doubt, He didn't want to leave us clueless. God put it all together, and gave us all... God put it all together, and gave us all... God put it all together, and gave us all... A Perfect Book! Title: Build My Life Author: Copyright: ©Copyright Awana® Clubs International. CCLI: Song ID: U-4005 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Awana PlayOrder: Chorus1, Verse1, Chorus2, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus2, Bridge1, Chorus1 Verse 1: I want to build my life on the Word that's true and right. I want to be a worker... approved! I want to hear what His Words say, I want to do it all God's way, until His work upon this earth is through. Verse 2: I want to build my life, I want to work and sacrifice, I want His Words down deep inside of me. I will listen to what they say, and I'll obey them right away; I will serve my Jesus faithfully. Chorus 1: A-W-A-N-A! I'm gonna build my life God's way! A-W-A-N-A! I'm gonna build my life God's way! Chorus 2: I want to build, I want to build, I want to build my life on the solid sure foundation of God's Word. I want to build, I want to build, I want to build my life on the solid sure foundation of God's Word. Bridge 1: On the everlasting, never failing, always right, regenerating, powerful, invigorating, solid, sure foundation; On the everlasting, never failing, always right, regenerating, powerful, invigorating, solid sure foundation of God's Word. Title: Great is The Lord Author: Copyright: ©Copyright Awana® Clubs International. CCLI: Song ID: U-4006 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Awana PlayOrder: Chorus1, Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Bridge1, Chorus1 Verse 1: God is powerful; infinitely powerful, He made all the stars, the sun and moon. Great big galaxies, a universe of mysteries; He can do what no one else can do. Verse 2: God's incomprehensible; His strength is inconceivable; He made things that No one else can see. Tiny, tiny molecules, stars and planets far from view; The God who made it all created me. Chorus 1: Great is the Lord and mighty in power His understanding is infinite... Great is the Lord! Bridge 1: Great is the Lord! Great is the Lord! Great is the Lord! Great is the Lord! Title: Livin' in God's House Author: Copyright: ©Copyright Awana® Clubs International. CCLI: Song ID: U-4007 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Awana PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Verse5, Verse6, Chorus1, Bridge1, Chorus2, Chorus3 Verse 1: There is a house it was built by Jesus. (echo) Its foundation made of grace; (echo) The welcome mat made of forgiveness. (echo) Verse 2: There's nothing else quite like this place, (echo) Just come on in, make yourself at home, (echo) There's lots of room here. (echo) Verse 3: We are His church, upon this earth, He saved us from our sin, He's gathered us together Let the living begin. Verse 4: His house is made of all believers, (echo) Who put all their trust in Him. (echo) It's a place where you will be accepted. (echo) Verse 5: It's a shelter from a world of sin. (echo) Someday we'll live with Him forever (echo) Inside His mansion. (echo) Verse 6: Safe from the storm, secure and warm, let's bring more people in. Let's bring them to the Savior, Let the living begin. Chorus 1: We're livin' in God's house, (living, living, living in God's house) The door is God's own Son, (living, living, living in God's house) We're living in God's house, (living, living, living in God's house) There's room for everyone. (living, living, living in God's house) Chorus 2: We're livin' in God's house, The door is God's own Son. We're living in God's house, There's room for everyone. We're livin' in God's house, The door is God's own Son. We're living in God's house, There's room for everyone. Chorus 3: We're livin' in God's house, The door is God's own Son. Living in God's house, living in God's house, living in God's house. Bridge 1: Living in God's house, living in God's house, living in God's house. (6 x) Title: 56 - Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise Author: Walter Chalmers Smith Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 124466 Song ID: U-0056 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4 Verse 1: Immortal, invisible, God only wise, In light inaccessible hid from our eyes. Most blessed, most glorious, the Ancient of Days, Almighty, victorious, Thy great name we praise. Verse 2: Unresting, unhasting, and silent as light, Nor wanting, nor wasting, Thou rulest in might; Thy justice, like mountains, high soaring above Thy clouds, which are fountains of goodness and love. Verse 3: To all life Thou givest, to both great and small; In all life Thou livest; the true life of all. We blossom and flourish as leaves on the tree, And wither and perish-- but naught changeth Thee. Verse 4: Great Father of glory, pure Father of light, Thine angels adore Thee, all veiling their sight; All praise we would render; O help us to see 'Tis only the splendor of light hideth Thee! Title: CH 130 - His Glorious Name Author: Jean Sibelius Copyright: ©1998 Pilot Point Music CCLI: 2457897 Song ID: U-2130 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Celebration Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1 Verse 1: His glorious name shall be called Wonderful. His matchless name shall be called Counselor, The Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace thro' all eternity. The Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace thro' all eternity. Title: CH 150 - Awesome Power Author: John G. Elliott Copyright: ©1990 BMG Songs, Inc. CCLI: 159338 Song ID: U-2150 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Celebration Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Chorus1 Verse 1: Awesome power, boundless grace; None can fathom all Your ways. Truth and love are found in Your heart alone; Righteousness surrounds Your throne. Chorus 1: Holy, holy, holy Lord Most High; Holy, holy, holy Lord Most High. Title: CH 568 - May The Mind Of Christ, My Savior Author: A. Cyril Barham-Gould, Kate B. Wilkinson and William H. Jude Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 40351 Song ID: U-2568 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Celebration Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4, Verse5, Verse6 Verse 1: May the mind of Christ, my Savior, Live in me from day to day, By His love and pow'r controlling All I do and say. Verse 2: May the Word of God dwell richly In my heart from hour to hour; So that all may see I triumph Only through His pow'r. Verse 3: May the peace of God my Father Rule my life in everything, That I may be calm to comfort Sick and sorrowing. Verse 4: May the love of Jesus fill me As the waters fill the sea; Him exalting, self abasing-- This is victory. Verse 5: May I run the race before me. Strong and brave to face the foe. Looking only unto Jesus As I onward go. Verse 6: May His beauty rest upon me As I seek the lost to win; And may they forget the channel, Seeing only Him. Title: Your Grace is Enough Author: Matt Maher Copyright: ©2003 spiritandsong.com CCLI: 4477026 Song ID: U-1088 Hymnal: 973 Notes: Groups: Praise PlayOrder: Verse1, Bridge1, Chorus1, Verse2, Bridge1, Chorus1, Bridge1, Bridge1, Chorus1, Chorus1, Chorus2 Verse 1: Great is Your faithfulness, O God. You wrestle with the sinner’s heart. You lead us by still waters, into mercy, And nothing can keep us apart. Verse 2: Great is Your love and justice, God. You use the weak to lead the strong. You lead us in the song of Your salvation, And all Your people sing along. Chorus 1: Your grace is enough, Your grace is enough, Your grace is enough for me. Chorus 2: Your grace is enough, Heaven reaching down to us, Your grace is enough for me. God, I see Your grace is enough, I’m covered in Your love, Your grace is enough for me. Your grace is enough for me. Great is Your faithfulness, O God! Bridge 1: So remember Your people, Remember Your children, Remember Your promise, O God. Title: You Are God Alone Author: Billy Foote and Cindy Foote Copyright: © 2004 Billy Foote Music, Integrity's Hosanna! Music CCLI: 4243463 Song ID: U-1089 Hymnal: 965 Notes: Groups: Praise PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Bridge1, Chorus1, Ending1 Verse 1: You are not a god created by human hands; You are not a god dependent on any mortal man. You are not a god in need of anything we can give. By Your plan, that’s just the way it is. Verse 2: You’re the only God whose power none can contend. You’re the only God whose name and praise will never end. You’re the only God who's worthy of ev'rything we can give. You are God, that’s just the way it is. Chorus 1: You are God alone from before time began, You were on Your throne; You were God alone. And right now, in the good times and bad, You are on Your throne; You are God alone! Bridge 1: Unchangeable! Unshakeable! Unstoppable! That’s what You are. Unchangeable! Unshakeable! Unstoppable! That’s what You are. Ending 1: And right now, in the good times and bad, You are on Your throne; You are God alone! You are God alone! You’re God alone! Title: How Great is Our God (Advent) Author: Chris Tomlin, Ed Cash, and Jesse Reeves Copyright: 2004 Worshiptogether.com Songs; sixsteps Music; Alletrop Music CCLI: 4348399 Song ID: U-1090 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Praise PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Chorus2, Bridge1, Ending1 Verse 1: The wonder of a babe, born the world to save; O hear the angels sing, Hear the angels sing. Emmanuel is He, come to set us free; A baby, yet a King; Baby, yet a King. Verse 2: The shepherds came to see, behold the mystery; O come let us adore, come let us adore. We celebrate His birth, our Savior came to earth, O sing and lift your voice, Sing and lift your voice. Chorus 1: How great is our God! Sing with me: How great is our God! And all will see how great, How great is our God. Chorus 2: Name above all names, Worthy of our praise. My heart will sing “How great is our God.” Bridge 1: How great is our God! (Name above all names,) Sing with me: How great is our God! (Worthy of our praise.) And all will see how great, (My heart will sing) How great is our God. Ending 1: How great is our God! (Name above all names,) Sing with me: How great is our God! (Worthy of our praise.) And all will see how great, (My heart will sing) How great is our God. How great, how great is our God! Title: CH 256 - Love Has Come! Author: Ken Bible Copyright: ©1996 Integrity's Hosanna! Music CCLI: 2060820 Song ID: U-2256 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Celebration Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3 Verse 1: Love has come-- a light in the darkness! Love explodes in the Bethlehem skies. See, all heaven has come to proclaim it; Hear how their song of joy arises: Love! Love! Born unto you a Savior! Love! Love! Glory to God on high! Verse 2: Love is born! Come share in the wonder; Love is God, now asleep in the hay. See the glow in the eyes of His mother; What is the name her heart is saying? Love! Love! Love is the name she whispers; Love! Love! Jesus, Immanuel. Verse 3: Love has come-- He never will leave us! Love is life everlasting and free. Love is Jesus within and among us; Love is the peace our hearts are seeking. Love! Love! Love is the gift of Christmas; Love! Love! Praise to You, God on high! Title: This Is Our God (Advent) Author: David Moffitt, Sue C. Smith and Travis Cottrell Copyright: ©2006 New Spring;CCTB Music; First Hand Revelation Music CCLI: 4738545 Song ID: U-1091 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Praise PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus2, Chorus1, Ending1 Verse 1: Who is this Child asleep in the manger? Tender and mild, this intimate stranger Recklessly, wildly loving a dangerous world. Who is this Light invading our darkness? Glorious might the Son rising for us. Conquering night, He captures the hardest of hearts. Verse 2: Who is this One who will not condemn us? Why would He come to shoulder our sentence? Nothing we’ve done will keep Him from giving us grace. Who is this One? We watch and we’re speechless. God’s only Son, embracing our weakness. He overcomes all death and He frees us to live. Chorus 1: This is our God, living and breathing. Call Him courageous, relentless and brave. This is our God, loving and reaching, Abundant mercy and mighty to save. Hallelujah! This is our God! Hallelujah! This is our God! Hallelujah! This is our God. Sing praise. Chorus 2: This is our God, suffering and dying. Call Him the Hero redeeming the lost. This is our God, love sacrificing, All that is holy, accepting our cross. Hallelujah! This is our God! Hallelujah! This is our God! Hallelujah! This is our God. Sing praise. Sing praise. Sing praise. Sing praise. Ending 1: Hallelujah! This is our God! Hallelujah! This is our God! Hallelujah! This is our God. Sing praise. Title: This Is Our God Author: David Moffitt, Sue C. Smith and Travis Cottrell Copyright: ©2006 New Spring;CCTB Music; First Hand Revelation Music CCLI: 4738545 Song ID: U-1092 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Praise PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus2, Chorus1, Ending1 Verse 1: Who is this Light invading our darkness? Glorious might the Son rising for us. Conquering night, He captures the hardest of hearts. Who is this hope that heaven has given? Coming for souls, our rescue his mission. Tenderness flows and without condition He loves. Verse 2: Who is this One who will not condemn us? Why would He come to shoulder our sentence? Nothing we’ve done will keep Him from giving us grace. Who is this One? We watch and we’re speechless. God’s only Son, embracing our weakness. He overcomes all death and He frees us to live. Chorus 1: This is our God, living and breathing. Call Him courageous, relentless and brave. This is our God, loving and reaching, Abundant mercy and mighty to save. Hallelujah! This is our God! Hallelujah! This is our God! Hallelujah! This is our God. Sing praise. Chorus 2: This is our God, suffering and dying. Call Him the Hero redeeming the lost. This is our God, love sacrificing, All that is holy, accepting our cross. Hallelujah! This is our God! Hallelujah! This is our God! Hallelujah! This is our God. Sing praise. Sing praise. Sing praise. Sing praise. Ending 1: Hallelujah! This is our God! Hallelujah! This is our God! Hallelujah! This is our God. Sing praise. Title: CH 241 - Arise, Shine Author: Jay Robinson and Steve Urspringer Copyright: ©1983 Priesthood Publications CCLI: 13797 Song ID: U-2241 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Celebration Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1 Verse 1: Arise, shine, For thy Light is come. Arise, shine, For thy Light is come. Chorus 1: And the glory of the Lord is risen, The glory of the Lord is come, The glory of the Lord is risen upon thee. Title: 201 - Emmanuel Author: Bob McGee Copyright: ©1976 C.A. Music CCLI: 12949 Song ID: U-0201 Hymnal: 201 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1 Verse 1: Emmanuel, Emmanuel, His name is called Emmanuel; God with us, revealed in us; His name is called Emmanuel. Title: CH 271 - Joyful Joyful, We Adore You Author: Ludwig van Beethoven and Linda Lee Johnson Copyright: ©1986 Lillenas Publishing Company, ©1997 Integrity's Hosanna! Music and Word Music. CCLI: 2744713 Song ID: U-2271 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Celebration Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2 Verse 1: Joyful, joyful, we adore You, God of glory, Lord of light; Angels lifting praise before You Sing throughout this holy night. In a manger lies a Baby-- Child of Mary, Son of God. Voices joined in joyful chorus Praise You for Your gift of love. Verse 2: All Your works declare Your glory; All creation joins to sing. Praise resounds as earth rejoices In the birth of Christ, the King. Shepherds kneel before the Infant. Trumpets sound and anthems raise As with joy our hearts are lifted, Joined in wonder, love, and praise. Title: CH 289 - Adoration Author: John S. B. Monsell, Ken Bible, Tom Fettke Copyright: ©1985 Pilot Point Music CCLI: 27240 Song ID: U-2289 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Celebration Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2 Verse 1: Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness! Bow down before Him, His glory proclaim. With gold of obedience and incense of lowliness, Kneel and adore Him-- the Lord is His name! Verse 2: Fear not to enter His presence in poverty, Bearing no gifts to present as your own. Bring truth in its beauty and love in its purity-- These are the off'rings to lay at His throne. Title: These Things Are True Of You Author: Tommy Walker Copyright: ©1996 Doulos Publishing CCLI: 1781736 Song ID: U-1093 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Praise PlayOrder: Verse1, Bridge1, Chorus1, Verse2, Bridge2, Chorus2 Verse 1: Unshakable, immovable, faithful and true; Full of wisdom, strength and beauty: These things are true of You. Verse 2: Patient, compassionate, love flows through You. You never give up on the hopeless ones: These things are true of You. Chorus 1: And as I turn my face to You, Oh Lord, I ask and pray, By the power of Your love and grace, Make these things true of me, too. Chorus 2: And as I turn my face to You, Oh Lord, I ask and pray, By the power of Your love and grace, Make these things true of me, too. Make these things t rue of me, too. Bridge 1: Fearless, courageous, righteousness shines through in all You do; Yet You’re so humble, You laid down Your life: These things are true of You. Bridge 2: Holy and blameless, You stand up for justice and for truth; Yet You love mercy and forgiveness: These things are true of You. Title: CH 307 - My Redeemer Author: Green-Sievright / McGranahan / Bliss Copyright: ©1982 Birdwing Music; BMG Songs, Inc; Ears to Hear / Public Domain CCLI: 11483/69260 Song ID: U-2307 Hymnal: CH 307 Notes: Groups: Celebration Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus2, Verse6, Chorus2, Verse8, Chorus2 Verse 1: There is a Redeemer-- Jesus, God's own Son; Precious Lamb of God, Messiah, Holy One. Verse 2: Jesus, my Redeemer. name above all names; Precious Lamb of God, Messiah, Hope for sinners slain. Verse 3: When I stand in Glory, I will see His face; There I'll serve my King forever In that holy place. Verse 4: I will sing of my Redeemer and His wondrous love to me; On the cruel cross He suffered from the curse to set me free. Verse 5: I will tell the wondrous story how, my lost estate to save, In His boundless love and mercy He the ransom freely gave. Verse 6: I will praise my dear Redeemer; His triumphant power I'll tell, How the victory He giveth over sin and death and hell. Verse 8: I will sing of my Redeemer And His heav'nly love for me; He from death to life hath bro't me Son of God, with Him to be. Chorus 1: Thank You, O my Father, for giving us Your Son, And leaving Your Spirit till the work on earth is done. Chorus 2: Sing, O sing of my Redeemer, With His blood He purchased me. On the cross He sealed my pardon, Paid the debt and made me free. Ending 1: I will sing! I will sing of my Redeemer and King! Title: CH 301 - We Will Glorify Author: Twila Paris Copyright: ©1982 New Spring CCLI: 19038 Song ID: U-2301 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Celebration Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Chorus1 Verse 1: We will glorify the King of kings; We will glorify the Lamb. We will glorify the Lord of lords, Who is the great I Am. Chorus 1: Hallelujah to the King of kings; Hallelujah to the Lamb. Hallelujah to the Lord of lords, Who is the great I Am. Ending 1: Hosanna to the King. Title: He Reigns Author: Peter Furler and Steve Taylor Copyright: ©2003 Ariose Music, Soylent Tunes CCLI: 4026635 Song ID: U-1094 Hymnal: 832 Notes: Groups: Praise PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Verse4, Chorus1, Chorus1, Bridge1, Chorus2, Chorus3 Verse 1: It’s the song of the redeemed Rising from the African plain. It’s the song of the forgiven Drowning out the Amazon rain. Verse 2: It’s the song of all believers filled with God’s holy fire. It’s every tribe, every tongue, every nation; A love song born of a grateful choir. Verse 3: Let it rise above the four winds Caught up in the heavenly sound. Let praises echo from the towers of cathedrals To the faithful gathered underground. Verse 4: Of all the songs sung from the dawn of creation, Some were meant to persist. Of all the bells rung from a thousand steeples, None rings truer than this: Chorus 1: It’s all God’s children singing: "Glory, glory, hallelujah! He reigns, He reigns!" It’s all God’s children singing: "Glory, glory, hallelujah! He reigns, He reigns!" Chorus 2: When all God’s children sing out: "Glory, glory, hallelujah! He reigns, He reigns!" When all God’s children sing out: "Glory, glory, hallelujah! He reigns, He reigns!" Chorus 3: It’s all God’s people singing: "Glory, glory, hallelujah! He reigns, He reigns!" It’s all God’s people singing: "Glory, glory, hallelujah! He reigns!" Bridge 1: And all the powers of darkness Tremble at what they’ve just heard, ‘Cause all the powers of darkness Can’t drown out a single word. Title: Majestic Author: Lincoln Brewster Copyright: ©2005 Integrity's Praise! Music CCLI: 4573308 Song ID: U-1095 Hymnal: 893 Notes: Groups: Praise PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse1, Chorus2, Chorus1, Bridge1, Chorus2, Chorus3, Ending1 Verse 1: O Lord, our Lord, How majestic is Your name in all the earth. O Lord, our Lord, How majestic is Your name in all the earth. Chorus 1: The heavens declare Your greatness. The oceans cry out to You. The mountains they bow down before You. So I join with the earth, and I’ll give my praise to You. Chorus 2: The heavens declare Your greatness. The oceans cry out to You. The mountains they bow down before You. So I join with the earth, and I’ll give- Chorus 3: The heavens declare Your greatness. The oceans cry out to You. The mountains they bow down before You. Bridge 1: I will worship You. I will worship You. I will worship You. I will worship You. We will worship You. We will worship You. Ending 1: So I join with the earth, and I’ll give my praise to You. So I join with the earth, and I’ll give my praise to You. So I join with the earth, and I’ll give my praise to You. Title: 427 - Be the Center Author: Michael Frye Copyright: 1999 Vineyard Songs (UK/Eire) CCLI: 2650429 Song ID: U-1096 Hymnal: 427 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal, Praise PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3 Verse 1: Jesus, be the center. Be my source, be my light, Jesus. Jesus, be the center. Be my hope, be my song, Jesus. Verse 2: Jesus, be my vision. Be my path, be my guide, Jesus. Verse 3: Jesus, be the center. Be my source, be my light, Jesus. Jesus, be the center. Be my hope, be my song, Jesus. Be my hope, be my song, Jesus. Chorus 1: Be the fire in my heart; be the wind in my sails. Be the reason that I live, Jesus. My Jesus. Title: 326 - Your Name Author: Paul Baloche and Glen Packiam Copyright: ©2006 Integrity's Hosanna! Music; Vertical Worship Songs CCLI: 4611679 Song ID: U-1097 Hymnal: 326 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal, Praise PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus2, Chorus3, Chorus4 Verse 1: As morning dawns and evening fades, You inspire songs of praise That rise from earth to touch Your heart And glorify Your Name. Verse 2: Jesus, in Your Name we pray, Come and fill our hearts today; Lord, give us strength to live for You And glorify Your Name. Chorus 1: Your Name is a strong and mighty tower; Your Name is a shelter like no other; Your Name, let the nations sing it louder ‘Cause nothing has the power to save but Your Name. Chorus 2: Your Name is a strong and mighty tower; Your Name is a shelter like no other; Your Name, let the nations sing it louder ‘Cause nothing has the power to save-- Chorus 3: But Your Name is a strong and mighty tower; Your Name is a shelter like no other; Your Name, let the nations sing it louder ‘Cause nothing has the power to save-- Chorus 4: But Your Name is a strong and mighty tower; Your Name is a shelter like no other; Your Name, let the nations sing it louder ‘Cause nothing has the power to save but Your Name. Title: CH 399 - We Are God's People Author: Bryan Jeffery Leech and Johannes Brahms Copyright: ©1976 Fred Bock Music Company CCLI: 13058 Song ID: U-2399 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Celebration Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4 Verse 1: We are God's people, the chosen of the Lord, Born of His Spirit, established by His Word. Our cornerstone is Christ alone, And strong in Him we stand; O let us live transparently And walk heart to heart and hand in hand. Verse 2: We are God's loved ones, the Bride of Christ,our Lord, For we have known it, the love of God outpoured. Now let us learn how to return The gift of love once given; O let us share each joy and care And live with a zeal that pleases Heav'n. Verse 3: We are the Body of which the Lord is Head, Called to obey Him, now risen from the dead. He wills us be a family Diverse, yet truly one; O let us give our gifts to God And so shall His work on earth be done. Verse 4: We are a Temple, the Spirit's dwelling place, Formed in great weakness, A cup to hold God's grace. We die alone, for on its own Each ember loses fire; Yet joined in one the flame burns on To give warmth and light and to inspire. Title: Serve the Lord with Gladness Author: B. B. McKinney Copyright: © 1959 Broadman Press CCLI: 84702 Song ID: U-3013 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Misc. PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: Serve the Lord with gladness in our works and ways, Come before His presence, with our songs of praise; Unto Him our Maker we would pledge anew, Life's supreme devotion to service true. Verse 2: Serve the Lord with gladness, thankful all the while For His tender mercies, for His loving smile. Blessed truth enduring, always just the same, We will serve with gladness and praise His name. Verse 3: Serve the Lord with gladness, this shall be our theme, As we walk together in His love supreme. Listening, ever listening, for the still small voice, His sweet will so precious will be our choice. Chorus 1: Serve Him with gladness, enter His courts with song; To our creator true praises belong. Great is His mercy, Wonderful is is name, We gladly serve Him, His great love proclaim. Title: CH 23 - The God of Abraham Praise Author: Thomas Olivers Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 484742 Song ID: U-2023 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Celebration Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4 Verse 1: The God of Abr'ham praise, Who reigns enthroned above, The Ancient of eternal days and God of love. Jehovah, great I AM, By earth and heav'n confessed: We bow and bless the sacred name, Forever blest. Verse 2: He by Himself hath sworn; We on His oath depend. We shall, on eagles' wings upborne, To heav'n ascend. We shall behold His face; We shall His pow'r adore and sing the wonders of His grace forevermore. Verse 3: "The God who reigns on high," the great archangels sing, And "Holy, holy, holy," cry, "Almighty King!" Who was and is the same and evermore shall be: Eternal Father, great I AM, We worship Thee. Verse 4: The whole triumphant host Give thanks to God on high; "Hail, Father, Son and Holy Ghost!" They ever cry. Hail, Abr'ham's God and mine! With heav'n our songs we raise: All might and majesty are Thine and endless praise. Title: Our God Saves Author: Paul Baloche and Brenton Brown Copyright: ©2007 Thankyou Music; Integrity's Hosanna! Music; Leadworship Songs CCLI: 4972837 Song ID: U-1098 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Praise PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse1, Bridge1, Chorus1, Verse1, Bridge1, Chorus1, Chorus2, Bridge1, Ending1 Verse 1: In the name of the Father, in the name of the Son, In the name of the Spirit, Lord we come. We're gathered together to lift up Your name. To call on our Savior, to fall on Your grace. Chorus 1: Our God saves! Our God saves! There is hope in Your Name. Chorus 2: Mourning turns to songs of praise. Our God saves! Our God saves! Bridge 1: Hear the joyful sound of our offering, As Your saints bow down, as Your people sing. We will rise with You, lifted on Your wings. And the world will see that: Ending 1: Our God saves! Our God saves! Our God saves! Our God saves! Title: Immortal, Invisible Author: Laura Story and Ed Cash Copyright: ©2008 New Spring / Gleaning Publishing / Alletrop Music CCLI: 5114962 Song ID: U-1099 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Praise PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus2, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Chorus2, Ending1 Verse 1: Immortal, You are not like a man that You change Your mind, change Your plan. Invisible, our human eyes can't see the depths of Your majesty. Verse 2: Immortal, You are not bound by death, You're the living God of every breath. Invisible, You are not bound by space, But, Your glory is filling this place, Yes, Your glory is filling this place. Verse 3: Immortal, yet You once died for me To pay my debt, to set me free. Invisible, You will not always be 'Cause You're coming to reign as our King And the saints will fall down at Your feet. Chorus 1: You're the God of forever and ever, Amen. The Alpha, Omega, Beginning and End. We sing hallelujah, we worship You now, Immortal, invisible, God. Chorus 2: You're the God of forever and ever, Amen. The Alpha, Omega, Beginning and End. We sing hallelujah, we worship You now, Immortal, invisible, God. Ending 1: We sing hallelujah, we worship You now, Immortal, invisible God. Immortal, invisible God. Immortal, invisible God. Title: CH 14 - Name Above All Names Author: Robert Gay / Edward Perronet, John Rippon, James Elliot Copyright: ©1988 Integrity's Hosanna! Music / Public Domain CCLI: 141793,196858 Song ID: U-2014 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Celebration Hymnal PlayOrder: Chorus1, Chorus2, Chorus1, Chorus2, Verse1, Chorus1, Chorus2, Verse2, Chorus3, Verse4, Chorus3, Verse5, Chorus3 Verse 1: His name is exalted far above the earth; His name is high above the heavens. His name is exalted far above the earth; Give glory and honor And praise unto His name. Verse 2: All hail the pow'r of Jesus' name! Let angels prostrate fall, Let angels prostrate fall; Bring forth the royal diadem, And crown Him, Verse 3: Ye chosen seed of Israel's race, Ye ransomed from the fall, Ye ransomed from the fall; Hail Him who saves you by His grace, And crown Him, Verse 4: Let ev'ry kindred, ev'ry tribe On this terrestrial ball, On this terrestrial ball; To Him all majesty ascribe, And crown Him, Verse 5: O that with yonder sacred throng We at His feet may fall, We at His feet may fall! We'll join the everlasting song, And crown Him, Chorus 1: No other name but the name of Jesus, No other name but the name of the Lord; Chorus 2: No other name But the name of Jesus Is worthy of glory, And worthy of honor, And worthy of power and all praise. Chorus 3: Crown Him, crown Him, crown Him, And crown Him Lord of all. Title: O Breath of Life Author: Elizabeth Head and Mary Hammond Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 40430 Song ID: U-3015 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Misc. PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3 Verse 1: O Breath of Life, come sweeping through us, Revive Thy church with life and pow'r. O Breath of Life, come cleanse, renew us, And fit Thy church to meet this hour. Verse 2: O Breath of Love, come breathe within us, Renewing thought and will and heart; Come, love of Christ, afresh to win us, Revive Thy church in every part. Verse 3: Revive us, Lord! is zeal abating While harvest fields are vast and white? Revive us, Lord, the world is waiting, Equip Thy church to spread the light. Title: Jesus, Messiah Author: Chris Tomlin, Daniel Carson, Ed Cash, Jesse Reeves Copyright: ©2008 Vamos Publishing / worshiptogether.com songs / sixsteps Music / Alletrop Music CCLI: 5183443 Song ID: U-1100 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Praise PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Bridge1, Chorus2, Ending1 Verse 1: He became sin who knew no sin That we might become His Righteousness. He Humbled Himself and carried the cross. Love so amazing, Love so amazing. Verse 2: His body the bread, His blood the wine, Broken and poured out all for love. The whole earth trembled and the veil was torn. Love so amazing, Love so amazing. Chorus 1: Jesus Messiah, Name above all names, Blessed Redeemer, Emmanuel. The rescue for sinners, the ransom from Heaven, Jesus, Messiah, Lord of all. Chorus 2: Jesus Messiah, Name above all names, Blessed Redeemer, Emmanuel. The rescue for sinners, the ransom from Heaven, Jesus, Messiah, Lord of all. Bridge 1: All our hope is in You. All our hope is in You. All the glory to You, God. The light of the world. Ending 1: Jesus Messiah, Lord of all. Lord of all. Title: CH 207 - We Have Come to Join in Worship Author: George Atkins, Ken Bible, and William Moore Copyright: ©1997 Integrity's Hosanna! Music and Word Music CCLI: 2445610 Song ID: U-2207 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Celebration Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus2, Verse3, Chorus3 Verse 1: We have come to join in worship And adore the Lord our God. Let us come in prayer expecting God to speak His mighty Word. Verse 2: See them gather all around you, Those He bought at such a cost; See the weary, see the hurting See the lonely, see the lost. Verse 3: Let us love our God supremely; Let us love each other, too. Let us care for all His people Till our God makes all things new. Chorus 1: All is vain unless the Spirit Of the Holy One comes down. Christians, pray, and holy manna Will be showered all around. Chorus 2: Be His hand, and touch the needy; Be His gospel, let it sound! Be His body, and sweet manna Will be showered all around. Chorus 3: Christ will call us home to heaven; At His banquet we'll sit down; Christ Himself will rise and serve us Living manna all around. Title: 286 - There Is a Savior Author: Bob Farrell, Greg Nelson, and Sandi Patti Copyright: ©1986 Straightway Music, Careers-BMG Music , Greg Nelson Music , Lehsem Music, Sandi's Songs Music CCLI: 20728 Song ID: U-0286 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1 Verse 1: There is a Savior, What joys express! His eyes are mercy; His Word is rest. Chorus 1: For each tomorrow, For yesterday, There is a Savior Who lights our way. Title: CH 361 - Worship Christ, the Risen King Author: Henry T. Smart, Jack Hayford Copyright: ©1986 Annamarie Music, Rocksmith Music CCLI: 27288 Song ID: U-2361 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Celebration Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus2, Verse4, Chorus3, Verse5, Chorus4 Verse 1: Rise, O Church, and lift your voices; Christ has conquered death and hell. Sing as all the earth rejoices; Resurrection anthems swell. Verse 2: See the tomb where death had laid Him; Empty now its mouth declares: "Death and I could not contain Him, For the throne of life He shares." Verse 3: Hear the earth protest and tremble; See the stone removed with pow'r. All hell's minions may assemble. But cannot withstand His hour. Verse 4: Doubt may lift its head to murmur, Scoffers mock and sinners jeer; But the truth proclaims a wonder Thoughtful hearts receive with cheer. Verse 5: We acclaim Your life, O Jesus; Now we sing Your victory. Sin and hell may seek to seize us, But Your conquest keeps us free. Chorus 1: Come and worship, Come and worship; Worship Christ the Risen King! Chorus 2: He has conquered, He has conquered; Christ the Lord, the Risen King! Chorus 3: He is risen, He is risen; Now receive the Risen King! Chorus 4: Stand in triumph, Stand in triumph; Worship Christ , the Risen King! Title: CH 687 - Follow Him Author: Dorothy Thrupp, William Bradbury / Wayne and Elizabeth Goodine Copyright: Public Domain / ©1994 New Spring Publishing CCLI: 24078, 160904 Song ID: U-2687 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Celebration Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus2, Verse4, Chorus4, Verse5, Chorus5, Verse5, Chorus6 Verse 1: Savior, like a shepherd lead us, Much we need Thy tender care; In Thy pleasant pastures feed us, For our use Thy folds prepare: Verse 2: We are Thine; do Thou befriend us, Be the Guardian of our way; Keep Thy flock, from sin defend us, Seek us when we go astray: Verse 3: Thou hast promised to receive us, Poor and sinful though we be; Thou hast mercy to relieve us, Grace to cleanse, and pow'r to free: Verse 4: Early let us seek Thy favor; Early let us do Thy will; Blessed Lord and only Savior, With Thy love our beings fill: Verse 5: Lead me, Lord, I will follow; Lead me, Lord, I will go. Chorus 1: Blessed Jesus, Blessed Jesus, Thou hast bought us, Thine we are; Blessed Jesus, Blessed Jesus, Thou hast bought us, Thine we are. Chorus 2: Blessed Jesus, Blessed Jesus, Hear, O hear us when we pray; Blessed Jesus, Blessed Jesus, Hear, O hear us when we pray. Chorus 3: Blessed Jesus, Blessed Jesus, Early let us turn to Thee; Blessed Jesus, Blessed Jesus, Early let us turn to Thee. Chorus 4: Blessed Jesus, Blessed Jesus, Thou hast loved us, love us still; Blessed Jesus, Blessed Jesus, Thou hast loved us, love us still. Chorus 5: You have called me-- I will answer; Lead me, Lord, I will go. Chorus 6: You have called me-- I will answer; Lead me, Lord, I will go, I will go. Title: CH 172 - All the Glory Belongs to Jesus Author: Gloria and William J. Gaither Copyright: ©1988 William J. Gaither, Inc CCLI: 14930 Song ID: U-2172 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Celebration Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1 Verse 1: All the glory belongs to Jesus. All the praise belongs to Him. All that I am or ever hope to be, All the glory belongs to Him. Title: For All You've Done Author: Reuben Morgan Copyright: ©2004 Hillsong Publishing CCLI: 4254689 Song ID: U-1101 Hymnal: 814 Notes: Groups: Praise PlayOrder: Verse1, Bridge1, Chorus1, Verse1, Bridge1, Chorus2, Bridge2, Bridge2, Chorus2, Ending1 Verse 1: My Savior, Redeemer, Lifted me from the miry clay; Almighty, forever, I will never be the same 'Cause You came near Chorus 1: And You lived, and You died, And You rose again on high. And You opened the way for the world to live again. Hallelujah, for all You've done. Chorus 2: And You lived, and You died, And You rose again on high. And You opened the way For the world to live again. Bridge 1: From the everlasting, To the world we live, The Father's only Son. Bridge 2: 'Cause You came near From the everlasting, To the world we live, The Father's only Son. Ending 1: Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, for all You've done. Title: CH 98 - He is Worthy of Glory Author: Karen Eagen / Pauline Mills, Tom Fettke Copyright: ©1980 Integrity's Hosanna! Music / 1963, 1975 Fred Bock Music Company CCLI: 15795/14789 Song ID: U-2098 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Celebration Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse1, Chorus1, Chorus2 Verse 1: Thou art worthy, Great Jehovah. Thou art worthy, Mighty God. Thou art worthy, Abba Father, Thou art worthy, Lamb of God. Chorus 1: Thou art worthy, Thou art worthy, Thou art worthy, oh Lord To receive glory, glory and honor, glory and honor and pow'r. Chorus 2: For Thou hast created, hast all things created. Thou hast created all things. And for Thy pleasure they are created, for Thou art worthy, oh Lord. Title: Evermore Author: Geron Davis Copyright: ©2002 DaviShop, His Spirit Music CCLI: 3802977 Song ID: U-1102 Hymnal: 802 Notes: Groups: Praise PlayOrder: Chorus1, Chorus2, Chorus1, Chorus2, Verse1, Verse2, Chorus1, Chorus2, Verse1, Verse2, Chorus3, Chorus4, Ending1 Verse 1: You alone are glorified and of Your goodness testified. Your banner I will lift on high forever and ever. Verse 2: And when my life on earth is done And when my battles have been won, I'll sing my praise around the throne Forever and ever. Chorus 1: Evermore I will love You, Evermore I will serve You. Evermore I will glorify the Name of the Lord. Chorus 2: Evermore I'll adore You, Evermore bow before You. I will bless Your name forevermore. Chorus 3: Evermore I will love You, Evermore I will serve You. Evermore I will glorify the Name of the Lord. Chorus 4: Evermore I'll adore You, Evermore bow before You. I will bless Your name forevermore. Ending 1: I will bless Your name forevermore. I will bless Your name forevermore. Title: CH 7 - Praise the Almighty King Author: Giardini / Adkins / Hayford Copyright: Public Domain / ©1977 Maranatha Music / @1981 Rocksmith Music CCLI: Song ID: U-2007 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Celebration Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4, Verse5, Verse6, Verse7 Verse 1: Come, Thou Almighty King, Help us Thy name to sing, Help us to praise: Father, all glorious, O'er all victorious, Come, and reign over us, Ancient of Days. Verse 2: Come, Thou Incarnate Word, Gird on Thy mighty sword, Our prayer attend: Come, and Thy people bless, And give Thy word success: Spirit of holiness, On us descend. Verse 3: To Thee, great One in Three, Eternal praises be Hence, evermore! Thy sovereign majesty May we in glory see, And to eternity Love and adore! Verse 4: Father, we love You, we worship and adore You, Glorify Thy name in all the earth. Glorify Thy name, Glorify Thy name, Glorify Thy name in all the earth. Verse 5: Jesus, we love You, we worship and adore You, Glorify Thy name in all the earth. Glorify Thy name, Glorify Thy name, Glorify Thy name in all the earth. Verse 6: Majesty, worship His majesty, Unto Jesus be all glory, honor and praise. Majesty, kingdom authority, Flow from His throne unto His own, His anthem raise. Verse 7: So exalt, lift up on high, the name of Jesus. Magnify, come glorify Christ Jesus the King. Majesty, worship His majesty. Jesus, who died, now glorified, King of all Kings. Title: CH 703 - God's Love and Strength Author: Moen / Spafford,Bliss Copyright: ©1990 Integrity's Hosanna Music / Public Domain CCLI: Song ID: U-2703 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Celebration Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse5, Chorus1, Verse6, Chorus1 Verse 1: God will make a way where there seems to be no way. He works in ways we can not see. Verse 2: He will make a way for me. He will be my guide, hold me closely to His side. With love and strength for each new day; He will make a way, He will make a way. Verse 3: When peace like a river attendeth my way, When sorrows like sea billows roll; Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to say, "It is well, it is well with my soul." Verse 4: Though Satan should buffet, though trials should come, Let this blest assurance control, That Christ has regarded my helpless estate, And hath shed His own blood for my soul. Verse 5: My sin-- O, the bliss of this glorious thought-- My sin-- not in part but the whole, Is nailed to the cross and I bear it no more, Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul! Verse 6: And, Lord, haste the day when the faith shall be sight, The clouds be rolled back as a scroll, The trump shall resound and the Lord shall descend, "Even so," it is well with my soul. Chorus 1: It is well with my soul, It is well, it is well with my soul. Title: Be Lifted Up Author: Paul Oakley Copyright: ©2001 Thankyou Music CCLI: 3538234 Song ID: U-1103 Hymnal: 775 Notes: Groups: Praise PlayOrder: Chorus1, Verse1, Chorus2, Chorus1, Verse1, Ending1 Verse 1: Let the heavens rejoice, Let the nations be glad. Let the whole earth tremble, For You are God. Come and worship the Lord, In the beauty of holiness. Chorus 1: Be lifted up. Be lifted up. As we bow down, Be lifted up. Be lifted up. Be lifted up. As we bow down, Be lifted up. Chorus 2: As we bow down, Be lifted up. As we bow down, Be lifted up. Ending 1: As we bow down, Be lifted up. As we bow down, Be lifted up. As we bow down, Be lifted up. Title: 177 - Lo, How a Rose E’er Blooming Author: Griindal; Reynolds; Spaeth;Baker Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 141315 Song ID: U-0177 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Bridge1, Verse2, Bridge2, Verse3, Bridge3 Verse 1: Lo, how a Rose e’er blooming From tender stem hath sprung! Of Jesse’s lineage coming As men of old have sung. Verse 2: Isaiah ’twas foretold it, The Rose I have in mind: With Mary we behold it, The virgin mother kind. Verse 3: This Flower, whose fragrance tender With sweetness fills the air, Dispels with glorious splendor The darkness everywhere. Bridge 1: It came, a flower bright, Amid the cold of winter When half-gone was the night. Bridge 2: To show God’s love aright She bore to men a Savior When half-gone was the night. Bridge 3: True man, yet very God, From sin and death He saves us And lightens every load. Title: 178 - Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence Author: Gerald Moultrie Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 154773 Song ID: U-0178 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3 Verse 1: Let all mortal flesh keep silence, And with fear and trembling stand; Ponder nothing earthly minded,For with blessing in His hand, Christ our God to earth descendeth,Our full homage to demand. Verse 2: Rank on rank the host of heaven Spreads its vanguard on the way, As the Light of light descendeth From the realms of endless day, That the powers of hell may vanish As the darkness clears away. Verse 3: At His feet the sixwinged seraph; Cherubim, with sleepless eye, Veil their faces to the Presence, As with ceaseless voice they cry, Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Lord Most High. Title: 179 - Angels, from the Realms of Glory Author: James Montgomery and Henry T. Smart Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 31669 Song ID: U-0179 Hymnal: Notes: V5 from CH 259 Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: Angels, from the realms of glory, Wing your flight o’er all the earth; Ye who sang creation’s story Now proclaim Messiah’s birth: Verse 2: Shepherds, in the fields abiding, Watching o’er your flocks by night, God with man is now residing, Yonder shines the infant Light: Verse 3: Sages, leave your contemplations, Brighter visions beam afar; Seek the great Desire of nations, Ye have seen the Infant’s star: Verse 4: Saints before the altar bending, Watching long in hope and fear, Suddenly the Lord, descending, In His temple shall appear: Verse 5: Tho' an infant now we view Him, He will share His Father's throne; Gather all the nations to Him; Every knee shall then bow down: Chorus 1: Come and worship, come and worship, Worship Christ, the newborn King! Title: 181 - Joy to the World! The Lord Is Come Author: Isaac Watts and George Frederick Handel Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 24016 Song ID: U-0181 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4 Verse 1: Joy to the world! the Lord is come; Let earth receive her King; Let every heart prepare Him room, And heav’n and nature sing, And heav’n and nature sing, And heav’n, and heav’n and nature sing. Verse 2: Joy to the earth! the Savior reigns; Let men their songs employ; While fields and floods, rocks, hills and plains Repeat the sounding joy, Repeat the sounding joy, Repeat, repeat the sounding joy. Verse 3: No more let sins and sorrows grow, Nor thorns infest the ground; He comes to make His blessings flow Far as the curse is found, Far as the curse is found, Far as, far as the curse is found. Verse 4: He rules the world with truth and grace And makes the nations prove The glories of His righteousness, And wonders of His love, And wonders of His love, And wonders, wonders of His love. Title: 208 - Away in a Manger Author: John McFarland, William Kirkpatrick Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 38583 Song ID: U-0208 Hymnal: Notes: Alternate Tune Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3 Verse 1: Away in a manger, no crib for a bed, The little Lord Jesus laid down His sweet head. The stars in the bright sky looked down where He lay; The little Lord Jesus asleep on the hay. Verse 2: The cattle are lowing, the Baby awakes, But little Lord Jesus-- no crying He makes. I love Thee, Lord Jesus; look down from the sky, And stay by my side until morning is nigh. Verse 3: Be near me, Lord Jesus, I ask Thee to stay Close by me forever, and love me, I pray. Bless all the dear children in Thy tender care, And fit us for heaven to live with Thee there. Title: 183 - Good Christian Men, Rejoice Author: John Mason Neale Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 85158 Song ID: U-0183 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus2, Verse3, Chorus3 Verse 1: Good Christian men, rejoice With heart and soul and voice! Give ye heed to what we say: Jesus Christ is born today! Verse 2: Good Christian men, rejoice With heart and soul and voice! Now ye hear of endless bliss: Jesus Christ was born for this! Verse 3: Good Christian men, rejoice With heart and soul and voice! Now ye need not fear the grave: Jesus Christ was born to save! Chorus 1: Man and beast before Him bow, And He is in the manger now: Christ is born today, Christ is born today! Chorus 2: He has opened heaven’s door, And man is blest forevermore. Christ was born for this, Christ was born for this! Chorus 3: Calls you one and calls you all To gain His everlasting hall. Christ was born to save, Christ was born to save! Title: 184 - Angels We Have Heard on High Author: Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 27721 Song ID: U-0184 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: Angels we have heard on high, Sweetly singing o’er the plains; And the mountains in reply, Echo back their joyous strains. Verse 2: Shepherds, why this jubilee? Why your joyous strains prolong? Say what may the tidings be Which inspire your heav’nly song? Verse 3: Come to Bethlehem, and see Him whose birth the angels sing; Come, adore on bended knee Christ the Lord, the newborn King. Verse 4: See within a manger laid Jesus, Lord of heav’n and earth! Mary, Joseph, lend your aid, With us sing our Savior’s birth. Chorus 1: Gloria In excelsis Deo! Gloria In excelsis Deo! Title: 142 - Worthy, You Are Worthy Author: Don Moen Copyright: ©1986 Integrity's Hosanna! Music CCLI: 17384 Song ID: U-0142 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3 Verse 1: Worthy, You are worthy; King of kings, Lord of lords, You are worthy. Worthy, You are worthy; King of kings, Lord of lords, I worship You. Verse 2: Holy, You are holy; King of kings, Lord of lords, You are holy. Holy, You are holy; King of kings, Lord of lords, I worship You. Verse 3: Jesus, You are Jesus; King of kings, Lord of lords, You are Jesus. Jesus, You are Jesus; King of kings, Lord of lords, I worship You. Title: 190 - He Is Born Author: Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 678259 Song ID: U-0190 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Chorus1, Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: Thro’ long ages of the past, Prophets have foretold His coming; Thro’ long ages of the past, Now the time has come at last! Verse 2: O how lovely, O how pure Is this perfect Child of heaven; O how lovely, O how pure, Gracious gift to humankind! Verse 3: Jesus, Lord of all the world, Coming as a Child among us; Jesus, Lord of all the world, Grant to us Thy heav’nly peace. Chorus 1: He is born, the divine Christ Child; Play the oboe and bagpipes merrily! He is born, the divine Christ Child; Sing we all of the Savior mild. Title: 199 - O Come, All Ye Faithful Author: John Francis Wade Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 31054 Song ID: U-0199 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: O come, all ye faithful, joyful and triumphant; O come ye, O come ye to Bethlehem! Come and behold Him, born the King of angels! Verse 2: Sing, choirs of angels, sing in exultation; O sing, all ye bright hosts of heav’n above! Glory to God, all glory in the highest! Verse 3: Yea, Lord, we greet Thee, born this happy morning; Jesus, to Thee be all glory giv’n; Word of the Father, now in flesh appearing! Chorus 1: O come, let us adore Him, O come, let us adore Him, O come, let us adore Him, Christ, the Lord! Title: 196 - O Little Town of Bethlehem Author: Phillips Brooks and Lewis Redner Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 27879 Song ID: U-0196 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus2, Verse3, Chorus3, Verse4, Chorus4 Verse 1: O little town of Bethlehem, How still we see thee lie! Above thy deep and dreamless sleep The silent stars go by; Verse 2: For Christ is born of Mary, And gathered all above, While mortals sleep, the angels keep Their watch of wond’ring love. Verse 3: How silently, how silently The wondrous gift is giv’n! So God imparts to human hearts The blessings of His heav’n. Verse 4: O holy Child of Bethlehem! Descend to us, we pray; Cast out our sin, and enter in, Be born in us today! Chorus 1: Yet in the dark street shineth the ever;asting Light; The hopes and fears of all the years are met in thee tonight. Chorus 2: O morning stars, together Proclaim the holy birth, And praises sing to God the King, And peace to men on earth! Chorus 3: No ear may hear His coming, But in this world of sin, Where meek souls will receive Him, still The dear Christ enters in. Chorus 4: We hear the Christmas angels The great glad tidings tell; O come to us, abide with us, Our Lord, Immanuel! Title: 192 - Hark! the Herald Angels Sing Author: Charles Wesley and Felix Mendelssohn Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 27738 Song ID: U-0192 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: Hark! the herald angels sing, "Glory to the newborn King; Peace on earth, and mercy mild, God and sinners reconciled!" Joyful, all ye nations, rise, Join the triumph of the skies; With th’angelic host proclaim, "Christ is born in Bethlehem!" Verse 2: Christ, by highest heav’n adored; Christ, the everlasting Lord! Late in time behold Him come, Offspring of the Virgin’s womb: Veiled in flesh the Godhead see; Hail th’incarnate Deity, Pleased as man with men to dwell, Jesus, our Emmanuel. Verse 3: Hail, the heav’nborn Prince of Peace! Hail, the Sun of Righteousness! Light and life to all He brings, Ris’n with healing in His wings. Mild He lays His glory by, Born that man no more may die, Born to raise the sons of earth, Born to give them second birth. Chorus 1: Hark! the herald angels sing, "Glory to the newborn King." Title: 198 - What Child Is This Author: William C. Dix Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 30983 Song ID: U-0198 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: What Child is this, who, laid to rest, On Mary’s lap is sleeping? Whom angels greet with anthems sweet, While shepherds watch are keeping? Verse 2: Why lies He in such mean estate, Where ox and ass are feeding? Good Christian, fear: for sinners here The silent Word is pleading. Verse 3: So bring Him incense, gold, and myrrh, Come, peasant, king to own Him. The King of kings salvation brings; Let loving hearts enthrone Him. Chorus 1: This, this is Christ, the King, Whom shepherds guard and angels sing: Haste, haste to bring Him laud, The Babe, the Son of Mary! Title: 195 - Oh, Come, Little Children Author: Johann Schulz Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 478703 Song ID: U-0195 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3 Verse 1: Oh, come, little children, oh, come, one and all, To Bethlehem’s stable, in Bethlehem’s stall, And see with rejoicing this glorious sight Our Father in heaven has sent us this night. Verse 2: Oh, see in the manger, in hallowed light A star throws its beam on this holiest sight. In clean swaddling clothes lies the heavenly Child, More lovely than angels, this Baby so mild. Verse 3: Oh, there lies the Christ Child, on hay and on straw; The shepherds are kneeling before Him with awe. And Mary and Joseph smile on Him with love, While angels are singing sweet songs from above. Title: 187 - I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day Author: Henry Longfellow and John Calkin Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 109663 Song ID: U-0187 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4, Verse5 Verse 1: I heard the bells on Christmas day Their old familiar carols play, And wild and sweet the words repeat Of peace on earth, good will to men. Verse 2: I thought how, as the day had come, The belfries of all Christendom Had rolled along th’unbroken song Of peace on earth, good will to men. Verse 3: And in despair I bowed my head: "There is no peace on earth," I said, "For hate is strong, and mocks the song Of peace on earth, good will to men." Verse 4: Then pealed the bells more loud and deep: "God is not dead, nor doth He sleep; The wrong shall fail, the right prevail, With peace on earth, good will to men." Verse 5: Till, ringing, singing on its way, The world revolved from night to day A voice, a chime, a chant sublime, Of peace on earth, good will to men. Title: 182 - Go, Tell It on the Mountain Author: John W. Work, Jr. Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 29080 Song ID: U-0182 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Chorus1, Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: While shepherds kept their watching O’er silent flocks by night, Behold throughout the heavens There shone a holy light. Verse 2: The shepherds feared and trembled When lo! above the earth Rang out the angel chorus That hailed our Savior’s birth. Verse 3: Down in a lowly manger The humble Christ was born, And God sent us salvation That blessed Christmas morn. Chorus 1: Go, tell it on the mountain, Over the hills and everywhere; Go, tell it on the mountain That Jesus Christ is born! Title: 635 - Another Year Is Dawning Author: Frances Havergal and Samuel Wesley Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 67736 Song ID: U-0635 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3 Verse 1: Another year is dawning: Dear Father, let it be, In working or in waiting, Another year with Thee; Another year of progress, Another year of praise, Another year of proving Thy presence all the days. Verse 2: Another year of mercies, Of faithfulness and grace; Another year of gladness In the shining of Thy face; Another year of leaning Upon Thy loving breast; Another year of trusting, Of quiet, happy rest. Verse 3: Another year of service, Of witness for Thy love; Another year of training For holier work above. Another year is dawning: Dear Father, let it be, On earth or else in heaven, Another year for Thee. Title: 40 - All People That on Earth Do Dwell Author: William Kethe and Louis Bourgeois Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 82096 Song ID: U-0040 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4, Verse5 Verse 1: All people that on earth do dwell, Sing to the Lord with cheerful voice; Him serve with fear, His praise forth tell; Come ye before Him and rejoice. Verse 2: The Lord, ye know, is God indeed; Without our aid He did us make; We are His flock, He doth us feed, And for His sheep He doth us take. Verse 3: O enter then His gates with praise; Approach with joy His courts unto; Praise, laud and bless His name always, For it is seemly so to do. Verse 4: For why? the Lord our God is good, His mercy is forever sure; His truth at all times firmly stood, And shall from age to age endure. Verse 5: Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all creatures here below; Praise Him above, ye heav’nly host; Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Title: 33 - Praise the Lord! Ye Heavens, Adore Him Author: Edward Osler and Rowland Pritchard Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 243172 Song ID: U-0033 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus2, Verse3, Chorus3 Verse 1: Praise the Lord! ye heav’ns, adore Him; Praise Him, angels, in the height. Sun and moon, rejoice before Him; Praise Him, all ye stars of light. Verse 2: Praise the Lord! for He is glorious; Never shall His promise fail. God hath made His saints victorious; Sin and death shall not prevail. Verse 3: Worship, honor, glory, blessing, Lord, we offer unto Thee. Young and old, Thy praise expressing, In glad homage bend the knee. Chorus 1: Praise the Lord! for He hath spoken; Worlds His mighty voice obeyed. Law which never shall be broken For their guidance hath He made. Chorus 2: Praise the God of our salvation! Hosts on high, His power proclaim. Heav’n and earth a nd all creation Laud and magnify His name. Chorus 3: All the saints in heav’n adore Thee; We would bow before Thy throne. As Thine angels serve before Thee, So on earth Thy will be done. Title: 447 - It Is Well with My Soul Author: Horatio G. Spafford and P. P. Bliss Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 25376 Song ID: U-0447 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: When peace, like a river, attendeth my way, When sorrows like sea billows roll; Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to say, "It is well, it is well with my soul." Verse 2: Though Satan should buffet, though trials should come, Let this blest assurance control, That Christ has regarded my helpless estate, And hath shed His own blood for my soul. Verse 3: My sin-- oh, the bliss of this glorious thought: My sin-- not in part, but the whole Is nailed to the cross and I bear it no more, Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul! Verse 4: And, Lord, haste the day when the faith shall be sight, The clouds be rolled back as a scroll, The trump shall resound and the Lord shall descend, "Even so," it is well with my soul. Chorus 1: It is well with my soul, It is well, it is well with my soul. Title: 446 - Blessed Assurance, Jesus Is Mine Author: Fanny J. Crosby and Phoebe P. Knapp Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 22324 Song ID: U-0446 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine! Oh, what a foretaste of glory divine! Heir of salvation, purchase of God, Born of His Spirit, washed in His blood. Verse 2: Perfect submission, perfect delight, Visions of rapture now burst on my sight: Angels descending bring from above Echoes of mercy, whispers of love. Verse 3: Perfect submission, all is at rest, I in my Savior am happy and blest: Watching and waiting, looking above, Filled with His goodness, lost in His love. Chorus 1: This is my story, this is my song, Praising my Savior all the day long; This is my story, this is my song, Praising my Savior all the day long. Title: 18 - Glorify Thy Name Author: Donna Adkins Copyright: ©1976, 1981 Maranatha! Music CCLI: 1383 Song ID: U-0018 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3 Verse 1: Father, we love You, we worship and adore You, Glorify Thy name in all the earth. Glorify Thy name, Glorify Thy name, Glorify Thy name in all the earth. Verse 2: Jesus, we love You, we worship and adore You, Glorify Thy name in all the earth. Glorify Thy name, Glorify Thy name, Glorify Thy name in all the earth. Verse 3: Spirit, we love You, we worship and adore You, Glorify Thy name in all the earth. Glorify Thy name, Glorify Thy name, Glorify Thy name in all the earth. Title: 514 - Be Still, My Soul Author: Katharina Von Schlegel, Jane L. Borthwick and Jean Sibelius Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 96910 Song ID: U-0514 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus2, Verse3, Chorus3 Verse 1: Be still, my soul! the Lord is on thy side; Bear patiently the cross of grief or pain. Leave to thy God to order and provide; In ev’ry change He faithful will remain. Verse 2: Be still, my soul! thy God doth undertake To guide the future as He has the past. Thy hope, thy confidence let nothing shake; All now mysterious shall be bright at last. Verse 3: Be still, my soul! the hour is hast’ning on When we shall be forever with the Lord, When disappointment, grief, and fear are gone, Sorrow forgot, love’s purest joys restored. Chorus 1: Be still, my soul! thy best, thy heav’nly Friend Thro’ thorny ways leads to a joyful end. Chorus 2: Be still, my soul! the waves and winds still know His voice who ruled them while He dwelt below. Chorus 3: Be still, my soul! when change and tears are past, All safe and blessed we shall meet at last. Title: 511 - The Solid Rock Author: Edward Mote and William B. Bradbury Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 25417 Song ID: U-0511 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: My hope is built on nothing less Than Jesus’ blood and righteousness; I dare not trust the sweetest frame, But wholly lean on Jesus’ name. Verse 2: When darkness seems to hide His face, I rest on His unchanging grace; In every high and stormy gale, My anchor holds within the veil. Verse 3: His oath, His covenant, His blood Support me in the whelming flood; When all around my soul gives way, He then is all my hope and stay. Verse 4: When He shall come with trumpet sound, Oh, may I then in Him be found; Dressed in His righteousness alone, Faultless to stand before the throne. Chorus 1: On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand; All other ground is sinking sand, All other ground is sinking sand. Title: 279 - There is a Redeemer Author: Melody Green-Sievright Copyright: ©1982 Birdwing Music, BMG Songs, Inc., Ears To Hear Music CCLI: 11483 Song ID: U-0279 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: There is a Redeemer-- Jesus, God's own Son; Precious Lamb of God, Messiah, Holy One. Verse 2: Jesus, my Redeemer, name above all names; Precious Lamb of God, Messiah, Hope for sinners slain. Verse 3: When I stand in Glory, I will see His face; There I'll serve my King forever In that holy place. Chorus 1: Thank You, oh, my Father, For giving us Your Son, And leaving Your Spirit till The work on earth is done. Title: 457 - Be Still and Know Author: Anonymous Copyright: CCLI: 349540 Song ID: U-0457 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3 Verse 1: Be still and know that I am God. Be still and know that I am God. Be still and know that I am God. Verse 2: I am the Lord that healeth thee. I am the Lord that healeth thee. I am the Lord that healeth thee. Verse 3: In Thee, O Lord, I put my trust. In Thee, O Lord, I put my trust. In Thee, O Lord, I put my trust. Title: 621 - Satisfied Author: Clara Teare Williams and Ralph E. Hudson Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 31786 Song ID: U-0621 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: All my life I had a longing For a drink from some clear spring That I hoped would quench the burning Of the thirst I felt within. Verse 2: Feeding on the husks around me, Till my strength was almost gone, Longed my soul for something better, Only still to hunger on. Verse 3: Poor I was, and sought for riches, Something that would satisfy, But the dust I gathered ’round me Only mocked my soul’s sad cry. Verse 4: Well of water, ever springing, Bread of Life so rich and free, Untold wealth that never faileth, My Redeemer is to me. Chorus 1: Hallelujah! I have found Him Whom my soul so long has craved! Jesus satisfies my longings; Through His blood I now am saved. Title: 506 - In Christ Alone Author: Keith Getty and Stuart Townend Copyright: © 2001 Thankyou Music CCLI: 3350395 Song ID: U-0506 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus2, Verse3, Chorus3, Verse4, Chorus4 Verse 1: In Christ alone my hope is found; He is my light, my strength, my song; This Cornerstone, this solid ground, Firm through the fiercest drought and storm. Verse 2: In Christ alone who took on flesh; Fullness of God in helpless babe. This gift of love and righteousness Scorned by the ones He came to save; Verse 3: There in the ground His body lay; Light of the world by darkness slain. Then bursting forth in glorious day, Up from the grave He rose again! Verse 4: No guilt in life, no fear in death; This is the power of Christ in me. From life’s first cry to final breath Jesus commands my destiny. Chorus 1: What heights of love, what depths of peace When fears are stilled, when strivings cease; My Comforter, my All in All; Here in the love of Christ I stand. Chorus 2: ’Til on that cross as Jesus died The wrath of God was satisfied; For every sin on Him was laid; Here in the death of Christ I live. Chorus 3: And as He stands in victory Sin’s curse has lost its grip on me; For I am His and He is mine, Bought with the precious blood of Christ! Chorus 4: No power of hell, no scheme of man Can ever pluck me from His hand; ’Til He returns or calls me home, Here in the power of Christ I’ll stand! Title: 440 - Here I Am, Lord Author: Daniel Schutte Copyright: ©Copyright 1981, 2001, 2003 OCP CCLI: Song ID: U-0440 Hymnal: Notes: Not listed in CCLI Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Bridge1, Chorus1, Verse2, Bridge2, Chorus1, Verse3, Bridge3, Chorus1 Verse 1: I, the Lord of sea and sky, I have heard My people cry. All who dwell in deepest sin My hand will save. Verse 2: I, the Lord of snow and rain, I have borne My people’s pain. I have wept for love of them, They turn away. Verse 3: I, the Lord of wind and flame, I will tend the poor and lame. I will set a feast for them, My hand will save. Chorus 1: Here I am, Lord. Is it I, Lord? I have heard You calling in the night. I will go, Lord, If You lead me. I will hold Your people in my heart. Bridge 1: I who made the stars of night, I will make their darkness bright. Who will bear My light to them? Whom shall I send? Bridge 2: I will break their hearts of stone, Give them hearts for love alone. I will speak My word to them. Whom shall I send? Bridge 3: Finest bread I will provide Till their hearts be satisfied. I will give My life to them. Whom shall I send? Title: 16 - I Worship You, Almighty God Author: Sondra Corbett Copyright: ©1983 Integrity’s Hosanna! Music CCLI: 20807 Song ID: U-0016 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Ending1 Verse 1: I worship You, Almighty God; There is none like You. I worship You, O Prince of Peace; That is what I want to do. Ending 1: I give You praise For You are my righteousness. I worship You, Almighty God; There is none like You. Title: 110 - O Love That Will Not Let Me Go Author: George Matheson and Albert L. Peace Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 40502 Song ID: U-0110 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4 Verse 1: O Love that will not let me go, I rest my weary soul in Thee; I give Thee back the life I owe, That in Thine ocean depths its flow May richer, fuller be. Verse 2: O Light that foll’west all my way, I yield my flick’ring torch to Thee; My heart restores its borrowed ray, That in Thy sunshine’s glow its day May brighter, fairer be. Verse 3: O Joy that seekest me through pain, I cannot close my heart to Thee; I trace the rainbow through the rain, And feel the promise is not vain That morn shall tearless be. Verse 4: O cross that liftest up my head, I dare not ask to hide from thee; I lay in dust life’s glory dead, And from the ground there blossoms red, Life that shall endless be. Title: CH 576 - The Steadfast Love of the Lord Author: Edith McNeil Copyright: ©1974, 1975 Celebration CCLI: 21590 Song ID: U-2576 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Celebration Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2 Verse 1: The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; His mercies never come to an end. Verse 2: They are new every morning, new every morning; Great is Thy faithfulness, O Lord, Great is Thy faithfulness. Ending 1: Great is Thy faithfulness. Title: 422 - Hark, the Voice of Jesus Calling Author: Daniel March, Wolfgang Mozart Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 241473 Song ID: U-0422 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Bridge1, Verse2, Bridge2, Verse3, Bridge3 Verse 1: Hark, the voice of Jesus calling, "Who will go and work today? Fields are white, and harvests waiting, Who will bear the sheaves away?" Verse 2: If you cannot cross the ocean, And the distant lands explore, You can find the lost around you, You can help them at your door; Verse 3: Let none hear you idly saying, "There is nothing I can do," While the lost of earth are dying, And the Master calls for you; Bridge 1: Loud and long the Master calls us, Rich reward He offers free; Who will answer, gladly saying, "Here am I, send me, send me"? Bridge 2: If you cannot give your thousands, You can give the widow’s mite; What you truly give for Jesus Will be precious in His sight. Bridge 3: Take the task He gives you gladly; Let His work your pleasure be; Answer quickly when He calls you, "Here am I, send me, send me." Title: 325 - In the Name of the Lord Author: Sandi Patty, Phill McHugh, and Gloria Gaither Copyright: ©1986 William J. Gaither, Inc., Sandi's Songs Music, River Oaks Music Company CCLI: 16828 Song ID: U-0325 Hymnal: Notes: C1, C2 not in hymnal Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Chorus2 Verse 1: There is strength in the name of the Lord. There is power in the name of the Lord. There is hope in the name of the Lord. Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord! Verse 2: There is strength in the name of the Lord. There is power in the name of theLord. Chorus 1: Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord! Chorus 2: There is hope in the name of the Lord. Blessed is He who comes. Blessed is He who comes. Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord! Title: 268 - The Risen Christ Author: Keith Getty and Phil Madeira Copyright: © Copyright 2003 Thankyou Music CCLI: 4109978 Song ID: U-0268 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4 Verse 1: O breath of God, come fill this place; Revive our hearts to know Your grace; And from our slumber make us rise That we may know the Risen Christ. Verse 2: O Word of God, so clear and true, Renew our minds to trust in You; And give to us the bread of life That we may know the Risen Christ. Verse 3: O love of God, so unrestrained, Refresh our souls in Jesus' name. Let us reflect Your sacrifice That we may know the Risen Christ. Verse 4: May God the Father, God the Son, And God the Spirit make us one. In holiness let us unite That we may know the Risen Christ. Title: 246 - I Believe in a Hill Called Mount Calvary Author: Dale Oldham, Gloria Gaither, and William Gaither Copyright: ©Copyright 1968 William J. Gaither, Inc. CCLI: 20041 Song ID: U-0246 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: There are things as we travel this earth’s shifting sands That transcend all the reason of man; But the things that matter the most in this world, They can never be held in our hand. Verse 2: I believe that the Christ who was slain on that cross Has the power to change lives today; For He changed me completely, a new life is mine, That is why by the cross I will stay. Verse 3: I believe that this life with its great mysteries Surely someday will come to an end; But faith will conquer the darkness and death And will lead me at last to my friend. Chorus 1: I believe in a hill called Mount Calv’ry-- I’ll believe whatever the cost; And when time has surrendered and earth is no more, I’ll still cling to that old rugged cross. Title: CH 185 - Jesus Loves Me Author: Warner, McGuire, and Bradbury Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 1187 Song ID: U-2185 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Celebration Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: Jesus loves me! this I know, For the Bible tells me so; Little ones to Him belong, They are weak but He is strong. Verse 2: Jesus loves me! this I know, As He loved so long ago, Taking children on his knee, Saying, "Let them come to Me." Verse 3: Jesus loves me! He will stay Close beside me on my way. He's prepared a home for me, And someday His face I'll see. Chorus 1: Yes, Jesus loves me! Yes, Jesus loves me! Yes, Jesus loves me! The Bible tells me so. Title: 57 - The Majesty and Glory of Your Name Author: Linda Lee Johnson and Tom Fettke Copyright: © Copyright 1979 Word Music, LLC, Wordspring Music, LLC. CCLI: 18871 Song ID: U-0057 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Chorus1, Chorus2 Chorus 1: Alleluia, Alleluia! The majesty and glory of Your name. Alleluia, Alleluia! The majesty and glory of Your name. Chorus 2: Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia! Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia! Title: 354 - Christ Is Made the Sure Foundation Author: John Mason Neale and Joachim Neander Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 1812636 Song ID: U-0354 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4 Verse 1: Christ is made the sure foundation, Christ the head and cornerstone, Chosen of the Lord and precious, Binding all the Church in one, Holy Zion’s help forever, And her confidence alone. Verse 2: To this temple, where we call You, Come, O Lord of hosts, today; With accustomed lovingkindness Hear Your people as they pray, And Your fullest benediction Shed within its walls alway. Verse 3: Lord, here grant to all Your servants What they ask of You to gain, What they gain from You forever With the blessed to retain, And hereafter in Your glory Evermore with You to reign. Verse 4: Laud and honor to the Father, Laud and honor to the Son, Laud and honor to the Spirit, Ever Three and ever One; One in might and One in glory While unending ages run. Title: 126 - Rock of Ages Author: Rita Baloche Copyright: ©1997 Marantha Praise, Inc. CCLI: 2240547 Song ID: U-1104 Hymnal: 126 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal, Praise PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse1, Verse2, Chorus1, Ending1 Verse 1: There is no rock, there is no god like our God. No other name worthy of all our praise Verse 2: The Rock of Salvation that cannot be moved, He's proven himself to be faithful and true. There is no rock, there is no god like ours. Chorus 1: Rock of Ages, Jesus is the Rock. Rock of Ages, Jesus is the Rock. Rock of Ages, Jesus is the Rock. There is no rock, there is no god like ours. Ending 1: There is no rock, there is no god like ours. There is no rock, there is no god like ours. Title: How Majestic Author: Mark Altrogge Copyright: ©2005 Sovereign Grace Praise CCLI: 4662769 Song ID: U-1105 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Praise PlayOrder: Verse1, Bridge1, Chorus1, Chorus2, Verse2, Bridge2, Chorus1, Chorus1, Chorus1, Chorus1, Ending1 Verse 1: When I see the stars in heaven You have flung across the sky. What is man that you should love him? Or that he should catch your eye? Verse 2: You are awesome in Your glory; We are sinful and impure. How can we approach the Holy? Who will not one sin endure? Chorus 1: O Lord, our Lord, How majestic is Your name; Majestic is Your name in all the earth. Chorus 2: O Lord, our Lord, How majestic is Your name; Majestic is Your name In all the earth, In all the earth, In all the earth. Bridge 1: Yet You sent Your Son to die That we might come to find Our life in Him. Bridge 2: Yet You sent Your Son to die; His blood has paid the price For all our sin. Ending 1: In all the earth, In all the earth, In all the earth. Title: Jesus, Come, for We Invite You Author: Christopher Idle Copyright: ©Copyright 1982 Hope Publishing Co CCLI: 178481 Song ID: U-3016 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Misc. PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus2, Verse3, Chorus3, Verse4, Chorus4 Verse 1: Jesus, come! for we invite you, guest and master, friend and Lord; Now, as once at Cana's wedding, speak, and let us hear Your word: Verse 2: Jesus, come! transform our pleasures, guide us into paths unknown; Bring Your gifts, command Your servants, let us trust in You alone: Verse 3: Jesus, come in new creation, heaven brought near in power divine; Give Your unexpected glory, changing water into wine: Verse 4: Jesus, come! surprise our dullness, make us willing to receive More than we can yet imagine, all the best You have to give: Chorus 1: Lead us through our need or doubting, hope be born and joy restored. Chorus 2: Though Your hand may work in secret, All shall see what You have done. Chorus 3: Rouse the faith of your disciples-- Come, our first and greatest Sign! Chorus 4: Let us find Your hidden riches, taste Your love, believe and live! Title: Revive Me Author: Jeremy Camp Copyright: ©2003 Thirsty Moon River Publishing and Stolen Pride Music CCLI: 4158493 Song ID: U-1106 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Praise PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Verse4, Bridge1, Chorus1, Chorus1, Ending1 Verse 1: Consider my affliction and please deliver me; Plead my cause and redeem me. Verse 2: Salvation’s not for the wicked, For they don’t seek Your Word; Great are your tender mercies, Lord. Verse 3: You give me understanding, according to Your Word; Great peace for those who seek Your face. Verse 4: I long for salvation, my lips shall praise Your name. I rejoice in the treasure of your keep. Chorus 1: Revive me, according to Your loving kindness, Revive me, that I may seek Your Word. Revive me, according to Your loving kindness; Revive me, Oh Lord. Bridge 1: All my ways are before You; I let Your hand become my help. My soul longs and adores You; Let my cry come before You, Oh Lord. Ending 1: Revive me, according to Your loving kindness. Revive me, Oh Lord. Revive me, Oh, Lord. Title: 238 - Beneath the Cross of Jesus Author: Elizabeth C. Clephane and Fredrick C. Maker Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 27927 Song ID: U-0238 Hymnal: 558 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3 Verse 1: Beneath the cross of Jesus I fain would take my stand, The shadow of a mighty Rock Within a weary land; A home within the wilderness, A rest upon the way, From the burning of the noontide heat, And the burden of the day. Verse 2: Upon that cross of Jesus Mine eye at times can see The very dying form of One Who suffered there for me; And from my smitten heart, with tears, Two wonders I confess: The wonders of His glorious love And my unworthiness. Verse 3: I take, O Cross, thy shadow for my abiding place; I ask no other sunshine than the sunshine of His face; Content to let the world go by, To know no gain nor loss, My sinful self-- my only shame, My glory-- all the cross. Title: 302 - Rejoice, the Lord Is King Author: Charles Wesley and John Darwall Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 36592 Song ID: U-0302 Hymnal: 32 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: Rejoice, the Lord is King; Your Lord and King adore! Rejoice, give thanks, and sing, And triumph evermore. Verse 2: Jesus, the Savior, reigns, The God of truth and love; When He had purged our stains, He took His seat above. Verse 3: His kingdom cannot fail, He rules o'er earth and heav'n; The keys of death and hell Are to our Jesus given. Verse 4: Rejoice in glorious hope! Our Lord and judge shall come, And take His servants up to their eternal home. Chorus 1: Lift up your heart; Lift up your voice! Rejoice, again I say, rejoice! Title: 169 - What Wondrous Love is This Author: William Walker Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: Song ID: U-0169 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus2, Verse3, Chorus3, Verse4, Chorus4 Verse 1: What wondrous love is this, O my soul, O my soul! What wondrous love is this, O my soul! Verse 2: When I was sinking down, sinking down, sinking down, When I was sinking down, sinking down, Verse 3: To God and to the Lamb, I will sing, I will sing; To God and to the Lamb, I will sing. Verse 4: And when from death I’m free, I’ll sing on, I’ll sing on; And when from death I’m free, I’ll sing on. Chorus 1: What wondrous love is this That caused the Lord of bliss To bear the dreadful curse for my soul, formy soul, To bear the dreadful curse for my soul. Chorus 2: When I was sinking down Beneath God’s righteous frown, Christ laid aside His crown for my soul, formy soul, Christ laid aside His crown for my soul. Chorus 3: To God and to the Lamb Who is the great “I AM”; While millions join the theme, I will sing, I will sing; While millions join the theme, I will sing. Chorus 4: And when from death I’m free I’ll sing and joyful be; And through eternity, I’ll sing on, I’ll sing on; And through eternity, I’ll sing on. Title: 12 - Hear Our Praises Cue Name: Hear Our Praises Author: Reuben Morgan Copyright: ©1998 Hillsong Publishing CCLI: 2543402 Song ID: U-1107 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal, Praise PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Bridge1, Chorus2, Chorus1, Bridge1 Verse 1: May our homes be filled with dancing, May our streets be filled with joy; May injustice bow to Jesus As the people turn to pray. Verse 2: May Your light shine in the darkness As we walk before the cross; May Your glory fill the whole earth As the water o'er the seas. Chorus 1: From the mountain to the valley. Hear our praises rise to You. From the heavens to the nations, Hear our singing fill the air. Chorus 2: From the mountain to the valley. Hear our praises rise to You. From the heavens to the nations, Hear our singing fill the air. Bridge 1: Hallelujah, hallelujah. Hallelujah, hallelujah. Hallelujah, hallelujah. Hallelujah, hallelujah. Title: 80 - God Leads Us Along Cue Name: God Leads Us Along Author: G. A. Young Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 190919 Song ID: U-0080 Hymnal: 333 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: In shady green pastures, so rich and so sweet, God leads His dear children along. Where the water's cool flow bathes the weary one's feet, God leads His dear children along. Verse 2: Sometimes on the mount where the sun shines so bright, God leads His dear children along. Sometimes in the valley in the darkest night, God leads His dear children along. Verse 3: Though sorrows befall us and Satan oppose, God leads His dear children along. Through grace we can conquer, defeat all our foes, God leads His dear children along. Chorus 1: Some through the waters, some through the flood, Some through the fire, but all through the blood; Some through great sorrow, but God gives a song in the night season and all the day long. Title: 656 - A Mighty Fortress Is Our God Author: Martin Luther and Frederick Hedge Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 42964 Song ID: U-0656 Hymnal: 5 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4 Verse 1: A mighty fortress is our God, A bulwark never failing; Our helper He, amid the flood Of mortal ills prevailing: For still our ancient foe Doth seek to work us woe; His craft and pow'r are great, And armed with cruel hate, On earth is not his equal. Verse 2: Did we in our own strength confide, Our striving would be losing; Were not the right Man on our side, The Man of God's own choosing: Dost ask who that may be? Christ Jesus, it is He; Lord Sabaoth, His name, From age to age the same, And He must win the battle. Verse 3: And tho' this world, with devils filled, Should threaten to undo us, We will not fear, for God hath willed His truth to triumph through us: The prince of darkness grim, We tremble not for him; His rage we can endure, For lo, his doom is sure: One little word shall fell him. Verse 4: That word above all earthly pow'rs, No thanks to them, abideth; The Spirit and the gifts are ours Through Him who with us sideth. Let goods and kindred go, This mortal life also; The body they may kill: God's truth abideth still: His Kingdom is forever. Title: 36 - I Exalt Thee Cue Name: I Exalt Thee Author: Pete Sanchez Copyright: 1977 Pete Sanchez, Jr. CCLI: 17803 Song ID: U-0036 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1 Verse 1: For Thou, O Lord, art high above all the earth; Thou art exalted far above all gods. For Thou, O Lord, art high above all the earth; Thou art exalted far above all gods. Chorus 1: I exalt Thee, I exalt Thee, I exalt Thee, O Lord. I exalt Thee, I exalt Thee, I exalt Thee, O Lord. Title: 536 - Lord, I Want to Be a Christian Author: John W. Work and Frederick J. Work Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: Song ID: U-0536 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4 Verse 1: Lord, I want to be a Christian In my heart, in my heart, Lord, I want to be a Christian In my heart. In my heart, In my heart, Lord, I want to be a Christian In my heart. Verse 2: Lord, I want to be more loving In my heart, in my heart, Lord, I want to be more loving In my heart. In my heart, In my heart, Lord, I want to be more loving In my heart. Verse 3: Lord, I want to be more holy In my heart, in my heart, Lord, I want to be more holy In my heart. In my heart, In my heart, Lord, I want to be more holy In my heart. Verse 4: Lord, I want to be like Jesus In my heart, in my heart, Lord, I want to be like Jesus In my heart. In my heart, In my heart, Lord, I want to be like Jesus In my heart. Title: 9 - We Praise You, O God, Our Redeemer Author: Julia Cory and Edward Kremser Copyright: ©Copyright 2008 Broadman Press CCLI: Song ID: U-0009 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3 Verse 1: We praise You, O God, our Redeemer, Creator, In grateful devotion our tribute we bring. We lay it before You, we kneel and adore You, We bless Your holy name, glad praises we sing. Verse 2: We worship You, God of our fathers, we bless You; Through life’s storm and tempest our Guide You have been. When perils o’ertake us, You will not forsake us, And with Your help, O Lord, our battles we win. Verse 3: With voices united our praises we offer, And gladly our songs of thanksgiving we raise. With You, Lord, beside us, Your strong arm will guide us. To You, our great Redeemer, forever be praise. Title: 337 - God, Our Father, We Adore Thee Cue Name: CH 93 - God, Our Father, We Adore Thee Author: Alfred S. Loizeaux, George Frazer, John Zundel Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 190445 Song ID: U-0337 Hymnal: CH 93 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4 Verse 1: God, our Father, we adore Thee! We, Thy children, bless Thy name! Chosen in the Christ before Thee, We are "holy, without blame." We adore Thee! we adore Thee! Abba's praises we proclaim! We adore Thee! we adore Thee! Abba's praises we proclaim! Verse 2: Son Eternal, we adore Thee! Lamb upon the throne on high! Lamb of God, we bow before Thee, Thou hast bro't Thy people nigh! We adore Thee! we adore Thee! Son of God, who came to die! We adore Thee! we adore Thee! Son of God, who came to die! Verse 3: Holy Spirit, we adore Thee! Paraclete and heav'nly guest! Sent from God and from the Savior, Thou hast led us into rest. We adore Thee! we adore Thee! By Thy grace forever blest; We adore Thee! we adore Thee! By Thy grace forever blest! Verse 4: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit-- Three in One! we give Thee praise! For the riches we inherit, Heart and voice to Thee we raise! We adore Thee! we adore Thee! Thee we bless thro' endless days! We adore Thee! we adore Thee! Thee we bless thro' endless days! Title: 336 - Come, Thou Almighty King Cue Name: Come, Thou Almighty King Author: Charles Wesley and Felice De Giardini Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 29073 Song ID: U-0336 Hymnal: 84 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4 Verse 1: Come, Thou Almighty King, Help us Thy name to sing, Help us to praise: Father, all glorious, O'er all victorious, Come, and reign over us, Ancient of Days. Verse 2: Come, Thou Incarnate Word, Gird on Thy mighty sword, Our prayer attend! Come, and Thy people bless, And give Thy word success: Spirit of holiness, On us descend. Verse 3: Come, Holy Comforter, Thy sacred witness bear In this glad hour! Thou, who almighty art, Now rule in ev'ry heart, And ne'er from us depart, Spirit of pow'r. Verse 4: To Thee, great One in Three, The highest praises be, Hence evermore; Thy sov'reign majesty May we in glory see, And to eternity Love and adore! Title: 534 - Take My Life, and Let It Be Consecrated Author: Frances Ridley Havergal and Henri A. Cesar Malan Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 1390 Song ID: U-0534 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4 Verse 1: Take my life and let it be Consecrated, Lord, to Thee; Take my hands and let them move At the impulse of Thy love, At the impulse of Thy love. Verse 2: Take my feet and let them be Swift and beautiful for Thee; Take my voice and let me sing Always, only, for my King, Always, only, for my King. Verse 3: Take my silver and my gold, Not a mite would I withhold; Take my moments and my days, Let them flow in ceaseless praise, Let them flow in ceaseless praise. Verse 4: Take my will and make it Thine, It shall be no longer mine; Take my heart, it is Thine own, It shall be Thy royal throne, It shall be Thy royal throne. Title: 93 - His Eye Is on the Sparrow Cue Name: His Eye Is on the Sparrow Author: Civilla Martin and Charles Gabriel Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 77692 Song ID: U-0093 Hymnal: 151 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Bridge1, Chorus1, Verse2, Bridge1, Chorus1, Verse3, Bridge1, Chorus1 Verse 1: Why should I feel discouraged? Why should the shadows come? Why should my heart be lonely And long for Heav'n and home When Jesus is my portion? My constant Friend is He: Verse 2: "Let not your heart be troubled," His tender words I hear; And resting on His goodness I lose my doubt and fear. Though by the path He leadeth But one step I may see: Verse 3: Whenever I am tempted, Whenever clouds arise, When songs give place to sighing, When hope within me dies, I draw the closer to Him; From care He sets me free: Chorus 1: I sing because I’m happy, I sing because I’m free, For His eye is on the sparrow, And I know He watches me. Bridge 1: His eye is on the sparrow, And I know He watches me. His eye is on the sparrow, And I know He watches me. Title: 96 - Great Is Thy Faithfulness Cue Name: Great Is Thy Faithfulness Author: T.O. Chisholm and William M. Runyan Copyright: ©1923. Renewed 1951 Hope Publishing Company CCLI: 18723 Song ID: U-0096 Hymnal: 196 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: Great is Thy faithfulness, O God my Father; There is no shadow of turning with Thee. Thou changest not, Thy compassions, they fail not; As Thou hast been, Thou forever wilt be. Verse 2: Summer and winter, and springtime and harvest, Sun, moon and stars in their courses above Join with all nature in manifold witness To Thy great faithfulness, mercy and love. Verse 3: Pardon for sin and a peace that endureth, Thy own dear presence to cheer and to guide; Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow, Blessings all mine, with ten thousand beside! Chorus 1: Great is Thy faithfulness! Great is Thy faithfulness! Morning by morning new mercies I see; All I have needed Thy hand hath provided; Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me! Ending 1: "Great is Thy faithfulness! Great is Thy faithfulness!" Morning by morning new mercies I see; All I have needed Thy hand hath provided, "Great is Thy faithfulness," "Great is Thy faithfulness," "Great is Thy faithfulness," Lord, unto me! Title: 346 - The Church's One Foundation Cue Name: The Church's One Foundation Author: Samuel J. Stone and Samuel S. Wesley Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 55377 Song ID: U-0346 Hymnal: 509 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3 Verse 1: The Church's one foundation Is Jesus Christ her Lord; She is His new creation, By Spirit and the Word; From heav'n He came and sought her to be His holy bride; With His own blood He bought her, And for her life He died. Verse 2: Elect from ev'ry nation, Yet one o'er all the earth, Her charter of salvation: One Lord, one faith, one birth; One holy name she blesses, Partakes one holy food, And to one hope she presses, With ev'ry grace endued. Verse 3: {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\uc1\deff0{\fonttbl {\f0\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2 Arial;} {\f1\fscript\fcharset0\fprq2 Lucida Casual;} {\f2\froman\fcharset2\fprq2 Symbol;}} {\colortbl;\red0\green0\blue0;\red255\green255\blue255;\red255\green255\blue0;} {\stylesheet{\s0\itap0\nowidctlpar\f0\fs24 [Normal];}{\*\cs10\additive Default Paragraph Font;}} {\*\generator TX_RTF32 13.0.501.502;} \deftab1134\paperw12240\paperh15840\margl1440\margt1440\margr1440\margb1440\widowctrl {\*\background{\shp{\*\shpinst\shpleft0\shptop0\shpright0\shpbottom0\shpfhdr0\shpbxmargin\shpbxignore\shpbymargin\shpbyignore\shpwr0\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shplid1025{\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 16777215}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineWidth}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fBackground}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fLayoutInCell}{\sv 1}}}}}\pard\itap0\nowidctlpar\qc\plain\f1\fs61\b\cf3 Elect from ev'ry nation,\par Yet one o'er all the earth,\par Her charter of salvation:\par One Lord, one faith, one birth;\par\par One holy name she blesses,\par Partakes one holy food,\par And to one hope she presses,\par With ev'ry grace endued.\par } Title: 260 - Lamb of Glory Cue Name: CH 109 - Lamb of Glory Author: Greg Nelson, Phil McHugh Copyright: ©1982 Shepherd's Fold Music, River Oaks Music Company CCLI: 15128 Song ID: U-0260 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1 Verse 1: Hear the story from God's Word That kings and priests and prophets heard: There would be a sacrifice, And blood would flow to pay sin's price. Verse 2: On the cross God loved the world While all the pow'rs of hell were hurled; No one there could understand The One they saw was Christ, the Lamb. Chorus 1: Precious Lamb of glory, Love's most wondrous story. Heart of God's redemption of man-- Worship the Lamb of glory. Title: 48 - I Sing the Mighty Power of God Cue Name: CH 128 - I Sing the Mighty Power of God Author: Isaac Watts Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 29097 Song ID: U-0048 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3 Verse 1: I sing the mighty pow'r of God That made the mountains rise, That spread the flowing seas abroad, And built the lofty skies. I sing the wisdom that ordained The sun to rule the day; The moon shines full at His command And all the stars obey. Verse 2: I sing the goodness of the Lord That filled the earth with food; He formed the creatures with His word And then pronounced them good. Lord, how Thy wonders are displayed Where'er I turn my eye: If I survey the ground I tread Or gaze upon the sky! Verse 3: There's not a plant or flow'r below But makes Thy glories known; And clouds arise and tempests blow By order from Thy throne; While all that borrows life from Thee Is ever in Thy care, And everywhere that man can be, Thou, God, art present there. Title: 324 - No Other Name Author: Robert Gay Copyright: ©1988 Integrity's Hosanna! Music CCLI: 141793 Song ID: U-0324 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Chorus2 Verse 1: His name is exalted far above the earth; His name is high above the heavens. His name is exalted far above the earth; Give glory and honor And praise unto His name. Chorus 1: No other name but the name of Jesus, No other name but the name of the Lord; Chorus 2: No other name But the name of Jesus Is worthy of glory, And worthy of honor, And worthy of power and all praise. Title: 63 - Awesome God Cue Name: CH 179 - Awesome God Author: Rich Mullins Copyright: ©1988 BMG Songs, Inc. CCLI: 41099 Song ID: U-0063 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Chorus1, Chorus1, Chorus1, Chorus1, Chorus2 Chorus 1: Our God is an awesome God; He reigns from heaven above With wisdom, pow'r and love; Our God is an awesome God! Chorus 2: Our God is an awesome God; He reigns from heaven above With wisdom, pow'r and love; Our God is an awesome God! Our God is an awesome God! Our God is an awesome God! Title: 139 - Let There Be Glory And Honor And Praises Cue Name: CH 20 - Let There Be Glory And Honor And Praises Author: Elizabeth Greenelsh and James Greenelsh Copyright: ©1978 Integrity's Hosanna! Music CCLI: 19351 Song ID: U-0139 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Chorus1, Chorus1 Chorus 1: Let there be glory and honor and praises; Glory and honor to Jesus. Glory and honor, glory and honor to Him. Title: 581 - We Bring the Sacrifice of Praise Author: Kirk Dearman Copyright: ©1984 John T. Benson Publishing Company CCLI: 9990 Song ID: U-0581 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Chorus1 Chorus 1: We bring the sacrifice of praise into the house of the Lord; We bring the sacrifice of praise into the house of the Lord. And we offer up to You the sacrifices of thanksgiving; And we offer up to You the sacrifices of joy. Title: 213 - Infant Holy, Infant Lowly Cue Name: CH 279 - Infant Holy, Infant Lowly Author: Edith M. G. Reed Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 162538 Song ID: U-0213 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2 Verse 1: Infant holy, infant lowly, For His bed-- a cattle stall; Oxen lowing, little knowing Christ, the Babe, is Lord of all. Swift are winging angels singing, Noels ringing, tidings bringing: Christ, the Babe, is Lord of all! Christ, the Babe, is Lord of all! Verse 2: Flocks were sleeping; shepherds keeping Vigil till the morning new, Saw the glory, heard the story-- Tidings of a gospel true. Thus rejoicing, free from sorrow, Praises voicing, greet the morrow: Christ, the Babe, was born for you! Christ, the Babe, was born for you! Title: 274 - Jesus Christ Is Risen Today Cue Name: CH 360 - Jesus Christ is Risen Today Author: Jeremy J. Bankson Copyright: ©2002 2002 Birnamwood Publications CCLI: 3599091 Song ID: U-0274 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3 Verse 1: Jesus Christ is ris'n today, Alleluia! Our triumphant holy day, Alleluia! Who did once upon the cross, Alleluia! Suffer to redeem our loss, Alleluia! Verse 2: Hymns of praise, then, let us sing, Alleluia! Unto Christ our heav'nly King, Alleluia! Who endured the cross and grave, Alleluia! Sinners to redeem and save, Alleluia! Verse 3: Sing we to our God above, Alleluia! Praise eternal as His love: Alleluia! Praise Him all you heav'nly host, Alleluia! Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, Alleluia! Title: 272 - Alleluia! Alleluia! Cue Name: CH 365 - Alleluia! Alleluia! Author: Christopher Wordsworth / Ludwig van Beethoven Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 41903 Song ID: U-0272 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus2 Verse 1: Alleluia! Alleluia! Hearts to heav'n and voices raise; Sing to God a hymn of gladness, Sing to God a hymn of praise. Verse 2: Now the iron bars are broken, Christ from death to life is born; Glorious life, and life immortal, On this resurrection morn. Chorus 1: He who on the cross as Savior For the world's salvation bled, Jesus Christ, the King of Glory, Now is risen from the dead. Chorus 2: Christ has triumphed, and we conquer By His mighty enterprise; We with Him to life eternal By His resurrection rise. Title: 299 - Victory Chant Author: Joseph Vogels Copyright: ©1985 Scripture In Song CCLI: 23873 Song ID: U-0299 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4 Verse 1: Hail Jesus, You're my King. (echo) Your life frees me to sing. (echo) I will praise You all my days. (echo) You're perfect in all Your ways. (echo) Verse 2: Hail Jesus, You're my Lord. (echo) I will obey Your Word. (echo) I want to see Your kingdom come (echo) Not my will, but Yours be done. (echo) Verse 3: Glory, glory to the Lamb. (echo) You take me into the land. (echo) We will conquer in Your name. (echo) And proclaim that Jesus reigns! (echo) Verse 4: Glory, glory to the Lamb. (echo) You take me into the land. (echo) We will conquer in Your name. (echo) And proclaim that Jesus reigns! (echo) And proclaim that Jesus reigns! (echo) Title: 327 - Holy Spirit, Thou Art Welcome Author: Dottie Rambo and David Huntsinger Copyright: ©1977, 1983 John T. Benson Publishing Company, HeartWarming Music CCLI: 12994 Song ID: U-0327 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Chorus1 Chorus 1: Holy Spirit, Thou art welcome in this place. Holy Spirit, Thou art welcome in this place. Omnipotent Father of mercy and grace, Thou art welcome in this place. Title: 682 - Spirit of the Living God Cue Name: CH 389 - Spirit of the Living God Author: Daniel Iverson and Lowell Alexander Copyright: ©1994 Birdwing Music CCLI: 1851460 Song ID: U-0682 Hymnal: CH 389 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3 Verse 1: Spirit of the living God, fall fresh on me. Spirit of the living God, fall fresh on me. Melt me, mold me, fill me, use me. Spirit of the living God, fall fresh on me. Verse 2: Soul of heaven, heart of God, wash over me. Soul of heaven, heart of God, wash over me. Cleanse me, teach me, hold me, reach me. Soul of heaven, heart of God, wash over me. Verse 3: Holy presence, love divine, cast out my fear. Holy presence, love divine, cast out my fear. Shield me, free me, call me, lead me. Holy presence, love divine, cast out my fear. Title: 43 - Thou Art Worthy, Great Jehovah Cue Name: CH 99 - Thou Art Worthy, Great Jehovah Author: Karen Eagan Copyright: ©1980 Integrity's Hosanna! Music CCLI: 15795 Song ID: U-0043 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Chorus1, Chorus1 Chorus 1: Thou art worthy, Great Jehovah, Thou art worthy, Mighty God. Thou art worthy, Abba Father. Thou art worthy, Lamb of God. Title: 341 - God Has Spoken By His Prophets Cue Name: CH 407 - God Has Spoken By His Prophets Author: George Wallace Briggs and John Zundel Copyright: © 1953. Renewed 1981 The Hymn Society CCLI: 2763426 Song ID: U-0341 Hymnal: CH 407 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus2, Verse3, Chorus3 Verse 1: God has spoken by His prophets, Spoken His unchanging Word, Each from age to age proclaiming God, the one, the righteous Lord. Verse 2: God has spoken by Christ Jesus, Christ the everlasting Son, Brightness of the Father's glory, With the Father ever one; Verse 3: God is speaking by His Spirit, Speaking to our hearts again; In the ageless Word expounding God's own message, now as then. Chorus 1: In the world's despair and turmoil One firm anchor holds us fast: God is King, His throne eternal, God the First and God the Last. Chorus 2: Spoken by the Word incarnate, God of God, ere time was born; Light of Light, to earth descending, Christ as God in human form. Chorus 3: Through the rise and fall of nations One sure faith yet standing fast: God abides, His word unchanging, God the First and God the Last. Title: 365 - Song For The Nations Author: Chris Christensen Copyright: ©1986 Integrity's Hosanna! Music CCLI: 20340 Song ID: U-0365 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus2, Verse3, Chorus3, Verse4, Chorus4, Verse5, Chorus5 Verse 1: May we be a shining light to the nations, A shining light to the peoples of the earth, Verse 2: May we bring a word of hope to the nations, A word of life to the peoples of the earth, Verse 3: May we be a healing balm to the nations, A healing balm to the peoples of the earth, Verse 4: May we sing a song of joy to the nations, A song of praise to the peoples of the earth, Verse 5: May Your kingdom come to the nations, Your will be done in the peoples of the earth, Chorus 1: Till the whole world sees the glory of Your name. May Your pure light shine through us. Chorus 2: Till the whole world knows there's salvation through Your name. May Your mercy flow through us. Chorus 3: Till the whole world knows the power of Your name, May Your healing flow through us. Chorus 4: Till the whole world rings with the praises of Your name. May Your song be sung through us. Chorus 5: Till the whole world knows that Jesus Christ is Lord. May Your kingdom come on earth. Title: 411 - Come Just As You Are Author: Joseph Sabolick Copyright: ©1993 Maranatha Praise, Inc. CCLI: 1189479 Song ID: U-0411 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Chorus1 Verse 1: Come just as you are; Hear the Spirit call. Come just as you are; Come and see, come, receive; Come and live forever. Verse 2: Come just as you are; Hear the Spirit call. Come just as you are; Come, receive Christ, the King; Come and live forevermore. Chorus 1: Life everlasting, and strength for today; Taste the Living Water, and never thirst again. Title: CH 594 - Living Sacrifice Author: Harris / VanDeVenter,Weeden / Havergal,Malan Copyright: ©1987 LifeSong Music Press / Public Domain / Public Doma CCLI: {\sv 0}3189,1390 Song ID: U-2594 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Celebration Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4, Verse5, Verse6, Verse7, Verse8, Chorus1, Ending1 Verse 1: I give all my service to You, I give all my service to You; No matter the cost or what others do, I give all my service to You. Verse 2: I give all my future to You, I give all my future to You; No matter the cost or what others do, I give all my future to You. Verse 3: I give all my worship to You, I give all my worship to You; No matter the cost or what others do, I give all my worship to You. Verse 4: All to Jesus I surrender, All to Him I freely give; I will ever love and trust Him, In His presence daily live. Verse 5: All to Jesus I surrender, Lord, I give myself to Thee; Fill me with Thy love and power, Let Thy blessing fall on me. Verse 6: Take my life and let it be Consecrated, Lord, to Thee; Take my moments and my days-- Let them flow in ceaseless praise, Let them flow in ceaseless praise. Verse 7: Take my love-- my Lord, I pour At Thy feet its treasure store; Take myself-- and I will be Ever, only, all for Thee, Ever, only, all for Thee. Verse 8: Take my will and make it Thine-- It shall be no longer mine; Take my heart-- it is Thine own, It shall be Thy royal throne, It shall be Thy royal throne. Chorus 1: I surrender all, I surrender all. All to Thee, my blessed Savior, I surrender all. Ending 1: It shall be Thy royal throne. Take my life, I consecrate it, Lord, to Thee Title: 157 - In This Very Room Author: Ron and Carol Harris Copyright: ©1979 Ron Harris Music CCLI: 31267 Song ID: U-0157 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: In this very room there's quite enough love for one like me, And in this very room there's quite enough joy for one like me; Verse 2: In this very room there's quite enough love for all of us, And in this very room there's quite enough joy for all of us; Verse 3: In this very room there's quite enough love for all the world, And in this very room there's quite enough joy for all the world; Chorus 1: And there's quite enough hope and quite enough pow'r to chase away any gloom, For Jesus, Lord Jesus, is in this very room. Title: 464 - Whiter Than Snow Author: James Nicholson and William G. Fischer Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 37144 Song ID: U-0464 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: Lord Jesus, I long to be perfectly whole; I want Thee forever to ransom my soul. Break down ev'ry idol, cast out ev'ry foe: Now wash me and I shall be whiter than snow. Verse 2: Lord Jesus, for this I most humbly entreat; I wait, blessed Lord, at Thy crucified feet. By faith, for my cleansing I see Thy blood flow: Now wash me and I shall be whiter than snow. Verse 3: Lord Jesus, Thou knowest I patiently wait; Come now, and within me a new heart create. To those who have sought Thee, Thou never said “No:” Now wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow. Verse 4: Lord Jesus, Thou knowest I patiently wait; Come now, and within me a new heart create. To those who have sought Thee, Thou never said "No": Now wash me and I shall be whiter than snow. Chorus 1: Whiter than snow, yes, whiter than snow; Now wash me and I shall be whiter than snow. Title: 596 - A Charge To Keep I Have Cue Name: CH 666 - A Charge To Keep I Have Author: Charles Wesley and Lowell Mason Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 118850 Song ID: U-0596 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4 Verse 1: A charge to keep I have, A God to glorify, Who gave His Son my soul to save, And fit it for the sky. Verse 2: To serve the present age, My calling to fulfill; O may it all my pow'rs engage To do my Master's will! Verse 3: Arm me with jealous care As in Thy sight to live, And now Thy servant, Lord, prepare A strict account to give! Verse 4: Help me to watch and pray, And still on Thee rely, O let me not my trust betray, But press to realms on high. Title: 64 - What a Mighty God We Serve Author: Ken Barker and Tom Fettke Copyright: ©1992 Word Music, LLC CCLI: 4397553 Song ID: U-0064 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Chorus1 Chorus 1: What a mighty God we serve, What a mighty God we serve. Angels bow before Him, Heaven and earth adore Him, What a mighty God we serve. Title: 376 - Glorious Is Thy Name Most Holy Author: Ruth Elliott and William Moore Copyright: ©1961 The Hymn Society CCLI: 27116 Song ID: U-0376 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3 Verse 1: Glorious is Thy name, Most Holy, God and Father of us all; We Thy servants bow before Thee, Strive to answer ev'ry call. Thou with life's great good hast blest us, Cared for us from earliest years; Unto Thee our thanks we render; Thy deep love o'ercomes all fears. Verse 2: For our world of need and anguish We would lift to Thee our prayer. Faithful stewards of Thy bounty May we with our brothers share. In the name of Christ our Savior, Who redeems and sets us free, Gifts we bring of heart and treasure, That our lives may worthier be. Verse 3: In the midst of time we journey, From Thy hand comes each new day; We would use it in Thy service, Humbly, wisely, while we may. So to Thee, Lord and Creator; Praise and honor we accord, Thine the earth and Thine the heavens, Through all the Eternal Word. Title: 84 - Lead Me, Lord Cue Name: CH 689 - Lead Me, Lord Author: Elizabeth Goodine and Wayne Goodine Copyright: ©1994 New Spring CCLI: 1609045 Song ID: U-0084 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Chorus1 Chorus 1: Lead me, Lord, I will follow; Lead me, Lord, I will go. You have called me-- I will answer; Lead me, Lord, I will go. Chorus 2: Lead me, Lord, I will follow; Lead me, Lord, I will go. You have called me-- I will answer; Lead me, Lord, I will go, I will go. Title: 85 - God Will Make a Way Cue Name: CH 704 - God Will Make a Way Author: Don Moen Copyright: ©1990 Integrity's Hosanna Music CCLI: 458620 Song ID: U-0085 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2 Verse 1: God will make a way where there seems to be no way. He works in ways we can not see. He will make a way for me. Verse 2: He will be my guide, hold me closely to His side. With love and strength for each new day; He will make a way, He will make a way. Title: 309 - At the Name of Jesus Author: Caroline M. Noel and James Mountain Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 1803896 Song ID: U-0309 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4 Verse 1: At the name of Jesus Ev'ry knee shall bow, Ev'ry tongue confess Him King of Glory now. 'Tis the Father's pleasure We should call Him Lord, Who from the beginning Was the mighty Word. Verse 2: Humbled for a season, To receive a name From the lips of sinners Unto whom He came; Faithfully He bore it, Spotless to the last, Brought it back victorious When from death He passed. Verse 3: In your hearts enthrone Him; There let Him subdue All that is not holy, All that is not true; Crown Him as your captain In temptation's hour; Let His will enfold you In its light and pow'r. Verse 4: Watch, for this Lord Jesus Shall return again, With His Father's glory, O'er the earth to reign; For the day is coming When each knee shall bow, All our hearts confess Him King of Glory now. Title: 640 - Let All Things Now Living Author: Katherine K. Davis Copyright: ©1939,1966 E.C. Schirmer Music Company CCLI: 171701 Song ID: U-0640 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus2 Verse 1: Let all things now living A song of thanksgiving To God the Creator triumphantly raise; Who fashioned and made us, Protected and stayed us, Who guideth us on to the end of our days. Verse 2: His law He enforces; The stars in their courses, The sun in his orbitm obediently shine. The hills and the mountains, The rivers and fountains, The deeps of the ocean proclaim Him divine. Chorus 1: His banners are o'er us; His light goes before us-- A pillar of fire shining forth in the night-- Till shadows have vanished And darkness is banished, As forward we travel from light into light. Chorus 2: We, too, should be voicing Our love and rejoicing; With glad adoration a song let us raise Till all things now living Unite in thanksgiving: "To God in the highest, hosanna and praise!" Title: 46 - This Is My Father's World Author: Maltbie D. Babcock and Franklin Sheppard Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 84733 Song ID: U-0046 Hymnal: 2 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3 Verse 1: This is my Father's world, And to my list'ning ears, All nature sings, and round me rings The music of the spheres. This is my Father's world, I rest me in the thought Of rocks and trees, of skies and seas His hand the wonders wrought. Verse 2: This is my Father's world, The birds their carols raise, The morning light, the lily white, Declare their Maker's praise. This is my Father's world, He shines in all that's fair; In the rustling grass I hear Him pass, He speaks to me ev'rywhere. Verse 3: This is my Father's world, O let me ne'er forget That though the wrong seems oft so strong, God is the Ruler yet. This is my Father's world, The battle is not done, Jesus who died shall be satisfied, And earth and heav'n be one. Title: 504 - Be Strong in the Lord Author: Linda Johnson and Tom Fettke Copyright: ©1979 Hope Publishing Company CCLI: 52105 Song ID: U-0504 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: Be strong in the Lord, and be of good courage; Your mighty Defender is always the same. Mount up with wings, as the eagle ascending; Victory is sure when you call on His name. Verse 2: So put on the armor the Lord has provided, And place your defense in His unfailing care. Trust Him, for He will be with you in battle, Lighting your path to avoid every snare. Verse 3: Be strong in the Lord, and be of good courage; Your mighty Commander will vanquish the foe. Fear not the battle, for the vict’ry is always His; He will protect you wherever you go. Verse 4: Be strong, be strong, Be strong in the Lord; And be of good courage, for he is your guide. Be strong, be strong, be strong in the Lord; And rejoice for the victory is yours. Chorus 1: Be strong, be strong, Be strong in the Lord; And be of good courage, for He is your guide. Be strong, be strong, be strong in the Lord; And rejoice for the victory is yours. Title: 288 - One Day Cue Name: One Day Author: J. Wilbur Chapman and Charles H. Marsh Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 63596 Song ID: U-0288 Hymnal: 288 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1, Verse5, Chorus1 Verse 1: One day when heaven was filled with His praises, One day when sin was as black as could be, Jesus came forth to be born of a virgin, Dwelt among men, my example is He! Verse 2: One day they led Him up Calvary's mountain, One day they nailed Him to die on the tree; Suffering anguish, despised and rejected, Bearing our sins, my Redeemer is He! Verse 3: One day they left Him alone in the garden, One day He rested, from suffering free; Angels came down o'er His tomb to keep vigil; Hope of the hopeless, my Savior is He! Verse 4: One day the grave could conceal Him no longer, One day the stone rolled away from the door; Then He arose, over death He had conquered; Now is ascended, my Lord evermore! Verse 5: One day the trumpet will sound for His coming, One day the skies with His glory will shine; Wonderful day, my beloved One bringing; Glorious Savior, this Jesus is mine! Chorus 1: Living, He loved me; Dying, He saved me; Buried, He carried my sins far away; Rising, He justified freely forever: One day He's coming, O glorious day! Title: 369 - Tell It Out with Gladness Author: Georgia Harkness / Ludwig van Beethoven Copyright: ©1966 The Hymn Society CCLI: Song ID: U-0369 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus2, Verse3, Chorus3 Verse 1: Tell it! Tell it out with gladness, God’s good news to ev’ry man; Sin forgiven, lives transfigured, All in God’s great loving plan. Verse 2: Lord, we thank Thee for the treasure Hid within the sacred page. We would be Thy faithful heralds To our deeply troubled age; Verse 3: “Go and teach,” thus spoke the Master, Risen victor from the grave; Still He gives this great commission To His faithful ones, and brave. Chorus 1: In the Book is found the witness To His mighty acts of yore: Listen, heed, obey, and serve Him, Kneel before Him and adore. Chorus 2: We would publish Thy salvation, Ever on Thy side to stand, Living, serving, giving, sending Life to quicken every land. Chorus 3: Let men know the gospel story Of what man through Christ can be. Send it! Send it to the nations That God’s love may set men free. Title: 530 - I’d Rather Have Jesus Author: Rhea Miller / George Beverly Shea Copyright: ©1939.(Renewed 1967). Word Music, LLC. CCLI: Song ID: U-0530 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: I’d rather have Jesus than silver or gold; I’d rather be His than have riches untold; I’d rather have Jesus than houses or lands. I’d rather be led by His nail-pierced hand Verse 2: I’d rather have Jesus than men’s applause; I’d rather be faithful to His dear cause; I’d rather have Jesus than worldwide fame. I’d rather be true to His holy name Verse 3: He’s fairer than lilies of rarest bloom; He’s sweeter than honey from out the comb; He’s all that my hungering spirit needs. I’d rather have Jesus and let Him lead Chorus 1: Than to be the king of a vast domain Or be held in sin’s dread sway. I’d rather have Jesusthan anything This world affords today. Title: 193 - As with Gladness Men of Old Cue Name: CH 290 - As with Gladness Men of Old Author: William C. Dix and Conrad Kocher Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 67619 Song ID: U-0193 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4 Verse 1: As with gladness men of old Did the guiding star behold; As with joy they hailed its light, Leading onward, beaming bright; So, most gracious Lord, may we Evermore be led to Thee. Verse 2: As with joyful steps they sped To that lowly manger bed; There to bend the knee before Him whom heav'n and earth adore; So, may we with willing feet Ever seek the mercy seat. Verse 3: As they offered gifts most rare At that manger rude and bare, So may we with holy joy, Pure and free from sin's alloy, All our costliest treasures bring, Christ, to Thee our heav'nly King. Verse 4: Holy Jesus, every day Keep us in the narrow way; And, when earthly things are past, Bring our ransomed souls at last Where they need no star to guide, Where no clouds Thy glory hide. Title: 222 - All Glory, Laud and Honor Cue Name: All Glory, Laud and Honor Author: Theodulf of Orleans, J.M. Neale, and Melchior Teschner Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 29509 Song ID: U-0222 Hymnal: 282 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3 Verse 1: All glory, laud and honor To Thee, Redeemer, King, To whom the lips of children Made sweet hosannas ring. Thou art the King of Israel, Thou David's royal Son, Who in the Lord's name comest, The King and Blessed One. Verse 2: The company of angels Are praising Thee on high, And mortal men and all things Created make reply. The people of the Hebrews With palms before Thee went; Our praise and prayer and anthemsBefore Thee we present. Verse 3: To Thee, before Thy passion, They sang their hymns of praise; To Thee, now high exalted, Our melody we raise: Thou didst accept their praises, Accept the praise we bring. Who in all good delightest, Thou good and gracious King. Title: 261 - Lamb of God Author: Twila Paris Copyright: ©Copyright 1985 Mountain Spring Music/Straightway Music CCLI: 16787 Song ID: U-0261 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus2 Verse 1: Your only Son, no sin to hide, But You have sent Him from Your side To walk upon this guilty sod, And to become the Lamb of God. Verse 2: Your gift of love they crucified, They laughed and scorned Him as He died; The humble King they named a fraud,And sacrificed the Lamb of God. Verse 3: I was so lost I should have died, But You have brought me to Your side To be led by Your staff and rod, And to be called a lamb of God. Chorus 1: O Lamb of God, sweet Lamb of God; I love the holy Lamb of God. O wash me in His precious blood. My Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God. Chorus 2: O Lamb of God, sweet Lamb of God; I love the holy Lamb of God. O wash me in His precious blood. Till I am just a lamb of God. Title: 35 - Sing Hallelujah to the Lord Author: Linda Stassen-Benjamin Copyright: © Copyright 1974 Linda Stassen. Renewed 2002 Linda L. Benjamin, New Song Creations, CCLI: 26272 Song ID: U-0035 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Chorus1 Chorus 1: Sing hallelujah to the Lord. Sing hallelujah to the Lord. Sing hallelujah, Sing hallelujah, Sing hallelujah to the Lord. Title: 662 - The Battle Belongs to the Lord Author: Jamie Owens-Collins Copyright: 662 - The Battle Belongs to the Lord CCLI: 21583 Song ID: U-0662 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1 Verse 1: In heavenly armor we’ll enter the land; The battle belongs to the Lord! No weapon that’s fashioned against us will stand;The battle belongs to the Lord! Verse 2: When the power of darkness comes in like a flood, The battle belongs to the Lord! He’s raised up a standard, the power of His blood;The battle belongs to the Lord! Chorus 1: And we sing glory, honor, Power and strength to the Lord. We sing glory, honor, Power and strength to the Lord. Title: 251 - Lead Me to Calvary Author: Jennie E. Hussey and William J. Kirkpatrick Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 5176 Song ID: U-0251 Hymnal: 161 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: King of my life, I crown Thee now, Thine shall the glory be; Lest I forget Thy thorn-crowned brow, Lead me to Calvary. Verse 2: Show me the tomb where Thou wast laid, Tenderly mourned and wept; Angels in robes of light arrayed Guarded Thee whilst Thou slept. Verse 3: Let me, like Mary, through the gloom, Come with a gift to Thee; Show to me now the empty tomb, Lead me to Calvary. Verse 4: May I be willing, Lord, to bear Daily my cross for Thee; Even Thy cup of grief to share, Thou hast borne all for me. Chorus 1: Lest I forget Gethsemane; Lest I forget Thine agony; Lest I forget Thy love for me, Lead me to Calvary. Title: 258 - Blessed Redeemer Author: Avis B. Christiansen and Harry Dixon Loes Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 14954 Song ID: U-0258 Hymnal: 557 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: Up Calv'ry's mountain one dreadful morn, Walked Christ my Savior weary and worn; Facing for sinners death on the cross, That He might save them from endless loss. Verse 2: "Father, forgive them!" thus did He pray, E'en while His lifeblood flowed fast away; Praying for sinners while in such woe-- No one but Jesus ever loved so. Verse 3: O how I love Him, Savior and Friend, How can my praises ever find end? Through years unnumbered on heaven's shore, My tongue shall praise Him forevermore. Chorus 1: Blessed Redeemer! Precious Redeemer! Seems now I see Him on Calvary's tree; Wounded and bleeding, for sinners pleading-- Blind and unheeding, dying for me! Title: 368 - I'll Tell the World Cue Name: I'll Tell the World Author: Baynard L. Fox Copyright: ©1958, 1986 Fox Music Publications CCLI: 19045 Song ID: U-0368 Hymnal: 443 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Bridge1, Chorus1, Verse2, Bridge2, Chorus2 Verse 1: I'll tell the world that I'm a Christian, I'm not ashamed His name to bear; I'll tell the world that I'm a Christian, I'll take Him with me anywhere. Verse 2: I'll tell the world that He is coming, It may be near or far away; But we must live as if His coming Would be tomorrow or today. Chorus 1: I'll tell the world that He's my Savior, No other one could love me so; My life, my all is His forever, And where He leads me I will go. Chorus 2: O tell the world that you're a Christian, Be not ashamed His name to bear; O tell the world that you're a Christian, And take Him with you ev'rywhere. Bridge 1: I'll tell the world how Jesus saved me, And how He gave me a life brand-new; And I know that if you trust Him That all He gave me He'll give to you. Bridge 2: For when He comes and life is over, For those who love Him there's more to be; Eyes have never seen the wonders That He's preparing for you and me. Title: 304 - Crown Him with Many Crowns Author: Matthew Bridges, Godrey Thring, and George J. Elvey Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 23938 Song ID: U-0304 Hymnal: 264 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4 Verse 1: Crown Him with many crowns, The Lamb upon His throne; Hark! How the heav'nly anthem drowns All music but its own: Awake, my soul, and sing Of Him who died for thee, And hail Him as thy matchless King Though all eternity. Verse 2: Crown Him the Lord of life, Who triumphed o'er the grave, And rose victorious in the strife For those He came to save; His glories now we sing Who died, and rose on high, Who died eternal life to bring, And lives that death may die. Verse 3: Crown Him the Lord of peace, Whose power a scepter sways From pole to pole, that wars may cease, And all be prayer and praise: His reign shall know no end, And round His pierced feet Fair flowers of paradise extend Their fragrance ever sweet. Verse 4: Crown Him the Lord of love; Behold His hands and side, Those wounds, yet visible above, In beauty glorified: All hail, Redeemer, hail! For Thou has died for me: Thy praise and glory shall not fail Throughout eternity. Title: 633 - I Will Sing the Wondrous Story Author: Francis H. Rowley and Peter P. Bilhorn Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 47062 Song ID: U-0633 Hymnal: 421 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1, Verse5, Chorus1 Verse 1: I will sing the wondrous story, Of the Christ who died for me, How He left His home in glory, For the cross of Calvary. Verse 2: I was lost, but Jesus found me, Found the sheep that went astray, Threw His loving arms around me, Drew me back into His way. Verse 3: I was bruised, but Jesus healed me; Faint was I from many a fall; Sight was gone and fears possessed me, But He freed me from them all. Verse 4: Days of darkness still come o’er me, Sorrow’s paths I often tread, But the Savior still is with me; By His hand I’m safely led. Verse 5: He will keep me till the river Rolls its waters at my feet; Then He’ll bear me safely over, Where the loved ones I shall meet. Chorus 1: Yes, I'll sing the wondrous story Of the Christ who died for me, Sing it with the saints in glory, Gathered by the crystal sea. Title: 474 - All the Way My Savior Leads Me Cue Name: All the Way My Saviour Leads Me Author: Fanny J. Crosby and Robert S. Lowry Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 85093 Song ID: U-0474 Hymnal: 332 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus2, Verse3, Chorus3 Verse 1: All the way my Savior leads me; What have I to ask beside? Can I doubt His tender mercy Who through life has been my Guide? Verse 2: All the way my Savior leads me; Cheers each winding path I tread, Gives me grace for ev'ry trial, Feeds me with the living bread. Verse 3: All the way my Savior leads me; Oh, the fullness of His love! Perfect rest to me is promised In my Father's house above: Chorus 1: Heav'nly peace, divinest comfort, Here by faith in Him to dwell! For I know whate'er befall me, Jesus doeth all things well; For I know whate'er befall me, Jesus doeth all things well. Chorus 2: Though my weary steps may falter, And my soul athirst may be, Gushing from the Rock before me, Lo! a spring of joy I see; Gushing from the Rock before me, Lo! a spring of joy I see. Chorus 3: When my spirit, clothed immortal, Wings its flight to realms of day, This my song through endless ages: Jesus led me all the way; This my song through endless ages: Jesus led me all the way. Title: CH 616 - Living in His Presence Author: Cleland Mcafee, Dick and Melodie Tunney Copyright: Compilation ©1997 Integrity's Hosanna! Music and Word Music CCLI: Song ID: U-2616 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Celebration Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Bridge4, Verse4, Bridge5, Verse5, Ending1 Verse 1: There is a place of quiet rest, Near to the heart of God; A place where sin cannot molest, Near to the heart of God. Verse 2: There is a place of comfort sweet, Near to the heart of God; A place where we ourSavior meet, Near to the heart of God. Verse 3: There is a place of full release, Near to the heart of God; A place where all is joy and peace, Near to the heart of God. Verse 4: When we seek the Father’s heart We will find such blessed assurance, In the presence of the Lord. Verse 5: When we seek to know Your heart We will find such blessed assurance, In Your holy presence, Lord. Chorus 1: O Jesus, blest Redeemer, Sent from the heart of God, Hold us who wait before Thee Near to the heart of God. Bridge 4: {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\uc1\deff0{\fonttbl {\f0\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2 Arial;} {\f1\fscript\fcharset0\fprq2 Lucida Casual;} {\f2\froman\fcharset2\fprq2 Symbol;}} {\colortbl;\red0\green0\blue0;\red255\green255\blue255;\red255\green255\blue0;} {\stylesheet{\s0\itap0\nowidctlpar\f0\fs24 [Normal];}{\*\cs10\additive Default Paragraph Font;}} {\*\generator TX_RTF32 13.0.501.502;} \deftab1134\paperw12240\paperh15840\margl1440\margt1440\margr1440\margb1440\widowctrl {\*\background{\shp{\*\shpinst\shpleft0\shptop0\shpright0\shpbottom0\shpfhdr0\shpbxmargin\shpbxignore\shpbymargin\shpbyignore\shpwr0\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shplid1025{\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 16777215}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineWidth}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fBackground}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fLayoutInCell}{\sv 1}}}}}\pard\itap0\nowidctlpar\qc\plain\f1\fs83\b\cf3 There is a place \par of full release, \par Near to the heart of God;\par\par A place where all is joy \par and peace, \par Near to the heart of God.\par } Bridge 5: In Your presence there is comfort, In Your presence there is peace. Ending 1: Hold us who wait before Thee Near to the heart of God. Title: 98 - Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing Cue Name: Come, Thou Fount Author: Robert Robinson and John Wyeth Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 108389 Song ID: U-0098 Hymnal: 263 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus2, Verse3, Chorus3 Verse 1: Come, Thou Fount of ev'ry blessing, Tune my heart to sing Thy grace; Streams of mercy, never ceasing, Call for songs of loudest praise. Verse 2: Here I raise mine Ebenezer; Hither by Thy help I’m come; And I hope, by Thy good pleasure, Safely to arrive at home: Verse 3: O to grace how great a debtor Daily I'm constrained to be! Let Thy grace, Lord, like a fetter, Bind my wand'ring heart to Thee: Chorus 1: Teach me some melodious sonnet, Sung by flaming tongues above; Praise the mount! I'm fixed upon it, Mount of Thy redeeming love. Chorus 2: Jesus sought me when a stranger, Wandering from the fold of God; He, to rescue me from danger, Interposed His precious blood. Chorus 3: Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it, Prone to leave the God I love; Here’s my heart, Lord, take and seal it; Seal it for Thy courts above. Title: Mighty to Save Author: Reuben Morgan and Ben Fielding Copyright: © 2006 Hillsong Publishing CCLI: Song ID: U-1108 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Praise PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Bridge1, Chorus1, Chorus2, Ending1 Verse 1: Everyone needs compassion, love that’s never failing. Let mercy fall on me. Everyone needsforgiveness, the kindness of a Savior, The hope of nations. Verse 2: So take me as You find me, all my fears and failures. Fill my life again. I give my life to follow everything I believe in. Now I surrender; Yes, I surrender. Chorus 1: Savior, He can move the mountains. My God is mighty to save. He is mighty to save. Forever, Author of salvation, He rose and conquered the grave. Jesus conquered the grave. Chorus 2: You’re my Savior, You can move the mountains. God, You are mighty to save. You are mighty to save. Forever, Author of salvation, You rose and conquered the grave. Jesus conquered the grave. Bridge 1: Shine Your light and let the whole world see We’re singing for the glory of the risen King. Jesus, shine Your light and let the whole world see We’re singing for the glory of the risen King. Ending 1: Shine Your light and let the whole world see We’re singing for the glory of the risen King. Jesus, shine Your light and let the whole world see We’re singing for the glory of the risen King. Title: 11 - All Creatures of Our God and King Author: St. Francis of Assisi and William H. Draper Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 1503 Song ID: U-0011 Hymnal: 272 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4, Verse5 Verse 1: All creatures of our God and King, Lift up your voice and with us sing Alleluia! Alleluia! Thou burning sun with golden beam, Thou silver moon with softer gleam, O praise Him, O praise Him! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Verse 2: Thou rushing wind that art so strong, Ye clouds that sail in heav'n along, O praise Him! Alleluia! Thou rising morn, in praise rejoice; Ye lights of evening find a voice, O praise Him, O praise Him! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Verse 3: And all ye men of tender heart, Forgiving others, take your part. O sing ye! Alleluia! Ye who long pain and sorrow bear, Praise God and on Him cast your care! O praise Him, O praise Him! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Verse 4: {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\uc1\deff0{\fonttbl {\f0\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2 Arial;} {\f1\fscript\fcharset0\fprq2 Lucida Casual;} {\f2\froman\fcharset2\fprq2 Symbol;}} {\colortbl;\red0\green0\blue0;\red255\green255\blue255;\red255\green255\blue0;} {\stylesheet{\s0\itap0\nowidctlpar\f0\fs24 [Normal];}{\*\cs10\additive Default Paragraph Font;}} {\*\generator TX_RTF32 13.0.501.502;} \deftab1134\paperw12240\paperh15840\margl1440\margt1440\margr1440\margb1440\widowctrl {\*\background{\shp{\*\shpinst\shpleft0\shptop0\shpright0\shpbottom0\shpfhdr0\shpbxmargin\shpbxignore\shpbymargin\shpbyignore\shpwr0\shpwrk0\shpfblwtxt1\shplid1025{\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fFlipH}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fFlipV}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv 16777215}}{\sp{\sn fFilled}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn lineWidth}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 0}}{\sp{\sn fBackground}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fLayoutInCell}{\sv 1}}}}}\pard\itap0\nowidctlpar\qc\plain\f1\fs39\b\cf3 And all ye men of tender heart,\par Forgiving others, take your part.\par O sing ye! Alleluia!\par Ye who long pain and sorrow bear,\par Praise God and on Him\par cast your care!\par\par O praise Him, O praise Him!\par Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!\par } Verse 5: Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all creatures here below; O praise Him! Alleluia! Praise Him above, ye heav’nly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, O praise Him, O praise Him! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Title: 383 - I Love Thy Kingdom, Lord Author: Timothy Dwight and Aaron Williams Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 100095 Song ID: U-0383 Hymnal: 436 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4, Verse5 Verse 1: I love Thy kingdom, Lord, The house of Thine abode, The Church our blest Redeemer saved With His own precious blood. Verse 2: I love the Church, O God! Her walls before Thee stand Dear as the apple of Thine eye And graven on Thy hand. Verse 3: For her my tears shall fall, For her my prayers ascend; To her my cares and toils be giv'n Till toils and cares shall end. Verse 4: Beyond my highest joy, I prize her heav'nly ways, Her sweet communion, solemn vows, Her hymns of love and praise. Verse 5: Sure as Thy truth shall last, To Zion shall be giv'n; The brightest glories earth can yield, And brighter bliss of heav'n. Title: How Great is the Love Author: Sooter, Andrews and Baloche Copyright: ©2009 Integrity Worship Music CCLI: Song ID: U-1109 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Praise PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Chorus1, Chorus2, Verse3, Verse4, Chorus1, Chorus2, Bridge1, Bridge2, Chorus1, Chorus2 Verse 1: Thank You for the way that You love us, how You love us. Thank You for the way You have made us. Verse 2: We were created for Your pleasure, for Your presence, For the glory of Your name. Thank You for the way that You love us. Verse 3: Thank You for the grace that has saved us, You forgave us. Thank You for the way You have freed us. Verse 4: We have been ransomed, we’ve been rescued, we’ve been purchased With the price of Your own life. Thank You for the way that You love us! Chorus 1: Jesus, faithful King, Lord, with grateful hearts we sing, How great is the love, how great is the love of our Savior. Chorus 2: The weight of the cross, the curse of our shame, You carried it all and rose from the grave. How great is the love, how great is the love of our Savior. Of our Savior. Bridge 1: Thank You for the way that You love us, how You love us. Thank You for the way that You love us, how You love us. Bridge 2: Thank You for the way that You love us, how You love us. Thank You for the way that You love us! Title: God of This City Cue Name: God ofThis City Author: Boyd, McCann, Jordan, Comfort, Kernaghan, Bleakley Copyright: ©2006 worshiptogether.com songs, sixsteps Music CCLI: 5037070 Song ID: U-1110 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Praise PlayOrder: Verse1, Bridge1, Chorus1, Verse2, Bridge1, Chorus1, Chorus2, Ending1 Verse 1: You’re the God of this city, You’re the King of these people You’re the Lord of this nation, You are. You’re the light in this darkness, You’re the hope to the hopeless, You’re the peace to the restless, You are. Verse 2: You’re the Lord of Creation, The Creator of all things. You’re the King above all Kings, You are. You’re the strength in our weakness, You’re the love to the broken. You’re the joy in the sadness, You are. Chorus 1: For greater things have yet to come, And greater things are still to be done in this city. Greater things have yet to come, And greater things are still to be done in this city. Chorus 2: For greater things have yet to come, And greater things are still to be done in this city. Greater things have yet to come, And greater things are still to be done here. Bridge 1: There is no one like our God. There is no one like our God. Ending 1: There is no one like our God. There is no one like our God. There is no one like our God. Title: 651-Jesus Loves the Little Children Author: C. H. Woolston, Joseph Barlowe, and George F. Root Copyright: ©1996 Integrity Music CCLI: 58415 Song ID: U-1063 Hymnal: Notes: CCLI # only includes V1,2-Public Domain V3,4 are copyrighted and not in CCLI. Groups: Praise PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4 Verse 1: Jesus loves the little children, All the children of the world. Red and yellow, black and white, They are precious in His sight-- Jesus loves the little children of the world. Verse 2: Jesus died for all the children, All the children of the world. Red and yellow, black and white, They are precious in His sight-- Jesus died for all the children of the world. Verse 3: We must pray for all the children, All the children of the world. Red and yellow, black and white, They are precious in His sight-- We must pray for all the children of the world. Verse 4: We must help the little children, All the children of the world. Red and yellow, black and white, They are precious in His sight-- We must help the little children of the world. Title: As it is in Heaven Author: Ed Cash and Matt Maher Copyright: ©2005 ThankYou Music CCLI: 4669748 Song ID: U-1111 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Praise PlayOrder: Verse1, Bridge1, Chorus1, Verse2, Bridge1, Chorus1, Bridge2, Chorus1, Chorus1 Verse 1: Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Come and let Your glory come, and let Your glory fall. Our Father who art in heaven, the rocks cry out Your name. So come and let your glory come, and let your glory fall. Verse 2: God give us new every morning, mercy as daily bread, In the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus we pray. And lead us not to temptation, but deliver us with Your hand, In the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus we pray. Chorus 1: Let Your kingdom come, let Your will be done On earth as it is in heaven; Every heart proclaim the mercy of Your name On earth as it is in heaven. Bridge 1: I will sing, sing a new song I will sing, sing a new song, I will sing, sing a new song to the Lord. Bridge 2: For the kingdom is Yours, and the power is Yours, And the glory forever, Amen. For the kingdom is Yours, and the power is Yours, And the glory forever, Amen. Title: 420 - Come, Ye Sinners, Poor and Needy Author: Joseph Hart Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 3189607 Song ID: U-0420 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: Come, ye sinners, poor and needy, Weak and wounded, sick and sore; Jesus ready stands to save you, Full of pity love, and pow’r. Verse 2: Come, ye thirsty, come, and welcome, God’s free bounty glorify; True belief and true repentance, Every grace that brings you nigh. Verse 3: Come, ye weary, heavy laden, Lost and ruined by the fall; If you tarry till you’re better, You will never come at all. Verse 4: Let not conscience make you linger, Nor of fitness fondly dream; All the fitness He requireth Is to feel your need of Him. Chorus 1: I will arise and go to Jesus, He will embrace me in His arms; In the arms of my dear Savior, O there are ten thousand charms. Title: 115 - God of Grace and God of Glory Author: Harry Emerson Fosdick and John Hughes Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 43107 Song ID: U-0115 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4 Verse 1: God of grace and God of glory, On Thy people pour Thy pow'r. Crown Thine ancient Church's story; Bring her bud to glorious flow'r. Grant us wisdom; Grant us courage For the facing of this hour, For the facing of this hour. Verse 2: Lo! the hosts of evil round us Scorn Thy Christ, assail His ways! Fears and doubts too long have bound us, Free our hearts to work and praise. Grant us wisdom; Grant us courage For the living of these days, For the living of these days. Verse 3: Cure Thy children's warring madness; Bend our pride to Thy control. Shame our wanton, selfish gladness, Rich in things and poor in soul. Grant us wisdom; Grant us courage Lest we miss Thy kingdom's goal, Lest we miss Thy kingdom's goal. Verse 4: Set our feet on lofty places; Gird our lives that they may be Armored with all Christlike graces In the fight to set men free. Grant us wisdom; Grant us courage That we fail not man nor Thee, That we fail not man nor Thee. Title: 448 - Before the Throne of God Above Cue Name: 448 - Before the Throne of God Abo Author: Vikki Cook and Charitie Bancroft Copyright: © Copyright 1997 Sovereign Grace Worship CCLI: Song ID: U-0448 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus2, Verse3, Chorus3 Verse 1: Before the throne of God above I have a strong and perfect plea; A great High Priest whose name is Love, Who ever lives and pleads for me. Verse 2: When Satan tempts me to despair And tells me of the guilt within, Upward I look and see Him there Who made an end of all my sin. Verse 3: Behold Him there, the risen Lamb, My perfect spotless righteousness, The great unchangeable I AM, the King of glory and of grace. One with Himself I cannot die; Chorus 1: My name is graven on His hands, My name is written on His heart. I know that while in heav’n He stands No tongue can bid me thence depart, No tongue can bid me thence depart. Chorus 2: Because the sinless Savior died My sinful soul is counted free; For God the just is satisfied To look on Him and pardon me, To look on Him and pardon me. Chorus 3: My soul is purchased by His blood. My life is hid with Christ on high, With Christ, my Savior and my God, With Christ, my Savior and my God! Title: Because of Your Love Author: Paul Baloche and Benton Brown Copyright: ©2006 Integrity's Hosanna Music CCLI: Song ID: U-1112 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Praise PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse1, Chorus1, Chorus1, Chorus2 Verse 1: As we come into your presence, we remember every blessing that you poured out so freely from above. Lifting gratitude and praises, for compassion so amazing, Lord, we’ve come to give You thanks for all You’ve done. Chorus 1: Because of Your love, we’re forgiven. Because of Your love, our hearts are clean. We lift You up, with songs of freedom. Forever we’re changed, because of Your love. Chorus 2: Because of Your love, we’re forgiven. Because of Your love, our hearts are clean. We lift You up, with songs of freedom. Forever we’re changed, because of Your love. Forever we’re changed, because of Your love. Title: CH 286 - Once in Royal David's City Author: Cecil F. Alexander and Henry J. Gauntlett Copyright: CCLI: 197156 Song ID: U-2286 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Celebration Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4 Verse 1: Once in royal David’s city Stood a lowly cattle shed, Where a mother laid her Baby In a manger for His bed. Mary was that mother mild, Jesus Christ her little Child. Verse 2: He came down to earth from heaven, Who is God and Lord of all, And His shelter was a stable,And His cradle was a stall. With the poor, and mean, and lowly, Lived on earth, our Savior holy. Verse 3: Jesus is our childhood’s pattern; Day by day like us He grew. He was little, weak, and helpless; Tears and smiles like us He knew. And He feeleth for our sadness, And He shareth in our gladness. Verse 4: And our eyes at last shall see Him, Through His own redeeming love; For that Child so dear and gentle Is our Lord in heav’n above. And He leads His children on To the place where He is gone. Title: 137 - Stand Up and Bless the Lord Author: James Montgomery and William Crotch Copyright: CCLI: 86652 Song ID: U-0137 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4, Verse5 Verse 1: Stand up and bless the Lord, All people of His choice; Stand up and bless the Lord your God With heart and soul and voice. Verse 2: Though high above all praise, Above all blessing high, Who would not fear His holy name, And laud and magnify? Verse 3: O for the living flame From His own altar brought, To touch our lips, our minds inspire, And wing to heav’n our thought! Verse 4: God is our strength and song, And His salvation ours; Then be His love in Christ proclaimed With all our ransomed powers. Verse 5: Stand up and bless the Lord; The Lord your God adore; Stand up and bless His glorious name, Henceforth forevermore. Title: 34 - O Lord, You’re Beautiful Author: Keith Green Copyright: © Copyright 1980 Birdwing Music CCLI: 14514 Song ID: U-0034 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3 Verse 1: O Lord, You’re beautiful, Your face is all I seek; And when Your eyes are on this child Your grace abounds to me. Verse 2: O Lord, please light the fire That once burned bright and clear; Replace the lamp of my first love That burns with holy fear. Verse 3: O Lord, You’re beautiful, Your face is all I seek; And when Your eyes are on this child Your grace abounds to me. Title: 377 - I Will Serve Thee Author: William J. Gaither and Gloria Gaither Copyright: © 1969 William J. Gaither, Inc. CCLI: 14040 Song ID: U-0377 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Chorus1, Chorus2 Chorus 1: I will serve Thee because I love Thee; You have given life to me. I was nothing before You found me; You have given life to me. Chorus 2: Heartaches, broken pieces, Ruined lives are why You died on Calv’ry. Your touch was what I longed for; You have given life to me. Title: 533 - Set My Soul Afire Author: Gene Bartlett Copyright: ©1993 Albert E. Brumley & Sons CCLI: Song ID: U-0533 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: Set my soul afire, Lord, for Thy holy Word; Burn it deep within me, let Thy voice be heard. Millions grope in darkness in this day and hour; I will be a witness, fill me with Thy power. Verse 2: Set my soul afire, Lord, for the lost in sin; Give to me a passion as I seek to win. Help me not to falter, never let me fail; Fill me with Thy Spirit, let Thy will prevail. Verse 3: Set my soul afire, Lord, in my daily life; Far too long I’ve wandered in this day of strife. Nothing else will matter but to live for Thee; I will be a witness, for Christ lives in me. Chorus 1: Set my soul afire, Lord, set my soul afire, Make my life a witness of Thy saving power. Millions grope in darkness, waiting for Thy Word, Set my soul afire, Lord, Set my soul afire. Title: 122 - O God, Our Help in Ages Past Author: Isaac Watts and William Croft Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 43152 Song ID: U-0122 Hymnal: 4 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4, Verse5, Verse6 Verse 1: O God, our Help in ages past, Our Hope for years to come, Our Shelter from the stormy blast, And our eternal Home! Verse 2: Under the shadow of Thy throne Still may we dwell secure; Sufficient is Thine arm alone, And our defense is sure. Verse 3: Before the hills in order stood, Or earth received her frame, From everlasting Thou art God, To endless years the same. Verse 4: A thousand ages in Thy sight Are like an evening gone; Short as the watch that ends the night, Before the rising sun. Verse 5: Time, like an ever rolling stream, Bears all its sons away; They fly, forgotten, as a dream Dies at the op’ning day. Verse 6: O God, our Help in ages past, Our Hope for years to come, Be Thou our guard while life shall last, And our eternal Home! Title: 587 - Take Time to Be Holy Cue Name: Take Time to Be Holy Author: William D. Longstaff and George C. Stebbins Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 93748 Song ID: U-0587 Hymnal: 155 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4 Verse 1: Take time to be holy, Speak oft with thy Lord; Abide in Him always And feed on His Word. Make friends of God's children, Help those who are weak; Forgetting in nothing His blessing to seek. Verse 2: Take time to be holy, The world rushes on; Spend much time in secret With Jesus alone. By looking to Jesus Like Him thou shalt be; Thy friends in thy conduct His likeness shall see. Verse 3: Take time to be holy; Let Him be thy guide; And run not before Him Whatever betide. In joy or in sorrow Still follow thy Lord And looking to Jesus, Still trust in His Word. Verse 4: Take time to be holy, Be calm in thy soul; Each thought and each motive Beneath His control; Thus led by His Spirit To fountains of love, Thou soon shalt be fitted For service above. Title: 54 - Agnus Dei Author: Michael W. Smith Copyright: ©1990 Son/ATV Milene Music CCLI: 626713 Song ID: U-0054 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse1, Chorus1, Ending1 Verse 1: Alleluia, Alleluia, for the Lord God Almighty reigns! Chorus 1: Alleluia, Holy, holy are You, Lord God Almighty. Worthy is the Lamb, worthy is the Lamb. Ending 1: You are holy, holy are You, Lord God Almighty. Worthy is the Lamb, worthy is the Lamb, Amen. Title: 275 - Celebrate Jesus Author: Gary Oliver Copyright: ©1988 Integrity’s Hosanna! Music CCLI: 16859 Song ID: U-0275 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1 Verse 1: Celebrate Jesus, celebrate. Celebrate Jesus, celebrate. Celebrate Jesus,celebrate. Celebrate Jesus, celebrate. Chorus 1: He is risen, He is risen, And He lives forevermore! He is risen, He is risen. Come on and celebrate The resurrection of our Lord. Title: 278 - I Live Author: Rich Cook Copyright: ©1976 John T. Benson Publishing Co. CCLI: 3329 Song ID: U-0278 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1 Verse 1: I live, I live because He is risen; I live, I live with power over sin. I live, I live because He is risen; I live, I live to worship Him. Chorus 1: Thank You, Jesus, thank You, Jesus; Because You’re alive, because You’re alive, Because You’re alive, I live! Title: A New Hallelujah Author: Michael W. Smith, Debbie Smith and Paul Baloche Copyright: ©2008 SmittyFly Music CCLI: 5285860 Song ID: U-1114 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Praise PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Bridge1, Chorus1, Ending1 Verse 1: Can you hear there’s a new song, Breaking out from the children of freedom? Every race and every nation, Sing it out, sing a new hallelujah. Verse 2: Let us sing love to the nations, Bringing hope of the grace that has freed us. Make Him known and make him famous. Sing it out, sing a new hallelujah. Verse 3: All the world sings a new song, Reaching out with the new hallelujah. Every son and everydaughter; Everyone, sing a new hallelujah. Chorus 1: Arise, Let the church arise! Let love reach to the other side. Alive, come alive! Let the song arise! Bridge 1: Let the song arise! (echo) Praise God! (echo) Let the church arise! (echo) Praise God! (echo) Ending 1: Everyone, sing a new hallelujah. Everyone, sing a new hallelujah. Everyone, sing a new hallelujah. Everyone, sing a new hallelujah. Title: 161 - Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us Cue Name: Saviour, Like a Shepherd Lead Us Author: Dorothy A. Thrupp and William B. Bradbury Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 24078 Song ID: U-0161 Hymnal: 338 Notes: Groups: Old Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus2, Verse3, Chorus3, Verse4, Chorus4 Verse 1: Savior, like a shepherd lead us, Much we need Thy tender care; In Thy pleasant pastures feed us, For our use Thy folds prepare: Verse 2: We are Thine; do Thou befriend us, Be the guardian of our way; Keep Thy flock, from sin defend us, Seek us when we go astray: Verse 3: Thou hast promised to receive us, Poor and sinful though we be; Thou hast mercy to relieve us, Grace to cleanse, and pow'r to free: Verse 4: Early let us seek Thy favor; Early let us do Thy will; Blessed Lord and only Savior, With Thy love our beings fill: Chorus 1: Blessed Jesus, Blessed Jesus, Thou hast bought us, Thine we are; Blessed Jesus, Blessed Jesus, Thou hast bought us, Thine we are. Chorus 2: Blessed Jesus, Blessed Jesus, Hear, O hear us when we pray; Blessed Jesus, Blessed Jesus, Hear, O hear us when we pray. Chorus 3: Blessed Jesus, Blessed Jesus, Early let us turn to Thee; Blessed Jesus, Blessed Jesus, Early let us turn to Thee. Chorus 4: Blessed Jesus, Blessed Jesus, Thou hast loved us, love us still; Blessed Jesus, Blessed Jesus, Thou hast loved us, love us still. Title: 132 - Hosanna Author: Brenton Brown and Paul Baloche Copyright: ©2005, 2006 Integrity's Hosanna! Music / Thankyou Music CCLI: 5917011 Song ID: U-1113 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal, Praise PlayOrder: Verse1, Bridge1, Chorus1, Verse2, Bridge1, Chorus1, Bridge1, Chorus1, Ending1 Verse 1: Praise is rising, eyes are turning to You; We turn to You. Hope is stirring, hearts are yearning for You; We long for You. Verse 2: Hear the sound of hearts returning to You; We turn to You. In Your kingdom, broken lives are made new; You make us new! Chorus 1: Hosanna, Hosanna! You are the God who saves us, worthy of all our praises. Hosanna, Hosanna! Come have Your way among us. We welcome You here Lord Jesus. Bridge 1: ‘Cause when we see You, we find strength to face the day. In Your presence all our fears are washed away, washed away. Ending 1: Hosanna, Hosanna! Hosanna! Title: 370 - Pentecost Hymn Author: Ken Bible Copyright: ©2004 LNWhymns.com CCLI: 4243432 Song ID: U-0370 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4 Verse 1: You’ve poured out Your Spirit, Great Father of Life, Your presence, Your power, the Spirit of Christ; The fruit of His triumph, the breath of His love, The proof He has risen and reigns now above. Verse 2: Your promise is given in wind and in flame, With lives now ignited to burn in Your name. Now loving, now holy, now bold in the truth, Your body, Your people are one, Lord, in You. Verse 3: We praise You, our Father, the Fountain of Life, For comfort and challenge, for purpose and light. In love we will share all the gifts You provide That all may be blessed and our Lord glorified. Verse 4: Your challenge is sounding, our calling is clear: To live out a gospel the needy can hear. Lord, help us to go till all people have heard, And touch every life with the love of the Lord. Title: 676 - Alleluia! Sing to Jesus Author: William Dix and Rowland Pritchard Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 802788 Song ID: U-0676 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus2, Verse3, Chorus3 Verse 1: Alleluia! sing to Jesus! His the scepter, His the throne. Alleluia! His the triumph, His the victory alone. Verse 2: Alleluia! not as orphans Are we left in sorrow now. Alleluia! He is near us; Faith believes, nor questions how. Verse 3: Alleluia! Bread of Heaven, You on earth our food and stay! Alleluia! here the sinful Flee to You from day to day. Chorus 1: Hark! the songs of peaceful Zion Thunder like a mighty flood: “Jesus out of ev’ry nation Has redeemed us by His blood.” Chorus 2: Though the clouds from sight received Him When the forty days were o’er, Shall our hearts forget His promise: “I am with you evermore”? Chorus 3: Intercessor, Friend of sinners, Earth’s Redeemer,plead for me, Where the songs of all the sinless Sweep across the crystal sea. Title: CH 41 - Lift High the Lord, Our Banner Author: Macon Delavan Copyright: ©1982 Integrity's Hosanna! Music CCLI: 14741 Song ID: U-2041 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Celebration Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse1 Verse 1: Lift high the Lord, our Banner. Lift high the Lord, Jesus King. Lift High the Lord, our Banner. Lift high your praise to Him sing. Chorus 1: For He is wonderful, for He reigns on high. For He is marvelous, the Lord draweth nigh. Title: 136 - O for a Thousand Tongues Author: Charles Wesley and Carl G. Glaser Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 1369 Song ID: U-0136 Hymnal: 278 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4, Verse5 Verse 1: O for a thousand tongues to sing My great Redeemer's praise, The glories of my God and King, The triumphs of His grace! Verse 2: My gracious Master and my God, Assist me to proclaim, To spread through all the earth abroad, The honors of Thy name. Verse 3: Jesus, the name that calms my fears, That bids my sorrows cease, 'Tis music in the sinner's ears; 'Tis life and health and peace. Verse 4: He breaks the pow'r of cancelled sin, He sets the pris'ner free; His blood can make the foulest clean, His blood availed for me. Verse 5: My gracious Master and my God, Assist me to proclaim, To spread through all the earth abroad, The honors of Thy name. Title: Rising Author: Paul Baloche and Matt Redman Copyright: ©2006 ThankYou Music CCLI: 4662460 Song ID: U-1115 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Praise PlayOrder: Chorus1, Verse1, Bridge1, Chorus1, Chorus2, Chorus1, Chorus3, Verse2, Bridge2, Chorus1, Chorus2, Chorus1, Chorus3, Chorus1 Verse 1: We’re gathered to worship, Becoming a choir to sing Your praise; Lifting our voices, Joining our hearts in this house today. Verse 2: We’re gathered to go out, To cities and towns we’ll take Your name; Into the nations, Shining Your light in the darkest place. Chorus 1: From the rising of the sun ‘til the sun goes down, Let the name of the Lord be praised. From the rising of the sun ‘til the sun goes down, Let the name of the Lord be praised. Chorus 2: From the sky to the depths, From the east to the west. Chorus 3: From the sky to the depths, From the east to the west we give You praise. Bridge 1: People of God in the power of God, For the kingdom of God we sing! Bridge 2: People of God in the power of God, For the kingdom of God we live! Title: 295 - All Hail King Jesus Author: Dave Moody Copyright: ©1981 Dayspring Music CCLI: Song ID: U-0295 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1 Verse 1: All hail King Jesus! All hail Emmanuel: King of kings, Lord of lords, Bright Morning Star. And throughout eternity I’ll sing His praises, And I’ll reign with Him throughout eternity. Title: 37 - Blessed Be the Lord God Almighty Author: Bob Fitts Copyright: © 1984 Scripture In Song CCLI: 21480 Song ID: U-0037 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1 Verse 1: Father in heaven, how we love You; We lift Your name in all the earth. May Your kingdom be established in our praises, As Your people declare Your mighty works. Chorus 1: Blessed be the Lord God Almighty, Who was, and is, and is to come. Blessed be the Lord God Almighty, Who reigns forevermore. Title: 650 - Praise Him, All Ye Little Children Author: Carey Bonner Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: Song ID: U-0650 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3 Verse 1: Praise Him, praise Him, all ye little children, God is love, God is love; Praise Him, praise Him, all ye little children,God is love, God is love. Verse 2: Love Him, love Him, all ye little children, God is love, God is love; Love Him, love Him, all ye little children,God is love, God is love. Verse 3: Thank Him, thank Him, all ye little children, God is love, God is love; Thank Him, thank Him, all ye little children,God is love, God is love. Title: 310 - Blessed Be the Name Author: Charles Wesley / Ralph Hudson Copyright: Arr ©2008 Broadman Press CCLI: Song ID: U-0310 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: O for a thousand tongues to sing, Blessed be the name of the Lord! The glories of my God and King, Blessed be the name of the Lord! Verse 2: Jesus, the name that calms my fears, Blessed be the name of the Lord! ‘Tis music in the sinner’s ears, Blessed be the name of the Lord! Verse 3: He breaks the power of canceled sin, Blessed be the name of the Lord! His blood can make the foulest clean, Blessed be the name of the Lord! Verse 4: I never shall forget that day, Blessed be the name of the Lord! When Jesus washed my sins away, Blessed be the name of the Lord! Chorus 1: Blessed be the name, Blessed be the name, Blessed be the name of the Lord! Blessed be the name, Blessed be the name, Blessed be the name of the Lord! Title: 212 - Gentle Mary Laid Her Child Author: Joseph Cook Copyright: ©1956, 1958 by Gordon V. Thompson LTD. CCLI: Song ID: U-0212 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3 Verse 1: Gentle Mary laid her Child Lowly in a manger; There He lay, the undefiled, To the world a stranger: Such a Babe in such a place, Can He be the Savior? Ask the saved of all the race Who have found His favor. Verse 2: Angels sang about His birth; Wise men sought and found Him; Heaven’s star shone brightly forth, Glory all around Him: Shepherds saw the wondrous sight, Heard the angels singing; All the plains were lit that night, All the hills were ringing. Verse 3: Gentle Mary laid her Child Lowly in a manger; He is still the undefiled, But no more a stranger: Son of God, of humble birth, Beautiful the story; Praise His name in all the earth, Hail the King of glory! Title: 217 - Thou Didst Leave Thy Throne Author: Emily E. S. Elliott and Timothy R. Matthews Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 91977 Song ID: U-0217 Hymnal: 547 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4, Verse5 Verse 1: Thou didst leave Thy throne And Thy kingly crown, When Thou camest to earth for me; But in Bethlehem's home was there found no room For Thy holy nativity. O come to my heart, Lord Jesus, There is room in my heart for Thee! Verse 2: Heaven's arches rang When the angels sang, Proclaiming Thy royal degree; But of lowly birth Didst Thou come to earth, And in greatest humility. O come to my heart, Lord Jesus, There is room in my heart for Thee! Verse 3: The foxes found rest, And the birds their nest In the shade of the forest tree; But Thy couch was the sod, O Thou Son of God, In the deserts of Galilee. O come to my heart, Lord Jesus, There is room in my heart for Thee! Verse 4: Thou camest, O Lord, With the living word That should set Thy people free; But with mocking scorn, and with crown of thorn, They bore Thee to Calvary. O come to my heart, Lord Jesus, There is room in my heart for Thee! Verse 5: When the heavens shall ring And the angels sing At Thy coming to victory, Let Thy voice call me home, Saying, "Yes, there is room, There is room at My side for thee." My heart shall rejoice, Lord Jesus, When Thou comest and callest for me! Title: 202 - How Great Our Joy Author: Traditional Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: Song ID: U-0202 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: While by the sheep we watched at night, Glad tidings brought an angel bright Verse 2: There shall be born, so he did say, In Bethlehem a Child today. Verse 3: There shall the Child lie in a stall, This Child who shall redeem us all. Verse 4: This gift of God we’ll cherish well, That ever joy our hearts shall fill. Chorus 1: How great our joy! Great our joy! Joy, joy, joy! Joy, joy, joy! Praise we the Lord in heav’n on high! Praise we the Lord in heav’n on high! Title: 172 - Love Divine Cue Name: Love Divine Author: Charles Wesley and John Zundel Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 40306 Song ID: U-0172 Hymnal: 154 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4 Verse 1: Love divine, all loves excelling, Joy of heav'n, to earth come down; Fix in us Thy humble dwelling; All Thy faithful mercies crown. Jesus, Thou art all compassion, Pure, unbounded love Thou art; Visit us with Thy salvation; Enter ev'ry trembling heart. Verse 2: Breathe, O breathe Thy loving Spirit Into ev'ry troubled breast! Let us all in Thee inherit, Let us find the promised rest. Take away our bent to sinning, Alpha and Omega be; End of faith, as its beginning, Set our hearts at liberty. Verse 3: Come, Almighty to deliver; Let us all Thy grace receive; Suddenly return, and never, Nevermore Thy temples leave. Thee we would be always blessing, Serve Thee as Thy hosts above, Pray, and praise Thee without ceasing, Glory in Thy perfect love. Verse 4: Finish, then, Thy new creation; Pure and spotless let us be; Let us see Thy great salvation Perfectly restored in Thee: Changed from glory into glory, Till in heav'n we take our place, Till we cast our crowns before Thee, Lost in wonder, love, and praise. Title: 42 - God of Every Generation Author: Paul Marino, Greg Nelson and Rowland Prichard Copyright: © 2006 Van Ness Press, Inc. / McKinney Music, Inc. CCLI: Song ID: U-0042 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: Born among the peasant strangers God incarnate came to earth— Through His poverty bore richesIn the mystery of His birth. Verse 2: From the dawn of all creation God the Father in His love Offered up for our redemption Jesus Christ, His only Son. Verse 3: Through the heart of all believers Worship echoes age to age. Hear the church, her saints proclaiming Jesus Christ was born to save. Chorus 1: God of every generation Reaching out to all mankind; How relentless His pursuing As He draws us to His light. Title: Lord, I Need You Author: Carson, Maher, Nockels, Reeves, Stanfill Copyright: ©2011 Worshiptogether.com Songs/Sixsteps Music/Sweater Weather Music/Valley of Songs Music/Thankyou Music CCLI: 5925687 Song ID: U-1116 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Praise PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Bridge1, Chorus1, Chorus1, Ending1 Verse 1: Lord, I come, I confess, bowing here I find my rest. And without You I fall apart, You’re the One that guides my heart. Verse 2: Where sin runs deep Your grace is more. Where grace is found is where You are. And where You are, Lord, I am free. Holiness is Christ in me. Yes, where You are, Lord, I am free. Holiness is Christ in me. Chorus 1: Lord, I need You, oh, I need You. Every hour I need You. My one defense, my righteousness, Oh God, how I need You. Bridge 1: Teach my song to rise to You When temptation comes my way. And when I cannot stand I’ll fall on You. Jesus, You’re my hope and stay. And when I cannot stand I’ll fall on You. Jesus, You’re my hope and stay. Ending 1: My one defense, my righteousness, My God, how I need You. Title: 544 - Have Thine Own Way, Lord Cue Name: Have Thine Own Way, Lord Author: Adelaide A. Pollard and George C. Stebbins Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 28225 Song ID: U-0544 Hymnal: 186 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4 Verse 1: Have Thine own way, Lord! Have Thine own way! Thou art the Potter, I am the clay! Mold me and make me After Thy will, While I am waiting, Yielded and still. Verse 2: Have Thine own way, Lord! Have Thine own way! Search me and try me, Master, today! Whiter than snow, Lord, Wash me just now, As in Thy presence Humbly I bow. Verse 3: Have Thine own way, Lord! Have Thine own way! Wounded and weary, Help me, I pray! Power, all power Surely is Thine! Touch me and heal me, Savior divine! Verse 4: Have Thine own way, Lord! Have Thine own way! Hold o'er my being Absolute sway! Fill with Thy Spirit Till all shall see Christ only, always, Living in me! Title: 32 - Come, Christians, Join to Sing Author: Christian Henry Bateman Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 83253 Song ID: U-0032 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3 Verse 1: Come Christians, join to sing Alleluia! Amen! Loud praise to Christ, our King; Alleluia! Amen! Let all, with heart and voice, Before His throne rejoice; Praise is His gracious choice: Alleluia! Amen! Verse 2: Come, lift your hearts on high; Alleluia! Amen! Let praises fill the sky; Alleluia! Amen! He is our guide and friend; To us He'll condescend; His love shall never end: Alleluia! Amen! Verse 3: Praise yet our Christ again; Alleluia! Amen! Life shall not end the strain; Alleluia! Amen! On heaven's blissful shore His goodness we'll adore, Singing forevermore, "Alleluia! Amen!" Ending 1: Amen, amen! Alleluia! Amen! Title: 666 - We Have Come into His House Cue Name: CH 223 - The House of the Lord Author: Ballinger Copyright: ©1976 Sound III, Inc CCLI: 17212 Song ID: U-0666 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2 Verse 1: We have come into His house and gathered in His name to worship Him. We have come into His house and gathered in His name to worship Him. We have come into His house and gathered in His name to worship Christ the Lord. Worship Him, Christ the Lord. Verse 2: Let's forget about ourselves and magnify His name and worship Him. Let's forget aboutourselves and magnify His name and worship Him. Let's forget about ourselvesand magnify His name and worship Christ the Lord. Worship Him, Christ the Lord. Title: CH 223 - The House of the Lord Author: Ballinger/Bateman Copyright: ©1976 Sound III, Inc/Public Domain CCLI: 17212,83253 Song ID: U-2223 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Celebration Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4, Verse5, Ending1 Verse 1: We have come into His house and gathered in His name to worship Him. We have come into His house and gathered in His name to worship Him. We have come into His house and gathered in His name to worship Christ the Lord. Worship Him, Christ the Lord. Verse 2: Let's forget about ourselves and magnify His name and worship Him. Let's forget about ourselves and magnify His name and worship Him. Let's forget about ourselves and magnify His name and worship Christ the Lord. Worship Him, Christ the Lord. Verse 3: Come Christians, join to sing Alleluia! Amen! Loud praise to Christ, our King; Alleluia! Amen! Let all, with heart and voice, Before His throne rejoice; Praise is His gracious choice: Alleluia! Amen! Verse 4: Come, lift your hearts on high: Alleluia! Amen! Let praises fill the sky; Alleluia! Amen! He is our Guide and Friend; To us He'll condescend; His love shall never end: Alleluia! Amen! Verse 5: Praise yet our Christ again, Alleluia! Amen! Life shall not end the strain; Alleluia! Amen! On heaven's blissful shore His goodness we'll adore, Singing forevermore, "Alleluia! Amen!" Ending 1: Amen, amen! Alleluia! Amen! Title: 338 - Wonderful Words of Life Author: Philip P. Bliss Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 47392 Song ID: U-0338 Hymnal: 363 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: Sing them over again to me, Wonderful words of Life; Let me more of their beauty see, Wonderful words of Life. Words of life and beauty, Teach me faith and duty; Verse 2: Christ, the Blessed One, gives to all Wonderful words of Life; Sinner, list to the loving call, Wonderful words of Life. All so freely given, Wooing us to heaven– Verse 3: Sweetly echo the gospel call, Wonderful words of Life. Offer pardon and peace to all, Wonderful words of Life. Jesus, only Savior, Sanctify forever, Chorus 1: Beautiful words, wonderful words, Wonderful words of Life, Beautiful words, wonderful words, Wonderful words of Life. Title: 503 - Now I Belong to Jesus Cue Name: Now I Belong to Jesus Author: Norman J. Clayton Copyright: ©1938, 1943 Norman J. Clayton. Renewed 1966, 1971 Wordspring Music, Inc. CCLI: 17638 Song ID: U-0503 Hymnal: 446 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: Jesus my Lord will love me forever, From Him no pow'r of evil can sever, He gave His life to ransom my soul, Now I belong to Him. Verse 2: Once I was lost in sin's degradation; Jesus came down to bring me salvation, Lifted me up from sorrow and shame, Now I belong to Him. Verse 3: Joy floods my soul for Jesus has saved me, Freed me from sin that long had enslaved me; His precious blood He gave to redeem, Now I belong to Him. Chorus 1: Now I belong to Jesus, Jesus belongs to me, Not for the years of time alone, But for eternity. Title: 433 - I Surrender All Author: Judson Van DeVenter and Winfield S. Weeden Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 23189 Song ID: U-0433 Hymnal: 252 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: All to Jesus I surrender, All to Him I freely give; I will ever love and trust Him, In His presence daily live. Verse 2: All to Jesus I surrender, Make me, Savior, wholly Thine; Let me feel Thy Holy Spirit, Truly know that Thou art mine. Verse 3: All to Jesus I surrender, Lord, I give myself to Thee; Fill me with Thy love and power, Let Thy blessing fall on me. Chorus 1: I surrender all, I surrender all. All to Thee, my blessed Savior, I surrender all. Title: 171 - O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus Cue Name: O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus Author: S. Trevor Francis and Thomas J. Williams Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 137178 Song ID: U-5027 Hymnal: 27 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3 Verse 1: O the deep, deep love of Jesus, Vast, unmeasured, boundless, free! Rolling as a mighty ocean In its fullness over me, Underneath me, all around me, Is the current of Thy love; Leading onward, leading home-ward To my glorious rest above. Verse 2: O the deep, deep love of Jesus, Spread His praise from shore to shore! How He loveth, ever loveth, Changeth never, nevermore; How He watches o’er His loved ones, Died to call them all His own; How for them He intercedeth, Watcheth o’er them from the throne! Verse 3: O the deep, deep love of Jesus, Love of ev'ry love the best! ’Tis an ocean vast of blessing, ’Tis a haven sweet of rest. O the deep, deep love of Jesus, ’Tis a heav'n of heav'ns to me; And it lifts me up to glory, For it lifts me up to Thee. Title: 860 - I Stand in Awe Author: Mark Altrogge Copyright: © Copyright 1987 Sovereign Grace Praise CCLI: 23914 Song ID: U-0860 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Chorus1 Verse 1: You are beautiful beyond description, Too marvelous for words; Too wonderful for comprehension, Like nothing ever seen or heard. Verse 2: Who can grasp Your infinite wisdom? Who can fathom the depth of Your love? You are beautiful beyond description, Majesty enthroned above. Verse 3: Chorus 1: And I stand, I stand in awe of You, I stand, I stand in awe of You; Holy God, to whom all praise is due, I stand in awe of You. Title: 53 - Lift Up Your Heads Author: Steve Fry Copyright: © 1974 Birdwing Music / BMG Songs CCLI: 19777 Song ID: U-0053 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Chorus1 Chorus 1: Lift up your heads to the coming King. Bow before Him and adore Him, sing! To His majesty, let your praises be Pure and holy, giving glory to the King of kings. Title: 281 - I Will Sing of My Redeemer (Hyfrydol) Author: Philip Bliss / Rowland Prichard Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 644128 Song ID: U-0281 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: I will sing of my Redeemer And His wondrous love to me; On the cruel cross He suffered From the curse to set me free. Verse 2: I will tell the wondrous story how, my lost estate to save, In His boundless love and mercy He the ransom freely gave. Verse 3: I will praise my dear Redeemer; His triumphant power I’ll tell, How the victory He giveth over sin and death and hell. Verse 4: I will sing of my Redeemer and His heavenly love for me; He from death to life hath brought me, Son of God, with Him to be. Chorus 1: Sing, O sing of my Redeemer, With His blood He purchased me. On the cross He sealed my pardon, Paid the debt and made me free. Title: CH 459 - We Remember You Author: Kirk Dearman Copyright: ©1988 Maranatha Music, Inc CCLI: 120075 Song ID: U-2459 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Celebration Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: As we eat this bread, we worship You; As we eat this bread, we honor You. And we offer You our lives as You have offered Yours for us. Verse 2: As we drink this cup, we worship You; As we drink this cup, we honor You. And we offer You our lives as You have offered Yours for us. Verse 3: As we eat this bread, we worship You; As we drink this cup, we honor You. And we offer You our lives as You have offered Yours for us. Chorus 1: We remember all You've done for us; We remember Your convenant with us; We remember and worship You, O Lord. Title: Come, People of the Risen King Author: Keith Getty, Kristyn Getty and Stuart Townend Copyright: ©2007 ThankYou Music CCLI: Song ID: U-1117 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Praise PlayOrder: Verse1, Bridge1, Chorus1, Verse2, Bridge2, Chorus1, Verse3, Bridge3, Chorus2, Chorus3 Verse 1: Come, people of the risen King Who delight to bring Him praise. Come all, and tune your hearts to sing To the Morning Star of grace. Verse 2: Come, those whose joy is morning sun, And those weeping through the night. Come, those who tell of battles won, And those struggling in the fight. Verse 3: Come, young and old from every land, Men and women of the faith; Come, those with full or empty hands, Find the riches of His grace. Chorus 1: Rejoice! Rejoice! Let every tongue rejoice! One heart, one voice. O church of Christ rejoice. Chorus 2: Rejoice! Rejoice! Let every tongue rejoice! One heart, one voice. O church of Christ rejoice. Chorus 3: Rejoice! Rejoice! Let every tongue rejoice! One heart, one voice. O church of Christ rejoice. Rejoice! Bridge 1: From the shifting shadows of the earth We will lift our eyes to Him, Where steady arms of mercy reach to gather children in. Bridge 2: For His perfect love will never change And His mercies never cease, But follow us through all our days with the certain hope of peace. Bridge 3: Over all the world His people sing, Shore to shore we hear them call, The truth that cries through every age, our God is all in all. Title: 273 - Christ Arose Cue Name: Christ Arose Author: Robert Lowry Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 27783 Song ID: U-0273 Hymnal: 564 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: Low in the grave He lay, Jesus my Savior! Waiting the coming day, Jesus my Lord! Verse 2: Vainly they watch His bed, Jesus my Savior! Vainly they seal the dead Jesus my Lord! Verse 3: Death cannot keep his prey, Jesus my Savior! He tore the bars away, Jesus my Lord! Chorus 1: Up from the grave He arose, With a mighty triumph o'er His foes; He arose a Victor from the dark domain, And He lives forever with His saints to reign, He arose! He arose! Hallelujah! Christ arose! Title: Praise the Father, Praise the Son Author: Chris Tomlin and Ed Cash Copyright: ©2008 worshiptogetherrsongs.com Songs CCLI: 5203251 Song ID: U-1118 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Praise PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus2, Chorus3, Bridge1, Chorus4 Verse 1: O sovereign God, O matchless King, The saints adore, the angels sing And fall before the throne of grace; To You belongs the highest praise. Verse 2: These sufferings, this passing tide Under Your wings I will abide, And every enemy shall flee You are my hope and victory. Verse 3: To the valley for my soul, Thy great descent has made me whole. Your Word my heart has welcomed home, Now peace like water ever flows. Chorus 1: Praise the Father, praise the Son, Praise the Spirit, Three in One. Clothed in power and in grace, The name above all other names. Chorus 2: Praise the Father, praise the Son, Praise the Spirit, Three in One. Clothed in power and in grace, The name above all other names. Chorus 3: Oh, praise the Father, praise the Son, Praise the Spirit, Three in One. Clothed in power and in grace, The name above all other names. Chorus 4: Praise the Father, praise the Son, Praise the Spirit, Three in One. Clothed in power and in grace, The name above all other names. The name above all other names. Bridge 1: Yours is the kingdom, Yours is the power, Yours is the glory forever! Yours is the kingdom, Yours is the power, Yours is the glory forever! Title: 226 - O the Blood of Jesus Author: Ken Barker, Brenda Barker Copyright: © 2004 Word Music CCLI: 2315245 Song ID: U-0226 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4 Verse 1: O the blood of Jesus, O the blood of Jesus, O the blood of Jesus, It washes white as snow. Verse 2: O the cross of Jesus, O the cross of Jesus, O the cross of Jesus, His death brings life to me. Verse 3: O the love of Jesus, O the love of Jesus, O the love of Jesus, He freely gives to me. Verse 4: O the blood of Jesus, O the blood of Jesus, O the blood of Jesus, It washes white as snow. Title: 10,000 Reasons (Bless the Lord) Author: Matt Redman and Jonas Mylin Copyright: ©2011 Shout! Publishinc CCLI: 6016351 Song ID: U-1119 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Praise PlayOrder: Chorus1, Verse1, Chorus2, Verse2, Chorus2, Verse3, Chorus3, Ending1 Verse 1: The sun comes up, it’s a new day dawning; It’s time to sing Your song again. Whatever may pass and whatever lies before me, Let me be singing when the evening comes. Verse 2: You’re rich in love and You’re slow to anger, Your name is great and Your heart is kind. For all Your goodness I will keep on singing, Ten thousand reasons for my heart to find. Verse 3: And on that day when my strength is failing, The end draws near and my time has come; Still my soul sings Your praise unending, Ten thousand years and then forever more. Chorus 1: Bless the Lord, O my soul, O my soul, Worship His holy name. Sing like never before, O my soul,I’ll worship Your holy name. Chorus 2: Bless the Lord, O my soul, O my soul, Worship His holy name. Sing like never before, O my soul, I’ll worship Your holy name. Chorus 3: Bless the Lord, O my soul, O my soul, Worship His holy name. Sing like never before, O my soul, I'll worship Your holy name, I’ll worship Your holy name. Ending 1: Sing like never before, O my soul, I’ll worship Your holy name, Worship Your holy name. Title: 531 - Something for Thee Cue Name: 531 - Something for Jesus Author: S. D. Phelps and Robert Lowry Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 122190 Song ID: U-0531 Hymnal: 166 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4 Verse 1: Savior, Thy dying love Thou gavest me, Nor should I aught withhold, Dear Lord, from Thee: In love my soul would bow, My heart fulfill its vow, Some off'ring bring Thee now, Something for Thee. Verse 2: At the blest mercy seat, Pleading for me, My feeble faith looks up, Jesus, to Thee: Help me the cross to bear, Thy wondrous love declare, Some song to raise, or prayer, Something for Thee. Verse 3: Give me a faithful heart, Likeness to Thee, That each departing day Henceforth may see Some work of love begun, Some deed of kindness done, Some wand'rer sought and won, Something for Thee. Verse 4: All that I am and have, Thy gifts so free, In joy, in grief, through life, Dear Lord, for Thee! And when Thy face I see, My ransom'd soul shall be, Through all eternity, Something for Thee. Title: 378 - I Am Resolved Cue Name: I Am Resolved Author: Palmer Hartsough and James H. Fillmore Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 92969 Song ID: U-0378 Hymnal: 169 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1, Verse5, Chorus1 Verse 1: I am resolved no longer to linger, Charmed by the world’s delight; Things that are higher, things that are nobler, These have allured my sight. Verse 2: I am resolved to go to the Savior, Leaving my sin and strife. He is the true one, He is the just one, He hath the words of life. Verse 3: I am resolved to follow the Savior, Faithful and true each day. Heed what He sayeth, do what He willeth, He is the living way. Verse 4: I am resolved to enter the Kingdom, Leaving the paths of sin. Friends may oppose me, foes may beset me, Still will I enter in. Verse 5: I am resolved, and who will go with me? Come, friends, without delay; Taught by the Bible, led by the Spirit, We’ll walk the heav'nly way. Chorus 1: I will hasten to Him, Hasten so glad and free. Jesus, greatest, highest, I will come to Thee. Title: 13 - Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee Cue Name: Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee Author: Henry Van Dyke and Ludwig Van Beethoven Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 25321 Song ID: U-0013 Hymnal: 7 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3 Verse 1: Joyful, joyful, we adore Thee, God of glory, Lord of love; Hearts unfold like flow'rs before Thee, Op'ning to the sun above. Melt the clouds of sin and sadness; Drive the dark of doubt away; Giver of immortal gladness, Fill us with the light of day! Verse 2: All Thy works with joy surround Thee, Earth and heav'n reflect Thy rays, Stars and angels sing around Thee, Center of unbroken praise. Field and forest, vale and mountain, Flow'ry meadow, flashing sea, Singing bird and flowing fountain Call us to rejoice in Thee. Verse 3: Thou art giving and forgiving, Ever blessing, ever blest, Wellspring of the joy of living, Ocean depth of happy rest! Thou our Father, Christ our Brother— All who live in love are Thine; Teach us how to love each other, Lift us to the Joy Divine. Verse 4: Mortals join the mighty chorus Which the morning stars began; Father love is reigning o'er us, Brother love binds man to man. Ever singing, march we onward, Victors in the midst of strife; Joyful music lifts us sunward In the triumph song of life. Title: 524 - Seek Ye First Author: Karen Lafferty Copyright: ©1972 Maranatha! Music; CCCM Music CCLI: 1352 Song ID: U-1045 Hymnal: 524 Notes: Groups: Praise PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3 Verse 1: "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, And His righteousness, And all these things shall be added unto you." Allelu, Alleluia. Verse 2: "Where two or three are gathered in My name, There am I in their midst, And whatsoever ye ask, I will do." Allelu, Alleluia. Verse 3: "Ask, and it shall be given unto you. Seek, and ye shall find. Knock, and the door shall be opened unto you." Allelu, Alleluia. Allelu, Alleluia. Verse 4: "You shall not live by bread alone, But by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God." Allelu, Alleluia. Title: 545 - Living for Jesus Cue Name: Living for Jesus Author: Thomas O. Chisholm and C. Harold Lowden Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 20687 Song ID: U-0545 Hymnal: 165 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: Living for Jesus a life that is true, Striving to please Him in all that I do; Yielding allegiance, glad-hearted and free, This is the pathway of blessing for me. Verse 2: Living for Jesus who died in my place, Bearing on Calv'ry my sin and disgrace; Such love constrains me to answer His call, Follow His leading and give Him my all. Verse 3: Living for Jesus through earth's little while, My dearest treasure, the light of His smile; Seeking the lost ones He died to redeem, Bringing the weary to find rest in Him. Verse 4: Living for Jesus wherever I am, Doing each duty in His holy name; Willing to suffer affliction and loss, Deeming each trial a part of my cross. Chorus 1: O Jesus, Lord and Savior, I give myself to Thee, For Thou, in Thine atonement, Didst give Thyself for me; I own no other Master, My heart shall be Thy throne; My life I give, henceforth to live, O Christ, for Thee alone. Title: 577 - My Tribute Author: Andrae Crouch Copyright: ©1971 Bud John Songs, Inc. CCLI: 11218 Song ID: U-0577 Hymnal: 287 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Chorus2 Verse 1: How can I say thanks for the things You have done for me– Things so undeserved, yet You give to prove Your love for me? The voices of a million angels could not express my gratitude– All that I am and ever hope to be, I owe it all to Thee. Chorus 1: To God be the glory, To God be the glory! To God be the glory for the things He has done. With His blood He has saved me, With His pow'r He has raised me. To God be the glory for the things He has done. Chorus 2: Just let me live my life; Let it be pleasing, Lord, to Thee. And should I gain any praise, Let it go to Calvary. With His blood He has saved me, With His pow'r He has raised me. To God be the glory for the things He has done. Title: 636 - Come, Ye Thankful People, Come Cue Name: Come, Ye Thankful People Author: Henry Alford and George J. Elvey Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 50200 Song ID: U-0636 Hymnal: 568 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4 Verse 1: Come, ye thankful people come, Raise the song of harvest home! All is safely gathered in Ere the winter storms begin. God, our Maker, doth provide For our wants to be supplied: Come to God's own temple, come, Raise the song of harvest home. Verse 2: We ourselves are God's own field, Fruit unto His praise to yield: Wheat and tares together sown, Unto joy or sorrow grown. First the blade, and then the ear, Then the full corn shall appear; Lord of harvest, grant that we Wholesome grain and pure may be. Verse 3: For the Lord our God shall come, And shall take His harvest home; From His field shall purge away All that doth offend that day. Give His angels charge at last In the fire the tares to cast, But the fruitful ears to store In His garner evermore. Verse 4: Even so, Lord, quickly come, Bring Thy final harvest home; Gather Thou Thy people in, Free from sorrow, free from sin. There, forever purified, In Thy presence to abide: Come, with all Thine angels, come, Raise the glorious harvest home. Title: 392 - We're Marching to Zion Cue Name: We're Marching to Zion Author: Isaac Watts and Robert Lowry Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 144398 Song ID: U-0372 Hymnal: 489 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: Come, we that love the Lord, And let our joys be known, Join in a song with sweet accord, Join in a song with sweet accord, And thus surround the throne, And thus surround the throne. Verse 2: Let those refuse to sing Who never knew our God; But children of the heav'nly King, But children of the heav'nly King, May speak their joys abroad, May speak their joys abroad. Verse 3: The hill of Zion yields A thousand sacred sweets Before we reach the heav'nly fields, Before we reach the heav'nly fields, Or walk the golden streets, Or walk the golden streets. Verse 4: Then let our songs abound, And ev'ry tear be dry, We're marching through Immanuel's ground, We're marching through Immanuel's ground, To fairer worlds on high, To fairer worlds on high. Chorus 1: We're marching to Zion, Beautiful, beautiful Zion; We're marching upward to Zion, The beautiful city of God. Title: 393 - The Family of God Author: William and Gloria Gaither Copyright: © 1970 William J. Gaither, Inc CCLI: 17023 Song ID: U-0393 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Chorus1 Chorus 1: I’m so glad I’m a part of the fam’ly of God– I’ve been washed in the fountain, cleansed by His blood! Joint heirs with Jesus as we travel this sod; For I’m part of the fam’ly, the fam’ly of God. Title: 188 - It Came upon the Midnight Clear Cue Name: It Came upon the Midnight Clear Author: Edmund H. Sears and Richard S. Willis Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 31078 Song ID: U-0188 Hymnal: 188 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4 Verse 1: It came upon the midnight clear, That glorious song of old, From angels bending near the earth To touch their harps of gold: "Peace on the earth, good will to men, From heav'n's all-gracious King!" The world in solemn stillness lay To hear the angels sing. Verse 2: Yet with the woes of sin and strife The world has suffered long, Beneath the angel strain have rolled Two thousand years of wrong; And man, at war with man, hears not The love song whichthey bring: O hush the noise, ye men of strife, And hear the angels sing! Verse 3: All ye, beneath life's crushing load, Whose forms are bending low, Who toil along the climbing way With painful steps and slow, Look now! For glad and golden hours Come swiftly on the wing: O rest beside the weary road And hear the angels sing! Verse 4: For lo, the days are hast'ning on, By prophet bards foretold, When with the ever circling years Comes round the age of gold; When peace shall over all the earth Its ancient splendors fling, And the whole world give back the song Which now the angels sing. Verse 5: Still thru the cloven skies they come With peaceful wings unfurled, And still their heav'nly music floats O'er all the weary world: Above its sad and lowly plains They bend on hov'ring wing, And ever o'er its Babel sounds The blessed angels sing. Title: 397 - Come, Holy Spirit, Dove Divine Author: Adoniram Judson / H. Percy Smith Copyright: CCLI: 199491 Song ID: U-0397 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4 Verse 1: Come, Holy Spirit, Dove divine, On these baptismal waters shine, And teach our hearts, in highest strain, To praise the Lamb for sinners slain. Verse 2: We love Your name, we love Your laws, And joyfully embrace Your cause; We love Your cross, the shame, the pain, O Lamb of God for sinners slain. Verse 3: We sink beneath the water’s face, And thank You for Your saving grace; We die to sin and seek a grave With You, beneath the yielding wave. Verse 4: And as we rise with You to live, O let the Holy Spirit give The sealing unction from above, The joy of life, the fire of love. Title: 154 - What a Friend We Have in Jesus Author: Joseph M. Scriven and Charles C. Converse Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 27714 Song ID: U-0154 Hymnal: 302 Notes: Ending for Travis Cottrell arrangement. Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3 Verse 1: What a friend we have in Jesus, All our sins and griefs to bear! What a privilege to carry Ev'rything to God in prayer! O what peace we often forfeit, O what needless pain we bear, All because we do not carry Ev'rything to God in prayer! Verse 2: Have we trials and temptations? Is there trouble anywhere? We should never be discouraged; Take it to the Lord in prayer. Can we find a friend so faithful Who will all our sorrows share? Jesus knows our ev'ry weakness, Take it to the Lord in prayer. Verse 3: Are we weak and heavy laden, Cumbered with a load of care? Precious Savior, still our refuge; Take it to the Lord in prayer. Do thy friends despise, forsake thee? Take it to the Lord in prayer. In His arms He'll take and shield thee; Thou wilt find a solace there. Ending 1: In His arms He'll take and shield thee, Thou wilt find a solace there. Title: 79 - The Lord's My Shepherd, I'll Not Want Cue Name: The Lord's My Shepherd, I'll Not Want Author: Jessie Seymour Irvine Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 23608 Song ID: U-0079 Hymnal: 40 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4, Verse5 Verse 1: The Lord's my Shepherd; I'll not want. He makes me down to lie In pastures green; He leadeth me The quiet waters by. Verse 2: My soul He doth restore again; And me to walk doth make Within the paths of righteousness, E'en for His own name's sake. Verse 3: Yea, though I walk through death's dark vale, Yet will I fear no ill; For Thou art with me, and Thy rod And staff me comfort still. Verse 4: My table Thou hast furnished In presence of my foes; My head Thou dost with oil anoint, And my cup overflows. Verse 5: Goodness and mercy all my life Shall surely follow me; And in God's house forevermore My dwelling place shall be. Title: 568 - I’m So Glad, Jesus Lifted Me Author: Camp Kirkland Copyright: ©1997 Integrity’s Hosanna! Music and Word Music CCLI: 5202379 Song ID: U-0568 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4 Verse 1: I’m so glad, Jesus lifted me! I’m so glad, Jesus lifted me! I’m so glad, Jesus lifted me! Singing glory, hallelujah! Jesus lifted me! Verse 2: I was sinking down, Jesus lifted me! I was sinking down, Jesus lifted me! I was sinking down, Jesus lifted me! Singing glory, hallelujah! Jesus lifted me! Verse 3: Satan had me bound, Jesus lifted me! Satan had me bound, Jesus lifted me! Satan had me bound, Jesus lifted me! Singing glory, hallelujah! Jesus lifted me! Verse 4: I’m so glad, Jesus lifted me! I’m so glad, Jesus lifted me! I’m so glad, Jesus lifted me! Singing glory, hallelujah! Jesus lifted me! Title: 569 - The Joy of the Lord Author: Alliene G. Vale Copyright: ©1971 His Eye Music, Multisongs, The Joy Of The Lord Publishing CCLI: 14569 Song ID: U-0569 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3 Verse 1: The joy of the Lord is my strength, The joy of the Lord is my strength, The joy of the Lord is my strength, The joy of the Lord is my strength. Verse 2: He heals the broken-hearted and they cry no more, He heals the broken-hearted and they cry no more, He heals the broken-hearted and they cry no more, The joy of the Lord is my strength. Verse 3: He gives me living water and I thirst no more, He gives me living water and I thirst no more, He gives me living water and I thirst no more, The joy of the Lord is my strength. Title: 228 - Alas, and Did My Savior Bleed Cue Name: Alas! and Did My Saviour Bleed Author: Isaac Watts and Hugh Wilson Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 106123 Song ID: U-0228 Hymnal: 247 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4 Verse 1: Alas, and did my Savior bleed And did my Sovereign die? Would He devote that sacred head For sinners such as I? Verse 2: Was it for crimes that I had done He groaned upon the tree? Amazing pity, grace unknown, And love beyond degree! Verse 3: Well might the sun in darkness hide, And shut His glories in, When Christ, the mighty Maker, died For man, the creature's sin. Verse 4: But drops of grief can ne'er repay The debt of love I owe; Here, Lord, I give myself away, 'Tis all that I can do. Title: Our God Author: Matt Redman, Jonas Myrin, Chris Tomlin, Jesse Reeves Copyright: ©2010 ThankYou Music CCLI: 5677416 Song ID: U-1120 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Praise PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Bridge1, Bridge2, Chorus1, Chorus1, Ending1, Ending2 Verse 1: Water You turned into wine, Opened the eyes of the blind; There’s no one like You, none like You. Verse 2: Into the darkness You shine; Out of the ashes we rise. There’s no one like You, none like You. Chorus 1: Our God is greater, our God is stronger, God, You are higher than any other. Our God is healer, awesome in power, Our God, our God. Bridge 1: And if our God is for us Then who could ever stop us, And if our God is with us Then what could stand against? Bridge 2: And if our God is for us Then who could ever stop us, And if our God is with us Then what could stand against? What could stand against? Ending 1: And if our God is for us Then who could ever stop us, And if our God is with us Then what could stand against? Ending 2: And if our God is for us Then who could ever stop us, And if our God is with us Then what could stand against? What could stand against? None can stand against. Title: 112 - Grace Alone Author: Scott Wesley Brown and Jeff Nelson Copyright: ©1998 Maranatha! Music CCLI: 2335524 Song ID: U-0112 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1 Verse 1: Every promise we can make, every prayer and step of faith, Every diff’rence we will make is only by His grace. Every mountain we will climb, every ray of hope we shine, Every blessing left behind is only by His grace. Verse 2: Every soul we long to reach, every heart we hope to teach, Everywhere we share His peace is only by His grace. Every loving word we say, every tear we wipe away, Every sorrow turned to praise is only by His grace. Chorus 1: Grace alone which God supplies, Strength unknown He will provide. Christ in us our Cornerstone; We will go forth in grace alone. Ending 1: We will go forth in grace alone. We will go forth in grace alone. Title: 316 - At the Name of Jesus Author: Cindy Berry Copyright: ©1985 Word Music, LLC CCLI: 99467 Song ID: U-0316 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse1, Ending1 Verse 1: At the name of Jesus, At the name of Jesus, Every knee shall bow in heaven and in earth. Ending 1: That ev’ry knee shall bow And every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. Title: 340 - Word of God, Across the Ages Author: Ferdinand Q. Blanchard and Franz Joseph Haydn Copyright: ©1953 The Hymn Society CCLI: 281581 Song ID: U-0340 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3 Verse 1: Word of God, across the ages Comes the message to our life; Source of hope forever present In our toil and fears and strife; Constant witness to God’s mercy, Still our grace whate’erbefall, Guide unfailing, strength eternal, Offered freely to us all. Verse 2: Story of the wondrous journey From the shadows of the night; Garnered truth of sage and prophet, Guiding forward into light; Words and deeds of Christ our Master, Pointing to the life andway, Still appealing, still inspiring, ’Mid the struggles of today. Verse 3: In the tongues of all the peoples May the message bless and heal, As devout and patient scholars More and more its depths reveal; Bless, O God, to wise and simple, All the truth of agelessworth, Till all lands receive the witness And Your knowledge ?lls the earth. Title: Saranam, Saranam Author: D.T Niles and Geoff Weaver Copyright: CCLI: Song ID: U-1121 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Praise PlayOrder: Chorus1, Chorus2, Verse1, Chorus2, Verse2, Chorus2, Verse3, Chorus2, Verse4, Chorus2 Verse 1: From the earth wherever I may be, out of desperation and through agony. I cry in helplessness-- O answer me. Saranam, saranam, saranam. Verse 2: In Your heart give me a hiding place, and beneath Your wings let me find sheltering grace; O let me see the sunshine of Your face. Saranam, saranam, saranam. Verse 3: Then with joy to You my vows I'll pay, and give thanks for all Your mercy every day. I'll humbly follow in Your perfect way. Saranam, saranam, saranam. Verse 4: Glory to the Father and the Son, with the Holy Spirit ever Three-in-One; We'll sing in heaven's praises here begun. Saranam, saranam, saranam. Chorus 1: Saranam, saranam, saranam. Jesus , Savior, Lord, now to you I come. Saranam, saranam, saranam. Chorus 2: You're my Rock, my refuge, my heavenly home. Saranam, saranam, saranam. Title: Let the Nations be Glad Author: Matt Boswell Copyright: ©2010 Dayspring Music. CCLI: Song ID: U-1122 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Praise PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus2, Verse3, Chorus3, Chorus4, Ending1 Verse 1: Let the glory of the Lord, forever be our joy. May redemption be the theme of our song. For by grace we have been saved, and by grace we shall proclaim To the corners of the world that Christ is come. Verse 2: Through the ages gone before, through the trial and the sword, Many saints and martyrs conquered, though they died. Still we, holding out the cross, crossing oceans suffering loss, Shall endure all things to win the crown of life. Verse 3: As Your holy church goes forth in the Holy Spirit’s power, With the glories of the gospel to exclaim, Now we pray Your kingdom come, and we pray Your will be done For the honor and the glory of Your name. Chorus 1: Let the nations be glad, let the people rejoice For salvation belongs to our God. Let the whole earth be filled, with the praises of the Lord For salvation belongs to our God. Chorus 2: Let the nations be glad, let the people rejoice For salvation belongs to our God. Let the whole earth be filled, with the praises of the Lord For salvation belongs to our God. Chorus 3: Let the nations be glad, Let the people rejoice, For salvation belongs to our God. Chorus 4: Let the nations be glad, let the people rejoice For salvation belongs to our God Let the whole earth be filled, with the praises of the Lord For salvation belongs to our God. Ending 1: To our God. To our God. Salvation belongs to our God. Title: 102 - Think About His Love Author: Walt Harrah Copyright: © 1987 Integrity’s Hosanna! Music CCLI: 16299 Song ID: U-0102 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Chorus1 Chorus 1: Think about His love, think about His goodness, Think about His grace that’s brought us through. For as high as the heavens above, So great is the measure of our Father’s love. Great is the measure of our Father’s love. Title: 399 - Let Us Break Bread Together Cue Name: Let Us Break Bread Together Author: Carlton Young Copyright: ©1965 Abingdon Press CCLI: 2757449 Song ID: U-0399 Hymnal: 184 Notes: hymnal treats it as public domain. Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3 Verse 1: Let us break bread together on our knees, Let us break bread together on our knees; When I fall on my knees, With my face to the rising sun, O Lord, have mercy on me. Verse 2: Let us drink the cup together on our knees, Let us drink the cup together on our knees; When I fall on my knees, With my face to the rising sun, O Lord, have mercy on me. Verse 3: Let us praise God together on our knees, Let us praise God together on our knees; When I fall on my knees, With my face to the rising sun, O Lord, have mercy on me. Title: 344 - Ancient Words Author: Lynn DeSchazo Copyright: ©2001 Integrity's Hosanna! Music CCLI: 2986399 Song ID: U-0344 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1 Verse 1: Holy words long preserved for our walk in this world, They resound with God’s own heart; Oh, let the ancient words impart. Words of life, words of hope, give us strength, helpus cope; In this world where’er we roam ancient words will guide us home. Verse 2: Holy words of our faith, handed down to this age, Came to us through sacrifice; Oh, heed the faithful words of Christ. Holy words long preserved for our walk in this world, They resound with God’s own heart; Oh, let the ancient words impart. Chorus 1: Ancient words, ever true, changing me and changing you; We have come with open hearts, Oh, let the ancient words impart. Title: You’re Beautiful Author: Phil Wickham Copyright: ©2007 Seems Like Music CCLI: 5124024 Song ID: U-1123 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Praise PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4, Ending1 Verse 1: I see Your face in every sunrise, The colors of the morning are inside Your eyes. The world awakens in the light of the day, I look up to the sky and say, “You’re beautiful.” Verse 2: I see Your power in the moonlit night, Where planets are in motion and galaxies are bright. We are amazed in the light of the stars, It’s all proclaiming who You are: You’re beautiful. Verse 3: I see You there hanging on a tree; You bled and then You died and then You rose again for me. Now You are sitting on Your heavenly throne, Soon we will be coming home. You’re beautiful. Verse 4: When we arrive at eternity’s shore, Where death is just a memory and tears are no more, We’ll enter in as the wedding bells ring, Your bride will come together and we’ll sing, “You’re beautiful.” Chorus 1: Oooo… Oooo… Oooo… Oooo… Chorus 2: Oooo… Oooo… You’re beautiful…. Oooo… Oooo… Chorus 3: Oooo… Oooo… Ending 1: I see your face, You’re beautiful, You’re beautiful, You’re beautiful. I see your face, You’rebeautiful, You’re beautiful, You’re beautiful. Ending 2: I see your face, You’re beautiful, You’re beautiful, You’re beautiful. I see your face, You’rebeautiful, You’re beautiful, You’re beautiful. I see your face, You’re beautiful, You’re beautiful, You’re beautiful. Title: 211 - I have Seen the Light Author: Chris Machen and Robert Sterling Copyright: © 1989 Triad Music CCLI: Song ID: U-0211 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Chorus1 Chorus 1: I have seen the Light Shining in the darkness, Bursting through the shadows, Delivering the dawn. I have seen the Light Whose holy name is Jesus; His kingdom is forever. He reigns on heaven’sthrone. Title: 197 - Sing We Now of Christmas Author: Copyright: CCLI: 5476930 Song ID: U-0197 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1, Verse5, Chorus1 Verse 1: Sing we now of Christmas, Noel, sing we here! Hear our grateful praises to the Babe so dear. Verse 2: Angels called to shepherds, “Leave your flocks at rest; Journey forth to Bethl’hem, find the Lambkin blest.” Verse 3: In the stall they found Him; Joseph and Mary mild Seated ’round the manger, watching the holy Child. Verse 4: From the eastern country came the kings afar, Bearing gifts to Bethl’hem, guided by a star. Verse 5: Gold and myrrh they took there, gifts of greatest price; There was ne’er a stable so like paradise. Chorus 1: Sing we Noel, the King is born, Noel! Sing we now of Christmas, sing we now Noel! Title: 335 - Holy Spirit, Rain Down Author: Russell Fragar Copyright: © 1997 Hillsong Publishing CCLI: 2405227 Song ID: U-0335 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Chorus1, Chorus2, Chorus1, Chorus2, Verse1, Chorus2 Verse 1: No eye has seen, no ear has heard, No mind can know what God has in store; So open up heaven, open it wide, Over Your church and over our lives. Chorus 1: Holy Spirit, rain down, rain down; O Comforter and Friend, How we need Your touch again. Chorus 2: Holy Spirit, rain down, rain down; Let Your power fall, let Your voice be heard, Come and change our hearts as we stand on Your Word. Holy Spirit, rain down. Title: 360 - Tell the Good News Cue Name: Tell the Good News Author: Gene Bartlett Copyright: ©1968 Broadman Press CCLI: 109876 Song ID: U-0360 Hymnal: 103 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: Christ was born in a distant land, Tell the good news, tell the good news; Lived on earth for the good of man, Tell the good news, tell the good news. Verse 2: Christ became a man on earth, Tell the good news, tell the good news; Gave His life for man's rebirth, Tell the good news, tell the good news. Verse 3: Christ arose and to heaven went, Tell the good news, tell the good news; All may follow who repent, Tell the good news, tell the good news. Verse 4: Christ still lives in the world today, Tell the good news, tell the good news; Giving strength to all souls who pray, Tell the good news, tell the good news. Chorus 1: Tell the good news, Tell the good news, Tell the good news that Christ has come; Tell the good news, Tell the good news, Tell the good news to ev'ryone. Title: 331 - Spirit of God, Descend upon My Heart Cue Name: Spirit of God, Descend upon My Heart Author: George Croly and Frederick Atkinson Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 2083 Song ID: U-0331 Hymnal: 77 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4 Verse 1: Spirit of God, descend upon my heart; Wean it from earth, through all its pulses move; Stoop to my weakness, mighty as Thou art, And make me love Thee as I ought to love. Verse 2: I ask no dream, no prophet ecstasies, No sudden rending of the veil of clay, No angel visitant, no op'ning skies; But take the dimness of my soul away. Verse 3: Teach me to feel that Thou art always nigh; Teach me the struggles of the soul to bear, To check the rising doubt, the rebel sigh; Teach me the patience of unceasing prayer. Verse 4: Teach me to love Thee as Thine angels love, One holy passion filling all my frame; The baptism of the heav'n-descended Dove, My heart an altar, and Thy love the flame. Ending 1: Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen. Title: 83 - Be Thou My Vision Cue Name: Be Thou My Vision Author: Eleanor Hull and Mary Elizabeth Byrne Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 30639 Song ID: U-0083 Hymnal: 8 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4 Verse 1: Be Thou my Vision, O Lord of my heart; Naught be all else to me, Save that Thou art, Thou my best thought, by day or by night, Waking or sleeping, Thy presence my light. Verse 2: Be Thou my Wisdom, and Thou my true Word; I ever with Thee and Thou with me, Lord; Thou my great Father, I Thy true son; Thou in me dwelling, and I with Thee one. Verse 3: Riches I heed not, or man's empty praise, Thou mine inheritance, now and always; Thou and Thou only, first in my heart, High King of heaven, my treasure Thou art. Verse 4: High King of heaven, my victory won, May I reach heaven's joys, O bright heav'n's Sun! Heart of my own heart, whatever befall, Still be my Vision, O Ruler of all. Title: 668 - Doxology Cue Name: Doxology Author: Thomas Ken and Louis Bourgeois Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 56204 Song ID: U-0688 Hymnal: Back Cover Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Chorus1 Chorus 1: Praise God from whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all creatures here below; Praise Him above, ye heav'nly host; Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen. Title: 603 - When We All Get to Heaven Cue Name: When We All Get to Heaven Author: Eliza E. Hewitt and Emily D. Wilson Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 24597 Song ID: U-0603 Hymnal: 487 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: Sing the wondrous love of Jesus, Sing His mercy and His grace; In the mansions bright and blessed He'll prepare for us a place. Verse 2: While we walk the pilgrim pathway Clouds will overspread the sky; But when trav'ling days are over, Not a shadow, not a sigh. Verse 3: Let us then be true and faithful, Trusting, serving ev'ry day; Just one glimpse of Him in glory Will the toils of life repay. Verse 4: Onward to the prize before us, Soon His beauty we'll behold; Soon the pearly gates will open, We shall tread the streets of gold. Chorus 1: When we all get to heaven, What a day of rejoicing that will be! When we all see Jesus, We'll sing and shout the victory. Title: 173 - Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee Cue Name: Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee Author: Bernard of Clairvaux, Edward Caswall and John B. Dykes Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 35751 Song ID: U-0173 Hymnal: 33 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4 Verse 1: Jesus, the very thought of Thee With sweetness fills my breast; But sweeter far Thy face to see, And in Thy presence rest. Verse 2: No voice can sing, no heart can frame, Nor can the mem'ry find A sweeter sound than Jesus' name, O Savior of mankind! Verse 3: O Hope of ev'ry contrite heart! O Joy of all the meek! To those who fall, how kind Thou art! How good to those who seek! Verse 4: But what to those who find? Ah! this no tongue or pen can show, The love of Jesus, what it is-- None but His loved ones know. Title: 249 - Jesus Paid It All Author: Elvina M. Hall and John T. Grape Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 22331 Song ID: U-0249 Hymnal: 114 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: I hear the Savior say, "Thy Strength indeed is small, Child of weakness, watch and pray, Find in Me thine all in all." Verse 2: Lord, now indeed I find Thy pow'r, and Thine alone Can change the leper's spots, And melt the heart of stone. Verse 3: For nothing good have I Whereby Thy grace to claim, I'll wash my garments white In the blood of Calv'ry's Lamb. Verse 4: And when, before the throne, I stand in Him complete, "Jesus died my soul to save," My lips shall still repeat. Chorus 1: Jesus paid it all, All to Him I owe; Sin had left a crimson stain, He washed it white as snow. Title: 436 - Where He Leads Me Cue Name: Where He Leads Me Author: Edward W. Blandy and John S. Norris Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 36767 Song ID: U-0436 Hymnal: 159 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: I can hear my Savior calling, I can hear my Savior calling, I can hear my Savior calling, "Take thy cross and follow, follow Me." Verse 2: I’ll go with Him through the garden, I’ll go with Him through the garden, I’ll go with Him through the garden, I’ll go with Him, with Him all the way. Verse 3: I’ll go with Him through the judgment, I’ll go with Him through the judgment, I’ll go with Him through the judgment, I’ll go with Him, with Him all the way. Verse 4: He will give me grace and glory, He will give me grace and glory, He will give me grace and glory, And go with me, with me all the way. Chorus 1: Where He leads me I will follow, Where He leads me I will follow, Where He leads me I will follow, I’ll go with Him, with Him all the way. Title: Somos uno en Cristo Author: (We are one in Christ) Copyright: ©1996 Abingdon Press CCLI: Song ID: U-3017 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Misc. PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4 Verse 1: We are one in Christ Jesus, all one body, all one spirit, all together. We are one in Christ Jesus, all one body, all one spirit, all together. Verse 2: We share one God, one mighty Lord, one abiding faith, one binding love, One single baptism, one Holy Comforter, the Holy Spirit, uniting all. Verse 3: Somos uno en Cristo, somos uno, Somos uno, uno sólo. Somos uno en Cristo, somos uno,Somos uno, uno sólo. Verse 4: Un solo Dios, un solo Señor, Una sola fe, un solo amor, Un solo bautismo, un solo Espíritu, y ése el Consolador. Title: 384 - The Servant Song Author: Richard Gillard Copyright: © 1977 Universal Music - Brentwood Benson Publishing CCLI: 72673 Song ID: U-0384 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus2, Verse3, Chorus3 Verse 1: We are trav’lers on a journey, Fellow pilgrims on the road; We are here to help each other Walk the mile and bear the load. Verse 2: Sister, let me be your servant, Let me be as Christ to you; Pray that I may havethe grace to Let you be my servant, too. Verse 3: I will weep when you are weeping, When you laugh, I’ll laugh with you; I will share your joy and sorrow, Till we’ve seen this journey through. Chorus 1: I will hold the Christ-light for you In the night time of your fear; I will hold my hand out to you, Speak the peace you long to hear. Chorus 2: Brother, let me be your servant, Let me be as Christ to you; Pray that I may havethe grace to Let you be my servant, too. Chorus 3: When we sing to God in heaven We shall find such harmony; Born of all we’ve known together Of Christ’s love and agony. Title: Rising Sun Author: Leslie Jordan, David Leonard, Kyle Lee, and Paul Mabury Copyright: © 2012 Integrity’s Praise! Music CCLI: 6363759 Song ID: U-1124 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Praise PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Chorus1, Chorus2, Verse3, Chorus1, Chorus2, Bridge1, Bridge2, Chorus3, Chorus4, Bridge3, Ending1, Ending2 Verse 1: Praise Him, all you sinners. Sing, O sing, you weary. O praise Him, all you children of God. Verse 2: We lift high His glory. Shown throughout our stories. We praise Him as the children of God. Verse 3: Praise His name forever. Speak it loud and clear now. O praise Him, all you children of God. Chorus 1: Our great Redeemer, glorious Savior, Your name is higher than the rising sun. Chorus 2: Light of the morning, You shine forever. Your name is higher than the rising sun. Your name is higher than the rising sun. Chorus 3: Our great Redeemer, glorious Savior, Your name is higher than the rising sun. Light of the morning, You shine forever. Your name is higher than the rising sun. Chorus 4: Your name is higher than the rising sun. Oh, Your name is higher than the rising sun. Bridge 1: Hallelujah, Name above all; Simply to speak Your Name is praise. Hallelujah, now and always; Forever we lift Your Name in praise. Bridge 2: Hallelujah, our God, You reign; Simply to speak Your Name is praise. Bridge 3: Hallelujah, Name above all; Hallelujah, Name above all; Ending 1: Our great Redeemer, glorious Savior, Your name is higher than the rising sun. Ending 2: Light of the morning, You shine forever. Your name is higher than the rising sun. Title: 390 - Bind Us Together Cue Name: Bind Us Together Author: Bob Gilman Copyright: ©1977 Thankyou Music CCLI: 1228 Song ID: U-1008 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Praise PlayOrder: Chorus1, Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1 Verse 1: There is only one God. There is only one King. There is only one Body. That is why we sing: Verse 2: Made for the glory of God, Purchased by His precious Son. Born with the right to be clean, For Jesus the vict’ry has won. Chorus 1: Bind us together, Lord, bind us together With cords that cannot be broken. Bind us together, Lord, bind us together, Bind us together with love. Title: 386 - Brethren, We Have Met to Worship Author: George Atkins Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 19052 Song ID: U-0386 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4 Verse 1: Brethren, we have met to worship And adore the Lord our God; Will you pray with all your power, While we try to preach the Word? All is vain unless the Spirit Of the Holy One comesdown; Brethren, pray, and holy manna Will be showered all around. Verse 2: Brethren, see poor sinners round you Slumb’ring on the brink of woe; Death is coming, hell is moving, Can you bear to let them go? See our fathers and our mothers, And our childrensinking down; Brethren, pray, and holy manna Will be showered all around. Verse 3: Sisters, will you join and help us? Moses’ sister aided him; Will you help the trembling mourners Who are strugglinghard with sin? Tell them all about the Savior, Tell them that He will be found;Sisters, pray, and holy manna Will be showered all around. Verse 4: Let us love our God supremely, Let us love each other, too; Let us love and pray for sinners, Till our God makes all things new. Then He’ll call us home to heaven, At His table we’ll sitdown; Christ will gird Himself, and serve us With sweet manna all around. Title: 432 - Speak, O Lord Cue Name: Speak, O Lord Author: Keith Getty and Stuart Townend Copyright: ©2006 Thankyou Music CCLI: 4615235 Song ID: U-0432 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3 Verse 1: Speak, O Lord, as we come to You To receive the food of your Holy Word. Take Your Truth, plant it deep in us; Shape and fashion us in Your likeness; That the light of Christ might be seen today In our acts of love and our deeds of faith. Speak, O Lord, and fulfill in us All Your purposes for Your glory. Verse 2: Teach us, Lord, full obedience, Holy reverence, true humility; Test our thoughts and our attitudes In the radiance of Your purity. Cause our faith to rise, Cause our eyes to see Your majestic love and authority. Words of power that can never fail; Let their truth prevail over unbelief. Verse 3: Speak, O Lord, and renew our minds; Help us grasp the heights of Your plans for us: Truths unchanged from the dawn of time, That will echo down through eternity. And by grace we'll stand on Your promises; And by faith we'll walk as You walk with us. Speak, O Lord, 'til your church is built And the earth is filled with Your glory. Title: 216 - O Sing a Song of Bethlehem Author: Louis Benson / Ralph Vaughan Williams Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: Song ID: U-0216 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus2, Verse3, Chorus3, Verse4, Chorus4 Verse 1: O sing a song of Bethlehem, Of shepherds watching there, And of the news that came to them From angels in the air. Verse 2: O sing a song of Nazareth, Of sunny days of joy. O sing of fragrant flowers’ breath, And of the sinless Boy; Verse 3: O sing a song of Galilee, Of lake and woods and hill, Of Him who walked upon the sea And bade its waves be still; Verse 4: O sing a song of Calvary, Its glory and dismay; Of Him who hung upon the tree And took our sins away. Chorus 1: The light that shone on Bethlehem Fills all the world today; Of Jesus’ birth and peace on earth The angels sing alway. Chorus 2: For now the flowers of Nazareth In every heart may grow; Now spreads the fame of His dear name On all the winds that blow. Chorus 3: For though like waves on Galilee, Dark seas of trouble roll, When faith has heard the Master’s word, Falls peace upon the soul. Chorus 4: For He who died on Calvary Is risen from the grave, And Christ, our Lord, by heav’n adored, Is mighty now to save. Title: 598 - Find Us Faithful Author: Jon Mohr Copyright: © Copyright 1987 Birdwing Music CCLI: Song ID: U-0598 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Chorus1, Chorus2 Chorus 1: Oh, may all who come behind us find us faithful; May the fire of our devotion light their way. Chorus 2: May the footprints that we keave Lead them to believe, And the lives we live inspire them to obey. Oh, may all who come behind us find us faithful. Title: 553 - Jesus, Draw Me Close Author: Rick Founds Copyright: ©1990 Universal Music CCLI: 443680 Song ID: U-0553 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Chorus1 Chorus 1: Jesus, draw me close, Closer, Lord, to You. Let the world around me Fade away. Jesus, draw me close, Closer, Lord, to You. For I desire to worship And obey. Title: One Way Author: Joel Houston and Jonathan Douglass Copyright: ©2003 Hillsong Music Publishing CCLI: 4222082 Song ID: U-1125 Hymnal: Notes: PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Chorus1, Bridge1, Bridge2, Bridge1, Bridge2, Chorus1, Chorus1 Verse 1: I lay my life down at Your feet ‘cause You’re the only One I need. I turn to You and You are always there. In troubled times it’s You I seek. I put You first, You’re all I need. I humble all I am, it’s all to You. Verse 2: You are always, always there, Every how and everywhere. Your grace abounds so deeply within me. You will never, ever change; Yesterday, today the same, Forever till forevermeets no end. Chorus 1: One way, Jesus, You’re the only One that I could live for. One way, Jesus, You’re the only One that I could live for. Bridge 1: You are the Way, The Truth and the Life. We live by faith and not by sight. For You! We’re living all for You! Bridge 2: You are the Way, The Truth and the Life. We live by faith and not by sight. For You! We’re living all for You! Title: 434 - I Have Decided to Follow Jesus Cue Name: I Have Decided to Follow Jesus Author: Unknown Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: Song ID: U-0434 Hymnal: 351 Notes: Not in CCLI database Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4 Verse 1: I have decided to follow Jesus, I have decided to follow Jesus, I have decided to follow Jesus, No turning back, no turning back. Verse 2: Though none go with me, I still will follow, Though none go with me, I still will follow, Though none go with me, I still will follow, No turning back, no turning back. Verse 3: My cross I’ll carry, till I see Jesus; My cross I’ll carry, till I see Jesus; My cross I’ll carry, till I see Jesus; No turning back, no turning back. Verse 4: The world behind me, the cross before me; The world behind me, the cross before me; The world behind me, the cross before me, No turning back, no turning back. Title: 81 - He Leadeth Me! O Blessed Thought Cue Name: He Leadeth Me Author: Joseph H. Gilmore and William B. Bradbury Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 62762 Song ID: U-0081 Hymnal: 330 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: He leadeth me! O blessed thought! O words with heav'nly comfort fraught! Whate'er I do, where'er I be, Still 'tis God's hand that leadeth me! Verse 2: Sometimes 'mid scenes of deepest gloom, Sometimes where Eden's bowers bloom, By waters still, o'er troubled sea, Still 'tis His hand that leadeth me! Verse 3: Lord, I would clasp Thy hand in mine, Nor ever murmur nor repine, Content, whatever lot I see, Since 'tis thy hand that leadeth me! Verse 4: And when my task on earth is done, When by Thy grace the vict'ry's won, E'en death's cold wave I will not flee, Since God through Jordan leadeth me! Chorus 1: He leadeth me, He leadeth me! By His own hand He leadeth me: His faithful foll'wer I would be, For by His hand He leadeth me. Title: Marvelous Light Author: Charlie Hall Copyright: ©2005 Worshiptogether.com Songs CCLI: 4491002 Song ID: U-1126 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Praise PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Bridge1, Chorus1, Verse3, Bridge1, Chorus1, Chorus1, Bridge2, Chorus1, Chorus1 Verse 1: I once was fatherless, A stranger with no hope. Your kindness wakened me, Wakened me from my sleep. Verse 2: Your love it beckons deeply A call to come and die By grace, now I will comeAnd take this life, take Your life. Verse 3: My dead heart now is beating, My deepest stains now clean. Your breath fills up mylungs; Now I’m free. Now I’m free. Chorus 1: Into marvelous light, I’m running, Out of darkness, out of shame. Through the cross, You are the Truth, You are the Life, You are the Way. Bridge 1: Sin has lost its power; Death has lost its sting. From the grave You’ve risen victoriously! Bridge 2: Lift my hands and spin around, See the light that I have found. Oh, the marvelous light, marvelous light. Lift my hands and spin around, See the light that I have found.Oh, the marvelous light, marvelous light. Title: 617 - I Will Sing the Wondrous Story (HYFRADOL) Author: Francis Rowley and Rowland Prichard Copyright: Arr. © Copyright 2008 Broadman Press CCLI: Song ID: U-0617 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3 Verse 1: I will sing the wondrous story Of the Christ who died for me; How He left His home in gloryFor the cross of Calvary. I was lost but Jesus found me– Found the sheep thatwent astray; Threw His loving arms around me, Drew me back into His way. Verse 2: I was bruised, but Jesus healed me; Faint was I from many a fall; Sight was gone, and fears possessed me, But He freed me from them all. Days of darkness still come o’er me, Sorrow’s paths I often tread, But the Savior still is with me; By His hand I’m safely led. Verse 3: He will keep me till the river Rolls its waters at my feet; Then He’ll bear me safely over, Where the loved ones I shall meet. Yes, I’ll sing the wondrous story Of the Christ who died for me– Sing it with the saints in glory, Gathered by the crystal sea. Title: Sovereign Author: Ingram, Redman, Myrin, Tomlin, Chalk Copyright: ©2012 Sixsteps Songs/Worship Together Music CCLI: 6453309 Song ID: U-1127 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Praise PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse1, Chorus2, Chorus3, Bridge1, Bridge1, Chorus2, Chorus3 Verse 1: Sovereign in the mountain air, Sovereign on the ocean floor; With me in the calm, with me in the storm. Sovereign in my greatest joy, Sovereign in my deepest cry; With me in the dark, with me at the dawn. Chorus 1: In Your everlasting arms all the pieces of my life, From beginning to the end, I can trust You. In Your never failing love You work everything for good. God, whatever comesmy way, I will trust You. Chorus 2: In Your everlasting arms all the pieces of my life, From beginning to the end, I can trust You. In Your never failing love You work everything for good. Chorus 3: God, whatever comes my way, I will trust You. God, whatever comes my way, I will trust You. Bridge 1: All my hopes, all I need held in Your hands. All my life, all of me held in Your hands. All my fears, all my dreams held in Your hands. Title: 500 - Trust and Obey Cue Name: Trust and Obey Author: John H. Sammis and Daniel B.Towner Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 22094 Song ID: U-0500 Hymnal: 327 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: When we walk with the Lord in the light of His Word, What a glory He sheds on our way! While we do His good will; He abides with us still, And with all who will trust and obey. Verse 2: Not a burden we bear, not a sorrow we share, But our toil He doth richly repay; Not a grief nor a loss, not a frown nor a cross, But is blest if we trust and obey. Verse 3: But we never can prove The delights of His love Until all on the altar we lay; For the favor He shows And the joy He bestows Are for them who will trust and obey. Verse 4: Then in fellowship sweet we will sit at His feet, Or we'll walk by His side in the way; What He says we will do, where He sends we will go, Never fear, only trust and obey. Chorus 1: Trust and obey, For there's no other way To be happy in Jesus, But to trust and obey. Title: Build Your Kingdom Here Author: Rend Collective Experiment Copyright: ©2011 Thankyou Music CCLI: 6186078 Song ID: U-1128 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Praise PlayOrder: Verse1, Bridge1, Verse2, Bridge2, Chorus1, Chorus2, Verse3, Bridge3, Chorus1, Chorus2, Chorus1, Chorus2, Ending1 Verse 1: Come set Your rule and reign in our hearts again. Increase in us, we pray, unveil why we’re made. Verse 2: We seek Your kingdom first. We hunger and we thirst. Refuse to waste our lives, for You’re our joy and prize. Verse 3: Unleash Your kingdom’s pow’r, reaching the near and far. No force of hell can stop Your beauty changing hearts. Chorus 1: Build Your kingdom here, let the darkness fear. Show Your mighty hand, heal our streets and land. Chorus 2: Set Your church on fire, win this nation back. Change the atmosphere, build Your kingdom here, we pray. Bridge 1: Come set our hearts ablaze with hope like wildfire in our very souls. Holy Spirit, come, invade us now. We are Your church, We need Your pow’r in us. Bridge 2: To see the captive hearts released, the hurt, the sick, the poor at peace We lay down our lives for heaven’s cause. We are Your church, We pray, “Revive this earth.” Bridge 3: You made us for much more than this, awake the kingdom seed in us. Fill us with the strength and love of Christ. We are Your church, We are the hope on earth. Ending 1: We are Your church, We pray, “Revive this earth.” Title: 233 - Jesus, Keep Me Near the Cross Cue Name: 233 -Jesus, Keep Me Near the Cross Author: Fanny J. Crosby and William H. Doane Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 36736 Song ID: U-0233 Hymnal: 191 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: Jesus, keep me near the cross, There a precious fountain Free to all, a healing stream, Flows from Calv'ry’s mountain. Verse 2: Near the cross, a trembling soul, Love and mercy found me, There the Bright and Morning Star Sheds His beams around me. Verse 3: Near the cross! O Lamb of God, Bring its scenes before me; Help me walk from day to day With its shadows o’er me. Verse 4: Near the cross I’ll watch and wait, Hoping, trusting ever, Till I reach the golden strand Just beyond the river. Chorus 1: In the cross, in the cross Be my glory ever; Till my ransomed soul shall find Rest beyond the river. Title: 410 - A Parting Hymn We Sing Cue Name: A Parting Hymn We Sing Author: Aaron R. Wolfe, Johann H. Nageli, and Lowell Mason Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 478844 Song ID: U-0410 Hymnal: 582 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2 Verse 1: A parting hymn we sing Around Your table, Lord; Again our grateful tribute bring, Our solemn vows record. Verse 2: In self-forgetting love Be our communion shown, Until we join the Church above, And know as we are known. Verse 3: Here have we seen Thy face, And felt Thy presence here; So may the savor of Thy grace In word and life appear. Verse 4: The purchase of Thy blood, By sin no longer led, The path our dear Redeemer trod May we rejoicing tread. Title: 502 - 'Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus Cue Name: 'Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus Author: Louisa M. R. Stead and William J. Kirkpatrick Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 22609 Song ID: U-0502 Hymnal: 198 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: 'Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus, Just to take Him at His Word; Just to rest upon His promise; Just to know, "Thus saith the Lord." Verse 2: O how sweet to trust in Jesus, Just to trust His cleansing blood; Just in simple faith to plunge me 'Neath the healing, cleansing flood! Verse 3: Yes, 'tis sweet to trust in Jesus, Just from sin and self to cease; Just from Jesus simply taking Life and rest, and joy and peace. Verse 4: I'm so glad I learned to trust Him, Precious Jesus, Savior, Friend; And I know that He is with me, Will be with me to the end. Chorus 1: Jesus, Jesus, how I trust Him! How I've proved Him o'er and o'er! Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus! O for grace to trust Him more! Title: 221 - Hosanna, Loud Hosanna Cue Name: Hosanna, Loud Hosanna Author: Edward Broughton and Jeannette Threlfall Copyright: ©1987 Lorenz Publishing Company CCLI: 4658766 Song ID: U-0221 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3 Verse 1: Hosanna, Loud Hosanna the little children sang! Through pillared court and temple the lovely anthem rang. To Jesus, who had blessed them, close folded to His breast. The children sang their praises, the simplest and the best. Verse 2: From Olivet they followed among an exultant crowd, The vict'ry palm branch waving, with praises clear and loud. The Lord of earth and heaven rode on in lowly state, Nor scorned that little children should on His bidding wait. Verse 3: "Hosanna in the highest!" that ancient song we sing, For Christ is our Redeemer, the Lord of heav'n, our King. O may we ever praise Him with heart and life and voice, And in His blissful presence eternally rejoice! Title: 626 - I Love to Tell the Story Cue Name: 646 - I Love to Tell the Story Author: A. Catherine Hankey and William G. Fischer Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 29413 Song ID: U-0626 Hymnal: 435 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: I love to tell the story, Of unseen things above, Of Jesus and His glory, Of Jesus and His love. I love to tell the story Because I know 'tis true; It satisfies my longings As nothing else can do. Verse 2: I love to tell the story; ’Tis pleasant to repeat What seems each time I tell it, More wonderfully sweet. I love to tell the story, For some have never heard The message of salvation From God’s own holy Word. Verse 3: I love to tell the story; For those who know it best Seem hungering and thirsting To hear it, like the rest. And when, in scenes of glory, I sing the new, new song, ’Twill be the old, old story That I have loved so long. Verse 4: I love to tell the story, For those who know it best Seem hungering and thirsting To hear it like the rest. And when, in scenes of glory, I sing the new, new song, 'Twill be the old, old story That I have loved so long. Chorus 1: I love to tell the story, 'Twill be my theme in glory, To tell the old, old storyOf Jesus and His love. Title: Greatly to be Praised Author: Steve Fee and Eddie Kirkland Copyright: ©2009 Worship Together Music CCLI: 5612464 Song ID: U-1129 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Praise PlayOrder: Verse1, Bridge1, Chorus1, Verse2, Bridge1, Chorus2, Chorus3, Bridge2, Bridge2, Chorus2, Chorus3, Ending1 Verse 1: Lift your eyes, lift your eyes to the one Who’s reigning over us, for He has overcome. Fill the skies, fill the skies with a song As heaven sings along to glorify the Son. Verse 2: Tell the world, tell the world of the love He’s lavished over us, His daughters and His sons. Made alive, made alive, now we’re free; Rescued and redeemed, the victory is won. Chorus 1: Great and greatly to be praised, Name above all other names, Powerful and strong to save, Hallelujah!Our God reigns, our God reigns. Chorus 2: Great and greatly to be praised, Name above all other names, Powerful and strong to save, Hallelujah! Our God reigns. Chorus 3: Glory in the highest place, King of mercy, God of grace; Together let the earth proclaim: Hallelujah! Our God reigns, our God reigns. Bridge 1: Who is like You? None compare; There’s no one like our God. Bridge 2: We lift our eyes up, behold the Son. Lift our voices and sing as one: Hallelujah! Our God reigns. Ending 1: We lift our eyes up, our God reigns. We lift our eyes up, our God reigns. Title: 408 - This is Our Freedom Author: Jeremy Johnson, Paul Marino and Greg Nelson Copyright: ?2007 Van Ness Press CCLI: Song ID: U-0408 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: Peace I give you, Peace I leave. My Forgiveness, take and eat. This is my body given for You; Take in remembrance of Me. Verse 2: Grace I give you, grace so free, My forgiveness, take and drink. This is My blood poured out for you; Take in remembrance of Me. Verse 3: Love I give you, love I leave. Go and share it, go in peace. You are My body, My hands and feet; Live in remembrance of Me. Chorus 1: This is our freedom, this is our life-- His body broken, His sacrifice. This is our freedom, this was the cost, the blood He shed on the cross. Title: Glorious Day Author: John Wilbur Chapman, Mark Hall, and Michael Bleecker Copyright: ©2008 Word Music, LLC CCLI: 5638022 Song ID: U-1130 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Praise PlayOrder: Verse1, Bridge1, Chorus1, Verse2, Bridge2, Chorus1, Verse3, Bridge3, Chorus2, Verse4, Chorus3, Ending1 Verse 1: One day when heaven was filled with His praises, One day when sin was as black as could be, Jesus came forth to be born of a virgin, Dwelt among men; my example is He. Verse 2: One day they led Him up Calvary’s mountain. One day they nailed Him to die on a tree. Suffering anguish, despised and rejected, Bearing our sins, my Redeemer is He. Verse 3: One day the grave could conceal Him no longer. One day the stone rolled away from the door. Then He arose over death He had conquered; Now is ascended, my Lord evermore. Verse 4: One day the trumpet will sound for His coming, One day the skies with His glories will shine. Wonderful day my beloved One bringing. My Savior, Jesus is mine. Chorus 1: Living He loved me; dying He saved me; Buried, He carried my sins far away. Rising, He justified freely forever; One day He’s coming: O glorious day! O glorious day! Chorus 2: Living He loved me; dying He saved me; Buried He carried my sins far away. Rising, He justified freely forever; One day He’s coming: O glorious day! O glorious day! Glorious day! Chorus 3: Living He loved me; dying He saved me; Buried He carried my sins far away. Rising, He justified freely forever; One day He’s coming: O glorious day! Bridge 1: The Word became flesh and the light shined among us, His glory revealed. Bridge 2: Hand that healed nations stretched out on a tree And took the nails from me. Bridge 3: Death could not hold Him, the grave could not keep Him from rising again! Ending 1: O glorious day! Glorious day! O glorious day. Title: 150 - This Is the Day the Lord Has Made Author: Thomas Arne, Isaac Watt, and Ralph Harrison Copyright: © 2008 Broadman Press CCLI: 1126157 Song ID: U-0150 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4 Verse 1: This is the day the Lord has made; He calls the hours His own; Let heav’n rejoice, let earth be glad, And praise surround the throne. Verse 2: Today He rose and left the dead, And Satan’s empire fell; Today the saints His triumph spread,And all His wonders tell. Verse 3: Hosanna to th’anointed King, To David’s holy Son: Help us, O Lord! descend and bringSalvation from Your throne. Verse 4: Blest be the Lord, who comes to us With messages of grace; Who comes, in God His Father’sname, To save our sinful race. Title: Jesus Author: Chris Tomlin and Ed Cash Copyright: ©2016 Worship Together Music, LLC CCLI: 7067249 Song ID: U-1131 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Praise PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Bridge1, Chorus2, Ending1 Verse 1: There is a truth older than the ages. There is a promise of things yet to come. There is One born for our salvation. Jesus. Verse 2: There is a light that overwhelms the darkness. There is a kingdom that forever reigns. There is freedom from the chains that bind us. Jesus. Jesus. Verse 3: There is a name I call in times of trouble. There is a song that comforts in the night. There is a voice that calms the storm that rages. He is Jesus. Jesus. Chorus 1: Who walks on the waters, who speaks to the sea, Who stands in the fire beside me. He roars like a lion, He bled as the Lamb. He carries my healing in His hands. Jesus. Chorus 2: You walk on the waters, You speak to the sea, You stand in the fire beside me. You roar like a lion, You bled as the Lamb. You carry my healing in Your hands. Bridge 1: Messiah, my Savior. There is power in Your name. You’re my rock and my Redeemer. There is power in Your name. In Your name. Ending 1: Jesus. Jesus. You are Jesus. Title: 595 - For All the Saints Author: William W. How and Ralph Vaughan Williams Copyright: CCLI: 4955397 Song ID: U-0595 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4, Verse5 Verse 1: For all the saints who from their labors rest, Who Thee, by faith before the world confessed, Thy name, O Jesus, be forever blest. Alleluia! Alleluia! Verse 2: Thou wast their Rock, their Fortress and their Might; Thou, Lord, their Captain in the well-fought fight; Thou, in the darkness drear, their one true Light. Alleluia! Alleluia! Verse 3: O may Thy soldiers, faithful, true, and bold, Fight as the saints who nobly fought of old, And win with them the victor’s crown of gold. Alleluia! Alleluia! Verse 4: And when the strife is fierce, the warfare long, Steals on the ear the distant triumph song, And hearts are brave again, and arms are strong. Alleluia! Alleluia! Verse 5: From earth’s wide bounds, from ocean’s farthest coast, Through gates of pearl streams in the countless host, Singing to Father, Son and Holy Ghost: Alleluia! Alleluia! Title: 458 - Near to the Heart of God Cue Name: Near to the Heart of God Author: Cleland Boyd McAfee Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: Song ID: U-0458 Hymnal: 243 Notes: No CCLI ID Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: There is a place of quiet rest, Near to the heart of God; A place where sin cannot molest, Near to the heart of God. Verse 2: There is a place of comfort sweet, Near to the heart of God; A place where we our Savior meet, Near to the heart of God. Verse 3: There is a place of full release, Near to the heart of God; A place where all is joy and peace, Near to the heart of God. Chorus 1: O Jesus, blest Redeemer, Sent from the heart of God, Hold us, who wait before Thee, Near to the heart of God. Title: 264 - Worthy Is the Lamb Cue Name: 264-Worthy Is the Lamb Author: Darlene Zschech Copyright: © 2000 Hillsong Publishing CCLI: Song ID: U-0264 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Chorus1, Chorus2 Verse 1: Thank You for the cross, Lord Thank You for the price You paid. Bearing all my sin and shame, in love You came And gave amazing grace. Verse 2: Thank You for this love, Lord. Thank You for the nail-pierced hands. Wash me in Your cleansing flow. Now all I know, Your forgiveness and embrace. Chorus 1: enter Chorus 2: The Treasure of heaven crucified. Worthy is the Lamb. Worthy is the Lamb. Title: 355 - This Is the Threefold Truth Author: Fred Green/Jack Schrader Copyright: © 1980 Hope Publishing Company CCLI: 57746 Song ID: U-0355 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4 Verse 1: This is the threefold truth on which our faith depends, And with this joyful cry worship begins and ends: Christ has died! Christ is risen! Christ will come again! Verse 2: On this we fix our minds as, praying side by side, We take the bread and wine from Christ the crucified: Christ has died! Christ is risen! Christ will come again! Verse 3: By this we are upheld when doubt or grief assails Our Christian fortitude, and only grace avails: Christ has died! Christ is risen! Christ will come again! Verse 4: This is the threefold truth which, if we hold it fast, Changes the world and us and brings us home at last: Christ has died! Christ is risen! Christ will come again! Title: Eye of the Storm Author: Bryan Fowler and Ryan Stevenson Copyright: ©2015 Moodswing Music CCLI: 7051410 Song ID: U-1132 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Praise PlayOrder: Chorus1, Verse1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse1, Verse2, Chorus2, Chorus3, Ending1 Verse 1: When my hopes and dreams are far from me And I’m running out of faith, I see the future I pictured slowly fade away. Verse 2: And when the tears of pain and heartache Are falling down my face, I find my peace in Jesus’ name. Chorus 1: In the eye of the storm, You remain in control. And in the middle of the war, You guard my soul. You alone are the anchor when my sails are torn Your love surrounds me in the eye of the storm. Chorus 2: In the eye of the storm, You remain in control. And in the middle of the war, You guard my soul. You alone are the anchor when my sails are torn Your love surrounds me in the eye of the storm. Chorus 3: In the eye of the storm, You remain in control. And in the middle of the war, You guard my soul. You alone are the anchor when my sails are torn Your love surrounds me in the eye of the storm. Ending 1: Your love surrounds me in the eye of the storm. Title: 89 - Shine on Us Author: Michael Smith and Deborah Smith Copyright: ©1996 Deer Valley Music CCLI: 1754646 Song ID: U-0089 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus2, Verse3, Chorus3 Verse 1: Lord, let Your light, light of Your face shine on us. Lord, let Your light, light of Your face shine on us Verse 2: Lord, let Your grace, grace from Your hand fall on us. Lord, let Your grace, grace from Your hand fall on us Verse 3: Lord, let Your love, love with no end come over us. Lord, let Your love, love with no end come over us Chorus 1: That we (that we) may be saved, That we (that we) may have life To find our way in the darkest night. Let Your light shine on us. Chorus 2: That we (that we) may be saved, That we (that we) may have life To find our way in the darkest night. Let Your grace fall on us. Chorus 3: That we (that we) may be saved, That we (that we) may have life To find our way in the darkest night. Let Your love come over us. Title: 443 - Open My Eyes That I May See Author: Clara Scott Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 2828718 Song ID: U-0443 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3 Verse 1: Open my eyes, that I may see Glimpses of truth Thou hast for me; Place in my hands the wonderful key That shall unclasp and set me free. Silently now I wait for Thee, Ready, my God, Thy willto see; Open my eyes, illumine me, Spirit divine! Verse 2: Open my ears, that I may hear Voices of truth Thou sendest clear; And while the wave notes fall on my ear, Everything false will disappear. Silently now I wait for Thee, Ready, my God, Thy will to see; Open my ears, illumine me, Spirit divine! Verse 3: Open my mouth, and let me bear Gladly the warm truth everywhere; Open my heart, and let me prepare Love with Thy children, thus to share. Silently now I wait for Thee, Ready, my God, Thy willto see; Open my heart, illumine me, Spirit divine Title: 321 - Blessed Be the Name of the Lord Author: Don Moen Copyright: © 1986 Integrity’s Hosanna! Music CCLI: 14318 Song ID: U-0321 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Chorus1 Chorus 1: Blessed be the name of the Lord, He is worthy to be praised and adored; So we lift up holy hands in one accord, Singing, “Blessed be the name, blessed be the name, Blessed be the name of the Lord!” Title: Bringing in the Sheaves Author: Knowles Shaw and George Minor Copyright: CCLI: 47220 Song ID: U-3018 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Misc. PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: Sowing in the morning, sowing seeds of kindness, Sowing in the noon-tide and the dewy eve; Waiting for the harvest, and the time of reaping We shall come rejoicing, bringing in the sheaves. Verse 2: Sowing in the sunshine, sowing in the shadows, Fearing neither clouds nor winter’s chilling breeze; By and by the harvest, and the labor ended We shall come rejoicing, bringing in the sheaves. Verse 3: Going forth with weeping, sowing for the Master, Though the loss sustained our spirit often grieves; When our weeping’s over, He will bid us welcome, We shall come rejoicing, bringing in the sheaves Chorus 1: Bringing in the sheaves, bringing in the sheaves, We shall come rejoicing, bringing in the sheaves. Bringing in the sheaves, bringing in the sheaves, We shall come rejoicing, bringing in the sheaves. Title: Create in Me a Clean Heart Author: Anonymous Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 27666 Song ID: U-1133 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Praise PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1 Verse 1: Create in me a clean heart, O God, And renew a right spirit within me. Create in me a clean heart, O God, And renew a right spirit within me. Chorus 1: Cast me not away from your presence, O Lord, And take not your Holy Spirit from me. Restore unto me the joy of your salvation, And renew a right spirit within me. Title: 152 - No Not One! Cue Name: No Not One! Author: Johnson Oatman, Jr. and George C. Hugg Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 101898 Song ID: U-0152 Hymnal: 339 Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1, Verse5, Chorus1 Verse 1: There's not a friend like the lowly Jesus, No, not one! No, not one! None else could heal all our souls' diseases, No, not one! No, not one! Verse 2: No friend like Him is so high and holy: No, not one! No, not one! And yet no friend is so meek and lowly, No, not one! No, not one! Verse 3: There's not an hour that He is not near us, No, not one! No, not one! No night so dark but His love can cheer us, No, not one! No, not one! Verse 4: Did ever saint find this friend forsake him? No, not one! No, not one! Or sinner find that He would not take him? No, not one! No, not one! Verse 5: Was e'er a gift like the Savior given? No, not one! No, not one! Will He refuse us a home in heaven? No, not one! No, not one! Chorus 1: Jesus knows all about our struggles, He will guide till the day is done; There's not a friend like the lowly Jesus, No, not one! No, not one! Title: No Not One! Cue Name: No Not One! (VBS) Author: Johnson Oatman, Jr. and George C. Hugg Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 101898 Song ID: U-3019 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Misc. PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1, Verse5, Chorus1 Verse 1: There's not a friend like the lowly Jesus, No, not one! No, not one! No one else could heal all our souls' diseases, No, not one! No, not one! Verse 2: No friend like Him is so high and holy: No, not one! No, not one! And yet no friend is so meek and lowly, No, not one! No, not one! Verse 3: There's not an hour that He is not near us, No, not one! No, not one! No night is so dark but His love can cheer us, No, not one! No, not one! Verse 4: Did ever saint find this friend forsake him? No, not one! No, not one! Or sinner find that He would not takehim? No, not one! No, not one! Verse 5: Was e'er a gift like the Savior given? No, not one! No, not one! Will He refuse us a home in heaven? No, not one! No, not one! Chorus 1: Jesus knows all about our struggles, He will guide till the day is done; There's not a friend like the lowly Jesus,No, not one! No, not one! Title: We are the Body of Christ Author: Scott Brown & David Hampton Copyright: © 1998 New Spring Publishing, Inc. CCLI: 2220206 Song ID: U-1134 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Praise PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1 Verse 1: One heart one spirit, One voice to praise You. We are the body of Christ. One goal one vision: To see You exalted. We are the body of Christ. Chorus 1: And to this, we give our lives: To see You glorified. One heart one spirit, One voice to praise You. We are the body of Christ. Title: 239 - The Wonderful Cross Author: Isaac Watts, Lowell Mason, Chris Tomlin, Jesse Reeves, and J.D. Walt Copyright: © 2000 worshiptogether.com Songs CCLI: 3148435 Song ID: U-0239 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1 Verse 1: When I survey the wondrous cross On which the Prince of Glory died, My richest gain I count but loss, And pour contempt on all my pride. Verse 2: See, from His head, His hands, His feet, Sorrow and love flow mingled down; Did e’er such love and sorrow meet, Or thorns compose so rich a crown? Verse 3: Were the whole realm of nature mine, That were an off’ring far too small; Love so amazing, so divine, Demands my soul, my life, my all! Chorus 1: Oh, the wonderful cross, oh, the wonderful cross Bids me come and die, and find that I may truly live. Oh, the wonderful cross, oh, the wonderful cross; All who gather here by grace draw near, and bless Your name. Title: 236 - Lift High the Cross Author: George Kitchin, Michael Newbolt, and Sydney Nicholson Copyright: © 1974 Hope Publishing Company. CCLI: 5169 Song ID: U-0236 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Chorus1, Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Verse3, Chorus1, Verse4, Chorus1 Verse 1: Come, Christians, follow where our Savior trod, Our King victorious, Christ, the Son of God. Verse 2: O Lord, once lifted on this glorious tree, As Thou hast promised, draw men unto Thee. Verse 3: For Thy blest cross which doth for all atone, Creation’s praises raise before Thy throne. Verse 4: So shall our song of triumph ever be: Praise to the Crucified for victory! Chorus 1: Lift high the cross, The love of Christ proclaim, Till all the world adore His sacred name. Title: I Will Rise Author: Louie Giglio, Jesse Reeves, Matt Maher, and Chris Tomlin Copyright: © 2008 Thankyou Music CCLI: Song ID: U-1135 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Praise PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus1, Bridge1, Bridge2, Chorus2 Verse 1: There’s a peace I’ve come to know, Though my heart and flesh may fail; There’s an anchor for my soul, I can say, “It is well.” Jesus has overcome, And the grave is overwhelmed The victory is won,He is risen from the dead. Verse 2: There’s a day that’s drawing near When this darkness breaks to light And the shadows disappear And my faith shall be my eyes. Jesus has overcome, And the grave is overwhelmed The victory is won, He is risen from the dead. Chorus 1: And I will rise when He calls my name, No more sorrow, no more pain. I will rise, on eagle’s wings; Before my God, fall on my knees and rise, I will rise. Chorus 2: And I will rise when He calls my name, No more sorrow, no more pain. I will rise, on eagle’s wings; Before my God, fall on my knees and rise, I will rise. I will rise. I will rise. Bridge 1: And I hear the voice of many angels sing, “Worthy is the Lamb.” And I hear the cry of every longing heart, “Worthy is the Lamb.” Bridge 2: And I hear the voice of many angels sing, “Worthy is the Lamb.” And I hear the cry of every longing heart,“Worthy is the Lamb.” “Worthy is the Lamb.” Title: 593 - I Lay My Sins on Jesus Author: Horatius Bonar and Samuel Wesley Copyright: Public Domain CCLI: 2962681 Song ID: U-0593 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3 Verse 1: I lay my sins on Jesus, The spotless Lamb of God; He bears them all, and frees us From the accursed load: I bring my guilt to Jesus, To wash my crimson stains White in His blood mostprecious, Till not a stain remains. Verse 2: I lay my wants on Jesus; All fullness dwells in Him; He heals all my diseases, He doth my soul redeem: I lay my griefs on Jesus, My burdens and mycares; He from them all releases, He all my sorrows shares. Verse 3: I long to be like Jesus– Strong, loving, lowly, mild; I long to be like Jesus, The Father’s holy child: I long to be with Jesus, Amid the heav’nly throng, To sing with saints His praises, To learn the angels’ song. Title: We're Children of God Author: Robert Grant, Carolyn Gillette Copyright: CCLI: Song ID: U-3020 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Misc. PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3, Verse4 Verse 1: O worship the King, all glorious above, And gratefully sing His wonderful love. Our Shield andDefender, the Ancient of Days, Pavilioned in splendor, and girded with praise. Verse 2: We're children of God; we're welcomed and claimed. We're given new birth, renewed and renamed. The world may not know yet to whom we belong, But we are God's children and love is our song. Verse 3: We're children of God who takes away sin. In Christ we abide; our life is in him. We offer forgiveness, seek justice and peace, And reach out to others, that love may increase. Verse 4: We're children of God and so our delight Is living the life that's good in God's sight. One day we'll be like him, transformed from above To sing for eternity God's song of love. Title: What a Beautiful Name It Is Author: Brooke Ligertwood and Ben Fielding Copyright: ©2016 Hillsong Music Publishing CCLI: 7068424 Song ID: U-1136 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Praise PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Chorus2, Bridge1, Bridge2, Chorus3, Bridge2, Chorus1, Ending1 Verse 1: You were the Word at the beginning, One with God the Lord Most High, Your hidden glory in creation, Now revealed in You, our Christ. Verse 2: You didn’t want heaven without us, So Jesus, You brought heaven down. My sin was great, Your love was greater, What could separate us now? Chorus 1: What a beautiful name it is, what a beautiful name it is, The name of Jesus Christ, my King. What a beautiful name it is, nothing compares to this, What a beautiful name it is, the name of Jesus. Chorus 2: What a wonderful name it is, what a wonderful name it is, The name of Jesus Christ, my King. What a wonderful name it is, nothing compares to this, What a wonderful name it is, the name of Jesus. (2x) Chorus 3: What a powerful name it is, what a powerful name it is, The name of Jesus Christ, my King. What a powerful name it is, nothing can stand against,What a powerful name it is, the name of Jesus. Bridge 1: Death could not hold You, the veil tore before You You silence the boast of sin and grave. The heavens are roaring, the praise of Your glory, For You are raised to life again. Bridge 2: You have no rival, You have no equal, Now and forever God, You reign. Yours is the Kingdom, Yours is the glory, Yours is the name above all names. Ending 1: What a beautiful name it is, the name of Jesus. What a beautiful name it is, the name of Jesus. Title: Lay Me Down Author: Chris Tomlin, Jason Ingram, Jonas Myrin & Matt Redman Copyright: ©2012 sixsteps Music CCLI: 6223577 Song ID: U-3021 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Misc. PlayOrder: Verse1, Bridge1, Chorus1, Verse2, Bridge1, Chorus2, Bridge2, Bridge2, Bridge1, Chorus3 Verse 1: With this heart open wide, From the depths, from the heights I will bring a sacrifice With these hands liftedhigh. Here my song, here my cry I will bring a sacrifice. I will bring a sacrifice. Verse 2: Letting go of my pride Giving up all my rights Take this life and let it shine, shine, shine Take this life and let itshine Chorus 1: Lay me down Lay me down Chorus 2: Lay me down Lay me down Oh oh oh Lay me down Lay me down Chorus 3: Lay me down Lay me down, oh oh oh Lay me down Lay me down, oh oh oh Lay me down Lay me down Bridge 1: I lay me down I'm not my own I belong to you alone Lay me down Lay me down, oh oh oh Hand on my heart This much is true There's no life apart from you Bridge 2: It will be my joy to say Your will, your way It will be my joy to say Your will, your way It will be my joy to say Your will, your way, always Title: Leaning on the Everlasting Arms Author: Anthony Showalter, Elisha Hoffman, Jay Stocker Copyright: ©2019 Group Publishing Inc. CCLI: 7125667 Song ID: U-1137 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Praise PlayOrder: Verse1, Chorus1, Verse2, Bridge1, Chorus2 Verse 1: What a fellowship, what a joy divine, Leaning on the everlasting arms. What a blessedness, what a peace is mine, Leaning on the everlasting arms. Verse 2: What have I to dread, what have I to fear, Leaning on the everlasting arms. I have blessed peace with my Lord so near Leaning on the everlasting arms. Chorus 1: Leaning, leaning, Safe and secure from all alarms; Leaning, leaning, Leaning on the everlasting arms. Chorus 2: Leaning, leaning, Safe and secure from all alarms; Leaning, leaning, Leaning on theeverlasting arms. Leaning on the everlasting arms. Leaning on the everlasting arms. Bridge 1: You know I’m leaning, leaning, You know I’m leaning, leaning, You know I’m leaning on the everlasting, You know I’m leaning, leaning, You know I’m leaning, leaning, You know I’m leaning on the everlasting, Title: 207 - What Can I Give Him? Cue Name: What Can I Give Him? Author: Christina Rossetti and Don Cason Copyright: © 1986 Word Music, LLC. CCLI: Song ID: U-0207 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1 Verse 1: What can I give Him, poor as I am? If I were a shepherd, I would bring a lamb; If I were a wise man, I would do my part; Yet what can I give Him? Give Him my heart. Title: 401 - As He Gathered at His Table Author: Paul Richardson and Wolfgang Mozart Copyright: © 1990 The Hymn Society CCLI: Song ID: U-0401 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: New Hymnal PlayOrder: Verse1, Verse2, Verse3 Verse 1: As He gathered at His table Those who longed to know the way, Christ proclaimed a holy myst’ry.Still His words call us today. As He took the towel and basin, Not as master, but asfriend, Christ portrayed the way of service. Still in serving we must bend. Verse 2: As He blessed the bread and broke it, Human need to satisfy, Christ made even traitors welcome. Still we question, “Is itI?” As He took the cup and shared it, Telling of the Father’s care,Christ poured out Himself in promise. Still that cov’nant we must share. Verse 3: As they sang a hymn together, Praising Israel’s saving King, Hearts and voices made one music. Still deliv’ring love we sing. Tho’ this feast be one of symbols, What we celebrate isreal: Still Christ welcomes to His table; Still Christ serves us at His meal. Title: Your Spirit Author: Matt Redman, Kim Walker-Smith, Jonas Myrin, Tasha Cobbs Leonard Copyright: ©Thankyou Music CCLI: 7091513 Song ID: U-1138 Hymnal: Notes: Groups: Praise PlayOrder: Chorus1, Verse1, Bridge1, Chorus1, Verse2, Bridge1, Chorus1, Chorus1, Bridge1, Ending1 Verse 1: You are the fire, We are the temple. You are the voice, We are Your song. You are our God, We are Your people. You are the light, We stand in awe. Verse 2: You called us out, Out of the darkness, Into Your love, Into Your light. Grace upon grace, Beauty for ashes; You come to us, We come alive. Chorus 1: Not by might, not by power, By Your Spirit, God; Send Your Spirit, God. Not by might, not by power, By Your Spirit, God; Send Your Spirit, God. Bridge 1: We stand in awe of You. We stand in awe of You. Ending 1: Not by might, not by power, By Your Spirit, God; Send Your Spirit, God.